Discusión del usuario:Medeis

Esta página de discusión pertenece a μηδείς
Los bichos


La naturaleza humana es inmutable y sigue siendo irracional. El mal es eterno.
Lamentablemente, los matones suelen considerar el apaciguamiento no como una magnanimidad que debe ser correspondida, sino como una timidez que debe ser explotada.

-- Victor Davis Hanson "Va a llover a cántaros".

No suelo asignar valores verdaderos o falsos a afirmaciones aleatorias que hace la gente, sin ninguna prueba en uno u otro sentido.
Es extraño suponer que cada posible combinación de sílabas que pronuncia una persona debería aceptarse como verdadera sin ninguna prueba en un sentido u otro.
-- Jayron32 16:49, 4 de febrero de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

El momento histórico que elijas como "línea divisoria" no es importante. Tú tomas tus propias decisiones (y es realmente relevante qué criterios usas), en lugar de eso trata de apreciar la amplitud y complejidad de la situación. Las definiciones singulares y exclusivas son mucho menos importantes que entender las relaciones y los procesos. Jayron32 5:31 pm, 2 mayo 2017, el martes pasado (hace 3 días) (UTC−4)

Sería absurdo tratar de demostrar que la naturaleza existe; porque es obvio que hay muchas cosas de este tipo, y demostrar lo que es obvio por lo que no lo es es la marca de un hombre que es incapaz de distinguir lo que es evidente de lo que no lo es. (Este estado mental es claramente posible. Un hombre ciego de nacimiento podría razonar sobre colores.) Presumiblemente, por lo tanto, tales personas deben estar hablando de palabras sin ningún pensamiento que corresponda.
-- Aristóteles , Libro 2 de Física, capítulo 1

Nada está tan alejado de nosotros como lo que no es lo suficientemente antiguo para ser historia ni lo suficientemente nuevo para ser noticia.
--GK Chesterton, El fin del armisticio

También quisiera aclarar que hay una pequeña minoría de hablantes de inglés cultos, en su mayoría lingüistas, que no creen que se deban imponer reglas "antinaturales" de corrección a una lengua, y algunas de estas personas han comentado más arriba. Sin embargo, se trata de una minoría muy pequeña, y si quieres parecer correcto al comunicarte con hablantes de inglés que no son lingüistas, debes ignorar a los lingüistas.
--Usuario:Marco polo, 27 de marzo de 2013 (UTC)

Un inglés es una historia. Diez franceses son una historia. Cien alemanes son una historia. Mil indios son una historia. Nunca pasa nada en Chile.
Mantengan la prensa 1--John Maxwell Hamilton

El negocio de la vida es la adquisición de recuerdos. Al final, eso es todo lo que hay.
--Carson, Downton Abbey

Lo único nuevo en el mundo es la historia que no conoces.
-- Harry S. Truman

No hay disputa entre Richard Dawkins y yo y nunca la ha habido, porque él es periodista, y los periodistas son personas que informan lo que los científicos han descubierto y las discusiones que he tenido han sido en realidad con científicos que estaban haciendo investigaciones.
-- EO Wilson citado en Science 2.0

¿De qué quieres liberarte? ¿De qué hay que estar orgulloso? No creo en los derechos de los homosexuales.
-- Quentin Crisp

Uno no odia aquello que honestamente considera ineficaz.
-- Ayn Rand "Apolo 11"


No importa cómo llames a las cosas. Siguen siendo cosas.

-- Usuario:JackofOz 22:05, 19 de julio de 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ayuda: Archivar una página de discusión

/Archivo 1 Ayuda:Cómo archivar una página de discusión

¿Sabías por qué?Puerta de Dzungaria

R levseDiscusión 18:02 17 jul 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

R levseDiscusión 00:02 29 jun 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Sabías por qué?Shetani

BorgQueen ( discusión ) 00:02 30 may 2010 (UTC) [ responder ]

No sé qué pasó con el ataque caníbal en Miami

Casliber ( discusión · contribuciones ) 08:05, 15 de junio de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Crédito ITN

- Jayron 32 03:07, 24 de agosto de 2011 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¡Una estrella de granero para ti!

La estrella del diseñador gráfico
Me encantan tus montajes. Son muy hermosos. Podría mirarlos todo el día. ¡Gracias! HoopoeBaijiKite 19:26, 20 de octubre de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias, realmente lo aprecio. Trabajé duro para intentar que no solo tuvieran una amplia base biológica, sino que también fueran atractivos. Tu apoyo me hace querer crear más. μηδείς (discusión) 20:11 20 oct 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Crédito ITN

-- Ks0stm ( TCGE ) 23:29 19 septiembre 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Edición de guerra para principiantes.

Se necesitan dos, nena . Y me reviertes cada vez que cambio tu imagen. Por eso tu imagen siempre gana, porque yo no hago guerras de edición. Tú siempre ganas por defecto porque yo no impongo las reglas y tú sí. ¿Así que ahora me acusas de guerras de edición? ¡Dios mío, eso es hermoso! En cualquier caso, ve a tu RfC y demuestra de dónde viene el consenso que afirmas. Charla de Sabine en Sunbird 22:33, 27 de octubre de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Te invito a que demuestres cómo tu imagen es la imagen de consenso aquí. Dado que me refutas repetidamente porque afirmas que existe consenso, creo que deberías demostrar ese hecho en lugar de simplemente afirmarlo. Charla de Sabine en Sunbird 19:40, 5 de noviembre de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Tengo una gripe muy grave. Responderé en cuanto me sienta con fuerzas. μηδείς (discusión) 19:49 5 nov 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]
Entonces descansa y mejórate. Charla de Sabine en Sunbird 21:43, 5 de noviembre de 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola, he nominado a Miami Zombie para que figure en la lista de DYK, y tú y los editores que hayan contribuido con 1000 bytes o más figurarán como autores. Consulta la plantilla:¿Sabías que nominaciones?/Incidente de canibalismo en Miami de 2012 si quieres hacer algún cambio. μηδείς (discusión) 02:21 3 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Es una gran noticia! ¡Gracias! Gracias por nominarlo... y también por informarme de la nominación. Entonces, ¿cómo sabemos exactamente si será aprobado o aceptado para aparecer en el DYK? ¡Gracias! Joseph A. Spadaro ( discusión ) 03:23 3 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por supuesto. Ha sido una colaboración bastante agradable y productiva en todos los aspectos. Busque aquí comentarios y actualizaciones sobre la nominación. DYK parece estar atrasado. Las nominaciones solían aprobarse en aproximadamente una semana. Puede ayudar en el proceso leyendo otras nominaciones y ayudando con el proceso de revisión. No puede revisar una nominación en la que aparece su nombre, por supuesto. μηδείς (discusión) 03:36 3 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por toda la información. Nunca antes había estado involucrado en el proceso DYK, por lo que no conocía nada de esta información. ¡Gracias! Además, gracias por todo el trabajo que has estado haciendo en el artículo "Miami Cannibal". ¡Excelente trabajo! ¡Gracias! Joseph A. Spadaro ( discusión ) 16:45 3 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Veo que esta entrada apareció en "DYK" hoy (15 de junio). ¡Felicitaciones por tus esfuerzos para publicarla en DYK! Gracias. Joseph A. Spadaro ( discusión ) 22:54 15 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Si ese señor no hubiera cambiado el nombre del artículo en medio de su publicación (y yo no hubiera cometido un error al cambiarlo de nuevo), se habría publicado el número de visitas y fácilmente podríamos haberlo nominado por el número de visitas. Eso todavía se puede hacer, pero requerirá mucho trabajo. Haré un seguimiento. μηδείς (discusión) 23:03 15 jun 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


¿Cuál es el problema aquí?????????????????????

Amigo, si tu comentario "no es una respuesta a nadie", entonces tu uso de la plantilla de anulación de sangría fue extremadamente inepto, ya que el propósito de esa plantilla es etiquetar un comentario como una continuación del comentario inmediatamente anterior, pero con un nivel de sangría diferente. Cualquiera que sea tu comentario, no es una respuesta al mío, y me niego a permitir que se ubique donde parezca ser una respuesta al mío, en virtud del privilegio general que se permite a las personas mover comentarios en las discusiones para aclarar las relaciones entre los hilos. AnonMoos ( discusión ) 08:39 28 jul 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

He dejado muy en claro varias veces que tu comentario no puede aparecer después del mío a menos que quede muy claro que no está asociado con el mío (definitivamente no es una respuesta a él), pero insistes en hacer cosas que llevarán a confusión y oscuridad en este punto esencial. Realmente no entiendo cuál es el problema... AnonMoos ( discusión ) 08:54 28 jul 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Por cierto, podría considerarse de mala educación tener varias imágenes grandes en la página de discusión de usuario. Estoy seguro de que son muy bonitas, pero nunca terminaron de cargarse para mí, así que no las he visto... AnonMoos ( discusión ) 08:44 28 jul 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Comentarios redactados

Solo para que lo sepas, he redactado parte de tu relato de un episodio de una serie de televisión que presenta el caso de Margaret Crotty. Como mencionamos Looie496 y yo, no hay evidencia de que la afirmación de lo que le sucedió a Margaret Crotty aparezca en ningún otro lugar, lo que parecería sorprendente si hubiera aparecido en alguna fuente popular, como un programa de televisión. Entonces, en ausencia de evidencia de que las afirmaciones realmente aparecieron en el programa de televisión, no creo que estas afirmaciones deban aparecer en ningún lugar de Wikipedia por razones de WP:BLP . Si no estás de acuerdo, lleva esto a WP:BLP/N pero solo vincula los cambios en lugar de repetir las afirmaciones allí. Por cierto, no intenté modificar tu comentario más allá de redactar las partes problemáticas, por lo que parte de él puede que ya no tenga mucho sentido. Siéntete libre de aclarar o modificar tu comentario según sea necesario sin repetir las partes redactadas. Sentí que esto era mejor que intentar modificar más tus comentarios. No incluyo aquí enlaces a mis redacciones a propósito para intentar reducir el impacto. Francamente, si no hubiera pasado tanto tiempo, probablemente habría pedido que lo eliminaran. Nil Einne ( discusión ) 10:15 11 ago 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

No debería haber problema, ya que lo que busco es el episodio . Voy a comprobar la nueva redacción. μηδείς (discusión) 16:16 11 ago 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

La NRO entrega a la NASA dos telescopios de la clase Hubble


-- Stone ( discusión ) 08:18 14 ago 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Genial, ¡gracias! μηδείς (discusión) 23:12 15 ago 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Respuesta de la mesa de referencia

La pregunta que hiciste fue archivada justo después de que la publiqué con el nombre del libro que prometí, ya que no estoy seguro de si la viste, aquí está la respuesta: "El libro en el que estaba pensando es The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics de RIG Hughes, si te sientes un poco más inclinado a las matemáticas, puedes probar los primeros 7 u 8 capítulos de Quantum Processes Systems, and Information de Benjamin Schumacher y Michael Westmoreland de Cambridge University Press". Avísame si esto no es lo que estás buscando y puedo ver si puedo encontrar algo mejor. Tengo alrededor de 500 a 600 libros de texto relacionados con temas cuánticos, por lo que hay una buena posibilidad de que alguno de ellos sea de utilidad. Phoenixia1177 ( discusión ) 01:34, 8 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

jeje, sí, fui a responder allí y ya había desaparecido en el éter. Como viste en tu página, lo vi y leí el listado en Amazon, gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 01:38 8 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Oh tiempo! ¡Oh Ref Desk!

Hola, Medeis.

Por favor, no discutas cuando alguien diga que no entiende lo que escribes. Acepta esa situación sin más y trata de explicarla con otras palabras. No plantees hipótesis sobre si están jugando a algún tipo de juego, a menos que tengas pruebas claras de que eso está sucediendo.

Nadie es tan bueno con el lenguaje como para que todas sus expresiones sean intrínsecamente comprensibles. Todos tenemos que intentarlo de nuevo a veces. Si tienes alguna dificultad con eso, lo siento, pero la vida es dura.

Permítame explicar mi confusión. En efecto, usted dijo que la palabra "o'clock" generalmente se omite, como "asumido" y como "entendido". Pero la forma en que lo dijo fue problemática, creo que tendría que estar de acuerdo:

  • Las ocho y media es el uso estándar estadounidense, aunque la hora en punto generalmente se omite como se sobreentiende.

¿Cómo interpreto eso? ¿Que lo más común es escuchar a la gente decir "las ocho y media" o simplemente "las ocho y media"? Si la palabra suele omitirse, ¿cómo puede ser que la versión completa sea de uso estándar? Tal vez soy un literalista, pero cuando se trata de discutir las formulaciones precisas de palabras exactas, la precisión en nuestras respuestas es muy deseable. Yo no soy tonto, pero cuando alguien me dice que negro es blanco, o algo por el estilo, me confundo.

En mi mensaje expresé mi opinión de que el autor de la publicación original estaba interesado en el uso de la palabra "o'clock" en estas expresiones de tiempo. Respondiste diciendo que es "totalmente normal". Así que supuse que esa era la forma de interpretar tu comentario original. Es decir, si le preguntara a un extraño estadounidense al azar qué hora era, debería esperar escuchar "Son las 3 y 20". Esto es lo que entendí que estabas diciendo, en este punto, a pesar de tu declaración anterior de que la palabra generalmente se omite. En otras palabras, habías aclarado tu declaración confusa anterior.

Hice alusión a lo de "totalmente normal" en mi publicación del minuto 3:47. No respondiste, así que supuse que mi comprensión ahora estaba totalmente confirmada.

Luego dijiste "es raro que alguien diga que son las ocho y media". Así que volví al punto de partida. De ahí mi pedido de aclaración. Podría haber explicado todo lo anterior en el propio mostrador de árbitros, pero pensé que una simple solicitud de aclaración sería suficiente.

Para demostrar que estoy más que dispuesto a dedicarte mi tiempo, ahora son exactamente las 10:04:37 am AEST. Según mi reloj. Que tengas un buen día. -- ♬ Jack of Oz[tu turno] 00:04, 15 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Pero, una vez más, me he limitado a decir, por ejemplo, que también es raro que uno escuche "hace 32 grados Fahrenheit" en lugar de "hace 32 grados Fahrenheit", pero que de ninguna manera sonaría raro. Tener que decir lo mismo la tercera vez me pareció extraño. En cualquier caso, creo que está bien dejar esto en la página de referencia correspondiente en lugar de aquí. μηδείς (discusión) 00:16 15 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Decir que algo "no sonaría raro en absoluto" no es lo mismo que decir que algo es "de uso habitual". Al menos, no en mi jerga. Lo primero significa algo que no llamaría la atención, pero que no escucharías todos los días. Lo segundo significa algo que escucharías todos los días. En mi jerga.
Hubiera sido totalmente inapropiado tener esta meta-discusión en la mesa de árbitros, por eso la traje aquí. -- ♬ Jack of Oz[tu turno] 00:37, 15 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
No estoy muy seguro de lo que quieres que diga. " Las ideas verdes sin color duermen furiosamente " es una frase perfectamente inobjetable y gramaticalmente normal que nunca esperaría oír. "Las ocho y media" es una frase perfectamente inobjetable que he oído quizá media docena de veces como máximo en mi vida, pero al menos dos. ¿Qué más quieres que diga? μηδείς (discusión) 01:09 15 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Nada. Sólo quería pedirte que respetaras las peticiones de aclaración de la gente y que aceptaras que realmente necesitan esa aclaración. Así lo hice y después te expliqué detalladamente por qué me dejaste confundido. Pero después defendiste tus publicaciones, cuando mi explicación no era un ataque a ellas, sino simplemente una explicación de por qué no me funcionaron. Lo que me hubiera gustado es que reconocieras que, sin importar lo que hayas querido decir con tus publicaciones o sin importar lo bien expresadas y articuladas que creas que estaban, el hecho ineludible es que me confundieron. Ninguna cantidad de recordatorios que me hagas de lo que dijiste en un lugar u otro cambia el hecho de que la totalidad de lo que dijiste no me cuadraba. No tenía sentido. Esa fue mi experiencia. Tal vez lo que puedas decir para terminar esta pequeña charla sea: "Está bien, Jack, acepto que esa fue tu experiencia". -- ♬ Jack of Oz[tu turno] 04:03 15 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Cómo estás?

Noté tu frustración en el escritorio de árbitros. Te he hablado un par de veces, pero no te quiero decir mala voluntad en general, así que créeme cuando te digo que estoy preocupado por tu bienestar en la wiki. Creo que has estado haciendo un gran esfuerzo para mantener las cosas en orden allí, pero parece que te estás agotando un poco. Por favor, no te enojes demasiado y no dejes que eso te amargue demasiado. A pesar de todos los desacuerdos que todos tenemos, sé que estás haciendo un esfuerzo honesto para hacer lo que crees que es mejor. Sé que a veces me frustro y lo llevo más allá de los muros de Wikipedia al mundo real. No dejes que eso te afecte y, por favor, cree que todos estamos tratando de hacer lo que creemos que es correcto, incluso si no lo parece, e incluso si es un dolor de cabeza. Mingmingla ( discusión ) 03:33, 15 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lista H

¿Qué es H-List? ¿Podrías publicar un enlace al mensaje de Campbell que describes como "rechazado"? Solo por curiosidad, no porque sea de gran importancia para el artículo. ·ʍaunus · snunɐw· 23:02, 22 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Por H-list me refería a [email protected], a la que deberías poder suscribirte. Avísame si tienes algún problema. También deberías poder acceder a sus archivos. En cuanto al llamado de Campbell a que el próximo trabajo de Greenberg sobre los amerindios debería ser "rechazado" antes de que se haya publicado , consulta estos resultados de búsqueda. Si necesitas la referencia exacta, la encontraré. El llamado de Campbell a no publicar ningún trabajo histórico que pueda asociarse con Greenberg está en el primer o segundo archivo de la lista de Histling. Nostrtic.net en la versión en inglés tendrá la crítica de Campbell. También puedo encontrarla exactamente para ti si es necesario. He estudiado las hipótesis amerindia y euroasiática de Greenberg. Hay algunas fallas en la hipótesis euroasiática. La noción de Greenberg de que los ainu forman un clado con los japoneses y los coreanos es patentemente absurda, especialmente considerando A Reconstruction of Proto-Ainu de Alexander Vovin . El trabajo de Greenberg sobre los amerindios simplemente proporciona una buena evidencia prima facie de que los amerindios, en cierto sentido, son un clado real, pero no es una prueba, y especialmente no es una prueba de que todas las familias que no son Eskaleut/Na Dene sean amerindias. El problema es que declarar que su trabajo tiene fallas o que está incompleto no equivale a una refutación completa. Mi trabajo de licenciatura fue en biología, y las críticas de Campbell me parecen iguales a los ataques de Alan Feduccia a la teoría del origen de los pájaros de los dinosaurios , cuando los fósiles de aves chinas pre/proto-pájaros aún no se habían encontrado; críticas ad hoc que comienzan con la premisa de que la teoría ya está refutada. No soy un experto en una lengua estadounidense; mi estudio, excepto por la lectura personal de protogramáticas y diccionarios de lenguas estadounidenses, ha sido de lenguas del viejo mundo. Pero aún no he encontrado ninguna lengua "amerinda" que muestre evidencia (1) de estar más estrechamente relacionada con alguna familia fuera de las Américas y (2) ninguna evidencia en absoluto de contacto al menos íntimo con otras lenguas que no sean las "amerindas". μηδείς (discusión) 23:34 22 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por eso. Las críticas de Campbell no son sólo una perspectiva conservadora, sino una renuencia a desechar la afirmación misma de que la lingüística histórica es una disciplina científica. El método de clasificación de Greenberg es, sencillamente, pseudociencia. Ahora bien, la pseudociencia a veces llega a conclusiones válidas por casualidad, pero es importante no tomar eso como evidencia en apoyo de metodologías y suposiciones inválidas. No he encontrado evidencia de ninguna lengua "amerindia" que muestre mayores afinidades con lenguas no "amerindias" que con otras lenguas de las Américas. Eso no es evidencia de parentesco genético, ni siquiera realmente sugerente de ello. ·ʍaunus · snunɐw· 23:53, 22 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Las respuestas de Grenberg y Ruhlen están disponibles en Nostratic.net, al igual que las de Campbell, que no son en modo alguno exhaustivas. Si las lees, dejan en claro que los "amerindianistas" consideran que la clasificación es anterior a la reconstrucción, pero no como un reemplazo de ésta. El punto sería algo (en mis propias palabras) en la línea de que, basándose en similitudes en pronombres y vocabulario, parece haber evidencia prima facie de un clado que incluye esloveno, eslovaco, yiddish, polaco, ruso, checo, rumano, búlgaro, rusino y ucraniano, que nosotros los agrupadores llamaremos eslavos. La respuesta de los críticos parece ser que la evidencia para incluir rumano y yiddish es débil, y muchos de los otros idiomas tienen préstamos del ruso y el latín, por lo que la hipótesis eslava en su conjunto queda refutada para siempre como pseudocientífica. No hay manera de que uno pueda decir que Greenberg y otros ven a los amerindios como completamente demostrados, solo como una hipótesis de partida sólida con suficiente evidencia para tomarla en serio. (También está el hecho de que Greenberg et al. toman la relación genética como la posición predeterminada, mientras que Campbell et al. toman el préstamo como la posición predeterminada). Tal vez eso debería enfatizarse mejor en el artículo. Si vamos a continuar esta discusión, debería ser en la página de discusión del artículo. Si quieres responder, por favor copia mi comentario y publica tu respuesta allí. μηδείς (discusión) 00:16 23 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, creo que es más apropiado responder aquí, ya que se trata más de nuestras opiniones personales que de cómo mejorar el artículo. Tampoco me creo tu analogía eslava: no es cierto que exista un núcleo de correspondencias prometedoras y que los separacionistas estén abandonando todo el proyecto debido a unos pocos idiomas que no parecen encajar. Tampoco es cierto que haya necesidad de empezar por formular grandes hipótesis que luego puedan elaborarse con métodos correctos: no hay escasez de hipótesis, al contrario. Los "separadores" de hecho trabajan activamente para mostrar agrupaciones válidas y reconstruir familias de idiomas, es decir, cuando tienen tiempo después de señalar los defectos obvios en las docenas de hipótesis de largo alcance o filo hechas por académicos que no tienen ni la intención ni la capacidad de hacer una propuesta válida y sólida respaldada con evidencia. Tomar la relación como hipótesis nula es, por supuesto, simplemente mala ciencia. ·ʍaunus · snunɐw· 00:26 23 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Pero no es algo que realmente quiera discutir. (Conozco personalmente a hablantes de nakota y mixteco. He estudiado por mi cuenta todo, desde papago y algonquino hasta tlingit y eskaleut, quechua y mapudungu, y sé que la premisa de Greenberg es verificable en el sentido de WP y no pseudocientífica). Estaría bien discutir en persona, pero no aquí, ya que es demasiado engorroso. Te recomendaría que leyeras todo el material amerindio en Nostratic.net, incluyendo la reseña original de Campbell y la respuesta de Greenberg. Estoy de acuerdo en que no hay una reconstrucción de las familias de nivel medio de los supuestos amerindios que sea suficiente para basar una reconstrucción de ellas. Sin embargo, las críticas de Campbell son críticas bastante débiles. Un pequeño número de fallas menores y la noción de que uno podría imaginar que las correspondencias se deben a préstamos u otras "influencias" no especificadas no equivalen a refutaciones reales de Greenberg. No hay ningún problema en describir con exactitud a su oponente y señalar que no ofrece ni tiene fundamentos para ofrecer una reconstrucción. No hay razón para ridiculizar su postura como si fuera pura charlatanería. μηδείς (discusión) 01:01 23 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Creo que hay una razón para describirlo de forma poco amable: esa es la posición adoptada por las principales autoridades en la materia. Pero ahora volvemos a discutir cómo mejorar el artículo. Estoy en total desacuerdo con su desestimación un tanto simplista de las críticas muy fuertes de Campbell (y de muchos otros académicos) sobre los defectos metodológicos y teóricos. ·ʍaunus · snunɐw· 01:33, 23 de septiembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ciertamente no es superficial ni desconsiderado. Lee Greenberg y las fuentes en Nostratic.net cuando quieras. También estoy lo suficientemente familiarizado con tus ediciones para saber que no eres superficial ni desconsiderado. He leído los artículos de Campbell y Greenberg, y American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America de Campbell , y la clasificación de Mithun completa, y muchas fuentes independientes, incluidas las primarias. El trabajo de Greenberg es preliminar en el mejor de los casos; no se lo puede descartar de plano. Mi punto básico es que es posible dar una descripción objetiva de la reacción de Campbell y los americanistas hacia Greenberg que incluso los partidarios de Greenberg estarían de acuerdo en que es el punto de vista de Campbell. μηδείς (discusión) 03:13 23 sep 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
No he encontrado evidencia de ninguna lengua "amerinda" que muestre mayores afinidades con lenguas no "amerindas" que con otras lenguas de las Américas.
De hecho, el sistema esquimal-aleutiano-wakashan (si es cierto) es precisamente un contraejemplo potencial. -- Florian Blaschke ( discusión ) 23:32 18 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola. El trabajo de Fortescue sobre el uralo-siberiano muestra una conexión gramatical y léxica bastante reciente (en el esquema de las cosas) entre el esquimo-aleutiano y el proto-urálico, así como aparentemente el chukchi-kamchatkano. Nada de lo que escribe Fortescue contradice estrictamente el euroasiático de Greenberg. No estoy lo suficientemente familiarizado con las lenguas "amerindas" del noroeste del Pacífico como para tener una opinión negativa fuerte, y subjetivamente no me sorprendería saber que hay algún tipo de influencias de sustratos trans-Bering en curso. Pero dadas las conexiones obvias entre el EA y el PU, creo que es difícil mantener un vínculo cercano y genético entre el EA y cualquier cosa estadounidense. ¿Tienes un enlace a algo sobre el esquimo-aleutiano-wakashano que pueda leer en línea? μηδείς (discusión) 02:06 19 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lamentablemente no; véase Idiomas esquimal-aleutianos#Posición entre las familias lingüísticas del mundo para más detalles. -- Florian Blaschke ( discusión ) 22:40 10 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]
Nuestros artículos de WP sobre relaciones profundas son uniformemente escépticos, hasta el punto de generar una hostilidad abierta por parte de los editores. He leído y he leído el diccionario esquimal-aleutiano de Fortescue y su obra Language Relations across the Bering Strait, así como la obra comparativa urálica de tres volúmenes de Collinder y tengo el diccionario comparativo chukotko-kamchatkano de Mouton deGruyter (creo que Fortescue es el autor, pero no tengo tiempo para comprobarlo). Estoy dispuesto a apoyarme en esa evidencia y no me interesa discutirla aquí. μηδείς (discusión) 23:51 10 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bloqueado por un día

Se le ha bloqueado temporalmente la posibilidad de editar por abuso de privilegios de edición . Una vez que el bloqueo haya expirado, puede realizar contribuciones útiles . Si cree que existen buenas razones por las que debería ser desbloqueado, puede apelar este bloqueo agregando debajo de este aviso el texto , pero primero debe leer la guía para apelar bloqueos . Franamax ( discusión ) 20:49 8 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]{{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}

Medeis, te he advertido varias veces, muy claramente, que no alteres los mensajes firmados de otros editores de ninguna manera. Incluso especifiqué que eso incluía poner estrellas o cualquier otra cosa en la misma línea que los comentarios y la firma de otro editor. Fui bastante claro, y aún así continúas haciendo esto [1] y luchas por restaurarlo. [2] En consecuencia, he eliminado tus privilegios de edición durante 24 horas. Debes entender que esta no es tu wiki personal para editar según tus propios deseos, es una comunidad con estándares, en este caso WP:TPO . Si aceptas detener la edición de los comentarios de otros, puedes ser desbloqueado. Saludos. Franamax ( discusión ) 20:49, 8 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

La solicitud de desbloqueo de este usuario ha sido revisada por un administrador , quien la rechazó. Otros administradores también pueden revisar este bloqueo, pero no deben anular la decisión sin una buena razón (consulte la política de bloqueo ).

Medeis (registro de bloques • bloques activos • bloques globales • contribuciones contribuciones eliminadas • registro de filtros • registro de creación cambiar configuración de bloques • desbloquear • checkuser (registro) )

Motivo de la solicitud :

Aparte del punto de vista personal del administrador bloqueador, que no fue consensuado cuando se discutió el asunto, no hay daño al proyecto. Debería abstenerse de hacer cumplir su opinión personal sobre el asunto como si fuera una política, presentar una queja y dejar que un administrador independiente juzgue. También invito al Usuario:Pfly a comentar si siente que mi acción destrozó su edición. Si es así, por favor, déjenme permanecer bloqueado. Hasta entonces, por favor desbloquéenme porque no hay peligro para el proyecto. μηδείς (discusión) 20:56 8 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Motivo del rechazo :

Se le advirtió y se le dirigió a WP:TPO (una guía consensuada que Franamax no escribió). Su modificación de los mensajes de las páginas de discusión de otros, independientemente de si sus autores lo consideran vandalismo, es disruptiva.
Si desea que lo desbloqueen, solo necesita aceptar dejar de editar los comentarios de los demás. Si elige persistir, puede esperar que los bloqueos futuros aumenten en duración. Por el bien de todos, considere publicar barnstars en las páginas de discusión de los usuarios. — David Levy 21:22, 8 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Si desea realizar más solicitudes de desbloqueo, lea primero la guía para apelar bloqueos y luego vuelva a utilizar la plantilla {{ unblock }} . Si realiza demasiadas solicitudes de desbloqueo poco convincentes o disruptivas, es posible que no pueda editar esta página hasta que su bloqueo haya expirado. No elimine esta revisión de desbloqueo mientras esté bloqueado.

La solicitud de desbloqueo de este usuario ha sido revisada por un administrador , quien la rechazó. Otros administradores también pueden revisar este bloqueo, pero no deben anular la decisión sin una buena razón (consulte la política de bloqueo ).

Medeis (registro de bloques • bloques activos • bloques globales • contribuciones contribuciones eliminadas • registro de filtros • registro de creación cambiar configuración de bloques • desbloquear • checkuser (registro) )

Motivo de la solicitud :

Estoy muy contento de llevar esto a la RfC y acatar esa decisión antes de actuar, pero no estoy dispuesto a aceptar la opinión de Franamax como ley sin una revisión adicional. Dijo que me desbloquearían si no uso la plantilla nuevamente, y estoy feliz de esperar esa decisión, así que por favor desbloquéenme. μηδείς (discusión) 21:36 8 oct 2012‎ (UTC) [ responder ]

Motivo del rechazo :

Estoy muy contento de llevar esto a la RfC y acatar esa decisión antes de actuar.
No necesitamos realizar una RfC para determinar si la directriz se aplica a usted, pero no estoy preparado para tomar la opinión de Franamax como ley sin una revisión adicional. Su solicitud de desbloqueo fue revisada por un administrador no involucrado (yo). Luego inició otra solicitud con el mismo fundamento inválido (la afirmación incorrecta de que Franamax está imponiendo unilateralmente un estándar no respaldado por el consenso). Si lo hace nuevamente (abusando así de este procedimiento), su capacidad para editar esta página de discusión mientras está bloqueado puede ser revocada. Él dijo que me desbloquearían si no uso la plantilla nuevamente. No, Franamax declaró que usted puede ser desbloqueado si acepta detener toda edición de los comentarios de otros. Esa oferta se mantiene. — David Levy 21:57, 8 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Si desea realizar más solicitudes de desbloqueo, lea primero la guía para apelar bloqueos y luego vuelva a utilizar la plantilla {{ unblock }} . Si realiza demasiadas solicitudes de desbloqueo poco convincentes o disruptivas, es posible que no pueda editar esta página hasta que su bloqueo haya expirado. No elimine esta revisión de desbloqueo mientras esté bloqueado.

La solicitud de desbloqueo de este usuario ha sido revisada por un administrador , quien aceptó la solicitud.

Medeis (registro de bloques • bloques activos • bloques globales • contribuciones contribuciones eliminadas • registro de filtros • registro de creación cambiar configuración de bloques • desbloquear • checkuser (registro) )

Motivo de la solicitud :

He prometido no añadir estrellas a los comentarios de otras personas a menos que exista una RfC que diga que puedo hacerlo. No he "editado" los comentarios de otros editores bajo ninguna definición, y prometo no hacerlo, incluida su definición . ¿Qué más se supone que debo prometer? Desbloquéenme, no me verán editando los comentarios de otras personas. μηδείς (discusión) 22:39 8 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aceptar razón :

Te he desbloqueado. Ten en cuenta que si no cumples con tu promesa de no modificar los mensajes de las páginas de discusión de otros (excepto de acuerdo con WP:TPO ), serás bloqueado nuevamente. — David Levy 22:59, 8 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Creo que he sido eminentemente claro en cuanto a que estoy dispuesto a acatar una decisión real de la comunidad , en lugar de las amenazas y órdenes de Franamax. No acepto el privilegio de un administrador de imponer unilateralmente un punto de vista en una discusión en la que ha participado, especialmente una en la que no se ha llegado a un consenso, y mediante amenazas y bloqueos. Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 23:13 8 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Solo para que conste en acta, en respuesta a la segunda oración de la solicitud de desbloqueo, aquí hay un ejemplo de "editar el texto de otro editor". Franamax ( discusión ) 23:28 8 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de Anc516 .
Mensaje añadido a las 03:09, 10 octubre 2012 (UTC). Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.[ responder ]

Todo o nada por favor

Si vas a colapsar la discusión, por favor deshazte de la respuesta inicial sin valor. --Onorem Dil 17:28, 12 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Él proporcionó un enlace externo a los datos que el autor de la publicación original quería y explicó por qué la información aún no estaba en el artículo. Eso tiene que seguir así, aunque soy muy comprensivo con la preocupación de no invitar a los editores a que lo hagan ellos mismos. Por favor, continúen con esto en la página de discusión de Ref Desk si quieren, yo miro allí y cualquier discusión pertenece allí. μηδείς (discusión) 17:32 12 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vuelve a leer la pregunta. --Onorem Dil 17:34, 12 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hay un hilo en la discusión ahora, expresa tus preocupaciones allí, por favor. μηδείς (discusión) 17:37 12 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo tengo. Gracias. --Onorem Dil 17:42, 12 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Por qué mi cambio es una tontería? --Onorem Dil 18:15, 12 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Si tú puedes hacer un cap al azar, yo también puedo. --Onorem Dil 18:17, 12 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Talk:Michelle Malkin#Youtube source .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.


Êtes-vous québécois ? Fiesta ( discusión ) 00:43, 18 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¡Más, no! J'habite les EEUU, et je n'ai pas de sang francais. Je ne parle pas bien francais. Je parle nativoment l'anglais et secondairement l'espagnol et un peut des autres langues. Je peux m'exprimer en francais si necessaire. μηδείς (discusión) 02:34, 18 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

¡Tienes un nuevo correo!

Hola, Medeis. Por favor revisa tu correo electrónico; ¡tienes correo!
Mensaje agregado a las 19:27, 20 de octubre de 2012 (UTC). Puede que transcurran unos minutos desde el momento en que se envía el correo electrónico hasta que aparezca en tu bandeja de entrada. Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{ Tienes correo }} o {{ ygm }} .

Anj . Morpork 19:27, 20 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Gracias por confirmar mi proto-polaco.

Agradezco tu colaboración en mi consulta sobre Language RD . Usé Google Translate, pero con los textos de este autor tan bien publicado me gusta obtener la opinión de un hablante nativo. Hay algunos usuarios habituales de Ref Desk que están familiarizados con mi territorio y probablemente aparecerán en 24 horas; de lo contrario, los llamaré individualmente. (Verificar la actividad reciente en sus páginas de discusión suele ser un buen indicador :-) -- ¡Saludos! Deborahjay ( discusión ) 07:19, 22 de octubre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Tengo que preguntar dónde se sube el volumen. Fête ( discusión ) 23:01 23 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Inténtalo aquí: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Help_desk μηδείς (discusión) 23:06 23 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Muertes recientes

¿Quieres nominar a Sunil Gangopadhyay ? Si eso recibe apoyo por sí solo, sería genial. B zw ee bl ( discusióncontribuciones ) 03:52 25 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Yo sólo sería un apoyo muy débil, básicamente porque soy un ignorante sobre el tema desde todos los ángulos (poesía, hinduismo, Bangladesh...). Así que, no, no me siento cómodo nominándolo yo mismo. Pero dado el interés del lector y el buen estado del artículo, votaría a favor si lo nominara alguien que tenga más conocimiento sobre el tema que yo. Odio sonar tan crítico con tus nominaciones. Apoyo el espíritu y aprecio tu esfuerzo. Sólo quiero mantenerme kosher en cuanto al procedimiento y evitar dar munición a los opositores. μηδείς (discusión) 03:59 25 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

En invierno

¿Escuchas [ivɛːʁ] o [ivaɛ̯ʁ] en el archivo Media:Fr-hiver-fr CA.ogg? Fête ( discusión ) 10:28 25 oct 2012 (UTC) El usuario está bloqueado en el sitio [ responder ]

Responder a tu mensaje en mi página de discusión

Tengo una amplia formación académica en el tema. "Cristalino" e "ígneo" no significan lo mismo. Intento incluir enlaces a artículos de Wikipedia relevantes que expliquen los términos y conceptos técnicos, en lugar de proporcionar explicaciones "profanas" que sean engañosas o inexactas. -- Orlady ( discusión ) 20:53 28 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Agradezco sus esfuerzos por aclarar la terminología del artículo, pero no creo que sea necesario ni siquiera posible escribir un artículo de este tipo utilizando únicamente un lenguaje que pueda ser comprendido por personas con conocimientos rudimentarios de geología. Se necesita cierta terminología técnica, respaldada por enlaces wiki.
En mi opinión, los problemas del artículo no son realmente "demasiado técnicos", sino que incluyen una mala redacción (algunas partes siguen siendo casi completamente incoherentes), un mal uso de términos técnicos, la falta de enlaces a otros artículos y, a veces, el uso de múltiples términos técnicos para lo que es esencialmente un concepto. Los esfuerzos de varios colaboradores están resolviendo estas cuestiones, poco a poco. -- Orlady ( discusión ) 23:05 28 oct 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Veo que está en constante cambio. La descripción del cratón en el segundo párrafo de la introducción es útil. No estoy pidiendo digresiones completas. Todo lo que estoy sugiriendo es que se añadan aposiciones como se haría en biología o en cualquier otra ciencia técnica. Por ejemplo, "Los mamíferos son animales de 'sangre caliente' o endotérmicos con columna vertebral (es decir, vertebrados ) que se caracterizan por poseer pelo, producir leche y tener tres huesos en el oído interno que evolucionaron a partir de las mandíbulas de los reptiles". Esto es mucho mejor que la igualmente verdadera: "los mamíferos son cráneos lactantes tricóforos con un yunque, un martillo y un estribo derivados", que es donde se encontraba el artículo de Geología de Rusia. 23:22, 28 de octubre de 2012 (UTC)


Ni siquiera sabía que mis dedos habían hecho esa edición. ¡Disculpas! Ghmyrtle ( discusión ) 19:13 1 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

El cambio climático y el huracán Sandy

¿Por qué eliminaste la sección sobre el cambio climático en el huracán Sandy ([3])? El resumen de tu edición decía "esto es un comentario político indebido por parte de personas que critican sin una revisión por pares que respalde ninguna afirmación específica". Irónicamente, parece que eliminaste las únicas referencias revisadas por pares en este artículo (Trenberth 2012). La revisión por pares es deseable, pero no un requisito para WP:Reliable source . El hecho de que dejaras el resto del artículo intacto y aplicaras una sección a un estándar diferente hace que parezca que eres el "criador de hachas" (por cierto, es más fácil asumir la buena fe cuando otros lo hacen). Por favor, participa en la discusión en la página de discusión en lugar de revertir el artículo y acusar a otros editores de criticar. -- Bkwillwm ( discusión ) 03:58, 2 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Una estrella de granero para ti!

La brillante idea de Barnstar
¡Esta página se ve bien y es una buena idea! Una vez que se convierta en wikificación completa, debería ser perfecta. ¡ Rockstone , háblame! 05:27, 5 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

DYK para la geología de Rusia

Graeme Bartlett ( discusión ) 00:02 12 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Computing#randomly_changing_fractal_wallpaper .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento.


Me parece recordar que contaste sobre tus orígenes xxxxxx, pero no quería mencionarlo en RDL porque no querías revelarlo tú mismo (y de todos modos sería un rumor). ¿Puedo preguntar, por qué tanto secretismo? Si realmente quieres la respuesta, ¿no es mejor que proporciones más pistas, en lugar de ocultarlas? No existe ese usuario ( discusión ) 00:13, 21 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo que tengo es lo que me han dicho mis familiares mayores sin mucha documentación; nadie más cercano que la generación de mis abuelos nació en mi país de origen. Tengo varias rimas, maldiciones, dichos, oraciones, chistes y demás que me han enseñado a lo largo de los años. Me quedan muy pocos parientes de esa edad y ninguno que recuerde haber vivido en Europa. Así que espero obtener una confirmación independiente de las cosas que me han dicho. Simplemente decir "tal y tal es lo que me dijeron que es tal y tal" estará sujeto a sesgo de confirmación y demás. La información de que "kurtsi" puede significar "pene" no es algo que hubiera esperado aprender si simplemente hubiera dicho que esta rima supuestamente proviene de este dialecto y me dijeron que significa tal y tal... ¡y ciertamente no pene! Así que, en realidad, estoy bastante contento con los resultados hasta ahora. Explicaré lo que me han dicho con todo detalle eventualmente, pero espero escucharlo "de la boca del caballo", por así decirlo, antes de dar mi propia versión. ¡Muchas gracias por el interés! μηδείς (discusión) 01:14, 21 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Pequeño berrinche por la tontería de la mesa de idiomas

Realmente no veo por qué necesitamos múltiples consultas sobre pseudo-proverbios mal escritos, inútiles y malsonantes en dialectos eslavos indeterminados en múltiples secciones del escritorio de referencia. Mi razón para agruparlos fue exactamente la misma que para agrupar a User:Fête ... AnonMoos ( discusión ) 05:00, 23 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

PD: Según las políticas de Wikipedia, esta página de discusión de usuario en realidad no te "pertenece", y todavía no he visto las imágenes de carga lenta que aparecen en la parte superior de esta página... AnonMoos ( discusión ) 05:02 23 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Una estrella de granero para ti!

La estrella de cine original
¡Gracias por encontrar una buena foto para el artículo de Héctor Camacho ! INeverCry 20:01, 24 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Lo revisé en Commons y lo agregué a los otros artículos en interwiki. INeverCry 20:10, 24 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias. Estaba preocupado porque esperaba un mensaje especial para las imágenes de Flickr, pero no encontré ninguno mientras subía las imágenes, pero veo que te diste cuenta. Tengo curiosidad por saber cómo encontraste el apellido de la Sra. Negron. No parecía haber ninguna manera obvia de encontrarlo, o habría agregado su nombre completo. (Sé que he subido imágenes antes desde Flickr sin encontrar el nombre completo del autor. No he subido demasiadas, así que quizás quieras revisar mis subidas anteriores, si hay una manera de hacerlo. μηδείς (discusión) 20:59 24 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Solo hice la revisión de Flickr, algo que hago raramente. Este usuario agregó la información a la que haces referencia. No sé mucho sobre el tema, ya que paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo con eliminaciones y restauraciones. INeverCry 21:12, 24 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, encontré su nombre completo cuando volví a dejar una notificación en Flickr agradeciéndole y haciéndole saber que habíamos usado la imagen. No me preocupa demasiado el tema del nombre de usuario en las otras imágenes, nadie me ha dicho que estaban sujetas a eliminación y, por supuesto, todos lo hicieron de buena fe. Gracias de nuevo. μηδείς (discusión) 21:17 24 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es posible que quieras usar esto para subir imágenes de Flickr en el futuro. INeverCry 21:26, 24 de noviembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Excelente! μηδείς (discusión) 21:31 24 nov 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias, pero ¿cómo puedo encontrar una respuesta a mi pregunta?

No sé si alguna de esas mujeres/actrices tiene un sitio web oficial. Además, me pregunto si me pueden decir si la obra musical Wicked llegará a Seattle en los próximos años. Neptunekh94 ( discusión ) 05:40 2 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Tengo la misma idea que tú sobre Seattle, y aún menos familiaridad personal con la ciudad. (El único lugar en el que he estado al oeste del Mississippi fue Texas y Louisiana.) En cuanto a Xena, tanto ella como Gabrielle me vuelven loca. Pero lo siento, no tengo ningún conocimiento personal sobre cómo conseguir la firma de nadie. μηδείς (discusión) 05:47 2 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


¡Salve Medeis! ¿Ut vales? Sum scriptor in vicipaedia latina (nam non dico latinam meam perfectam esse!) En tibi, vicipaedia (wikipedia latina) est nimius extremus. Quamquam in classica non sunt cogitationes 'identitas', 'antigravedad', etc., sunt qua afirmant nos exprimere in 'classica' pura. Quod possim facere? - Jondel ( discusión ) 09:01, 3 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Hola, Jondel. Puedo leerlo, pero mi latín no es tan bueno como para intentar responderte en él. Dado que el latín se utilizó hasta bien entrada la era moderna, fueron necesarias muchas nuevas acuñaciones. No creo que debas preocuparte demasiado si un término no existía en la era clásica. Una palabra como antigravitatio parecería perfectamente aceptable. Pero veo tus comentarios en la mesa de referencia lingüística. Mi respuesta a un editor así sería preguntarle si cree que se deberían escribir artículos de este tipo y, de ser así, qué palabras utilizaría. Tal vez tengas que llamar a un cortafuegos "cortafuegos" en cursiva en inglés en el artículo y definirlo en el prólogo como literalmente un "parietem ignis", un muro destinado a detener la propagación del fuego [4]. Pero antigravitatio es tan obvio a partir de gravitatio que, si encuentra resistencia, es posible que necesites tener una RfC seguida de una queja ante ANI si eso no funciona. Si va a responder más sobre este tema, le sugiero que lo haga en el escritorio de referencia de idiomas, miro allí todos los días y más personas pueden participar. μηδείς (discusión) 17:03 3 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

La sensación es que antigravitatio recibiría un apodo como identitas y tantas otras palabras en situaciones similares, incluso si es obvio que estos conceptos no existían en la época de Cicerón. Necesitamos avanzar. Si la palabra clásica existe en el diccionario, o "Nuevo latín" fue proporcionado por el Vaticano o algún autor latinista, ¡genial! Sin embargo, estamos obligados a acuñar. El caso de "identitas" no es aislado. Dices que antigravitatio parecería perfectamente aceptable. Realmente necesitamos (necesitamos) apoyo para ese punto de vista, porque hay extremistas allí. Encontrar la palabra correcta para firewall, etc. es mi problema (del editor de vicipaedia) (después de todo, elegí editar en vicipaedia). Ya lo mencioné en el escritorio de referencia de idiomas. Gracias de todos modos. -- Jondel ( discusión ) 00:28, 4 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Probablemente usaré tu sugerencia para el firewall, por ejemplo Firewall (licet parietem ignis) est ...-- Jondel ( discusión ) 01:31 4 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Dado que no edito vicipedia, no estoy seguro de qué es técnicamente un dugsig. ¿Y existe algún tipo de política que requiera únicamente latín fosilizado? Parece poco probable. ¿Podrían enviarme un enlace a la política sobre dugsig en sí y a uno de los usos problemáticos de la misma? Sin duda me opondría a una política estricta contra el neologismo, dado el uso de términos como entidad y gravitación. μηδείς (discusión) 01:06 4 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Uh, preferiría hablar con alguien de fuera de la vicipaedia. Me parece que el doblaje es así {{dubsig}}. El incidente en particular, representativo de tantos incidentes similares, es este.

La razón por la que existe un movimiento "de culto" para utilizar el latín fosilizado es porque se supone que el buen latín es el clásico. Pero ahora se ha llevado al extremo, hasta el punto de que muchas veces, cuando ven latín medieval o moderno, el artículo se ve socavado o calificado con un -3, y se supone que yo debería estar contento con un -2. Por lo general, para obtener estas calificaciones perfectas, se amputan muchas ideas centrales. Parece que los tipos que son buenos en latín tienden a utilizar el medieval, mientras que los que no lo son son los que hacen el control/censura.

Los dubsigs enlazan a esto. -- Jondel ( discusión ) 01:55 4 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Tras haber visto la página de dugsig, parece probable que se haya abusado de esa etiqueta. El problema es que, independientemente de quién justifique tu explicación, tienes que lidiar con editores y administradores que pueden tener números y tiempo de su lado. No conozco ningún remedio para esto. μηδείς (discusión) 22:45 5 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Por qué, para ser alguien que participa mucho en debates, parece saber tan poco sobre las convenciones de las páginas de discusión de Wikipedia? En el hilo de "artículos duales", la línea horizontal y la falta de sangría indican que estoy empezando de nuevo y que no estoy respondiendo de ninguna manera a los comentarios de Usuario:Snow_Rise y Usuario:Shakescene (que, para ser franco, no abordaban lo que se preguntó de manera demasiado directa), y que en su lugar estoy volviendo a la pregunta original. En cambio, su comentario de "16:57, 2 de diciembre de 2012" fue una respuesta directa a mi comentario de "10:43, 2 de diciembre de 2012", y mi comentario de "17:35, 2 de diciembre de 2012" es una respuesta directa a su respuesta. Una línea horizontal puede aparecer antes y/o después de toda la secuencia "10:43, 2 de diciembre de 2012" - "16:57, 2 de diciembre de 2012" - "17:35, 2 de diciembre de 2012", pero no en el medio de la misma (como debería ser bastante obvio). AnonMoos ( discusión ) 05:11 4 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mahna Mahna. μηδείς (discusión) 22:42, 5 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]

Huracán Sandy

Larry Hagman

Héctor Camacho

Dave Brubeck

Nueva Jersey: la pregunta se reformula

¿Hay alguna zona "segura" en Irvington ? Sé que la ciudad/municipio tiene un alto índice de criminalidad, pero ¿tiene zonas seguras como parques, playas, vecindarios o escuelas? Venustar84 ( discusión )`

==Disculpe la pregunta, pero ¿tienen que ver el Bronx o Manhattan con Irvington ?== La ciudad de Nueva York ni siquiera es el estado de Nueva Jersey, así que ¿qué pasa con la pregunta sobre la que estoy haciendo? También escuché que Springfield Avenue, esa calle principal, es lo suficientemente segura para caminar durante todo el día. ¿Es eso cierto? Solo pregunto porque tengo un amigo de esa ciudad que ahora vive en otra ciudad. ¿Gran parte de la población de esa ciudad estaría involucrada en delitos? ¿También sabe algo sobre la tasa de delincuencia en Abbotsford, Columbia Británica o Dawson Creek ? ¡Gracias! Venustar84 ( discusión ) 03:33, 7 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Deberías hacer estas preguntas en el espacio principal, si es que lo haces en algún otro lugar. Por favor, no publiques más preguntas aquí. No quiero hacerlo, pero pediré que te bloqueen si lo considero necesario. μηδείς (discusión) 03:36 7 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Gracias por tu comentario alentador. Como resultado, tal vez no espere los 6 o 7 días habituales antes de hacer otra propuesta. Pero sólo esta vez. Esoglou ( discusión ) 21:45 9 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

El estímulo, cuando es merecido, es un imperativo moral mucho mayor que la crítica. μηδείς (discusión) 22:31 9 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de KTC .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Tiroteo en la escuela primaria Sandy Hook

Al eliminar referencias, elimine también la definición en la lista de referencias si es el último uso de dicha referencia, de lo contrario provocará errores de citación grandes y rojos. Werieth ( discusión ) 01:27 16 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ups, lo siento. μηδείς (discusión) 01:28 16 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Re: Películas de Jalsha

Gracias, lo haré. -- Tito Dutta ( discusión ) 23:13 16 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Excelente! Primero tengo que encontrar un buen gancho. Encontrar un gancho ha sido una tarea muy difícil para mí. Tengo varios artículos listos en este momento, por ejemplo, vea la Bibliografía de Swami Vivekananda , mucho mejor y más grande, pero sin ningún gancho.

Con un gancho de DYK como - ¿Sabías que... en 2009 la empresa de automóviles keniana Xomba Tomba Bazumba Hiri Giri Miri Giri celebró 75 años de su fundación? , generalmente respondo: ¡No, no lo sabía y tampoco quiero saberlo! Ayer, primero fui a la zona DYK y publiqué 2 nominaciones. Si tienes alguna DYK pendiente, puedes decírmelo. Prometo que la leeré incluso si es sobre el éxito de Xomba Tomba... - Tito Dutta ( discusión ) 23:32 16 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bueno, bueno, he trabajado como prostituta profesional. Simplemente haz la nominación, ponme el enlace aquí y yo haré las partes difíciles. μηδείς (discusión) 23:42 16 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo he nominado -- Tito Dutta ( discusión ) 00:45 17 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Gracias por la corrección.
  • Colocaron 400 carteles como este por toda la ciudad. ¡Puedo ver uno también en la calle principal más cercana!
  • Para la etiqueta de cita necesaria, presione Ctrl+ Fy escriba "Mahendra" aquí, obtendrá la cita, ya que puse 2 citas directas, escribí esta en discurso indirecto.
  • Si tenéis alguna nominación pendiente para DYK, ¡podéis decírmelo! -- Tito Dutta ( discusión ) 03:40 17 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Business Standard es un periódico, al igual que Capmaign India. También aparece en Hindu Business Line, Press_Trust_of_India, (el enlace no se abre) Yahoo News, etc. "Hoarding" parece ser una palabra inglesa británica, vea aquí, el enlace de la imagen que le di arriba, vea la barra de título, también están usando la palabra "Horading". ¡No estoy seguro si deberíamos escribir el inglés americano entre paréntesis! -- Tito Dutta ( discusión ) 04:17 17 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Eso es muy interesante. Los estadounidenses pensarán que es un error tipográfico o estarán totalmente confundidos, así que lo añadiré entre paréntesis. En cuanto a las fuentes, me basaré en tu criterio, sólo quería que estuvieras al tanto de la posibilidad de que sea un problema. No tengo ninguna nominación de DYK ahora, pero gracias por la oferta. Dado que he editado bastante el artículo, no puedo hacer una revisión oficial ahora, pero daré mi opinión sobre la nominación. También pensaré en un estribillo más pegadizo. μηδείς (discusión) 18:59 17 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Sabías que TB?

No estoy seguro de si estás viendo esa página así que:

Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Plantilla:¿Sabías que nominaciones/Guarida del Unicornio del Rey Tongmyong ?
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

La Dama de Shalott 01:06 19 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]


Niños construyendo fuertes

Casita en el árbol con cubículos . [ da:hule http://mads.gemal.dk/blog/221/hulemand hobbit después del antiguo inglés Hol-bytla cubby o cubby-house se usaba como fortaleza en Australia, pero los materiales de elección eran rocas, ramas, hierba y hierro galvanizado si estaba disponible, y castillos de arena. Guarida de los niños Los hijos de Daniel Boone en realidad formalizaron el concepto: los niños se organizaban en fuertes (análogos a una tropa Scout) que construirían fuertes en el bosque. xkcd strip 219: Blanket Fort los llama " fuertes de mantas" , que creo que aún no has vinculado. Casa de Wendy

Discusión completa
La siguiente discusión ha sido cerrada. Por favor, no la modifiques.

Niños construyendo fuertes

En mi experiencia de niño y en la interacción con otros niños ahora que soy mayor, la idea de usar muebles, cojines y mantas para construir un refugio improvisado, llamado "fuerte", parece universal. No parece que tengamos ningún artículo que mencione este fenómeno. ¿Es realmente universal? ¿Se llaman fuertes a estas cosas en otros países y regiones? ¿Hay alguna mención histórica de la actividad, por ejemplo, "Cuando era niño, al futuro Rey Loco Ludwig le gustaba construir fuertes"? Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 01:54 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Cubby-hole no es gran cosa en sí mismo, pero podría tener algunos enlaces útiles. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 02:02 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ciertamente, lo hice en gran parte con muebles, pero cuando fui mayor, incluí escombros de construcción locales cerca de mi casa. Lamentablemente, nunca tuve una casa en el árbol . Shadowjams ( discusión ) 02:09, 15 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Un "cubby hole" es lo que llamas a un "fuerte" cuando lo construye un niño en Australia, Jack? El artículo ciertamente menciona el fenómeno, pero no menciona el término "fuerte". Sin embargo, en mi parte de los EE. UU., un cubby hole es un rincón donde uno coloca su chaqueta, mochila y quizás zapatos en los años preescolares y de jardín de infantes, no algo que se construye o en lo que se esconde. En cuanto a una casa en el árbol, construimos fuertes de varios tipos en el bosque con madera de desecho. Pero la idea de una casa en el árbol realmente no nos atraía a mí ni a mis amigos después de que uno de los chicos Ward se salió de la suya con su rueda gigante y se rompió media docena de huesos, perdiéndose un verano entero. μηδείς (discusión) 02:30 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aquí en Detroit tengo la misma definición de cuchitril que Medeis. En cuanto a la tendencia de los niños a construir fuertes, yo incluiría "construir refugios" como una de las habilidades más importantes de la vida, por lo que no es de extrañar que los niños quieran practicarlo. En el mundo actual, nuestra capacidad para construir refugios es menos importante, pero aun así podría salvarte la vida si algún día te pierdes en el bosque. StuRat ( discusión ) 02:55 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Los niños daneses no construyen fortalezas, sino cuevas (da:hule). Véase, por ejemplo, http://mads.gemal.dk/blog/221/hulemand, que muestra un ejemplo y dice "Alle børn elsker at bygge huler" (A todos los niños les encanta construir cuevas). PrimeHunter ( discusión ) 04:09 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Oh, qué enlace más bonito. Si quieres ver la viva imagen de mi hermana y sus hijos (aunque los chicos son un poco más dolicocéfalos dadas sus raíces rusas, y ahora tienen una hermana), echa un vistazo a este enlace para ver exactamente lo que estoy pensando. Tal vez todo esto sea sólo una cuestión de psicología de escala. Consulta la etimología de hobbit , que también se menciona a continuación. Tal vez todos seamos hobbits. μηδείς (discusión) 05:17 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Tenga en cuenta que, si bien el nombre puede ser diferente, el resultado es el mismo. StuRat ( discusión ) 04:49 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Maldición! Durante mucho tiempo he albergado la creencia de que los niños daneses construyen Elsinores en miniatura y se paran en las almenas proclamando: " At være, eller ikke være, det er spørgsmålet... ". :) - Jack of Oz [Discusión] 05:03, 15 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Elsinor es en realidad la ciudad (fui a la escuela secundaria allí y vivo cerca). El castillo es Kronborg, pero Shakespeare lo llamó Elsinor. Hamlet#Plot maneja su desorden con un enlace entubado. PrimeHunter ( discusión ) 05:54 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sí, mi propia sospecha es que se trata de un comportamiento de anidación, que es prehumano y está mediado por la oxitocina. Las dos cosas que más me interesan son: ¿la construcción de "fuertes", como yo diría que es universal en su forma entre los humanos, o algunos usan sábanas mientras que otros usan almohadas (o lo que sea) y qué términos se usan para la actividad? ¿Los británicos los llaman fuertes? ¿Los californianos? ¿Los enzeders los llaman cobertizos y los construyen con sábanas? ¿Y qué hay de los franceses? ¿Y de las tribus que habitan en áreas tropicales? En cuanto a los daneses, me pregunto si Tolkien conocía el hábito cuando nombró al hobbit en honor al antiguo inglés Hol-bytla . μηδείς (discusión) 05:06 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

En Australia, el cubby o la casita de madera se usaban como fortaleza , pero los materiales preferidos eran rocas, ramas, hierba y hierro galvanizado, si había, y no se construían dentro de una casa, sino en un bosque cercano. Graeme Bartlett ( discusión ) 08:03 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Brit: no son fortalezas, aunque tenemos una buena línea de castillos de arena . Cubbyholes, en la época en que las casas tenían armarios debajo de las escaleras, ahí era donde guardábamos todo, desde abrigos hasta juguetes viejos. (Solíamos llamarlo agujero de la gloria, pero entiendo que ahora tiene un significado completamente diferente). Volviendo al original, creo que solía llamarlo "escondite". -- TammyMoet ( discusión ) 09:47 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Otro británico aquí. Para mí, cuando era niño, era un fuerte o una guarida, según el juego al que jugaba. Un fuerte si estaba siendo atacado por un amigo o una hermana, una guarida si estaba jugando a la casita o algo similar... gaz hiley 09:42, 17 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Pasé gran parte de mi tiempo libre en Epping Forest construyendo "guaridas" (como la guarida del león). Lamentablemente, los niños de aquí rara vez tienen la libertad para eso hoy en día. Alansplodge ( discusión ) 12:38 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
WHAAOE: ver la guarida de los niños . Alansplodge ( discusión ) 12:39 15 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, también las llamamos guaridas aquí en el norte de Inglaterra, aunque hace bastante tiempo que no construyo una. <fspan style="font-family:verdana"> D b f i r s 17:17, 15 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Los Hijos de Daniel Boone formalizaron el concepto: los muchachos se organizaban en fuertes (similares a una tropa de Scouts) que construían fuertes en los bosques. -- — Gadget850  (Ed) talk 18:22, 15 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ reply ] 
Me quito el gorro de piel de mapache ante ellos. StuRat ( discusión ) 18:40 15 dic 2012 (UTC)[ responder ]
Crecí (y todavía vivo) en Australia, y nuestro patio trasero tenía una "casa de madera" (una pequeña casa de madera comprada en una tienda sobre pilotes con una escalera para llegar a ella, y de aproximadamente 2 x 3 x 3 m de tamaño) y una "casa del árbol" (unos cuantos trozos de madera para sentarse en un árbol de tamaño mediano, creo que también podría haber habido alguna cuerda involucrada). Dentro de la casa, mi hermano y yo ocasionalmente construíamos fuertes/bases (los llamamos así, según mi memoria) con muebles, sábanas, cojines, etc. Supongo que, dependiendo de la densidad de viviendas en el lugar donde la gente creció, los nombres pueden tener diferentes significados (como hemos visto que es el caso en diferentes países). HandsomeNick ( DISCURSO ) ( EDICIONES ) 01:36, 17 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
xkcd strip 219: Blanket Fort los llama "fortaleza manta" , algo que creo que aún no has enlazado. – b_jonas 14:33, 17 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Una casa prefabricada es una casa de Wendy . Se permite la entrada a los niños si juegan bien. Itsmejudith ( discusión ) 09:56 18 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Está bien. Las casas de Wendy son para cobardes. Nunca permitimos que las niñas entren en la casa del árbol, ya que tienen las manos húmedas y no guardan secretos. Wickwack (discusión) 16:42 19 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]
Si las casas de Wendy son para los mariquitas, ¿eso significa que los fuertes son para los transeúntes? μηδείς (discusión) 17:21 22 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Por favor restaura el texto que eliminaste sin explicación

([5]) Gracias. -- Dweller ( discusión ) 08:30 26 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Si ves ese tipo de fallo en el futuro, no dudes en solucionarlo tú mismo, gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 16:00 26 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias - Dumelow ( discusión ) 09:43 27 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Gracias! μηδείς (discusión) 14:41 27 dic 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

"Prestigioso" nunca es un término apropiado; simplemente intenta otorgar estatus sin dar detalles. Además, es completamente inapropiado en el caso de Popo, ya que el estatus de la educación de las víctimas no tenía absolutamente ninguna relevancia para la única característica de las víctimas: haber sido atacadas por un hombre enloquecido. Eugene ciertamente no dijo "oye, creo que me voy a comer su cara porque fue a una escuela secundaria prestigiosa". No estamos aquí para crear hagiografías de las víctimas . -- TRPoD también conocido como The Red Pen of Doom 19:10, 28 de diciembre de 2012 (UTC) [ responder ]

descanso duro



--Espero no haberte causado demasiados conflictos de edición (si es que los he causado :P). Spencer T♦ C 19:04, 1 de enero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Es muy gracioso, me dije a mí mismo: "¡No puedo creer que no tenga ningún conflicto de edición!" μηδείς (discusión) 19:06 1 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Yo tampoco tenía ninguno. ¿Quizás el software es lo suficientemente inteligente como para que no haya conflictos si trabajas con textos diferentes o secciones diferentes? A mí también me pareció curioso. Spencer T♦ C 19:08, 1 de enero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, no tendrás conflictos de edición si estás editando en secciones con encabezados separados, lo cual es una de las razones por las que se deben agregar tan pronto como sea lógicamente justificable, y por la que debes editar por sección y no por la página en su totalidad cuando sea posible. Incluso entonces era inusual no tener ningún conflicto, pero ver tus cambios cada vez que enviaba los míos. μηδείς (discusión) 19:13 1 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Me abstendré de hacer preguntas inútiles en el futuro. Por favor, perdonen mi intuición y vergüenza. Por cierto, soy mujer. Creo que la buena fe es una buena idea. 06:08, 8 de enero de 2013 (UTC) — Comentario anterior sin firmar añadido por Venustar84 ( discusióncontribs )

100% correcto

Hola, Medeis. No estoy de acuerdo contigo por haber cerrado ese hilo tonto sobre las sanciones a los EE. UU. por el control de armas. Las grandes mentes a veces todavía piensan igual. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 06:45 10 enero 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Todavía estoy leyendo el libro de Jourdain sobre música. Es brillante, y no lo digo a la ligera. En su lugar, le regalé a mi hermano Cox The Elements: Their Origin, Abundance, and Distribution . Recibirá a Jourdain por su cumpleaños. μηδείς (discusión) 06:54 10 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Orilla nowiki ho

Me gusta mantener todas las discusiones sobre el contenido del ref desk en el ref desk o en su página de discusión, es por eso que pregunté allí.

Pensé que había captado la esencia de tu publicación inicial, pero no estaba seguro. El "ho" junto a "nowiki" me desconcertó, y no tenía ninguna razón para asociar "ho" con "shore", o para saber que "shore" significaba algo como "show". En realidad pensé que estabas siendo travieso y escribiste mal deliberadamente "sure", pero el sentido no encajaba. Seamos realistas, a veces haces lo que solo se puede describir como publicaciones extremadamente extrañas, una de ellas ayer mismo. No tengo ningún problema con las rarezas; soy uno de sus mayores defensores. Pero me gusta entender lo que dicen los demás.

No me importa nada de eso de que no me pagan. Aquí no se paga a nadie, pero tampoco se obliga a nadie a participar. No comparto ningún planteamiento que sea ni siquiera un primo tercero de "no me pagan por esto, así que no tengo que preocuparme por la calidad de mis contribuciones, y es trabajo de mis lectores averiguar de qué diablos estoy hablando". No digo que esa sea tu actitud, pero pareces estar rondando por los límites. En resumen: puede que supieras lo que había en tu cabeza, pero es una locura suponer que los demás están de acuerdo contigo, en particular cuando lo que sale de tu pluma es un uso poco ortodoxo del lenguaje.

Que tengas un buen día. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 11:54 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Si me hubiera dado cuenta, sin duda lo habría corregido. No tiene sentido que publique un galimatías, a menos que sea necesario. Como dije, el corrector ortográfico no cuestionó ninguna palabra. Y no me molestó en absoluto que quisieras una aclaración. Mi comentario sobre trabajar gratis se refería a mi elección deliberada en circunstancias ocasionales (a diferencia de esa) de no corregir errores ortográficos individuales sin importancia como "no estoy interesado" inmediatamente después de notarlos después de una publicación porque no afectará la comprensión de nadie. (Esta instancia, por otro lado, fue simplemente un error bastante grande que no noté). El comentario sobre trabajar gratis no tenía la intención de decir que ustedes, como lectores, no valían la pena arreglar las cosas, sino que preferiría contribuir a algo más significativo, como una traducción o prestarles mis ojos para ver el artículo de Quiroga, que volver a abrir el mismo cuadro de edición tres veces más para pulir obsesivamente errores menores a medida que los veo. En realidad, fue un comentario secundario sobre cómo entender mis prioridades de edición si ves un pequeño error ortográfico en una página de discusión. Luego, más adelante, si vuelvo a ese hilo y lo abro para editarlo nuevamente por alguna otra razón, generalmente corregiré el error. Es como preparar el auto para un viaje, girar la llave en el encendido, darte cuenta de que dejaste la tapa del inodoro levantada, pero dejarla hasta que regreses para volver a entrar y cerrarla.
En cuanto a la frase de asociación libre de Alex Kingston , fue sólo por diversión, no porque me haya dado un infarto, y no tiene nada que ver con errores ortográficos. Está llena de significado, pero tal vez no en sentido literal . Si vuelves a leer el hilo con la idea de "cerrar el círculo" en la cabeza, es posible que te des cuenta de lo que estaba diciendo.
PD: Mi respuesta se basó en la palabra "señor" para indicar que estaba bromeando y que no estaba realmente molesto. μηδείς (discusión) 19:25 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, entonces está bien. Todos cometemos errores de los que no nos damos cuenta hasta más tarde. (Recién me di cuenta de que te había citado mal, así que lo he corregido ahora).
Pero, por favor, cuando alguien pide una aclaración, sería bueno que pudieras decírselo directamente, en lugar de ponerte a la defensiva y mucho menos ir más allá y hacer que sea su responsabilidad comprender en lugar de tu responsabilidad ser claro.
Si estabas enojado o no, nunca me preocupó.
Qué buen tiempo hace. Me alegro de que estés disfrutando de Música, cerebro y éxtasis . Tengo que recuperar mi copia de mi ex novio y volver a leerlo. Saludos. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 20:35 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Bueno, no me digas que no estabas haciendo tu propia broma con esa ocurrencia de "¿qué idioma es este?", que es lo que provocó mi "mirada, señor". Estoy en el capítulo de "disfrute" de Éxtasis . El libro es muy denso y, para ser franco, lo he estado usando como lectura en el baño, así que solo he estado leyendo una página por día desde el verano. Definitivamente es uno de los mejores libros de no ficción que he leído. Tengo la intención de comprárselo a mi cuñado para su cumpleaños. Mi sugerencia es (a menos que no te guste que lo tenga, o no creas que le sacará más provecho, o mi favorita, no creo que pedirlo sea un buen pretexto para un rápido reavivado) que le dejes quedárselo y te compres otra copia. Estoy deseando sacar de la biblioteca los otros libros del mismo autor. μηδείς (discusión) 20:47 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No, no hay posibilidad de que se reavive la relación. Ambos hemos seguido adelante. Yo he seguido adelante dos veces, según recuerdo. O tres veces, depende de cómo se cuenten estas cosas. Pero seguimos siendo grandes amigos y nos vemos cuando podemos (geográficamente, ahora somos relativamente inaccesibles). -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 22:06 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

gran grupo de cuásares

Hola, noté tus contribuciones al artículo y tenía curiosidad por saber qué podrías sacar de él. Debido a su gran tamaño, no parece encajar en ningún patrón preconcebido en la cosmología... Gracias. Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 18:03 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

No he estudiado astronomía en la universidad, mi interés es el de un lector no especializado. Si inicias un hilo aquí pidiendo información sobre información publicada y teorías sobre el tema, estoy seguro de que obtendrás muchas especulaciones interesantes porque varios astrónomos responden preguntas allí. μηδείς (discusión) 18:46 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

gracias,,-- Ozzie10aaaa ( discusión ) 19:18 12 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sólo porque alguien sea malvado no significa que tengamos que acusarlo de todos los crímenes imaginables.

Me resulta difícil creer que no puedas entender la diferencia entre un escándalo político como Abscam o el caso Irán-Contra y un escándalo sexual que involucra a un político. Pero en lugar de responder a tus burlas con mi opinión sobre ti, simplemente te recordaré que permanezcas objetivo y civilizado. Creo que Weiner ha sido durante mucho tiempo exactamente lo que ha demostrado ser recientemente. Pero eso no me obliga a usar un lenguaje no objetivo para atacarlo como si demostrar su maldad fuera más importante que usar los conceptos correctamente. Como dije, eres completamente libre de agregar cualquier material de referencia que quieras sobre cómo el asunto se está volviendo políticamente escandaloso. Mientras tanto, ya basta de insultos. μηδείς (discusión) 03:13 9 jun 2011 (UTC) [ responder ]

No ataque a otros editores. Si continúa, es posible que no pueda editar Wikipedia.

Gracias, aunque sea con retraso, por tus aportaciones y sugerencias. Gracias. Joseph A. Spadaro ( discusión ) 00:22 14 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]




Esta debe ser la edición más inútil de la historia, especialmente porque aparentemente le pedí a alguien en algún lugar que fuera objetivo y civilizado. Por favor, no me respondas directamente si esto es serio. Llévalo a un ANI y déjame responder allí. Los comentarios de hace dos años que hayan vuelto a despertar aquí no serán bienvenidos y se tomarán como ataques... 00:43, 14 de enero de 2013 (UTC)

El anticristo

El uso de El Anticristo está en discusión, ver Discusión:El Anticristo (libro) -- ( discusión ) 01:04 15 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hablar de nuevo

Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de Vacation9 .
Mensaje añadido a las 02:07, 23 enero 2013 (UTC). Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.[ responder ]

Vacaciones 9 02:07 23 enero 2013 (UTC ) [ responder ]

¿Estas mejores imágenes de la criatura te ayudarían a saber a qué te recuerda?

http://stardusting.nekomaki.com/?page_id=664 http://sailormoon.wikia.com/wiki/Thetis?file=CS012-383.jpg Venustar84 ( discusión ) 19:42 23 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Lo siento, pero no tengo ni idea. μηδείς (discusión) 19:43 23 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

-- Spencer T♦ C 23:16, 26 de enero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Quería hacerte saber que me reí mucho con tu comentario: "Todo el entretenimiento en Wikipedia es como el que aparece arriba" aquí. :) Shadowjams ( discusión ) 17:31 30 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

"Es fácil imaginar a un turista estadounidense deseando que los escoceses 'hablaran inglés'"

Hace unos años, aquí en Milwaukee, celebramos un congreso conjunto de la Asociación Canadiense de Esperanto y el principal grupo de esperanto de los Estados Unidos, entonces llamado Liga de Esperanto para Norteamérica . Dos de las personas que asistieron eran una pareja de madre e hija de Nueva Zelanda que estaban haciendo una gira mundial con el objetivo de asistir a eventos esperantistas. Su ciudad natal era un pueblo en algún lugar de los Alpes neozelandeses cuyos colonos eran, al parecer, casi todos escoceses . El consenso entre los yanquis en el congreso fue que, a pesar de ser gente agradable, era mucho más fácil entender el esperanto de las mujeres que su inglés. -- Orange Mike | Discusión 19:51, 31 enero 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Me lo puedo imaginar. Tuve la vergonzosa experiencia en un viaje con el club alemán de la escuela secundaria a las partes alemanas de Suiza, de que me resultaba mucho más fácil hablar con los lugareños si ambos usábamos... francés. μηδείς (discusión) 20:47 31 ene 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
En "Der Deutsch-Athen" todo el mundo sabe que el alemán se presenta en muchos sabores. Sin embargo, no tenemos mucho sueco por aquí; es más probable encontrarlo en New Glarus, Wisconsin . -- Orange Mike | Discusión 13:12 1 febrero 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Creo que es justo decir que ningún dialecto tradicional suizo-alemán es intrínsecamente inteligible con el alemán estándar moderno. En otras palabras, los hablantes de alemán estándar no pueden entender el alemán suizo, como tampoco pueden entender el holandés, o los londinenses no pueden entender el escocés de las Shetland; de hecho, muchos alemanes incluso confunden el alemán estándar con acento suizo-alemán (que es absolutamente inteligible) con el dialecto suizo-alemán. Si bien el alemán superior/central ciertamente solía ser un continuo dialectal clásico desde el período del alto alemán antiguo hasta un período más reciente, lo cual, sin embargo, es difícil de determinar (un wikipedista alemán conocedor de la dialectología del bajo alemán ha rechazado enfáticamente la visión tradicional de dialectos de transición que conectan el bajo alemán con el alemán central y otras formas de germánico occidental todavía en el siglo XIX, señalando que en realidad no hay tales formas de transición atestiguadas y que el límite lingüístico es bastante marcado), en el período moderno la divergencia entre las diversas formas regionales del germánico occidental habladas en Europa central ha crecido tanto que parece más apropiado hablar de una familia de lenguas (parcialmente) unidas por un Dachsprache alemán estándar . Además, dentro del germánico occidental, el bloque del alto-centro-bajo alemán (o incluso del alto-centro) no parece formar una rama unitaria, por lo que desde un punto de vista lingüístico objetivo (o al menos no sociolingüístico) el concepto popular de una "lengua alemana" que comprenda todos los dialectos del alto y centro alemán (y, para muchos, incluso del bajo) alemán, que se encuentra en la base de la idea de que el "alemán suizo" es "simplemente un dialecto alemán", es insostenible. El alemán suizo en cualquiera de sus formas ni siquiera es funcionalmente un mero "dialecto del alemán".
Vemos el mismo sesgo político y el mismo bagaje histórico-ideológico en funcionamiento aquí que impulsa el concepto de inglés (incluido el escocés), griego, árabe o chino como una lengua unitaria en lugar de una familia de lenguas, o casos extremos (reveladores) como la afirmación ocasional de que el inglés no es más que un dialecto alemán (o a veces escandinavo) "corrompido" (presumiblemente por el francés) (lo que sería un concepto ilógico incluso si Alemania o algún país escandinavo hubiera conquistado algunas o todas las regiones de habla inglesa del mundo y prohibido el uso del inglés estándar) o incluso el kurdo, un dialecto "turco de montaña". (Si una forma de habla está tan "corrompida" que no se entiende ni se entiende, la conclusión lógica es que simplemente no es la misma lengua que la nuestra.) Tampoco puede una lengua convertirse de repente en un dialecto prácticamente de la noche a la mañana, o viceversa, debido a fuerzas y cambios puramente políticos o sociales (compárense los casos del occitano, el holandés y el bajo alemán, por ejemplo; el alto alemán también solía tener al menos un estándar escrito emergente antes de que éste fuera desplazado en favor del alemán estándar), sin que nada cambiara en la lengua misma: eso es sencillamente absurdo. El hecho de que una lengua no sea una Ausbausprache no significa que no sea una "lengua real".
Así pues, en un sentido realista, el alemán suizo es un idioma completamente distinto del que se enseña como "alemán" en las escuelas y universidades. ¡No me extraña que no entiendas nada! Y lo mismo ocurre con los escoceses. Si ni siquiera puedes entender bien el inglés escocés (yo sé que no puedo), o lo que fuera que hablaran en realidad estas personas, ¿quién eres para participar en el imperialismo lingüístico y negar las profundas diferencias entre el escocés y el inglés (estándar)?
Por supuesto, se puede rechazar por completo la distinción artificial y arbitraria entre lengua y dialecto, pero en la práctica esto es menos fácil que en la teoría: incluso conceptos lingüísticos bien establecidos como familia de lenguas o lengua aislada tienen poco sentido sin ella, y la "unidad genética" suena demasiado técnica para un uso general. Considerar la distinción como meramente sociolingüística tampoco es una solución real, ya que da lugar a absurdos como que el feroés haya sido un dialecto danés antes de que se creara una lengua escrita (y cosas peores). -- Florian Blaschke ( discusión ) 21:26 10 nov 2014 (UTC) [ responder ]

Febrero de 2013

Nombre griego

¿Tu nombre es griego moderno, griego clásico o griego koiné? ¿Qué significa? Personalmente, me encantan los nombres griegos, porque parecen dados con intención y significado en lugar de "algo que suene bien al oído". Los nombres de la Ilíada y la Odisea y de los filósofos griegos antiguos son, en mi opinión, bastante largos pero muy hermosos (por ejemplo, Aristófanes, Aristóteles, Platón, Sócrates, Jenofonte, Telémaco, Eurímaco, Euríloco, Lisístrata, Lisístrato, etc.). ¿Hablas con fluidez el griego koiné y el griego moderno de la misma manera que una persona china puede hablar con fluidez el chino tradicional y el chino simplificado? ¿Sabes leer el Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia cristiana en griego koiné? (discusión) 16:26 5 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

El nombre proviene del griego clásico, que puedo entender con un diccionario y una gramática a mano. Estudié dos semestres como estudiante de grado y mi profesor quería que cambiara de especialidad. Originalmente quería usar Ουτις, que significa "nadie", de la historia del cíclope a quien Odiseo le había dicho que se llamaba "Ουτις", de modo que cuando este último cegó al primero, el cíclope gritó "nadie me ha cegado, nadie me ha robado mis ovejas", de modo que sus compañeros no acudieron en su ayuda. Pero Ουτις ya estaba tomado, así que elegí μηδεὶς, que significa lo mismo y suena más bonito.

Marcos 11:14 Y respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: Nadie comerá jamás fruto de ti. Y sus discípulos lo oyeron. καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν αὐτῇ· μηκέτι εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἐκ σοῦ μηδεὶς ὸν φάγοι. καὶ ἤκουον οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ

μηδείς (discusión) 17:16 5 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ah, pensé que eras una persona ortodoxa griega en el sitio, que frecuentaba los mostradores de referencia. (discusión) 22:21 5 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hm, fui bautizado en el rito bizantino, pero no en griego, y esa no fue la razón por la que elegí ese nombre. El griego me parece elocuente y elegante. En el mundo real, la mayoría de mis parientes tienen nombres derivados del griego, pero yo no soy griego y no lo hablo. μηδείς (discusión) 22:46 5 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Sólo una nota rápida

Solo una nota rápida para decir que comenté sobre la advertencia que dejaste en User_talk :Sneazy ·Add§hore· ¡ Hablemos ! 18:54 , 10 de febrero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

No es mi costumbre obsesionarme con estas cosas, estoy seguro de que el usuario no repetirá su acción, aunque me sorprende que su inglés fuera lo suficientemente bueno como para querer cambiar mi ortografía, pero no lo suficientemente bueno como para leer las etiquetas que eliminó. μηδείς (discusión) 19:02 10 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No vi los cambios anteriores en tu comentario, ya que, naturalmente, solo buscaba el nombre de usuario, no una dirección IP. Con respecto a su inglés, quizás lectura selectiva, a veces así es :/ ·Add§hore· ¡Háblame! 22:32, 10 de febrero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No hay problema, esperaba que te hubieras perdido las dos ediciones de IP anteriores. μηδείς (discusión) 22:34 10 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Dejé una nota en la discusión de usuarios de Addshore que creo que deberías responder. John F. Lewis ( discusión ) 22:40 10 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Una estrella de granero para ti!

La citación Barnstar
Felicitaciones a Zhuang Zedong . Jayron 32 05:01, 12 de febrero de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Echa un vistazo. --PlanetEditor ( discusión ) 07:38 16 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Una estrella de cine para ti!

Los actos de bondad al azar Barnstar
Por su gran ayuda en el Wikipedia Reference Desk. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 04:58 21 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Además, me disculpo por preguntar, pero tengo curiosidad: ¿eres hombre o mujer? Futurist110 ( discusión ) 04:58 21 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Respondí a tus comentarios en mi página de discusión. Consulta mi respuesta cuando tengas tiempo. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 06:43 21 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Artículo de Charles Whitman

Medeis, usted dijo "(eso es una cuestión de criterio; el punto para nosotros es que esta es una enciclopedia completa, el hecho es notable y se hace referencia a él sea cual sea nuestra opinión sobre la sentencia)", en relación con la omisión de la opinión del forense que describió la muerte de Gumby como un homicidio. No veo dónde la comprensión debería incluir una lógica cuestionable, simplemente porque la fuente es un artículo impreso donde el autor no es un experto en la materia, y el forense puede haber sido el proverbial "diagnosticador que busca una fuente". Si mal no recuerdo, un psicólogo apareció en algunos programas y en la prensa porque diagnosticó que Whitman sufría de hipergrafía, posiblemente debido al tumor.

Lo que quiero decir es que es inconcebible (y por lo tanto no comprensible) que Gumby (que ya fue víctima de la tragedia) reciba una actualización más de 35 años después de los "hechos", y que haya podido decidir cuándo se convirtió en víctima de asesinato, al no continuar con un programa de tratamiento a petición propia, a través de un forense que buscaba que su nombre figurara en los libros de historia, por un asunto muy controvertido. En el mejor de los casos, es un tema secundario para discusión, no una cuestión de hecho. — Comentario anterior sin firmar añadido por 2001:558:6007:27:29E8:7C13:746:17E3 (discusión) 02:44 23 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

El lugar adecuado para discutir este tema es la página de discusión del artículo, no aquí. Dejo esta nota como cortesía; normalmente elimino los comentarios sobre los artículos en mi página de discusión. Publícalo allí y lo comentaré. μηδείς (discusión) 02:58 23 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Imágenes - preguntas técnicas

Hola, un nuevo editor me ha hecho algunas preguntas técnicas sobre cómo añadir o cambiar imágenes en los artículos, pero mis conocimientos técnicos son mínimos. ¿Puedes ayudarme o sabes a quién puedo remitirlas? Gracias de antemano. Denisarona ( discusión ) 05:43 23 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Su pregunta:

Plantilla:Tucker Smith Revisión Hola Denisarona. Soy bastante nuevo en esto, así que perdona mis torpezas. Intenté agregar una foto de Tucker Smith a su página y la imagen en miniatura aparecía (y aparece) como una imagen negativa. Si hago clic en la foto, la vista más grande está bien, pero la miniatura se ve, bueno, extraña. Quité la imagen, sin saber qué hacer a continuación y la volviste a colocar y, sin embargo, sigue siendo una imagen negativa. Intenté hacer cambios con mi antiguo nombre de usuario, pero no se reconoce mi contraseña y cuando solicito una nueva contraseña, no se envía ningún correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico que ingresé aquí. Me encantaría que se resolviera el problema de la foto, es mi tío y sería bueno que se pudiera publicar su foto. Si no, está bien. Gracias. ~rickkilroy~
Denisarona ( discusión ) 05:45 23 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Sabías? Solicitud de revisión de nominación

Hola Medeis, ¿podrías revisar esta nominación mía de DYK? -- Plantilla:¿Sabías que nominaciones?/Historia étnica y racial de la ciudad de Nueva York . Si no, no hay problema, pero por favor, avísame cuál es tu decisión al respecto. Muchas gracias. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 00:28 24 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Claro, pero ¿podrías darme un enlace mejor? (Lo encontraré eventualmente, pero soy tan vago como cualquier otra persona). μηδείς (discusión) 02:02 24 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
El enlace se encuentra en Plantilla:¿Sabías que? Nominaciones/Historia étnica y racial de la ciudad de Nueva York . -- Guy Macon ( discusión ) 04:47 24 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Perdón por el enlace defectuoso y gracias, Guy Macon, por darle a Medeis un enlace mejor. Medeis, ya he corregido todo lo que señalaste en esta nominación de ¿Sabías que?. Asimismo, decidí mantener tus ediciones anteriores en lo que respecta a la corrección de algunas de las cosas menores de este artículo. Lee mis últimos comentarios para esta nominación de ¿Sabías que? y respóndelos cuando tengas tiempo para hacerlo. Muchas gracias. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 03:55 26 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te he respondido de nuevo, Medeis. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 01:55 28 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ya te he respondido de nuevo. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 03:30 28 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ya te he respondido de nuevo. Además, si hay alguna nominación tuya que quieras que revise, estaría dispuesto a intentar revisarla lo mejor que pueda. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 04:29 28 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te he respondido de nuevo, Medeis. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 21:51 28 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Imagen compuesta

Hola! ¿Te importaría compartir tu opinión sobre el problema de la imagen compuesta/de cuadro de información único aquí ? Realmente lo agradecería. ¡Gracias! -- La vida es como una caja de bombones ( discusión ) 01:11 25 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola Medeis. Para aclarar, la sección "Carrera" comprende tres subsecciones distintas : "Carrera médica", "Cirujano general de EE. UU." y "Carrera posterior". "Informe Koop" no es una subsección de Carrera, sino una subsección ; en otras palabras, es una subsección de la subsección "Cirujano general de EE. UU." ;) Con respecto al contenido que ocultaste, estoy de acuerdo contigo en que no pertenece, por lo que lo eliminé. -- ( discusión ) 23:00 26 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Meteorito ruso de 2013:

¿Qué crees que era el meteorito? ¿Pájaros enojados? ¿La Estación Espacial? ¿Un OVNI? Se ha establecido que era un asteroide perteneciente al grupo de asteroides Apolo. Tú lo sabes, así que deja de hacer el idiota revirtiendo este hecho con una fuente extremadamente buena. Que tengas un buen día, BatteryIncluded ( discusión ) 05:59 28 feb 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Qué demonios estás fumando? Vete a quejarte del usuario, que se encuentra en el Reino Unido. Yo estoy en Estados Unidos. Tómate tus medicamentos. BatteryIncluded ( discusión ) 03:54, 1 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Jeje, supongo que eso significa que estás de acuerdo con mi edición, ¿no? Mea maxima culpa. μηδείς (discusión) 04:02 1 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Amigo! Fui yo quien escribió "meteoro superbólido" para complacerte, pero alguien lo borró por redundancia, como se explica aquí [6]. De nuevo: ve a pelear con la persona adecuada. De verdad. - BatteryIncluded ( discusión ) 04:06 1 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
¡Amigos!, ¡fuentes!, ¡meteoro!, ¿eh? μηδείς (discusión) 04:09 1 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Como dije, vete a quejarte de ese usuario anónimo de IP. En lo que a mí respecta, el uso correcto de "asteroide" en la primera oración es todo lo que quería y logré, amigo. BatteryIncluded ( discusión ) 04:18 1 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Por favor, consulte la discusión aquí. Creo que sería mejor mover el artículo al título "Protestas de Shahbag de 2013". Gracias. -- Freemesm ( discusión ) 14:35 2 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Para vuestra información

Usuario discusión:David Levy#Usuario:Medeis -- Guy Macon ( discusión ) 00:08 3 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Medeis, gracias por tu comentario en la página de discusión sobre el meteorito Chelb. No me queda muy claro algo de tu comentario. ¿Te parece bien que "rápidamente se convirtió en un brillante meteorito superbólido", como sugerí?

La razón por la que pregunto es que primero dijiste que te gustaba como está ("No tengo ningún problema con el texto actual"), que no dice meteorito superbólido. Luego, más adelante, incluyes el texto "... rápidamente se convirtió en un brillante meteorito superbólido", como si aprobaras esa redacción en particular.

De todos modos, solo quería pedirte que lo aclararas. Saludos. N2e ( discusión ) 00:42 5 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

--Gracias también por el mensaje en mi página de discusión. Spencer T♦ C 00:59, 5 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aviso de discusión en el tablón de anuncios de Warring Edit

Hola. Este mensaje se envía para informarle de que actualmente hay una discusión que lo involucra en Wikipedia:Tablón de anuncios de administradores/Guerra de ediciones en relación con una posible violación de la política de Wikipedia sobre guerra de ediciones . El hilo es Usuario:Medeis reportado por Usuario:Guy Macon (Resultado: ) . Gracias. -- Guy Macon ( discusión ) 00:54 6 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

ITN paraHugo Chávez

--Lo siento por eso! Spencer T♦ C 01:28, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

El mensaje anterior tiene como objetivo informar a los editores de que su trabajo ha dado sus frutos, y así alentarlos a que sigan contribuyendo. Obviamente, usted sabía que se había producido la actualización de ITN (y, por lo tanto, no necesitaba que se le informara), pero solicitó este "crédito" en la página de discusión de Spencer, lo que parece sugerir que lo percibe como un trofeo otorgado a los editores por los administradores. No es así. Cualquiera , incluido usted, puede publicar el mensaje. Si es importante para usted, no dude en dejarlo para usted. — David Levy 02:24, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Pensé que eran como estrellas de cine, no solo respuestas. μηδείς (discusión) 02:27 6 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Son principalmente de naturaleza informativa. Por supuesto, no hay nada de malo en enorgullecerse del logro, y si desea utilizar los mensajes como un medio para informar a los demás que ayudó a actualizar los artículos, es más que bienvenido a hacerlo. Pero si falta alguno, no necesita solicitarlo a un administrador (que no posee autoridad especial para publicarlo); simplemente puede agregarlo usted mismo. Y si observa que otro actualizador no recibió un aviso, no dude en dejarle uno. — David Levy 03:46, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Puedes darme un enlace o los datos para la plantilla de créditos? Tal vez pueda hacer yo mismo el hada de los créditos. μηδείς (discusión) 04:09 6 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Acabo de moverlo a la plantilla:Aviso de ITN . (Anteriormente, se había movido de la plantilla:ActualizadoITN a la plantilla:Crédito de ITN , lo que probablemente contribuyó al concepto erróneo mencionado anteriormente). — David Levy 04:48, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 19:24 6 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Marzo de 2013

Se te ha bloqueado la edición por un período de 48 horas por guerra de ediciones , como hiciste en Hugo Chávez . Una vez que el bloqueo haya expirado, eres bienvenido a hacer contribuciones útiles . Si crees que hay buenas razones por las que deberías ser desbloqueado, puedes apelar este bloqueo agregando debajo de este aviso el texto , pero primero debes leer la guía para apelar bloqueos .{{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}

Durante una disputa, primero debe intentar discutir los cambios controvertidos y buscar un consenso . Si eso no da resultado, se le recomienda que busque una solución a la disputa y, en algunos casos, puede ser adecuado solicitar la protección de la página .   Bbb23 ( discusión ) 01:49, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Véase también el informe aquí. El bloqueo se basó en parte en la naturaleza de las modificaciones a un artículo que aparece actualmente en la página principal. -- Bbb23 ( discusión ) 01:50, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
La solicitud de desbloqueo de este usuario ha sido revisada por un administrador , quien aceptó la solicitud.

Medeis (registro de bloques • bloques activos • bloques globales • contribuciones contribuciones eliminadas • registro de filtros • registro de creación cambiar configuración de bloques • desbloquear • checkuser (registro) )

Motivo de la solicitud :

Los cargos técnicos son justos, pero solicito que este bloqueo se reduzca a 24 horas por ser innecesario para proteger el proyecto. Veo que las cuatro últimas ediciones restauraron en efecto el material agregado en mi primera edición, y por lo tanto admitiré el cargo básico. Pero la razón fue cortar y pegar material que se estaba moviendo y eliminando durante los conflictos de edición mientras intentaba expandir la sección de muerte para cumplir con los criterios de ITN (nótese que cada nueva edición agregaba material y referencias nuevas), no por ningún deseo de establecer algún tipo de texto preferido. Con gusto dejaré de lado el artículo durante una semana o el tiempo que sea si eso es lo que está en juego. Gracias.

Aceptar razón :

Parece que ya lo has entendido, así que la prevención ha tenido éxito. -- jpgordon ::==( o ) 06:30, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Me alegra que reconozcas la guerra de ediciones y también me alegra que estés dispuesto a no editar el artículo durante una semana. No entiendo lo que quieres decir con lo del "material nuevo"; desde mi punto de vista, lo que intentabas era incluir el mismo material una y otra vez. A veces, lo expresabas de forma ligeramente diferente y, a veces, también añadías otro material, pero no recuerdo cuántas veces se repetía todo lo relacionado con la inflación, el régimen socialista y la tasa de homicidios. Por esa razón, no me siento inclinado a reducir la longitud de tu bloque. Sin embargo, me voy fuera de la wiki y cualquier administrador no involucrado puede hacer lo que crea mejor sin consultarme. -- Bbb23 ( discusión ) 03:07, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
    • Gracias. Mi punto era que realmente no tenía ningún deseo de restaurar el material específico (que es de la fuente de AP citada) en mi primera edición per se o en contra del consenso. Lo que usted (BBb23) llama redactado de manera diferente fue material nuevo agregado para cumplir con el criterio de cinco oraciones de las listas de ITN: el requisito es cinco nuevas oraciones de prosa referenciadas. Ni siquiera me di cuenta de que mi primera oración había sido eliminada, y recién ahora, al mirar el historial de edición, noto que se realizaron más de 50 ediciones durante el mismo período, y que el usuario Kennvido, por ejemplo, revirtió el artículo cinco veces. (En otras palabras, si no hubiera hecho eso, mis ediciones de nuevo material hubieran sido simplemente eso, adiciones de nuevo material sobre el vicepresidente Maduro y la otra información que agregué. Pero no me estoy quejando de él ni de sus ediciones, que supongo que fueron de buena fe). Supongo que mi punto es que, técnicamente, uno no necesita violar las 3RR para estar en guerra de ediciones, uno no necesita estar en guerra de ediciones para violar las 3RR, especialmente considerando que esta fue una nominación de In The News por otro editor que yo estaba tratando de hacer adecuada para su inclusión en la página principal después de que había sido eliminada por no actualizada. Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 03:17 6 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Me inclino por desbloquear completamente o reducir... el bloqueo se hizo correctamente; no hay falla en eso. Sin embargo, este bloqueo ya ha satisfecho WP:PREVENTATIVE , y por lo tanto, a menos que otros se opongan, diría que se puede levantar. Ks0stm ( TCGE ) 06:02, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
    • Como la persona que denunció a Medeis (y que ha sido objeto de múltiples acusaciones de que de alguna manera la estoy persiguiendo por pedirle que no edite o cambie los comentarios de otras personas), no tengo objeciones a que se levante el bloqueo; Medeis siempre ha sido buena en cumplir las promesas a corto plazo hechas durante las solicitudes para que se levanten los bloqueos, y estoy seguro de que este también será el caso esta vez.
Me preocupa que este desbloqueo fomente más comportamientos problemáticos en el futuro. Por ejemplo, el 8 de octubre de 2012 a las 22:59, el administrador David Levy desbloqueó a Medeis[7][8] en respuesta al comentario "Por favor, desbloquéame, no me verás editando los comentarios de la gente", y de hecho, a corto plazo no hubo problemas, pero seis meses después, el 2 de marzo de 2013 a las 02:25, Medeis volvió a las andadas, editando los comentarios de otra persona.[9]
Dicho esto, las preocupaciones mencionadas anteriormente realmente deben abordarse en WP:RFC/U , no aquí, y me alegra que el bloqueo haya cumplido su propósito y haya podido levantarse. Como he dicho varias veces, los bloqueos no son el objetivo. El objetivo no es que Medeis edite los comentarios de otras personas ni que los edite. -- Guy Macon ( discusión ) 09:33, 6 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Lo siento, tenía pensado publicar esto antes y lo olvidé. Noté que preguntaste cómo generar un SPI para uno de los usuarios que bloqueé. ¿Un calcetín de Usuario: Timothyhere ?

Lo mejor que puedo sugerirte es que leas WP:SPI , que debería explicarte todo. Básicamente, la cuenta inicial es una cuenta de títeres ; cualquier otra cuenta creada después de que se bloquee la cuenta inicial se denomina cuenta de títeres.

Si desea abrir un SPI, puede hacerlo visitando el enlace SPI que le di anteriormente y haciendo clic donde dice "Enviar un caso SPI" y luego siga las instrucciones que le brinda. También puede hacerlo yendo a la página de contribuciones del usuario que desea denunciar, allí debería ver un enlace que dice "arv". Si hace clic allí y sigue las instrucciones, debería poder denunciarlo de esa manera.

En algunos casos, al enviar un informe al equipo de SPI, es posible que desee solicitar CheckUser . CheckUser es una extensión de MediaWiki que consta de un pequeño grupo de usuarios de Wikipedia de confianza que verifican cosas como la información de la dirección IP. Sin embargo, CheckUser tiene políticas y procedimientos muy estrictos a seguir; por lo general, CheckUser solo aceptará verificar a un usuario si existe evidencia clara de un posible abuso de calcetines y una buena razón por la que se necesita CheckUser para resolver el asunto. Algunos buenos ejemplos de casos en los que las solicitudes de CheckUser han sido exitosas se pueden encontrar en la página de investigación de títeres de calcetines de Trueman31.

No es necesario que hagas nada más para el Usuario:FMicronesian ya que alguien más ya lo ha informado.

Si tenéis alguna duda no dudéis en preguntarme en mi página de discusión :)-- 5 albert square ( discusión ) 22:18 10 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Ver ahora Usuario Hijodetenerife. μηδείς (discusión) 04:08 16 oct 2015 (UTC) [ responder ]

SABIO 1049-5319

Hola μηδείς, otro usuario ha eliminado la sección. También se ha añadido otro párrafo que alarga el artículo de nuevo, por lo que creo que todavía está listo para publicarse. Quizás los administradores no quieran publicar nada más tan pronto después del Papa. Nestrs ( discusión ) 03:06 14 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mesa de referencia

Con respecto al troll Timothy... Le pedí a Nil que mantuviera la vista atenta. Vale la pena estar atento para asegurarse de que sea legítimo. Shadowjams ( discusión ) 13:52 16 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

La respuesta en la mesa de referencia parece familiar. Hubo al menos otra cuenta nueva que fue baneada sin mucha fanfarria y no se hizo referencia a ella en el SPI, pero comparte algunas similitudes. Los tiempos de edición son distintivos, pero varían después de unos meses. No he visto las nuevas, pero creo que los checkusers saben lo suficiente como para identificarlas. Podría valer la pena dejar que ellos discutan internamente si es apropiado un bloqueo más amplio o un filtro de edición. Shadowjams ( discusión ) 19:12, 16 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Creo que podríamos tener más calcetines "Timothy" dando vueltas por el escritorio del árbitro. ← Insectos del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, Doc? carrots → 02:00, 25 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bueno , ¡ vaa ...
¡Shazam! Bueno, le pedí a un usuario de checkuser que investigara este último personaje o personajes. Ya veremos qué pasa. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 05:00, 25 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Suena como un plan. Avísame si atrapas al troll. --Ahí va Internet ( discusión ) 05:02 25 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
KO, te lo haré saber. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 05:05, 25 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Vincula tus pruebas o deja de hacer preguntas suficientemente legítimas. ¿Qué tiene de malo lo que esta IP está preguntando? --Onorem Dil 03:42, 25 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Supongo que esto es evidencia suficiente. μηδείς (discusión) 18:01 25 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

WT:ITN - abolir la actualización mínima


Sé que no siempre estamos de acuerdo, pero te pido que no respondas a "The Rambling Man". Ha demostrado repetidamente un comportamiento despectivo, sarcástico e insultante, propio de un troll. No aceptará tu punto de vista, intentará distorsionar tus palabras en tu contra, inferirá un significado de tus palabras y luego alegará ignorancia sobre esa inferencia, y descarrilará un hilo con su constante "superación". Sé que ya has experimentado esto antes, yo también, y también 331dot. Podemos debatir la validez de mi propuesta en WT:ITN, pero de un wikipedista a otro, te recomiendo encarecidamente que no muerdas el anzuelo de TRM.

Saludos, -- IP98 ( discusión ) 19:27 25 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

comentario no solicitado dirigido a un tercero
La siguiente discusión ha sido cerrada. Por favor, no la modifiques.

¿Soy un "troll"? ¿Soy "burlón"? ¿Soy "sarcástico"? ¿Has leído alguna vez WP:NPA ? Una triple infracción. Inquietante. (¡Estoy seguro de que hasta 331dot estaría de acuerdo! Y estoy seguro de que Medeis puede encargarse de Medeis y no necesita tu consejo...) The Rambling Man ( discusión ) 19:38 25 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
archivar para cuando esto llegue a ANI
La siguiente discusión ha sido cerrada. Por favor, no la modifiques.

Por cierto, tienes muchos comentarios sin respuesta en ITN en los que parece que has entendido mal las cosas o has cometido errores de edición. Probablemente valga la pena que vuelvas allí para aclarar las cosas. The Rambling Man ( discusión ) 21:46 25 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Sabías? Solicitud de revisión de nominación

Hola Medeis,

¿Podrías echarle un vistazo a esta nominación de DYK? mía si puedes? -- Plantilla:¿Sabías que nominaciones/Urbanización en los Estados Unidos ? Todo lo que necesitas hacer es aprobar el gancho que yo y BlueMoonset acordamos y verificar que arreglé todo lo que BlueMoonset me pidió por última vez. Por favor, avísame si puedes hacer esto. Solo te llevará unos minutos, ya que BlueMoonset ya hizo la verificación de las calificaciones de DYK? y demás. Muchas gracias. Cuídate. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 02:37, 26 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Aquí está el enlace para MA: http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/cph-2-23.pdf

Aquí está el enlace para RI: http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/cph-2-41.pdf

Aquí están los números para buscar dentro de estos informes:

4.808.339 para MA, 226.618 para RI

En la parte inferior de la página dice "Rhode Island 1" o "1 Rhode Island". Este es el número de página y es el mismo para Massachusetts. Es la Tabla 1 para ambos, así que simplemente desplácese hacia abajo hasta el final o cerca del final y, si dice Tabla 10 o Tabla 20 o algo así, simplemente retroceda hasta llegar a la Tabla 1 (las tablas están en orden, de la 1 a la 2, a la 3, a la 4, y así sucesivamente). Espero sinceramente que esto ayude. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 19:06 26 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Apoyo cualquier cambio que hayas hecho en este artículo mío y también arreglé las imágenes ahora mismo. Espero que todo esté bien con esta nominación mía de ¿lo sabías? por ahora. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 08:22 27 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te respondí a ti y a BlueMoonset nuevamente ahora mismo. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 01:30 28 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te respondí nuevamente en mi página de discusión. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 01:57 28 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ahora he propuesto tu ALT HOOK 9. De todos modos, por favor comenta y di (si te parece bien) que aprobarías el ALT HOOK 6, el ALT HOOK 8 o el ALT HOOK 9. A mí también me parece bien cualquiera de estos ganchos. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 02:06 28 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Te he respondido de nuevo en mi página de discusión. Futurist110 ( discusión ) 02:42 28 mar 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hablar de vuelta

Más información en mi página de discusión sobre algo que querías investigar. -- Jayron 32 01:42, 30 de marzo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Wikipedia:EBERT figura enRedirecciones para discusión

Un editor ha solicitado una discusión para abordar la redirección Wikipedia:EBERT. Dado que usted ha estado involucrado en la redirección Wikipedia:EBERT , es posible que desee participar en la discusión sobre la redirección (si aún no lo ha hecho). -- Bongwarrior ( discusión ) 13:07 8 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ensayo de WP:EBERT

Hola Medeis,

Este es un recordatorio para crear el ensayo Wikipedia:Ebert Precedent. En una nota personal, entiendo tu frustración por la propaganda sobre Ebert. Estoy de acuerdo en que fue un error, pero fue sólo un error. Sucede. La forma de "arreglar" esto es finalmente conseguir algunas pautas documentadas para RD en WP:ITN/DC. Estaría dispuesto a intentarlo de nuevo en WT:ITN, pero la última vez me gritaron brutalmente. -- IP98 ( discusión ) 16:49, 8 abril 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Un gatito para ti!


Nottruelosa ( discusión ) 21:58 9 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias. No puedo responsabilizarte por no saber que soy alérgico a los gatitos y que solo los disfruto cocinados como el pollo del general Tsao. Pero sin duda es una foto bonita y de buena fe. μηδείς (discusión) 04:31 12 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Podríamos tener otro TimothyHere metiendo mano en Horacio Los tres mosqueteros, o como sea que se llame. ← ​​Insectos del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, Doc? carrots → 10:21, 11 de abril de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Estoy bastante seguro de que por eso sugerí que alguien con un nombre similar a ese podría querer solicitar un check-user para sí mismo, dada la naturaleza de su preocupación. Te sugiero que hables con shadowjams o nil einne. μηδείς (discusión) 13:42 11 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por cierto, no me di cuenta de este. He estado intentando buscar clones de Timothy, pero este me lo perdí. El modus operandi es diferente, pero dada la historia, una CU parece razonable (especialmente si dejas en claro que hay una región geográfica muy específica para estos calcetines que debería hacer que una verificación de CU sea muy precisa). Shadowjams ( discusión ) 15:05 12 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Canción de Sudáfrica

Hola Medeis,

Me parece recordar que mencionaste en alguna parte que hablas un idioma de Sudáfrica. Tengo una melodía pegadiza (provocada por una canción de un CD de uno de mis hijos) de una canción folclórica de Sudáfrica que aprendí hace unos treinta años en un grupo de la iglesia. Recuerdo que la letra empezaba con algo así como: "Svamand nkosi". Se cantaba muy lentamente y, si no recuerdo mal, era un canon. ¿Te suena de algo? Todos mis esfuerzos por encontrar esa canción en YouTube o por buscar algo significativo en Google han fracasado. Una búsqueda con "nkosi" normalmente solo muestra el himno nacional de Sudáfrica. Agradecería tu ayuda, si es posible. -- Zoppp ( discusión ) 22:06 11 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Respuesta de la mesa de referencia

En cuanto a esta edición, no leí la explicación de Jayron en el mismo tono de "tonto" que pareces tener tú. Lo vi como si simplemente añadiera un poco de información explicativa sobre el edificio y su importancia. Sólo es mi opinión... Dismas | (discusión) 02:40 16 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Re: Qapla' en Rocky Horror

Pensé que respondería aquí en lugar de en el escritorio de referencia, ya que se me ha ido el tiempo en mi respuesta. Me refería a la pista de comentarios de audio en off, que incluye a Richard O'Brien y a Patricia Quinn (cada vez más borracha). Helene O'Troy - Et In Arcadia Ego Sum ( discusión ) 20:49 17 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Jajaja! Sí, gracias, no me habría dado cuenta en este momento si hubieras respondido allí. Si eres fan y compras Blu Rays, esta transferencia es bastante excelente. μηδείς (discusión) 22:17 17 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Soy un gran fan y he estado actuando en RHPS shadow casts durante muchos años. No hemos comprado el Blu-Ray todavía, principalmente porque ya tenemos muchas otras versiones (como el disco láser, que ni siquiera se pueden reproducir). Helene O'Troy - Et In Arcadia Ego Sum ( discusión ) 18:12 18 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Acabo de comprarme una computadora que reproduce Blu-Ray. Cuando el formato se hace correctamente, es increíble. El Hobbit y Rocky Horror son realmente hermosas. Desafortunadamente, muchas películas parecen ser idénticas a la versión en DVD, como Helen Mirren en La tempestad (película de 2010) , o incluso en VHS, como Donnie Darko. Mi cuñado y yo solíamos ir semanalmente con amigos. Él conocía a gente que hacía el espectáculo en el piso. Tendré que obligarlo a que asista la próxima vez que esté en la ciudad, o tal vez cuando sus hijos sean mayores de edad. μηδείς (discusión) 18:49 18 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hola Medeis (un nombre de usuario fantástico), me alegra que este hilo esté aquí. Después de participar en la discusión que iniciaste, aproveché la oportunidad para reemplazar mi DVD perdido con el bluray de RHPS. ¡Por una divertida coincidencia, llegó hoy, que también es el cumpleaños número 67 de Tim Curry! Así que, por supuesto, tuve que dejar de lado lo que iba a hacer y ponerlo en el reproductor. Como dice Heleneotroy (otro nombre de usuario fantástico), la mención está en la pista de comentarios. O'Brien menciona que el público estadounidense nunca entendió la palabra hoopla. Luego pasan a discutir los diversos significados de la palabra y, en un momento, hablan de que proviene del mundo de los carnavales ambulantes. Me interesó descubrir que el bluray contiene la versión del Reino Unido y la de EE. UU. No sé si hay diferencias notables, pero espero averiguarlo. Bueno, mi respuesta aquí puede ser demasiado tarde, ya que es posible que ya hayas escuchado el comentario. Pero creo que todo esto es una suerte de serendipia, ya que podrían haber pasado años hasta que reemplacé mi DVD de no ser por tu pregunta, así que tuve que pasar y decirte gracias. Con el Dr. Frank-n-Furter teniendo 67 años, ¿crees que ahora usa medias de compresión en lugar de medias de rejilla? Vale, sé que me quejé, pero no pude resistirme. Saludos y que tengas un buen fin de semana. MarnetteD | Talk 04:19, 20 de abril de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Archivo:James Holmes, cropped.jpg listado para eliminación

Un archivo que has subido o modificado, File:James Holmes, cropped.jpg , ha sido incluido en Wikipedia:Files for deletion . Consulta la discusión para saber por qué ocurre esto (es posible que tengas que buscar el título de la imagen para encontrar su entrada), si te interesa que no se elimine. Gracias. —  Crisco 1492 ( discusión ) 06:21 19 abr 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]



Su reversión reintrodujo el pavoneo [10].

Puedo ver por el historial de ese artículo que ha habido discusiones previas sobre varios temas. Soy un editor neutral interesado en asegurar que POV siga siendo neutral.

  • Uno de los castillos normandos supervivientes mejor conservados
  • Un castillo normando bien conservado

La primera afirmación, su réplica, dice que hay algunos castillos normandos supervivientes y, de ellos, este es uno de los mejor conservados.

La segunda afirmación, mi cambio, dice que es un castillo normando que está bien conservado.

  • La segunda afirmación no hace ningún juicio sobre el nivel de conservación en comparación con cualquier otra, la primera afirma que está en el "top 10" (a falta de una mejor expresión) de los castillos normandos.
  • La primera declaración contiene redundancia; no se puede conservar si no sobrevive. Por lo tanto, sobrevivir es redundante.
  • Si se presentara un desafío, sería mucho más fácil demostrar que está bien conservado que intentar probar su clasificación entre los que aún sobreviven.
  • La primera afirmación es exagerada, ya que implica que es "uno de los mejores", pero no aporta ninguna prueba de ello. Bien podría estar entre los tres primeros de Irlanda , pero tal vez no tan arriba en comparación con toda Europa .

Espero que esto aclare por qué deshice tu reversión. Me doy cuenta de que es posible que pienses que hay otros problemas una vez que hayas leído los cambios que hice después de que revertiste (ya había comenzado antes de que revirtieras el anterior, y solo lo guardé y encontré tu reversión al guardarlo).

Con suerte, podremos discutir cualquier problema en la página de discusión. En este momento, la trama tiene más de 1100 y no veo cuánto se podría eliminar para reducirla a 900, y mucho menos a los 700 recomendados, así que prefiero dejarla como está. El consenso entre algunos de nosotros debería ser suficiente, según Wikipedia: Manual_de_estilo/Película#Trama

Gracias Chaosdruid ( discusión ) 04:55 10 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Voy a revertirlo para que esto aparezca en mi hoja de vida y luego me iré a dormir. Luego revertiré mi propia reversión o daré mi razón nuevamente y me retiraré.
Entiendo eso, pero lamentablemente revertiste todas mis ediciones, no solo esa. Chaosdruid ( discusión ) 03:17 11 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Por favor, me preguntaba si podrías borrar toda la sección que publico en el mostrador de referencia. Responde en mi página de discusión, por favor. Gracias, señorita Bono (zootalk) 18:48, 10 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]  

Lenguas euroasiáticas

Gracias por tus útiles modificaciones a Eurasiatic Languages . Hacer que este artículo sea neutral y mantenerlo es una verdadera tarea y agradezco cualquier ayuda que pueda obtener. (Para que conste, considero que las críticas existentes a Pagel son bastante flojas y espero reemplazarlas si/cuando aparezcan críticas reales (revisadas por pares). -- ThaddeusB ( discusión ) 00:58, 12 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Un placer. Si te interesa el tema y no has leído Language Relations Across Bering Straight de Michael Fortescue , deberías hacerlo. No lo apruebo (ni a Greenberg), pero es el estudio más profundo y riguroso sobre el tema que conozco. En cuanto al artículo, me preocupa un poco la sobrecrítica a Greenberg. La mayoría de sus críticos insisten en una reconstrucción estricta, que él no proporciona, pero tampoco pretende proporcionar. Pocos de sus críticos afirman que su hipótesis general es en realidad falsa, lo que uno podría asumir si no es consciente de las sutilezas. μηδείς (discusión) 02:19 12 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Soy nuevo en el tema, así que sin duda consultaré el libro que me recomiendas. No dudo de que muchos lingüistas aceptan la plausibilidad de la familia euroasiática (y otras superfamilias); la parte complicada es conseguir alguna evidencia real. Sin duda, tengo pensado incluir a quienes apoyan la conclusión de Greenberg a medida que amplíe el artículo (lentamente con el tiempo). -- ThaddeusB ( discusión ) 03:42 12 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Por supuesto, el eurasiático es plausible a primera vista (pero también lo son algunas propuestas competidoras). Incluso el protohumano es plausible a priori . A todos nos encantaría que alguien lograra demostrarlo (como "hacerlo realmente altamente creíble", al menos). Todo lingüista histórico maldice constantemente factores como las similitudes casuales, el contacto (no solo Wanderwörter ), los cambios analógicos, Lallwörter (similitudes elementales y coincidencias del tipo "mamá/papá"), los datos deficientes o incorrectos, el reemplazo de palabras tabú y muchos otros problemas que no recuerdo, que ponen varios obstáculos a nuestros intentos de reconstruir más allá de unos pocos milenios (e incluso eso es muy difícil; todavía me maravillo de la absoluta osadía de la propuesta austronesia-ongan, pero aún más de lo intrigante que es la evidencia). El azar por sí solo significa que se necesitan más de unas pocas docenas de cognados convincentes para hacer creíble cualquier propuesta de largo plazo. No es que seamos “odiadores”, ni que no queramos creer. Todos estamos del mismo lado. Todos los lingüistas históricos sueñan con una máquina del tiempo. Odiamos ser tan escépticos, de verdad que lo odiamos, pero tenemos razones excelentes y desesperantemente convincentes para ello.
Tal vez sea conveniente hacer una analogía. Hay un niño con los ojos llenos de sueños que intenta construir una nave espacial más rápida que la luz, pero hay un problema que resulta obvio para cualquier experto. No se trata de si los viajes espaciales más rápidos que la luz son posibles en principio, sino de la forma concreta en que este niño ha construido su nave. El niño sabe muy poco de física, química, ingeniería y estática, y los expertos pueden decir que, según las leyes de la física, este diseño concreto no sólo no va a funcionar, sino que, peor aún, va a matar a la persona (muy probablemente al propio niño) que entre en la nave durante el despegue, porque explotará. ¿De modo que los expertos que advierten al niño son simplemente aguafiestas y aguafiestas excesivamente escépticos y deberían, en cambio, alentar y elogiar al niño por su invento visionario?
Por supuesto, la lingüística es diferente, porque no suele haber riesgo de daño asociado con creer en hipótesis falsas o insuficientemente fundamentadas como tales. Sin embargo, los principios metódicos que hacen que los científicos naturales rechacen hipótesis y los ingenieros rechacen diseños son similares y, en última instancia, se basan en los mismos principios lógicos y la misma ética académica. El hecho de que las consecuencias en el mundo real sean menos graves (también puede haber consecuencias más sutiles, sólo elegí un ejemplo drástico para ilustrar el principio) no significa que debamos tirar por la ventana todas estas reglas metodológicas y reglas de conducta académica y elogiar cualquier conjetura ligeramente plausible sólo por el hecho de no parecer hiperescéptico. -- Florian Blaschke ( discusión ) 23:19 18 nov 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hermanos Joyce

Hola Medeis,

En primer lugar, gracias por todo el trabajo que has puesto en ese artículo. Admito que no soy muy bueno en eso y no logro agregar actualizaciones coherentes a mis propios nombres. También diré que no he leído la gran discusión en ITN/C (TL:DR). Sé que a veces parece que te están hostigando deliberadamente. Mi último usuario está enterrado a las puertas de Jerusalén, así que sé lo acaloradas que pueden llegar a ser las discusiones. Lo mejor es simplemente tomarse un descanso y vivir para luchar otro día.


-- IP98 ( discusión ) 21:26 16 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿He añadido algo inapropiado en alguna parte? Notarás que no hay lenguaje emotivo en ninguna parte de mis ediciones. O si lo hay, por favor, házmelo saber. μηδείς (discusión) 21:32 16 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No, estás bien. Sólo te estoy dando algo en qué pensar, tal vez no sea tan importante. No tengo nada que ver con esto. -- IP98 ( discusión ) 21:34 16 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Preferiría que dijeras en otro lugar que no he hecho nada malo que aquí. μηδείς (discusión) 22:00 16 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Cierre de Joyce Brothers

Hola Medeis. Como eras alguien interesado en la nominación de Joyce Brothers RD, quería informarte que he cerrado la nominación de Joyce Brothers porque "no hay consenso para publicar"; puedes ver mi razonamiento en la declaración de cierre de la nominación . No obstante, me gustaría agradecerte el trabajo que dedicaste a mejorar el artículo. Saludos, Spencer T♦ C 04:40, 18 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste a Michael Raymond-James , agregaste un enlace que apuntaba a la página de desambiguación Black Snake Moan (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 23:57, 19 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Habiendo sido criticado por un administrador aquí, después de esta discusión, me sigue para criticar esta página donde no estuvo activo. μηδείς (discusión) 22:07 20 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Nota 2

Monteithh  ( discusión  · contribuciones ) Parece que es otro calcetín más de Timothyhere  ( discusión  · contribuciones ). La fascinación habitual con Jeffrey Dahmer y similares. Lo denuncié a AIV, pero probablemente va a necesitar otro SPI. Ugh. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, Doc? carrots → 12:31, 23 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Bloqueado. ¿Otros calcetines? ¿Quién sabe? Los reprenderemos cuando se hagan evidentes. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 15:17, 24 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo sospeché cuando vi que terminaba en eith con letras repetidas. No es muy creativo. μηδείς (discusión) 15:37 24 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
O dejar deliberadamente esa pista para ver quién estaba prestando atención. Los trolls hacen eso a veces. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 16:07, 24 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Referencia desk2

Las niñeras de la mesa de árbitros están buscando chivos expiatorios ahora. (Aunque Jayron, como siempre, es la voz de la razón.) Y no han considerado este punto: si nos prohíben estar en la mesa de árbitros, tendrán que encontrar a alguien más a quien gritarle. ← Insectos del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, Doc? carrots → 15:06, 25 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola Medeis, supongo que la notificación anterior demuestra que ya estás al tanto de la discusión. Por favor, acércate y agrega saldo aportando tu punto de vista. ( discusión ) 17:29 27 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Etiquetas de cita

Si bien aprecio su dedicación a la búsqueda de fuentes adecuadas, creo que su enfoque de esparcir etiquetas {{ cn }} en casi todas las oraciones enHenry Morgentaler ( editar  | discusión  | historial  | proteger  | borrar  | enlaces | seguimiento | registros | visitas) es improductivo y raya en el bombardeo de etiquetas disruptivo. Estoy intentando, hasta ahora sin éxito, encontrar una justificación de buena fe para esto. ¿Estás cuestionando si nació en Lodz? ¿O cuáles eran los nombres de sus padres? Ambos elementos están respaldados por el obituario del New York Times , citado en una oración. ¿Leíste esa fuente y no lograste ver que respalda el contenido? Ayúdame aquí, porque me estoy frustrando. MastCell  Talk 19:38, 30 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Esto es muy simple. Las nuevas afirmaciones, cuando se mencionan, como la de Lodz, necesitan ser citadas. Si el NYT cubre esto, entonces añada la etiqueta de nombre de referencia "NYT" o como sea que se llame. Este artículo está nominado para la portada. Tiene que estar completamente referenciado. (IT tiene que estar completamente referenciado en cualquier caso.) Y la única solución es agregar las citas. μηδείς (discusión) 19:41 30 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Sí, estamos de acuerdo en eso. Así que por favor ayuden a agregar las citas, en lugar de simplemente marcar el trabajo para que otras personas lo hagan. ¿Qué tal esto? Antes de etiquetar algo, dediquen 30 segundos a verificar si el hecho está mencionado en el obituario del New York Times o en el obituario de la CBC. Si es así, agreguen un enlace a la fuente. Si no, etiqueten todo lo que quieran. ¿Le parece razonable? Porque evitaría aproximadamente el 50% de las etiquetas que ha estado colocando y probablemente también mejoraría el entorno de edición. MastCell  Talk 19:46, 30 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vale, esto es puramente contraproducente y disruptivo. No necesitamos una cita después de cada frase. Ningún artículo de Wikipedia está escrito de esa manera. Ningún artículo destacado está escrito de esa manera. Una cita puede cubrir unas cuantas frases de información, en particular información no controvertida como el lugar de nacimiento y los nombres de los padres. Voy a pedirte que vuelvas a tu tema, o de lo contrario voy a pedir la opinión de WP:AN/I , porque me estoy frustrando y me cuesta mucho entender cómo crees que lo que estás haciendo es productivo o útil. MastCell  Talk 19:49, 30 de mayo de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mensaje de respuesta deTito Dutta

Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en Wikipedia:In_the_news/Candidates#.5BReady_for_RD.5D_Rituparno_Ghosh .
Mensaje añadido a las 03:22, 31 may 2013 (UTC). Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Tito Dutta ( contacto ) 03:22 31 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mensaje de respuesta deTito Dutta

Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de Titodutta .
Mensaje añadido a las 03:34, 31 may 2013 (UTC). Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.[ responder ]

Tito Dutta ( contacto ) 03:34 31 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Un reconocimiento muy merecido

La estrella del granero de la diligencia
Tienes opiniones firmes sobre lo que es correcto y lo que no, y recibes muchas críticas por tus opiniones. Aunque a menudo estoy en desacuerdo contigo, te admiro por mantenerte firme en tus convicciones frente a las críticas. Dicho esto, también eres justo y estás dispuesto a reconsiderar cuando se te presentan buenas pruebas. Por todas estas razones, te doy este premio ThaddeusB ( discusión ) 03:46 31 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. Me destrozas. Soy una gran perra por años de abuso, pero siempre he sido una perra de buena fe. El reconocimiento ocasional es muy apreciado. μηδείς (discusión) 03:52 31 may 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Re: Buena fe

Hola, Medeis. Tienes mensajes nuevos en la página de discusión de Spencer .
Puedes eliminar este aviso en cualquier momento eliminando la plantilla {{Talkback}} o {{Tb}}.

Spencer T♦ C 03:31 2 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Mesa de referencia

Hola, ya comenté antes en la página de discusión de Steve Baker sobre por qué algunas referencias serían una ventaja. Ayudan a prevenir respuestas inadecuadas que pueden resultar en demasiado debate. Si quieres que otros lo hagan mejor, sería de ayuda predicar con el ejemplo y dar ejemplo [proporcionando una referencia con respuestas como esta [11]]. Eliminé mi metadiscusión sin sentido [12] y espero que reemplaces tu "esto es lo peor de los escritorios" [13] con comentarios más constructivos. Gracias y saludos, disfruto leyendo muchos de tus mensajes. -- Modocc ( discusión ) 02:18, 3 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Su restauración en RD/S

Veo que has recuperado tu ataque personal , es decir, "spammer de mesa de referencia con un solo propósito", lo cual considero imprudente y disruptivo. No voy a entrar en guerra de ediciones contigo, así que lo dejaré así. -- Scray ( discusión ) 23:24 3 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Ya que preguntaste por qué diría que esto era un ataque personal, aquí está la segunda oración del párrafo principal de la política de WP:NPA : "Comente sobre el contenido, no sobre el colaborador". Claramente, se deben evitar los insultos. Por lo tanto, debería eliminar la cláusula que comienza con "...mostrando que es un...". -- Scray ( discusión ) 00:21 4 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Lo edité pero dejé el hecho de que es una cuenta de un solo propósito. μηδείς (discusión) 00:28 4 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


¡No sé qué dices! Harmonywriter ( discusión ) 03:30 5 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿A dónde se fue? Ya no está en el tema. Quería saber cuál fue el veredicto. Harmonywriter ( discusión ) 04:47 5 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

-- Spencer T♦ C 20:12 6 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

¡Joder, qué rápido! Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 20:15 6 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Estoy intentándolo... :P Spencer T♦ C 20:22, 6 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola. Gracias por tus recientes ediciones. Wikipedia agradece tu ayuda. Sin embargo, notamos que cuando editaste Lengua etrusca , agregaste un enlace que apunta a la página de desambiguación Religión romana (verifica para confirmar | soluciona con el solucionador Dab). Estos enlaces casi siempre son involuntarios, ya que una página de desambiguación es simplemente una lista de títulos de artículos del tipo "¿Quisiste decir…?". Lee las Preguntas frecuentes  • Únete a nosotros en el WikiProject DPL .

Está bien eliminar este mensaje. Además, para dejar de recibir estos mensajes, siga estas instrucciones de cancelación de suscripción . Gracias, DPL bot ( discusión ) 12:09, 12 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Tengo curiosidad por saber por qué eliminaste 50k de material de Nicholas Roerich en la diferencia citando NPOV como razón y, mientras tanto, eliminaste algunas imágenes y categorías excelentes y redujiste el número de referencias de 54 a 4. La leyenda del Zorro 13:35, 19 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hola. Roerich es uno de mis artistas y artículos favoritos. Gran parte del texto que borré estaba mal escrito (quizás material promocional traducido del ruso) y era exagerado o no se podía verificar, etc. Otras personas borraron las imágenes después de que se decidió que todavía estaban protegidas por derechos de autor. Si tienes más inquietudes, dirígelas a la página de discusión de esa página. Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 15:30 19 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Has eliminado al menos dos imágenes de alta calidad que no eran violaciones de derechos de autor ni exageraciones (ver arriba). También has eliminado todas las menciones a sus premios (otorgados por el gobierno ruso). He restaurado la versión anterior de 70k en mi espacio de usuario y trabajaré en ella. Gracias. La leyenda del Zorro 15:51, 19 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Vale, pero no vuelvas a comentar aquí. La gente que trabaja en esa página no verá lo que has escrito aquí. Comenta en la página de discusión del artículo. Te sugiero que consideres la posibilidad de publicar un artículo aparte o una sección desplegable para los premios, y solo los más importantes (los que han ganado otras personas famosas). μηδείς (discusión) 16:17 19 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
El artículo podría haber sido mejor si eliminaras selectivamente los excesos, pero desafortunadamente regresaste a la versión anterior a Usuario:Deodarvostok sin evaluar el artículo. Un consejo de buena fe es que si estás revirtiendo una serie de ediciones, trata de conservar las buenas , porque la carga recae sobre ti . Re: No más discusión sobre este tema en tu charla. La leyenda del Zorro 16:28, 19 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hablé con otro usuario sobre las modificaciones que hice en su momento, pero es posible que hayan sido en su página de discusión o en la mía. Es un asunto bastante antiguo y me parece un poco desagradable que quieras culparme por el artículo. Te sugiero que ignores lo que pueda haber sucedido y te concentres en lo que quieres que suceda. No te resultaré difícil. μηδείς (discusión) 16:36 19 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
De acuerdo. El artículo ahora es un completo desastre. Intentaré al menos buscarlo como referencia en Google Books. La leyenda del Zorro 16:47, 19 de junio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Crédito ITN

ThaddeusB ( discusión ) 21:39 21 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Gracias. ¡Aunque sustancialmente es un término relativo! μηδείς (discusión) 21:47 21 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

hacer prueba

@Medeis :


Tres preguntas

  • 1. ¿Cuál es tu problema con que no sea un novato?
  • 2. ¿Qué quieres decir con "drama"?
  • 3. ¿Cómo esperas que me comporte o que "termine el drama"?

Espero que puedas responder a estas preguntas. Me interesa escuchar tus respuestas. Debo decir que conozco y he usado Wikipedia desde 2007 o 2006. Para ser honesto, he hecho contribuciones con esta cuenta y con varias direcciones IP. Recuerdo que una vez te hice una pregunta sobre tu nombre de usuario (no estoy seguro de si usé un ordenador público o de casa) y respondiste con el origen griego de tu nombre. También te pregunté en ese momento si eras ortodoxo griego, por curiosidad porque sé que muchos griegos de hoy en día ya no adoran a los antiguos dioses griegos, y respondiste que no. Ese usuario era yo. Sneazy ( discusión ) 23:35 30 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

No tengo ningún problema con que la gente no sea novata. Pero cuando tus primeras ediciones implican un largo historial de edición y un patrón de hacer preguntas que provocan debates (y preguntas que sabes que no son solicitudes de referencias), implica que eres un usuario baneado anteriormente. El drama es sólo eso, intentar iniciar un debate público en la página de discusión en lugar de plantear un acto específico aquí en mi página de discusión que estás cuestionando. Lo que espero de ti es que hagas buenas preguntas y des buenas respuestas y te abstengas de incitar al debate o pedir opiniones. Todo eso está en las pautas de la mesa de referencias y no es nada personal. Como dije en la página de discusión de RD, me reservo el derecho de no guardar rencor y tratarte como perfectamente razonable cuando lo seas. Lo espero con ansias; preguntas y dices muchas cosas útiles e interesantes. :) μηδείς (discusión) 23:55 30 jun 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No estoy de acuerdo con el comentario de "usuario baneado". De hecho, mi primera cuenta es Usuario: Coffsneeze. En ese momento, estaba principalmente interesado en coloring.com, neopets.com y wikipedia.org, y también hacía ediciones. También obtuve una cuenta en la Wikipedia en inglés simple con el mismo nombre. En ese momento, en realidad tenías que crear una cuenta nueva; no era automático como lo es hoy. Ahora la perdí, porque no recuerdo la contraseña de esa cuenta, y esa cuenta no está conectada de ninguna manera a ninguna dirección de correo electrónico. En ese momento, también conocí a JackOfOz y, francamente, estoy bastante sorprendido de que todavía esté vivo. Todos los demás en los mostradores de referencia parecen ser algo nuevos e irreconocibles. Creé esta cuenta como reminiscencia de mi cuenta anterior que ya no puedo recuperar debido a que olvidé la contraseña y no tengo una dirección de correo electrónico. ¿Por qué no me dijiste sobre tus preocupaciones sobre mi comportamiento en mi página de discusión en lugar de invitarme a tu página de discusión? Podríamos haber resuelto este problema mucho antes. :P

Por cierto, ¿qué cosas mías te han resultado útiles e interesantes? Sneazy ( discusión ) 01:18 1 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

En realidad no llevo la cuenta, solo tengo un barómetro interno que dice "ha sido un dolor de cabeza en algunas cosas, ha sido interesante en otras". En realidad, me sorprende que ciertas personas lleven la cuenta de desaires específicos percibidos, o que la gente decida, una vez ofendida, que nada de lo que hagas en el futuro tendrá mérito o será defendible. Así que, lo siento, no puedo pensar en lo último que dijiste que me pareció problemático o útil, pero mencionaré lo siguiente.
En cuanto a coffsneeze, no tengo idea de quién es. Ah, estaba a punto de decir que creo que, entre otras cosas, tus preguntas religiosas casi siempre están al borde del problema, ya que no se pueden tratar como preguntas de referencia y, por lo general, son obvias si, por ejemplo, usas Google o llamas a tu rabioso/pastor/sacerdote/monstruo local. (Y otras cosas de las que no he llevado una lista parecen troleo descarado. Creo que la respuesta a tu publicación en la mesa de referencia deja en claro que no soy el único que tiene esa opinión). Pero eso me recuerda que hiciste una pregunta religiosa tonta y provocadora hace una semana o dos y tuviste algunas ideas excelentes como seguimiento.
En definitiva, no decido que las personas son malas y luego juzgo todos sus actos futuros sólo desde esa perspectiva. Como dije, te lo diré la próxima vez que me impresiones y me quedaré callado a menos que haya alguna razón para no hacerlo.
No soy un gran fanático de la correspondencia en las páginas de discusión, así que si tienes una última pregunta... En el futuro, también, siéntete libre de quejarte o preguntar si tienes algún motivo. Espero que este sea el comienzo de una larga y hermosa amistad. μηδείς (discusión) 02:29 1 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, te sorprendes, ¿no? He observado que puedo ser muy consciente de mi reputación en línea y en la vida real. Para ser honesto, realmente no sé por qué. Solo sé cómo se sienten las personas por la expresión de sus palabras en línea o por su comportamiento sutil fuera de línea, y cuando las personas en una comunidad en línea expresan su desaprobación de lo que digo o hago, siento una punzada repentina de vergüenza y culpa. Cuando digo o hago algo de lo que me arrepiento, siento un remordimiento absoluto y trato de pensar en formas en las que la otra persona pueda pensar mejor de mí. Soy muy consciente de "salvar las apariencias". ¡De hecho, es una frase en Wikipedia! En Internet, otras personas dirían: "Oh, es Internet" o "no te preocupes por tu reputación en línea". En la vida real, otras personas dirían: "Vive y deja vivir" o "haz lo que quieras". Nunca entendí realmente la lógica detrás de esa mentalidad.
Supongo que me ceñiré a cuestiones académicas y eruditas. Aunque, para ser sincero, una vez hice esta pregunta y, al parecer, algunas personas pensaron que el tema era demasiado profundo o amplio.
Bueno, al menos sé qué es lo que te preocupa todo este tiempo y trataré de tener en cuenta tus preocupaciones. Sneazy ( discusión ) 03:56 1 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Estoy de acuerdo con casi todo lo que has dicho, pero llegar a una conclusión abstracta estática es un grave error. WP es muy determinante en esto, ya que solo existen ediciones identificables por diferencias. Hay que empezar con una diferencia que muestre una víctima. Solo así pueden intervenir los intereses civiles. μηδείς (discusión) 04:16 1 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No tengo ni idea de lo que acabas de decir con toda esa jerga. Sneazy ( discusión ) 05:02 1 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]


Supongo que sabes algo de ruso. ¿Crees que este tipo es sincero o solo un troll? Pienso que es lo segundo, pero puedo estar equivocado. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 15:35, 4 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

El ruso es oscuro, está ligeramente mal escrito, parece poesía, por no decir un galimatías, y hace comentarios en tercera persona sobre temas no especificados. El holandés equivale a una pregunta aparentemente mal escrita sobre Snowden que, si tiene algún sentido, debería eliminarse como NOTFORUM. "De Hoop" significa "la esperanza", si esa es una pista. μηδείς (discusión) 17:19 4 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. De hecho, eliminé sus comentarios de esa página de discusión, pensando que no tenían lugar allí. ← Errores del béisbol ¿Qué pasa, doctor? carrots → 17:43, 4 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Más adelante en el vídeo de R&I

Lamentablemente, la conversación en la mesa de árbitros pareció estar copada por izquierdistas antirracistas. Dado que usted parecía ser el único centrista sensato allí, si no es demasiada molestia, ¿puede darme más información sobre lo que pensó acerca del video y, especialmente, si un tipo de gobierno igualitario puede funcionar (el video sugería lo contrario)? Gracias.

Si hubiera alguna otra pregunta, podría responderla, pero no estoy interesado en debatir ni incitar más debates. μηδείς (discusión) 19:52 6 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
No quiero un debate, solo responde a la pregunta anterior. Gracias por tu tiempo.

Responder a sus respuestas en el mostrador de referencia

Solo quería responder a los dos últimos comentarios que hiciste aquí . Soy de Nueva Inglaterra, ya que tenías curiosidad sobre dónde se asignarían dos de los libros de Rand en la escuela secundaria. Aunque mi pregunta es "educación de cuarto año de pregrado", soy un estudiante de primer año que estudia para obtener un título en ciencias. — Melab±1 02:10, 10 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Eso es razonable. Me especialicé en ciencias y filosofía cuando era estudiante. Repito mi sugerencia de que leas el Manifiesto romántico de Rand y los dos libros sobre el arte de escribir. Introducción a la epistemología objetivista es quizás el libro más difícil que he leído en mi vida (o, al menos, tuve que leerlo dos veces). μηδείς (discusión) 02:18 10 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Problema de la mesa de referencia

Vi tu comentario y quería preguntarte si soy tan indeseable por ahí. Por favor, responde en mi página de discusión o deja un comentario. Gracias y disculpa la molestia. Sra. Bono (zootalk) 20:08, 10 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Cuando me lo pregunto en tu nativo castellano te respondo. μηδείς (discusión) 03:50, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Vi tu comentario en el escritorio de referencias y quería preguntarte si no soy deseado allí. Por favor, responda en mi página de discusión o déjeme un talkback. Gracias y disculpa las molestias. Miss Bono (zootalk) 13:05, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
¿Vas a responder? ¿Vas a responder? Miss Bono (zootalk) 18:44, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Estaba divirtiéndome ahora. Iba a responderte cuando había cenado. Pero brevemente, el problema nunca reside en la persona, sino en sus acciones. Tu pones demasiadios preguntas, preguntas simples cuyas respuestas habrias fácilmente descubiertas si las hubieras buscado tu mismo en Google. Preguntas que buscan opiniones o preguntas subjetivas para que no haya referencias a proveer. La misma pregunta varias veces en la misma pagina. Todo eso es lo que hace un troll de internet . Se que no estas confundido en esto. Algunos te han dicho que no me escuches. Pero son una minoría que no van a darte problemas con nada. Hay otros que no van a tratarte tn suavemente cuando se hayan puesto arto con este tipo de malas costumbres. Pa que sepas, no tengo problema contigo personalmente. Pero eso no quiere decir que voy a abstenerme de decirte bullshit cuando se merezca. μηδείς (discusión) 19:18, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Supongo que usaste Google para traducir lo que comentaste, cometiste unos cuantos errores gramaticales. Para tu información personal, no tengo acceso a Google, foros o cualquier otra fuente donde pueda responderme las preguntas que hago, si no hubiera ido a Google. Las preguntas no las hago en la misma página, unas en la sección de entretenimiento y otras en la miscelánea, pues no obtengo respuesta alguna. Lo que deberías haber hecho desde el principio era explicarme que lo que hago es una mala costumbre y no burlarte, pues si te habrás dado cuenta no soy ningún Troll de la Internet ni pretendo serlo. Por favor, no utilices más la expresión Pa que sepas , suena como si estuvieras amenazando. Trata de ser más condescendiente con los nuevos (como yo) que no están acostumbrados a las reglas del Escritorio de Referencias. Miss Bono (zootalk) 19:59, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Mis errores son mios, aprendí español en la calle, no la escuela ni de mi madre. (Si hubiera usado Google, habrías visto las tildes, ¿no?) Ya sabes lo que nos molesta, y no solo a mi. Aun que no seas troll (espero que no) son las acciones que importan. Y pa que sepas, nadie me ha nunca dicho que esta frase fuera amenaza! μηδείς (discusión) 20:17, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Oh, ya veo. Amenaza no fue la mejor palabra. ¿Estás enojado conmigo? Por alguna razón, el tono en tu respuesta me lo dio a entender. Por favor, no tomes mi conducta como algo hecho a postas, son errores de novatos, que con una buena explicación. Ahora sé que dirigirme al Ref desk de entretenimiento es en vano, pero si hago mis preguntas en el Misc. Me dicen que no es el lugar apropiado. ¿Algún consejo? ¿Podemos hacer las paces? ¿Te tengo que tratar como ella o como él ? Miss Bono (zootalk) 20:23, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
¡Por la última puta vez! ¡No estoy feliz contigo! (Chisteando). Hay dos cosas. Cuando la pregunta sea claramente sobre entratenenimiento, debe ser localizado en entretenimiento. A veces no te dan respuestas porque no saben la respuesta o porque la piensan demasiado vaga, o que no merece respuesta por otra cosa. La otra cosa es que nunca debe ser más de una copia de una pregunta por una vez entre todas las páginas de referencia. En el futuro, cuando hayas preguntado algo y haya pasado una semana podrás preguntarla otra vez en otra página. μηδείς (discusión) 20:36, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Gracias Medeis... Por favor, ¿puedes firmar mi libro de visitas ? Puedes usar el Español o el Inglés... Incluso el Irlandés ;)... No dijistes si eras un él o una ella . ¡Excelente página de usuario por cierto! y que tengas buen español callejero :) Miss Bono (zootalk) 20:42, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Oh, pues, aquí no me identifica como mujer u hombre porque he tenido problemas con eso en el pasado. (Alguien me buscaba fuera de wikipedia como stalker.) A mi no mimporta como me tratas con tal que me tutees. Pa que sepas, mi nombre medeis quiere decir "nadie" en griego. μηδείς (discusión) 20:44, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Uf, eso debió ser terrible (lo del stalker). Lo lamento. ¿Qué español aprendiste?... tu forma de escribir se parece mucho al argot cubano ( no mimporta y pa que sepas ). Ya te dejé el enlace a mi libro de visitas, no dudes en firmarlo en cualquier momento. Y por petición :) te tutearé, pero... ¿no prefieres hablar inglés? Miss Bono (zootalk) 20:50, 11 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Lo mejor parte de mi familia es Ruso, ningun Latino. Hasta que tenia 4 años yo vivia en Puerto Rico y Texas donde trabajaba mi padre. Cuando me mude al Norte se me olvido hablar español hasta que fui a trabajar con mexicanos como adolescente. Y cuando sali de la universidad fui a vivir en Nueva York donde pasó más de veinte años con los dominicanos. Una vez cuando tenia como veinte años conoci un muchacho de Mexico en una barra aqui en los EEUU que me pregunto donde yo vivia en Oaxaca. Fue por mi acento; No, él nunca visitó México. A veces digo algo un poco extraño. Estudia frances y aleman en la escuela. A veces cuando no se o no puedo recordarme una palabra en español me pregunto como se dice en frances e intento traducirla o convertirla de frances. Por eso, una vez estaba con unos amigos mexicanos en el parque (hace 25 años). Tenia sed, y seguía diciendo, quiero agua, que me dicen si veen una fontana ....donde esta la fontana ? (Fue porque en frances se llama la fontaine ) Después de mas que una hora alguien dijo "aqui esta la fuente . Le pege el brazo y le dije, pendejo, como voy a mejorar mi español cuando tienen verguenza de corregirme? μηδείς (talk) 00:53, 12 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]
Es una historia graciosa. Eres un experto en idiomas. cuando yo sea mayor quiero ser como tú. Gracias por tu firma :) Y Go U2! :) Miss Bono (zootalk) 11:45, 12 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ respuesta ]



He revisado tu página. Revisé la enorme lista de páginas recién creadas y confirmé que tu página estaba bien : no era spam, no era una página de ataque, no violaba los derechos de autor ni tenía ninguna de las otras razones por las que borraría la página de alguien sin preguntar. Luego hice clic en "revisada" para quitarla de la lista de "páginas que aún no han sido revisadas" y pasé a la siguiente entrada. Eso es todo. DS ( discusión ) 00:25 13 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

  • Bueno, básicamente es un mensaje automático típico de las páginas nuevas. Gracias. μηδείς (discusión) 00:26 13 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Primera línea de defensa

Hola, Medeis.

Uno de los problemas que tengo con tu enfoque de la comunicación humana es cómo sueles responder a cualquier problema que otros planteen sobre tus acciones. Tu primera línea de defensa suele ser "¿De qué diablos estás hablando?" o algo similar. Eso es una negación rotunda de lo que dice el otro editor. Pero peor aún; es como decir "Tu punto de vista es tan lógicamente absurdo que no puedo creer que lo estés planteando de buena fe" . Es decir, estás más o menos sugiriendo que hay otra agenda en juego. Y luego continúas hablando de que todo lo que has publicado era de buena fe. Es decir, afirmas tu propia buena fe pero, de forma encubierta y sin ninguna prueba, la niegas de los demás. Es una falta total de respeto hacia el otro. Así, de todos modos, es como recibo declaraciones como "¿De qué diablos estás hablando?" .

¿No sería mejor responder de una manera que realmente reconozca (o al menos no niegue) que la otra persona, sea quien sea, tiene una preocupación legítima que tiene todo el derecho de plantear y que está actuando de buena fe? Es decir, a menos que tenga evidencia clara y objetiva de que ese no es el caso. Está bien estar en desacuerdo con cualquier punto que estén planteando y está bien defender sus acciones, pero no está bien sugerir que un punto no tiene mérito intrínseco y, por lo tanto, procede de otra cosa, como un sesgo personal en su contra. Puede sentir un nivel de inseguridad y la necesidad de defenderse de los enemigos percibidos, pero eso no equivale a que otras personas al azar sean en realidad sus enemigos.

Mi única preocupación en los Ref Desks es siempre asegurarme de que funcionen de manera armoniosa y eficaz. Si eso significa poner el foco en las acciones de un editor en particular, que así sea. No puedo hablar por los demás, pero mi foco siempre está puesto en las acciones de alguien, nunca en esa persona en lo personal. Y también funciona a la inversa; otros han puesto el foco en mis acciones en un buen número de ocasiones. No puedo decir que me guste especialmente que me muestren como alguien equivocado; es vergonzoso e incómodo para alguien que lo sabe todo como yo. Pero nunca siento que me estén faltando al respeto personalmente en esos intercambios.

Quizás deberías pensarlo. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 22:17 14 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Aprecio el hecho de que te hayas tomado el tiempo de escribir esto. Francamente, todavía me sorprende que hayas pensado que estaba tratando de insultar al OP en el último asunto en la mesa de árbitros. Pero acepto que estás actuando de buena fe, incluso si creo que puedes estar un poco sobresensibilizado y no siempre deberías ver todo lo que digo a la luz de que anteriormente estuve en desacuerdo contigo en otros asuntos. Gracias por la comunicación. μηδείς (discusión) 22:23 14 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias por reconocer mi buena fe. No he negado la tuya en este asunto. Nunca he dicho que estuvieras "tratando de insultar al OP". Pero a veces, podemos ofender sin querer. Para calmar tu sorpresa, déjame ver si puedo explicar mi posición un poco más claramente y luego esto puede ir al asilo de ancianos que tanto anhela.
El autor de la publicación original no dijo que "realmente le gusta" IMdB. Al contrario, dijo que "se ha desencantado de él". Llegó al punto de afirmar explícitamente que no daría sus razones. El objetivo principal -el objetivo principal- de su llegada al Ref Desk era encontrar otro sitio que ofreciera información similar. Si hubiera querido resolver sus problemas con IMdB, habría pedido precisamente eso. Es como cuando un autor de la publicación original hace una pregunta y dice que no le interesan las opiniones de nadie, sino únicamente las referencias publicadas, y el primer encuestado comienza diciendo "Creo que...".
Mira, aprecio que hayas intentado ser útil, por si sirve de algo. Pero ¿no ves lo equivocados que pueden ser a veces esos intentos, cuando te desvías completamente del tema e intentas adivinar lo que el autor de la pregunta no te ha preguntado, sino lo que crees que realmente está preguntando, o lo que crees que necesita saber aunque no lo haya pedido? No hay ninguna prueba de que el autor de la pregunta quiera resolver sus problemas (sean los que sean) con IMDB. No hay ninguna prueba de que el problema tenga algo que ver con el espionaje. Pero incluso si esa fuera la verdadera razón del autor de la pregunta, ¿no ves que simplemente darles órdenes ("Desactivar las cookies y seguir usando IMDB") es realmente, realmente, realmente grosero? ¿Y no ves que afirmaciones como "No es como si fueran la NSA o algo así" son ofensivas, condescendientes y despectivas? La primera regla de una buena redacción es ponerse en el lugar del lector. Es curioso cómo, en el acto de intentar ser empáticamente útiles en un nivel, podemos exhibir una sorprendente falta de empatía en otro. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 23:59 14 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Entiendo tu punto de vista. El comentario sobre la NSA fue sincero, aunque de forma desenfadada (conozco a gente que tiene miedo de que eso sea una exageración). Y la parte de que realmente me gusta IMDb fue en respuesta a ti, no parte de mi declaración original al autor original. También notarás que tomé en serio tu preocupación y amplié mi publicación original para que fuera menos abrupta antes de darme cuenta de que habías iniciado un hilo en la página de discusión. En este punto, el autor original ha vuelto a publicar en la misma página y no se ha quejado de mi respuesta. En cualquier caso, como dije, me disculparé con él si se muestra molesto. -Me(deis) μηδείς (discusión) 00:27, 15 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. -- Jack of Oz [Discusión] 02:06 15 jul 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Restaurar contenidos duplicados

Gran parte del contenido del artículo de Everclear que volviste a incluir es duplicado y se extendió a lo largo de varios artículos. La cuestión de la ley estatal por estado se aborda con espíritu de rectificación y se debería haber considerado la sugerencia del otro usuario "agregar ver también". También introdujiste una página de entrada de spam basura que es WP:ELNO y no WP:RS . ¿Por qué? Cantaloupe2 ( discusión ) 23:29, 16 de julio de 2013 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hi, Medeis. Do you think I should add "reported", "alleged", or "supposed" ... former Mexican drug lord to the intro of the article? I'm thinking of doing it but thought I should get a second opinion from you before jumping to it. Gracias, ComputerJA () 00:16, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. I am loath to get involved in the article, too much on my plate as it is. I am short on the facts. If he himself has claimed the title no qualification is necessary in the lead. (NO one at ITN has suggested he has claimed the title.) If the police have called him that, then alleged is standard. If the press have called him that, or others have, they should be named in the article body ({{WP:ATTRIBUTE]]) and then "reported" can be used in the lead. "Supposed" is no good, we don't do supposition in BLP's. If it is both alleged by police and reported by the press then alledged is better as it is the more specific term and official action. μηδείς (talk) 00:30, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, I added "alleged" to the intro. I might just go back and double check other articles and add the word alleged too... Good day, ComputerJA () 00:38, 17 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

In the News Credit Son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge


Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Miscellaneous#Hours_and_hours.3F.3F.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Tienes un mensaje, Miss Bono [zootalk] 18:38, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Chequea mi talk page. Miss Bono [zootalk] 20:06, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Otro mensaje :) Miss Bono [zootalk] 20:34, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Gracias por el mensaje. Ya entendí. See you later alligator :) Miss Bono [zootalk] 12:14, 24 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Regarding the book recommendation

Thanks. I've already known about the book's existence. I'm partly familiar with Ayn Rand's history of philosophy (Kant → Hegel → Marx → everything bad in the 21st cetury) and I'm skeptical of the way she impugned Immanuel Kant, though I understand how one might see a connection between him and postmodernism. The forum that I mentioned here actually has quite a few Objectivist scholars on it. One of them is a bit more positive about Kant. — Melab±1 19:20, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The interesting thing is, Hicks doesn't have to push the Randian point, it's all right there in the other philosopher's own words. I do find her Kant bashing offputting, largely since it is obsessive and unsupported in her own works. Bad press like that (hers for Kant) makes you sympathize with the one being attacked. (I also think Hicks gets Nietzsche wrong to a large extent.) I just finished reading Hick's book last month. If you have not actually read it is actually very good, not something I say just because of my Randian sympathies. μηδείς (talk) 19:38, 23 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

DYK-Good Article Request for Comment

Random "Talk: you have new messages" messages?

After someone left me a real talk page message, I stopped getting the fake thing. Perhaps this message will resolve the problem for you as it did for me. Might help if you'd report at VPT what happens after you get this message, especially if the fakes continue. Nyttend (talk) 22:18, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

That's weird I got two real messages and only one talk notification. But it does seem to have stopped thanks. μηδείς (talk) 23:57, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

OMG! OMG OMG! OMG MOMG OMG! What is this? Can I stop freaking out? (Thanks.)

If you don't want to add to the drama, there is no need to comment. Thanks. --Onorem (talk) 22:32, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

One can have a little fun panic every once in a while. μηδείς (talk) 23:55, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Sección borrada

Si es posible, necesito que me des tu opinion en una sección que yo misma borré del Ref Desk, buescala en la Historia. Post it in my talk. As they said, that's not a question for the Ref Desk, but I want some opinion. I need to solve a problem in my novel :) Thanks in advance. Miss Bono [zootalk] 16:16, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Tienes nuevo(s) mensaje(s) Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.
Tienes nuevo(s) mensaje(s) Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.
Tienes nuevo(s) mensaje(s) Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.
Tienes nuevo(s) mensaje(s) Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.
Tienes nuevo(s) mensaje(s) Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.

Dejé un mensaje para ti en mi Talk page! POr favor, no envíes ningún correo. Miss Bono [zootalk] 19:53, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Estas por ahi??? Miss Bono [zootalk] 12:40, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Medeis. You just renamed the redirect Mason-Dixon line to "Mason–Nixon line". The article was already in the right place (Mason–Dixon line), so I have reverted the inadvertent tribute to Tricky Dick. :) Favonian (talk) 19:52, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

... and Charles Manson?? Is this what you consider a plausible misspelling? Favonian (talk) 20:01, 1 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps English is not your native language, but in any case "tourist" is not, in any way, at any time, in any place or under any circumstances a "racist" description. It can be used pejoratively, but that depends entirely on the situation and how it is used. To describe a person who is a resident of one country who is vacationing or having a holiday in another country as a "tourist" is perfectly acceptable. Beyond My Ken (talk) 01:26, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I am fine with your using vacationer. (Using "tourist" to hide the fact he's a Greek in Greece is indeed reverse racism--but "vacationer" is fine. μηδείς (talk) 01:28, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Eileen Brennan, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Private Benjamin (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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El Manantial

No pude encontrar el libro. Parece más difícil de lo que pensé :'( Miss Bono [zootalk] 19:30, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

La autor (si se puede decir "la autor"?) Ayn Rand es Rusa que nacio antes de la revolucion comunista. Mudo a los EUU durante la tirania de Stalin y escribio tres novelas, Los que vivimos, una autobiografia ficcionalizda de que se adopciono dos peliculas italianas: "Noi Vivi" y "Addio Kira", y las novelas que ya te he recomendido, El manantial, y La rebelion de atlas. Son muy conocidas como anticomunistas. Pero la politica no es lo que importa con esas novelas. Son muy romanticos con argumentos muy complejos y divirtiendos sobre el amor y las relaciones humanas. Cuando te guste Stranger in a Strange Land, ellas te van a placer mas. μηδείς (talk) 19:45, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh! Entiendo. No, se dice la autora :)... Tendré que darme por vencida en encontrar los libros. Dime algo; tienes conocimiento de cómo nominar un Portal a Featured Portal? he estado mejorándolo. Qué te parece? Miss Bono [zootalk] 19:53, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No, no se nada de portales. Hay que preguntar a "help" or "ref desks". Intentas a leer toda la novela "Stranger"? μηδείς (talk) 20:08, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
estoy en eso. Cuando el trabajo me lo permite. llego muy cansada a casa. Cuando lo termine te lo harésaber. Miss Bono [zootalk] 20:11, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Y que tu haces de trabajo? μηδείς (talk) 20:13, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Trabjo como informatica :) hasta que haga las pruebas para entrar a estudiar sociologia en la universidad de la habana Miss Bono [zootalk] 20:16, 2 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks for pointing out the best answer. I have a doubt; what's the Spanish for The question draws sympathy? Thanks again. Miss Bono [zootalk] 19:31, 6 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

HELLO! Just to let you know that I've mentioned you in this Sockpuppet investigation (not as a sockpuppet yourself!) - and it looks like something you might be into watchlisting anyway. Horatio Snickers (talk) 16:54, 8 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

CA3's block

This section and the links it contains should answer your question. Sorry if my hatting at RD/S was frustrating, but that is the wrong place to discuss this. -- Scray (talk) 21:58, 10 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

This is relevant, too. It really was a remarkable, protracted slide into surrealism. It's hard to convey how frustrating it was at the time. I agree that knowing about this helps one understand folks' reaction in current context. If you want to see more, just search for the user's name (quite distinctive) and "spelling" or "apostrophe" - there's plenty in the archives. -- Scray (talk) 22:11, 10 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, I didn't mind the hatting. I've had a certain user try to correct my grammar often enough it was fun to yank his chain a bit. And not that I am really interested in wading into that tarpit, but I assume there must be a lot more since then to justify the continuing block. Looking at his contribuitions, CA3 he was a way-above-average contributor. μηδείς (talk) 23:57, 10 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
CA3 was a great contributor in some ways; however, sustained disruption combined with WP:IDHT can sink anyone. The contributions delayed but didn't prevent the fall - very sad. -- Scray (talk) 01:39, 11 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Kind of Talkback :)

You got message on my talk :) Miss Bono [zootalk] 20:29, 14 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Entity, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Components (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 11:06, 15 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You have a lot of nerve

Trolling? Do you think that I’m an idiot? How was I trolling? Is asking sexual questions trolling? Did it cross your mind for a nanosecond that I may not have been trolling? Is there a sliver of consideration in your brain that you might be paranoid? You are really pissing me off. If wanted to troll, then I’d go to a chan board. -- (talk) 23:26, 15 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Diff [14]. μηδείς (talk) 23:47, 15 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have no idea why you would think that I was advocating rape. If you knew me, you would know that I never advocate any sexual abuse under any circumstances. You still haven’t explained anything, you are just being annoyingly arrogant. Look at my contributions: do they look like something a typical troll would make? Please unlock the discussion. -- (talk) 23:57, 15 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You are just so obnoxiously sure of yourself, aren't you? -- (talk) 03:59, 23 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

August 2013

Hello, I'm BracketBot. I have automatically detected that your edit to Miami cannibal attack may have broken the syntax by modifying 2 "[]"s. If you have, don't worry, just edit the page again to fix it. If I misunderstood what happened, or if you have any questions, you can leave a message on my operator's talk page.

List of unpaired brackets remaining on the page:
  • in the foreground, while ''The Miami Herald'' building can be partially seen in the center left.]]

Thanks, BracketBot (talk) 18:22, 19 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Humanities ref desk

I'm intending to delete that entire sermon, plus your brief response. If you disagree, feel free to add it back. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:38, 23 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Feel free. μηδείς (talk) 00:47, 24 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

RfC relating to Vietnamese geo article titles

Since you participated in Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (Vietnamese)/Archive 2 you may wish to be informed of Talk:Gia Bình District#RfC: Should non-exonym Vietnam geo article titles have Vietnamese alphabet spellings?. Thank you. In ictu oculi (talk) 11:57, 25 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You do realize that we don't allow popular culture items to be cited to primary sources, right? The pop culture reference must be significant enough to have been discussed in a third-party reference in the context of the subject of the article it is being placed in. That's how we make sure that they are notable references and avoid accumulating long list of trivia, which this is.

See WP:IPC for details. Yworo (talk) 19:58, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Wrong, that's an essay, not a policy. The policy is that the article must be notable enough to be recognized in secondary or tertiary sources. Separate parts of the article require only sources, which may be primary. μηδείς (talk) 20:19, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
And policy says we don't use primary sources. The essay is based on existing policy and is absolutely correct about how it should be applied. The main question to answer is, How does the addition of an item enhance our understanding of the subject of the article. If that can't be answered, it's trivia. So tell me, how do those pieces of trivia enhance our understanding of "Kilroy was here" rather than just being random details about "other stuff"? Yworo (talk) 20:59, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Nope, you're wrong. We don't allow the accumulation of pointless trivia under "In popular culture" sections. Yworo (talk) 22:18, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
My argument has not changed. The quality of the sourcing is how we tell whether a reference is significant vs trivial. Yworo (talk) 22:28, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

My talk page

Please don't repost messages I've removed from my talk page. It's rude. And against WP:TALK. I noted that I had read it in my removal, and that's more than you are entitled to. Yworo (talk) 22:27, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Again, please don't restore messages I have removed from my talk page. See WP:OWNTALK. "Users may freely remove comments from their own talk pages". You can be blocked for breaking 3RR on my talk page, and I will report it if you do not stop. Piss off. Yworo (talk) 22:33, 26 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Medeis.

I read your recent comment that you pronounce "only" as "olnly". I've known a few people who do this, and I'm always left wondering why they go out of their way to make it harder for themselves than is necessary.

In a building I once worked in, we had regular fire drills and practice evacuations, and the warden would announce over the PA system beforehand that it was "a fire drill olnly". Nobody ever knew her name, but she became known as "Ms Olnly".

So, I'm wondering if you can enlighten me why you do this? Was it the way your parents spoke, for example? Cheers. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 21:18, 27 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I have to assume it is my native Delaware Valley or South Jersey dialect. I will see if I can elicit a pronunciation form my family without them being self-conscious. I suspect they say the same thing. It would be a form of phonetic assimilation caused by anticipation of the /l/ phoneme, which shares more characteristics with /o/ than it does with /i/. For example, Belgrade is actually Beograd in Serbian. I actually remember being shocked to learn that "uninted" was spelt "united". Have you ever heard the prior form? μηδείς (talk) 21:24, 27 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No, not really. It reminds me of "annointed". How old were you before you realised you were not a citizen of the "Uninted States"? -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 01:09, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've never heard anyone use "olnly" or "uninted". I would wonder about the quality of their education, if I had, that neither family nor school ever corrected them. Bielle (talk) 03:04, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I graduated 6th out of 500, got an 1800 SAT. I think the pronunciations are part of the South Jersey dialect, since no one has ever corrected me--although I have had New Yorkers correct me for saying "farhead" for "forehead" which is typical of the Philly area. (Whereas New Yorkers say "foward" instead of "forward".) μηδείς (talk) 03:11, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

@ Jack, It would have been the third grade, since we hadn't studied cursive yet, but I remember actually being shocked, as the word was something I thought I already knew properly. I turned nine in the middle of the term. Sad to say this is the only thing I remember of Mrs. Hatton's class. Of course, I dated a girl I met when I was 20 who said "nucular" and, ... "pixture." Yes, 18 and she said "pixture". But she was the valedictorian of the Catholic school my sister went to. μηδείς (talk) 03:11, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You should of [sic] aksed [sic] her if she reconised [sic] she was talking wrong [sic].  :) -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 03:35, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, God. Yes, she also said aksed. Her mother was cultured, but her father was a drunken Irish lout, which I say olnly because he was a drunken Irish lout. He was convinced the Beatles, as Brits, were involved in the assassination of Kennedy. We dated for ten years--a really sweet girl once she started talking proper. μηδείς (talk) 03:49, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I wasn't challenging the quality of your education; after all, I have never heard you use either pronunciation. :) "Nucular" I have heard, most often from an unlamented former American president. I have also heard "jag you ar" - 3 syllables instead of two. The same people are apt to say "bye ling you al". "Pixture" is also new to me. I wonder that no teacher would ever have corrected her. Bielle (talk) 03:31, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I was actually quite privileged to attend what was the best high school in South Jersey at the time. We had Rutgers professors offering Biochemistry, British History, and various other courses including my AP English class (in which we regularly discussed German, French, Greek, Latin and Old and Middle English) that were based on university level curricula. μηδείς (talk) 03:55, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Mistake? Or did you intend this to happen?

Should I assume good faith here? Dismas|(talk) 03:56, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

If you see this again, it is some sort of browser glitch. μηδείς (talk) 04:02, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

September 2013

Icono de información Hello, I'm Slawekb. I noticed that you recently removed some content from Wikipedia:Reference desk/Mathematics‎ without explaining why. In the future, it would be helpful to others if you described your changes to Wikipedia with an edit summary. If this was a mistake, don't worry: I restored the removed content. If you would like to experiment, you can use the sandbox. If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks! Sławomir Biały (talk) 02:30, 8 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I commented at the talk page, I believe. μηδείς (talk) 02:41, 8 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
My bad. In the future, please use an edit summary to avoid such misunderstandings. Sławomir Biały (talk) 12:24, 8 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No problem. I didn't think it would be possible for anyone to react more quickly than I would put the talk page comment

philly dialect



Hi μηδείς and thanks for your comment on Wamikagami's talk page about the term "Finno-Ugric". You may be interested that I have raised the issue at Talk:Uralic_languages#Finno-Ugric. Cheers and thanks again, KœrteFa {ταλκ} 20:20, 12 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

--SpencerT♦C 00:17, 13 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]


You have message :) Miss Bono [zootalk] 18:46, 13 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]


...this,[15] all I can say is, "You beat me to it!" The OP lobbed a softball and you took it downtown. :) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:37, 15 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates.
Message added 21:22, 16 September 2013 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

It is kindly suggested that you retract the personal attack you made at WP:ITN. v/r, Michaelzeng7 (talk) 21:22, 16 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

perhaps, but please provide a diff, since I am unaware of which edit you are referring to. μηδείς (talk) 21:25, 16 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Let's be clear here - I removed your PA, and you've just immediately repeated it. Saying someone made a racist comment == someone is racist. Please redact your comment now, or ANI is the next step. Black Kite (talk) 22:20, 16 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Icono de información Hello. There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Black Kite (talk) 22:36, 16 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]


I have blocked you for 24 hours for edit warring. LadyofShalott 03:10, 17 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I don't accept the validity of that block. Attacks against Americans are personal insults and there is no ground for restoring such comments. You and other univolved administrators have inserted yourselves with no reason, while the involved editors had not commented n the proposed solution. μηδείς (talk) 03:12, 17 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation to withdraw

Your attention is drawn to this edit. I expect a reply. MonumentallyIncompetent (talk) 03:56, 17 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

º*ºA Barnstar for youº*º

The Barnstar of Good Humor
I am still intrigued... how do you know almost everything on everything :D... Thank you very much for your help at the RefDesk Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:49, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I am terribly ignorant on almost all sports topics, on electricity and electronics, and on mathematics above intermediate calculus, as well as many applied things like engineering. I also know very little on Asian history and cultures, most politics outside the US, most modern and foreign literature... (I'll stop here, because the longer I think the longer that list will get.) So I simply don't comment on those topics unless there's a random fact I do know. I answer a lot at the ref desks (1) because I can type as fast a I think, (2) I write for pleasure, and (3) I am usually multitasking on my computer, and edit wikipedia between tasks. My areas of expertise are biology, philosophy, and linguistics, so I answer a lot of that type of question. I am also an insomniac and heavy reader, so I am usually reading 3-5 books at any time, in widely varying subjects, with the point of learning the basics and essentials in any topic I do study. Right now I am reading: 1493, The New World Columbus Created by Charles Mann, The Browning Version, a popular classical play by Englishman Terrence Rattigan, After the Ice Age on the glaciation of North America by E. C. Pielou, and Hmong-Mien Language History by Martha Ratliff. Thanks for the Barnstar! μηδείς (talk) 19:12, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Wao! You do read :O... I love reading as well. I recently bought an English version of The Da Vinci Code and I am reading it, after reading the Spanish version a couple of times. Willing to buy Inferno by Dan Brown. Have you read Veronica Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho or anything by James Joyce? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:18, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I watched the Da Vinci Code. I tried reading it, but only got about 80 pages in. I know the actual history and the reasoned speculation too well, so I had a hard time suspending my disbelief. (I kept thinking, "wrong! wrong! al wrong!" I would recommend Jesus by A. N. Wislon, The Complete Gospels by Robert J. Miller, and King Jesus by Robert Graves if you are interested in The Da Vinci Code. You would probably also like The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.
I was required to read Joyce's Portrait of the Artist of a Young Man in my last year of High School, and disliked it greatly. I haven't tried to read anything else by Joyce.
I have not read, but will look at that book by Coelho.
My favorite authors/books are: J. R. R. Tolkien, Ayn Rand, Shakespeare, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert, Michael Crichton, Umberto Eco, Ursula K. Leguin, George Orwell, G. K. Chesterton, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Herman Melville, (some books by) Stephen King, Larry Niven; Watership Down, The Mists of Avalon, I, Claudius, Interview with a Vampire/The Vampire L'Estat. Mostly science fiction, some fantasy, and literature from 1850-1950. If there is a recommendation you are looking for in a certain topic, let me know.
I am curious if you have seen any films by Pedro Almodovar? μηδείς (talk) 20:26, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've read The Name of the Rose and loved it. As for Veronica Decides to Die, it is excellent!... I don't like much sci-fi or fantasy--
I will ask you when I need some information :D
And yes, I have seen a couple of Almodover films... Volver is my favourite. I don't like Penelope Cruz, tough. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:34, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I hate Penelope Cruz in English language movies. But Almodovar uses her well. I have seen all his movies at least twice, and most of them at least six times, if not more. Have you seen La flor de mi secreto or Tacones lejanos? You should see Sin noticias de Dios with Cruz. It is really good. If you liked The Name of the Rose you have to read Graves's I, Claudius. μηδείς (talk) 20:42, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I just read the articel for Veronika Decides to Die. I usually very much dislike stories about disease or victimhood, so I doubt I would like this, except that it seems to have a good ending. I would watch the movie, and if I like it I would read the book. But I am not a fan of Sarah Michelle Geller who stars in the movie. Is Coelho an author you like? Is this his best book? μηδείς (talk) 20:53, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I saw "Tacones lejanos". AS for Veronika... I think it is one of the best books of Coelho and I love his way of expressing, I had a very good Literature professor who told me once that my style was similar to his (Coelho's), so I guess that's why I like his work. My favourite writers are Shakespeare, James Joyce, Pablo Neruda, Paulo Coelho and Dan Brwon. I've read a couple of books by Stephen King, my favourite is The Green Mile. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 12:27, 24 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Have you read something by Seamus_Heaney? Oh, and I don't like Buffy either. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:47, 24 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I recommend La flor de mi secreto, I think it is his best movie. My favorite by King is The Stand. I can recommend 11/22/63 as well. Of Heaney, I read the first 20 pages or so of his Beowulf translation, but didn't like it, and ended up getting a translation by another author. I suppose I will have to try Joyce if you recommend him. μηδείς (talk) 19:14, 24 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I am trying to get Death of a Naturalist by Heany, but I just can't find it anywhere. I will try to rent, the movie you pointed out. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:21, 24 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Comment to Manning case.

Hello. I saw you posted a comment on the Final decision page of the Manning case. That specific page, however, is just for the arbitrators. I suggest you self-revert and post your comment to the talk page instead. Regards, Iselilja (talk) 19:36, 29 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You mean the arbitration page's talk page? If mere editors aren't supposed to post there, the page should be protected. μηδείς (talk) 19:38, 29 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Your comment on the Manning arbitration decision page

Thank you for your comment on the proposed decision page in the Manning naming case. However, please note that only the arbitrators vote and comment on that page. Your comments on the proposed decision are welcome, but they should be posted on the talkpage instead. Thanks and regards, Newyorkbrad (talk) 19:40, 29 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Why is that page not protected? (Don't answer, rhetorical, see above). μηδείς (talk) 19:43, 29 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Your comments

Hi. I thought your comments about me on the Manning discussion were unnecessarily inflammatory and offensive - you could have found an equally effective and far more courteous way to say that you thought I was unsuitable to close the discussion. Keilana|Parlez ici 03:31, 1 October 2013 (UTC)ou[reply]

  • I was actually on my way to post here when Keilana beat me to it, yay edit conflicts. Your comments do not match up with the idea of WP:CIVIL, the idea of Wikipedia featuring a collegial environment, or frankly, the idea of exercising common decency when dealing with other people. Disagreeing with someone is fine, including disagreeing with the appropriateness of someone closing a particular discussion. Your style of disagreement... not so much. Frankly I found your edit summary 'juvenile, vulgar, opinionated and unable to address the issue objectively' much more applicable to you than to Keilana. Kevin Gorman (talk) 03:43, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Keilani is the one who went off wicki to call opponents of the move bigots and homophobes. AS an LGB person who supports the move I found her comments juvenile, uncivil, and unconstructive. I cannot believe someone like her is an admin. She should ideally be desysoped immediately and removed from the question at hand. She should definitely be removed from the question at hand. Let me state I expect she would support the move I support. But that has nothing to do with her ability to function as an informed adult. μηδείς (talk) 04:27, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
"But that has nothing to do with her ability to function as an informed adult" This is a great example of the kind of rhetoric that has made the topic area needlessly unpleasant. Consider this a formal warning to lay off the personal attacks. Mark Arsten (talk) 16:14, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
My age may be showing in questioning Keilana's maturity. I'd have been shocked to hear any of my girlfriends speak that way when I was in college. I think the cursing and her calling those who disagree with her bigots in this public statement at youtube speaks for itself. I am sure she's a nice person, but I don't have anything further to say about my opinion of the standards I'd expect an admin to adhere to. μηδείς (talk) 16:57, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Your input

in this section would be very appreciated. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:23, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Funny thing is in 20+ years I have never been to an Italian restaurant in NYC. I will be busy for the next 4 hours, but will reply later. μηδείς (talk) 17:27, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, no problem. Thanks! Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:30, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the answer. Would you give a look to the part of the proposal? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:45, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I am not sure where that is, please link to it for me. μηδείς (talk) 19:15, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
It's a couple of comments above, same section. StuRat made a comment about it. Starts with ;D. Paolo's sounds good... Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:17, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
You mean within the same thread? μηδείς (talk) 19:47, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, sorry for my bad English. Dentro del mismo thread. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:50, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Your English was not at all the problem, section and thread mean pretty much the same thing, and those words are new enough regarding the internet. I simply assumed you meant a different topic on the same page, and couldn't find the relevant heading. I'll look again. μηδείς (talk) 20:43, 2 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You have new message/s Hello. You have a new message at Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Miscellaneous#Ubersexual's talk page. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 15:35, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You have another message there. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:56, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
You should close the discussion. By the way, I like Jodie Foster's movies. Fav one Panic Room, I don't like at all Kristen Stewart. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:11, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I must ask... do you like U2? or Bono? or their music? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:17, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I like U2 very much, have all but their latest albums, have seen them in concert. I remember when War came out, how great it was, and borrowing the album from a friend to make a cassette copy. Bono strikes me as quite intelligent and admirable, with a lot better head on his shoulders than most musicians or activists. I just don't find him sexually attractive. The only group I would really say I was a fan of in the way you are of U2 would be Eurythmics/Annie Lennox and later Pantera. I am almost old enough to be your grandparent, so its hard for me to express the enthusiasm of youth. μηδείς (talk) 18:38, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh cool! I guess I will never see them in concert. War is so great, but I must confess that my favourite album is Achtung Baby, followed by The Joshua Tree. I also have performanced Beautiful Day in front of 2000 people when I was at school a couple of years ago. It was awesome.
I literally love Bono (that's a youth thing, I guess). I got goose pimples when I listen to his song (mainly songs from Achtung Baby). But, as a human being, he has flaws; he is intelligent, clever, and a few more couple of adjectives, but sometimes he is... well you know. I admire him, tough, because he is where he is now because of his brilliant mind.
Oh, Annie Lennox... I remember watching the Live8 DVD and singing along with her Sweet Dreams... it was cool, pretty cool.
I am curious now... how old are you? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:55, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I don't like to give away too many details, because I had a stalker with my first wikipedia account who was tracking me on other websites and harassing me. But I graduated high school in the 80's. Annie Lennox was the first musician I had a crush on. I remember about 6 months after Sweet Dreams came out, coming home on the school bus one day. I heard a new song, and knew right away it was Eurythmics (LOve is a Stranger). When the bus stopped at a traffic light I got out of the seat against the rules and ran up and told the driver to turn up the volume. She let me stay in the front seat. That night I got permission to stay up after midnight, when they aired an hour of music videos on regular TV. I was so excited to see the video! I recorded it on my cassette player from the TV speaker. μηδείς (talk) 19:06, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
So you have pretty much Bono's age or you are older. Oh no! Bono cannot be my grandpa (0_o).
Music is the best thing ever. When I was at school, they were very strict about the schedule, so I called my mom telling her I was feeling sick, so she came to pick me up... the secret reason? they were going to broadcast 3 music videos of U2 at 13:00. With or Without You, I Still Haven't Found... and All Because of You. I got home just in time to see them. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:44, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, no, he is older than me. Always has been, so far as I remember. μηδείς (talk) 20:51, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


You have new message/s Hello. You have a new message at Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Entertainment#Black_Wind_White_Land's talk page.

I'd appreciate your help on this one. Thanks. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:05, 3 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have responded to your offer of posting what's on IMDb on Black Wind White Land. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:37, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Calmate, hija, ya te he contestado, jeje. (Antes de que me recordaste aqui.) Vivo pa servir. μηδείς (talk) 19:45, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Jajajajaja, me recordaste a mi mejor amiga. La paciencia no es uno de mis dones, I guess. Siempre estoy apresurada. Mi amiga me dice SIEMPRE: Cálmate, hija!. Gracias por postear lo que había en imdb. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:48, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ref desk

Please explain why this request for opinions is now unhatted. You are the self-appointed commander of hatting ref desk questions. What about this one makes you think it's appropriate? --Onorem (talk) 00:39, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

[See this thread μηδείς (talk) 01:59, 4 October 2013 (UTC)][reply]
The OP explained when asked that she was looking for a name that would be appropriate for an expensive Italian restaurant in Manhattan. You may be unaware that as a Cuban citizen she has very limited personal access to the internet. (She has editted from a Cuban IP, so I don't think anyone thinks she's a troll. As a fluent Spanish speaker I have no doubt that is her native language.) Many of the answers to her questions have been jocular, and might themselves be hat-worthy. But it is actually possible to give reasonable examples, such as I have done by listing to hi-rated, expensive Italian restaurants from the Village at Yelp. My other example, the Eel and the Artichoke was obviously made up (the foods are italian delicacies), but on the basis of a real, famous, nearby expensive French restaurant. The question can be described as asking for opinion, but not pure opinion, and we do give leeway on questions that ask for educated and justifiable answers. Neither is there any request for medical, legal, or other professional advice. If it matters, I don't think it would really hurt to re-hat the original section. But I don't think you should hat the OP's clarified question or the recent answer from Yelp. I would also address her directly on her talk page to explain your concerns, since it is her question, not mine. You will see that I have told her in several different threads to try to ask the questions she does in was that we can legitimately answer. μηδείς (talk) 01:19, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Onorem's own self-deleted response to the above good faith answer to his inquiry is here. μηδείς (talk) 01:54, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, I will stop asking questions at the ref desk. Don't worry Onorem Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 12:13, 4 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

The Defender of the Wiki Barnstar
In recognition of Medeis' generous and tireless efforts to share his or her knowledge and expertise with the Wikipedia community even in the face of lesser minds and lesser acts by those less enlightened. Medeis is what makes Wikipedia a great place. Market St.⧏ ⧐ Diamond Way 14:38, 5 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks! And I do hope Tammy realizes I was kidding. μηδείς (talk) 16:49, 5 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

(edit: see refdesk discovery) Oh didn't aim it at any specific comment or editor but I will say it this way, personally editors like Tammy I do admire and have no issue with at all, they usually aren't the origin of the lets say sectarian (in all senses of the term) hypocrisy of the vulgar or textually abusive type. But none of this should throw the focus off a very sincere congrats for a great job of attempting to hear and voice all views on wikipedia! Market St.⧏ ⧐ Diamond Way 17:38, 5 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Tea party

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Fine, I'll stop using that term, now that I've explained why I've used it. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 01:49, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 01:51, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
One thing, though: Explain where you got the idea that this is somehow a "gay slur"? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 15:58, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I really do not want to continue this in any form, thanks. μηδείς (talk) 16:54, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
When I looked it up on Google Images just now, it seems to be mostly associated with gay porn rather than straight porn as I has supposed. Ya learn something new every day. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:24, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, good bugs, but please. I have never seen such a thing and am not interested, and really hope I never hear of this topic again, kind of like Keith Olberman. μηδείς (talk) 23:29, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Keith Olbermann...

...is now back to covering sports. You could say his career has come full circle, and not necessarily in a good way. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:45, 6 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Medeis,

I wanted to tell you that finally I wrote the prologue for my novel. It turned out to be a huge help for the plot and I decided to make a few changes. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:17, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
In Spanish, I assume? μηδείς (talk) 18:30, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Both Spanish and English. I still have to make some changes, because I am using real names as a kind of inspiration but I'll change them when I finish. I got what I was looking for though... I have my ideas organized now, I am going to leave some parts I'd planned to add and reveal them as the story progresses. Do you have any suggestion? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:32, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I don't write fiction, since I find dialog impossible. Most good writers write a novel, then go back and rewrite it a few times. Ayn Rand and J. R. R. Tolkien did this. If you can get your hands on Rand's "The Art of Fiction" you will find it incredibly valuable. μηδείς (talk) 19:37, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The odd thing is that I find hard to write dialogs, so I don't use them very often. I prefer narrative and description. Do we have an article on that book? [The Art of Fiction]. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:45, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Our article is a stub The Art of Fiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers and I don't see any way to get the text for you on line. μηδείς (talk) 19:59, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I see if I find anything on that and will let you you asap.
You are really nice by the way. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:03, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, just keep sending barnstars. I'd mail you a copy of the Rand book, is that possible? μηδείς (talk) 20:08, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I will hehehe. I don't know right now. I am changing account, the previous one was property of my best friend but I cannot use it anymore because of some internal issues at her workplace -- that's why the function isn't enable in the Toolbox. I will let you know when I get another email account. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:18, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, We had an interview It was great :D Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:36, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I meant por avion. I don't have a copy I can email, or I would just paste it to your page, chapter by chapter. μηδείς (talk) 21:13, 7 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I don't give out my address via Wikipedia, too risky and not safe at all. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 12:13, 8 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

OP undoing hat

Hey μηδείς, I've got no dog in this edit war, however I would ask that you revert the OP's query to their original one (in the spirit of him not changing his question) makes my response seem bizzare & I'm oddball enough already. Thanks. Market St.⧏ ⧐ Diamond Way 04:21, 9 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You can copy his original post and put it under his, but I would suggest you simply hat his question if he opens it again, since his intention "what can we do?" is obviously to soapbox. μηδείς (talk) 04:36, 9 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Chopper Read

Hi Medeis!
I received a notification that you 'reverted' me at Chopper Read. I note that you did so in order to restore and cite the bit about his knife injury and the length of intestines he lost. So no worries and concur that can't equate feet with several cm. Surprised that I was notified but suppose that is not determined by edit summary.

Have you ever used the cite tool in the edit toolbar, as the ref is not actually linked to the source. I'd do it but I am using an 8" Android tablet to edit as my laptop has 'died' and it is rather difficult for me. I am even having trouble getting my edit cursor to go where I want it to! 220 of Borg 03:18, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I will look at it. I am not the best at formatting cites, but I can get the ref pointed to the right place. I have had three feet of intestine removed, so there was no way I was going to let the "several centimeters" alternative stand, hehe. μηδείς (talk) 03:24, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed, a 30:1 ratio is WP:ridiculous. 'Choppers' page has had a huge increase in views ~x160 to ~80k in one day so important to be accurate, + BLP of course.
(talk page stalker)220 How can one see the increase in views for an article/page. Sorry for pocking my nose. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 15:29, 11 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hola, Miss Bono. You need to go to the pages edit history, then click on 'Page View Statistics,, which is near the top of the page where it says External Links but on the right. After downloading you should see a bar graph showing the number of page views for the last thirty days of that page. You can select other months and if you click on 'toggle 'labels' it will show the actual numbers for each day. The Chopper Read page went from ~500 to over 80,000 views in one day. The x 160 is merely my rough estimate. ps I think you meant "... poking my nose". not "pocking..." :-) 220 of Borg 07:56, 12 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I gave her a direct link to that page, but she says she cannot see that domain (she's editting form work in Cuba). If you have any other suggestions as to how she can get that info, pls put it on her talk page. FYI, she doesn't edit on weekends. μηδείς (talk) 15:50, 12 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I started doing ref formatting manually as an IP for 2+ years, so I got rather good at it. The WP:reftools utility is very useful as it can fill in the entire ref from a bare URL. It can do an entire page of refs in one go, though needs human eyes to double check. So I think that 'tools' are the way to go.
That editor seems to be OK, so I dropped them a welcome template. Possibly a younger someone unaware of the large difference between a foot and a centi-metre!
BTW have had to write this note twice as I 'lost' it by accidentally turning my tablet off, apparently 2 button presses=OFF! Android is having an adverse effect on my blood pressure! Whinge over! --220 of Borg 07:55, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Reference desk

If I ever see you post crap like this [16] on the reference desk again, I will have no hesitation whatsoever in reporting the matter at WP:ANI. Regardless of what your intent was (and per good faith, I am going to assume it was simple trolling), it was a thoroughly obnoxious and inflammatory posting, and you should surely know better. AndyTheGrump (talk) 19:19, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Your interpretation is a bit different from mine, but I see you reverted it, so okay. μηδείς (talk) 20:49, 10 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Scanning the ref desks for the first time in a long time and your occasional use of the first person plural is interesting. It is simply a case of speaking on behalf of the WP editors in general, or is it something else? —Akrabbimtalk 12:32, 11 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I will occasionally change "you" to "we" to avoid sounding aggressive. In this case I simply meant "we editors", as others had expressed skepticism and I shared it. μηδείς (talk) 15:24, 11 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

cyclists ride bicycles, not motorcycles

please see entry on cyclist before reverting changes to Alexian_Lien_beating. "cyclist" refers to the operator of a human powered vehicle, commonly a bicycle, and it does not apply to the motorcycle operators referenced in the article. Tom (talk) 12:33, 13 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hi friend, it's been a while :D.

Just wanted to ask if you've read In Cold Blood, I was reading it and want to know your opinion. BTW, have you found Veronika Decides to Die? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:07, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Que honda? I had to read In Cold Blood in 11th grade. The writing is brilliant in its clarity and style, but the theme is disgusting. You should read To Kill a Mockingbird instead or afterwards. A lot of people think Capote ghost-wrote it. That is is much, much better book. Veronika is not the kind of novel I really like from what you have said--I am downloading the movie now to see if I like it. I've lost people to illness and violence so I usually find stories about murder and illness insuperable. μηδείς (talk) 18:42, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I am sorry about [that]. i didn't know. Sorry. I started reading To Kill... once, never finished it but now that you have pointed it out I will start reading it again.
The other day I could access Internet and I downloaded a couple of fanfictions about U2, I got lost reading a lot but just like it one. It was like 1 in a million. I lost in the reading and forgot I was reading a fanfic... I started reading fanfictions one year ago and I got interested in them, but in the way of turning them into novels changing names and real details. There are just a few of them that worth it. It is odd how many ways there are of getting inspiration.
I don't understand what is that people like about the Twilight saga, I mean... I started reading the 1st part and I drop it at page 15. I don't like the movie either. I have a friend who is fan, and when I mean FAN I really mean it. She spends the whole day talking about Robert Pattison... (O_o) Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:57, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the condolences. My mentioning that is not meant to stop you from mentioning various topics. So do speak freely. And I disliked In Cold Blood when I read it 8-10 years before their deaths. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best books I have read on any level, literature or just for fun. It may be a little hard because a lot of it has to do with Southern culture which you may not be familiar with. Best way to think of it is that all the white characters are Andalusian land owners in America who are now poor but whose ancestors all had black slaves. They have funny accents and traditions and resent blacks and outsiders. I would read the book in Spanish if the English is difficult. I am going to look at a list of best English fiction of the last century and will post for you the books I have read myself and can recommend. μηδείς (talk) 19:13, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and I haven't read the Twilight stuff--I might watch the movies. But I can definitely very highly recommend Ann Rice's Interview with a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat. μηδείς (talk) 19:15, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hehe I have read Interview with a Vampire and watched the movie. Awesome. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:22, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Vampire Lestat is much better than Interview. Queen of the Damned is her worst book. The ones that follow after that are good. μηδείς (talk) 19:29, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have a digital copy of Vampira Lestat, I just need the will to start reading it. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:39, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No fuman Vds. la mota? Me hace querer leer. μηδείς (talk) 20:07, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

What does it mean No fuman Vds. la mota? cannot understand. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:09, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

It's a Mexican word. La hierba. μηδείς (talk) 20:13, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Drug? No. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:21, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, don't think bad of me. I haven't smoked it since 2004. But it does make me want read or watch movies. μηδείς (talk) 20:29, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I am not her to judge anybody. It's just that I haven't tried and I don't think I will try it. It's not for me. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:31, 14 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hey! I bought a book by a guy named Martin Roth, it's like a guide for writers. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:58, 15 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Havce you heard about that man? Martin Roth? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:30, 15 October 2013 (UTC)You have new message/s Hello. You have a new message at Miss Bono's talk page.[reply]

No, I haven't heard of him, he is not at my local library, and we don't have an article on him. I haven't studied writing in University, so that doesn't mean anything that I don't know him. I get paid to write and edit, but only non-fiction. μηδείς (talk) 20:49, 15 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oooohh, cool! Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 12:00, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Your images

And I was going to ask you about the images of your userpage. Is there a kind of contest where only the best pictures appear on your talk page? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:32, 15 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Those are images I selected from various wikipedia and wikimedia pages in order to make the thres collages at the top of my talk page. Threy are meant to represent the diversity of the groups illustreted, mammals, animals and birds. They are popular, but there's one editor at the bird page who kept telling me the bird image didn't satisfy him, although he wouldn't suggest which new examples I should use. I told him I wasn't going to spend hours changing it to find out he didn't like the new one. So he edit warred to have it removed. It is still used on other language wikipedias, and the mammal and animals ones are still used here and elsewhere in various articles. μηδείς (talk) 20:43, 15 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Is there any word that you find difficult to pronounce in Spanish? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:48, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Not that I can think of. (Maybe words that give native speakers problems?) No one has ever told me that I have an English accent. Many native Spanish speakers have asked me where I come from in Latin America. I lived in Puerto Rico when I was two-three years old, and spoke Spanish with my babysitter. At 4 I lived on the border of Texas and my best friends were Mexican. Then we moved to New Jersey in an all-American/white neighborhood, and when I spoke Spanish people treated me weird, and I forgot it. In high school I studied French and German. When I graduated high school I worked in restaurants with Mexicans and Filipinos, and I told them to speak only Spanish to me. I lived with some Mexicans for a while. I got fluent again very quickly and was dreaming in Spanish. Sometimes I spoke Spanish so much I would have to say, "como se dice en ingles?" because I couldn't remember the English. I have lived in Spanish neighborhoods in NYC for over 20 years. I took a Spanish certification test where you talk for a half hour. The examiner gave me the highest grade they give unless you speak like a radio announcer. She said for the entire half hour I made one mistake--I said "hurmiga" instead of "hormiga". If you want an example of a language that is hard to pronounce, try Russian. The word for Hola! is здравствуйте: zdravstvuitye. Or "I want" in Ruthenian if spelt in Spanish is ya jtsiem (Ruthene spelling is ja chciem). μηδείς (talk) 19:08, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry the late reply, I was in a meeting. Hurmiga sounds so funny that I couldn't stop laughing under my breath at the meeting. I guess you are almost a native speaker of Spanish. My classmates at school once wanted to talk to the principal to see if I could be their supply English teacher because they thought my accent was better than the accent of our teacher (not the Jamaican teacher!, that would be mind blowing). Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:12, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Have you ever heard George Bush II speak Spanish? He is pretty fluent, but his accent is horrible: You quieirou hablar coun Usteideis dei lous proubleimas dei lous Estadous Unidous. μηδείς (talk) 20:23, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Are you taking spanish Miss Bono? My favorite/probably the funniest word is trabajabamos (which means we were working). Russian isn't very hard once you learn the alphabet. I would guess that it would be easier to learn than English for someone taking a language that used neither alphabet. Ryan Vesey 16:28, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ryan Spanish is my native language. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:13, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh is it? I saw the Irish flag on your user page and assumed you were Irish. Thanks for your work on U2 articles by the way. Ryan Vesey 17:19, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh I wish Ryan! Love Ireland. You're welcome. And I am a selfish Russian speaker... one of the only few words I know is Я--> I, yo, eu, ich, je, io, Mn, 我... as for the Irish language, I cannot speak it, not much... Dia duits!! Tá mé Miss Bono! Tá Máire ina cónaí san Cuba. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:26, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Haven't but that's pretty much the accent of many non-native speakers. I find funny the way they pronounce the 'r'... Have you heard Bono's 1, 2, 3, 14? He says unos, dos, t[funny 'r']es, cato[middle funny 'r']ce. First time I heard the song... ya know RLMAO Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:32, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, I hadn't thought of that for a long time. Bono's r's are just regular English r's there. Most English speakers know how to count to ten in Spanish. No explaining why he say "ones, two, three, fourteen," though. μηδείς (talk) 20:39, 16 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
He seems to know a few words, and seems to know how to pronounce the 'ñ', I heard him in a concert screaming señorita and then viva méxico... he pronounce the 'x' pretty well in Spanish... sayin' viva méjico. I've heard him speaking Italian and French, and some kind of African dialect. He seems to know a few things. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 12:05, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Most English speakers probably know a few dozen to 100 Spanish words/phrases. Señorita and Viva Mexico being two of them. The two funny words most English speakers get wrong are man and problem. Americans pronounce hombre as hambre, and a lot say no prablemo for no problema. μηδείς (talk) 16:16, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I guess you say them in the correct way :)... it might be a problem woth the 'a'/'o'. A mí se me enreda la lengua cuando tengo que decir palabras largas en Inglés, como interesting, creo que es por la fuerza de pronunciación. By the way... what's the English for se me enreda la lengua. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:13, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
"My tongue gets tied". The two hardest words for non-English speakers are "strengths" and "squirrels". μηδείς (talk) 17:25, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ohhh, I love that word squirrel. I am pretty good saying both of them... Thanks for the translation. Seems like I still have a lot to learn to be able to talk to Bono :P Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:29, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sometimes it is hard for me to remember which is the verb and which is the noun between advice/advise Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:32, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have to agree with Ryan above that I like trabajabamos. I am tempted to say trabajabababamos. μηδείς (talk) 17:46, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Trabajabababamos??? (O_o) Why? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:49, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Because it sounds like lyrics to a Litte Richard song: "A-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-wop-bam-boom". μηδείς (talk) 20:33, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I see. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:35, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Nothing personal. It's just that English prefers closed single-syllable words with one syllable, like "John swapped spit with his girl Beth." (Swapped is pronounced "swopt." You just don't find words with so many repetitive/semirepetitive syllables as trabajabamos in conversational English. See also abracadabra and hocus pocus. μηδείς (talk) 20:41, 17 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What does that sentence mean? Algo sobre escupir?... oh... I often have problems trying to pronounce schedule Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:48, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Es slang para besar, literalmente "intercambiar esputo". I don't know why, but it was the first thing that popped into my head. (Notice that "I don't know why, but it was the first thing that popped into my head" has only one word, into, with more than one syllable. μηδείς (talk) 17:09, 18 October 2013 (UTC) Schedule is not that hard. It is pronounced "skej-l" The English say "shej-l", but their English is usually wrong. μηδείς (talk) 17:09, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
La traducción literal está fueeeerte, sis! Wácala heheheh.
As easy as that? Wao! Thanks. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:14, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Que quiere decir "Wácala"? μηδείς (talk) 17:29, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Wácala es una expresion (disculpa si no pongo la tilde, tengo el keyboard programado para English) de asco. Como cuando en las pelis dicen Ew (I don't know how it is written in English) Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:35, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, that makes sense. Ew is spelt ew. μηδείς (talk) 18:36, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

U2 song and lyrics

Oooh right. I am in a half/half period of my life right now. U2 released new song and I cannot listent to it until next year!! :'(  :'( :'( Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:47, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What's it called? μηδείς (talk) 18:53, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Why not? Ryan Vesey 18:54, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
It is not available to download yet. Only the members of the website can listen to the song. See Mandela:_Long_Walk_to_Freedom#Music Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:03, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
How would you translate this into Spanish?:
Desparation is a tender trap
it gets you every time
you put your lips to her lips
to stop the lie
Those are the lyrics for a U2 song. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:18, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • You can hear a 90 second clip of the song at youtube. I would say it has the normal drawback one encounters with movie theme songs, it is more like background music than a song that stands on its own. It's not bad--it's just not going to be a big hit.
Thank you so much for that info :) Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:31, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
In order to translate that I need to know if you want me to explain the lyrics literally because you don't understand them, or if you want me to translate it as if U2 wanted to make a good sounding Spanish version even if the lyrics didn't mean exactly the same thing. μηδείς (talk) 20:25, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Both? Pleeeaseeeee Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:31, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
FYI, since the -e in please is silent, you can only say pleeeeease, not pleeeeaseee.
This is literal, but also an attempt at a poetic rendering. I don't know if trampaosos is even a word, and I know some of the word order isn't normal.

La desesperación es la suave trampaosos que te capta cada vez

Con tus labios cubres suyos pa que cesen las mentiras

μηδείς ñ(talk) 20:59, 18 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've always understand this:
La desesperación es una trampa delicada
que te llega cada vez que juntas tus labios con los suyos
para detener la mentira.

Also, you offered this: if you want me to translate it as if U2 wanted to make a good sounding Spanish version even if the lyrics didn't mean exactly the same thing.

Can you?
Oh, and thank you for that 'pleeeeease stuff, very useful :D Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:16, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Does trampaosos make sense to you? Trampa just seemed too weak of a word. The trap verse and the lips verse seem like two separate thoughts. "It gets you every time" is an expression that doesn't take an object. It means "siempre te engaña", literally "siempre te capta". (For example, if you get confused by advice/advise, and someone points out you made that error in a paper, you would respond, "Oh, that always gets me." Or if someone always plays the same trick on you, but you never learn to expect it, and everybody laughs when he does it again at a party, you would laugh and say, "Oh, he always gets me with that one.") "Que te llega cada vez" is a reasonable idea, but it's not what the English lyrics actually say. And "to stop the lie" is prevenir or parar, not detener. μηδείς (talk) 16:47, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ohhhhh, bueno, nunca he escuchado esa palabra "trampaosos/trampaoso", lo más cercano que se me ocurre es "tramposo/tramposos" que significa "cheater".
Entonces, lo que la letra de la canción dice básicamente es que la "desesperación es tramposa"?, and now I am talking about meaning not translation. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:55, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hehe, by trampaosos I meant trampa-osos "bear trap". U2 aren't so much saying despair cheats, they are making an ironic metaphor. Physical traps are not something people consider "gentle". But despair is a mental trap that is so soft you may not notice it, so it "gets you every time". "Fue tan discreto que no me dio cuenta que me hubo atrapado."
Bigger ohhhhhhhh!... Creo que no existe esa palabra, it'd be "trampa para osos", pero que tiene que ver eso con lo otro? (O_o). I love that song by the way, as well as Love Is Blindness... they both are powerful. Love is... means a lot to me, en el plano personal for some reasons Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:40, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Talk page accusations

Hey chief, stop making edits like this. If you are really making that kind of accusation, take it to SPI. Especially when making it against a long time editor like Herostratus. Because if it is true, it needs investigation. And if it is not, it's a clear example of intimidation tactics forbidden by Talk page guidelines Thanks. Dave Dial (talk) 00:58, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I don't track what goes on at Steyn regularly or follow Hierorstratus' edits, but given the identical behaviors it's perfectly reasonable to ask other editor's who've been accused of edit warring or who otherwise follow the relevant pages to see if there's any reason behind my suspicions before I go to SPI. I am not going to hold an investigation in private, asking up front is the honest, open, and decent thing to do. The fact H has been around for a long time has nothing to do with whether he is Miles' puppet--an account I just checked was created in July and hasn't been used since October 8. μηδείς (talk) 01:23, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Meh, it's alright. There's a lot of heat over there, and I contributed my share, which I kind of regret. I'm not a sockpuppet though. I just get annoyed by people ignoring WP:BRD because I was once blocked for WP:3RR'ing a person who was ignoring WP:BRD, which indicates to me that WP:BRD is not really formally enforceable, so we have to be especially diligent in informally agreeing to respect if the Wikipedia is going to function well. Having looked into it more and cogitating on the offending term "self-described" though, I realize why someone would feel pretty strongly that it's not acceptable, and agree. (And in fact you might well have been justified in describing it as a WP:BLP violation, which trumps WP:BRD and most everything else.) Anyway, I regret getting snarky (without standing down from my position that respecting WP:BRD is really important), and have more to say at the article talk page. Herostratus (talk) 03:00, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I suggest we have any further discussion (not that I am looking for a brawl) on the article talk page from here on out. μηδείς (talk) 03:03, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Archiving your talk page

Your talk page is over 300 kB, so you may want to archive it. --Jax 0677 (talk) 12:55, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I can help you if you want :D Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:47, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

No thanks, I just usually go through and remove the attacks at some point, and it gets much shorter. μηδείς (talk) 18:34, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Good joke. And sorry for the offer. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:36, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
That wasn't a joke, por que no suporto tonterias en editar aqui, tengo muchos "enemigos", es decir personas que me piensan su enemigo. Ve arriba.
The comment about "cromulent" at the language desk in the you and you thread was indeed a joke. "Cromulent" es una palabra ficticia que se invento en el show The Simpsons queriendo decir "apropriado, gramaticalmente bien hecho." You la trate como fuera verdadera palabra y escribi una apuntacion ficticia del diccionario, delineando sus raices en frances y latin. Eso enojo a algunas personas que se les dio cuenta que fue engaño.μηδείς (talk) 18:57, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, ya entiendo. Con 'no suporto' did you mean don't support or can't stand Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:08, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Both, but I meant "can't stand". μηδείς (talk) 19:35, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, in Spanish it is no soporto :) Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:42, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Estaba pensando (oi en la cabeza) "so-porto" cuando lo escribi. Tienes que darte cuenta que aprendi espanol en la calle. No te e prometido la perfecsion, chiqua.</chistando> μηδείς (talk) 19:50, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Jajajajajajajajajjaja :D Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:53, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Tienes que decir que me defiendo muy bien, no?
Indeed! lol Muy bien. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:04, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Me muero por falta de Espanol.... :( μηδείς (talk) 20:23, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Y yo me muero por falta de Ingles... Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:25, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Translation and/or not-literal meaning

What does this mean?

We get to carry each other
Tenemos que ayudarnos mutuamente??? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:49, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

"To get to do something" means to be allowed to do it or to have the opportunity to do it. The dog gets to eat the bone when we have a rib roast (asado de costilla). "Nos dejan llevarnos, el uno al otro" or "Tenemos la oportunidad de llevarnos..." "Ayudarnos" can work if it is ametaphor, and not literal. μηδείς (talk) 17:58, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Oh I see. I was trying to understand that aprt of "One", I have certain trouble understanding that kind of phrases. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:13, 23 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What does this mean: Got the swing, got the sway, got my straw in lemonade it's a line of a U2 song. I can translate it into Spanish but it doesn't make sense [at least no the part of the lemonade], some kind of slang? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:15, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The word got here means to have. The expressions themselves are slang/metaphor. Got the swing and got the sway mean either he is a good dancer, or that he feels like dancing--probably feels like dancing in this case. Got the straw in my lemonade is a metaphor; he is ready to enjoy himself, he doesn't need anything else to start being happy. μηδείς (talk) 17:41, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, sweet, but then there is something weird... if he is already happy why he's still looking for the face [he] had before the world was made. I hope it doesn't annoy you to have me asking so many questions about U2 songs and language. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:54, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I don't know the answer to that one, sounds like something Buddhist. μηδείς (talk) 18:03, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
"Before the World Was Made"
W. B. Yeats
"If I make the lashes dark
And the eyes more bright
And the lips more scarlet,
Or ask if all be right
From mirror after mirror,
No vanity's displayed:
I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.
What if I look upon a man
As though on my beloved,
And my blood be cold the while
And my heart unmoved?
Why should he think me cruel
Or that he is betrayed?
I'd have him love the thing that was
Before the world was made."
--Orange Mike | Talk 20:00, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ohhh, it's very interesting, I'd love to read more of Yeats... Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:24, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Or something Bonoist... Oh, do you know any Cuban slang? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:06, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No, I have only met a few Cubans and not lived with them or been friends. I will say Guantanamera is perhaps the best song of all time and has always been my favorite. I cry every time I hear it and los ojos estan lloroseandome en este momento. μηδείς (talk) 18:32, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Really of all times, you like it even more than a song by Eurythmics ??
Jajaja, I can play it with my guitar :P Guantanamera, guajira Guantanamera... Guantanameeeeeraaa!! You say that because you still haven't heard a song written by Miss Bono lol (joking), I write songs but not so good as that one... Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:45, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, so many people have covered "Guantanamera" that there are poorly recorded versions. My favorite versions are by Celia Cruz (Azucar!) and Joan Baez. The other two songs I would compare it with are "Mbube" as sung in Zulu by Miriam Makeba (known in English as "The Lion Sleeps Tonight") and "I can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash. Eurythmics are great for dancing and sex and driving very fast to, but they don't make me cry. I like to watch or listen to at least one thing a day that makes me cry from happiness. (PS< let meknow if you have any way of listening to "Mbube", and let me know what you think. μηδείς (talk) 19:05, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I don't have that song, I will search for it at home and will let you know.
I don't drive (no licence and no car :P) but I know a song that (in my opinion) it's great to do the other two things you pointed out plus crying. It makes me want to scream, jump, cry a lot (I'm not lying in this, I cry a lot), leave it all behind and... so many other things. I don't think that there's another song that makes me feel like that at all. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:20, 24 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I was running yesterday and listening some music and then I burst into laugh... Tutti Futti was been played lol Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:35, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Wop-bop-a-loo-bop A-wop-bam-boom! That's funny. FYI, the phrase is "burst into laughter" like "burst into tears" (or you can also say, "burst out laughing" and "burst out crying"). μηδείς (talk) 16:52, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sí, es graciosa... Sue y Daisy ahahah. También es gracioso que estuve 5 minutos pensando si poner, "burst into laughter" (which sounded good) or the one I picked :P- It's always the same for me. I am a hopeless case... Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:20, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Did I tell you the fontana story? I studied four years of French. Sometimes when I don't know a word in Spanish I will think of the French word and then "translate" it into Spanish. One day about 20 years ago I was walking in Central Park with a Mexican friend. I said, "Tengo mucha sed. Dime si ves una fontana." We walked around for about 15 minutes with me saying "Donde esta la fontana?" Finally we found the fountain, and he said "Aqui esta la fuente". I hit him in the arm and told him never to let me say the wrong thing again without correcting me. How else would I ever know my mistakes? μηδείς (talk) 17:39, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, you told me about that story. It's ver y funny and educational. Next time one of you guys let me say the wrong thing I am going to hit you all in the arm. :P Thanks for correcting me. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:43, 25 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Do you have something by Yeats? I liked that poem. It was mind-blowing Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:02, 29 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I'll be very busy, maybe post more tonight. μηδείς (talk) 16:12, 29 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! :) Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:37, 29 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I have reported that user for edit-warring. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:07, 26 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for letting me know. μηδείς (talk) 23:26, 26 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I've asked that he not be blocked but merely told to stop it. But if he does it again (especially with still no discussion), I'll change that tune a bit. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:37, 26 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


FYI: [17] Sca (talk) 17:04, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

  • There is no 3RR violation
  • One is free to expression opinion (OR) on the talk pages as long a sone does not claim it is sourced fact, which I made clear it was not
  • The reflink you cliam was not present to support the comments her son made were present (to wit: http://www.deadline.com/2013/10/r-i-p-marcia-wallace. It is reflink # 10, but I re-added it as you are evidently a slow learner/special student

If you ever again threaten me or accuse me of thing I have not done (violating 3RR) or things that are not a violation of Wikipedia (ie expressing opinions, clearly stated as opinions, on talk pages), I will seek to have you handed a long block at ANI. I may do so now anyway. Quis separabit? 20:44, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Information icon This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Quis separabit? 21:35, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sorry for giving you the wrong link. Perhaps you've seen Writ Keeper's comment (just four minutes ago) at my talk — as he notes, I meant to say WP:AN#RE User:Medeis. This is really the kind of thing that belongs at WP:ANI, so by the time I'd read through a pile of discussion, I'd forgotten that it was at the wrong place. Nyttend (talk) 22:03, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it's the kind of thing that belongs anywhere. I warned Rms125a that I would report him for edit warring if he continued. His response was to explode with insults everywhere he could. He seems to have added the needed ref, finally at the article, where he had been attributing what he called denial to the son in the article itself--which was certainly problematic according to BLP. Well, at this case unless I am summoned I'll assume this is closed.

I do ask that you hat the copied AN3 report at Talk:Marcia Wallace. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 22:20, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Quis separabit? 22:52, 29 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I don't know if you celebrate Halloween but... Happy Halloween!

Hello Medeis, Miss Bono has given you an lovely bat, to wish you a Happy Halloween! You see, these things promote WikiLove and hopefully this has made your day better. Spread the WikiLove by giving someone else a lovely bat! Enjoy!
Spread the goodness of a lovely bat by adding {{subst:User:Miss Bono/Halloween}} to their talk page with a friendly message.

Por supuesto. Es por eso que no estoy editando mucho. Viaje 7 horas ayer a visitar a mis sobrinos. No editare mucho hoy tampoco. Pasa buen dia de los muertos tambien. μηδείς (talk) 16:39, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

happy halloween for you too Will you be dressing up yourself tonight? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:51, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No, I will stay home at my sister's house to give out candy. Everyone else will go out with the kids to go house to house. I enjoy the holiday a lot, but I don't remember dressing up since I was about 16 y/o. μηδείς (talk) 19:22, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
If we celebrated Halloween here, I'd dressed up as a female version of The Fly. Preety cool! Me in leather, that would be hilarious hahah. I guess I'm just going to buy a pumpkin. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:26, 31 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

How do you...

I was thinking yesterday how do you say "He has died" in Spanish? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:32, 1 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Literally it's Él ha muerto, but murió, se ha muerto, and falleció will all apply depending on context. I couldn't really make a recommendation unless I knew the paragraph it was a part of. In English, he has died would normally only be used if someone were asking about someone whose death was being expected. He is dead, or he died would be a more normal simple report of the fact. μηδείς (talk) 22:21, 1 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

yeah, I know what it mean, just wanted to check something... I've heard several non-native speakers and native speakers both say el ha morido which is it totally wrong. But I see you know how to say it :D I thought you were mad at me because of the question I asked you on Halloween. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 15:21, 4 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

No, why would I be mad? I have just been very busy, so not posting much. μηδείς (talk) 21:23, 4 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I don't know, it was a very personal question, I was just curious and I thought you got mad about it... I try not to ask personal questions because of some issue I had in the past, but I was really curious. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 21:27, 4 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
What you asked would not be considered a personal question in America. I spent halloween at my sister's house, which is a 7 hour trip from where I live. When people came to the door to ask for candy I hid behind the door and made a scary laugh. The funny thing is, it didn't scare the kids, as much as it did their parents (who came with them if they were little). μηδείς (talk) 21:45, 4 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I bet you missed my question because I removed it... Thank goodness!... Oh, míralo del lado positivo, kids like you and you are not ugly. :P Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:15, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Do you like Whitman? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 17:17, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
No, I don't have kids, yes, I am very good with kids; I like them and they like me. No, I do not like Whitman--no structure, just pretentious language. My favorite poets are Shakespeare, William Blake, Keats, Shelley, Yeats and Dylan Thomas. I like a few things by other poets like Sylvia Plath:

Yaddo: The Grand Manor
Woodsmoke and a distant loudspeaker
Filter into this clear
Air, and blur.
The red tomato's in, the green bean;
The cook lugs a pumpkin
From the vine
For pies. The fir tree's thick with grackles.
Gold carp loom in the pools.
A wasp crawls
Over windfalls to sip cider-juice.
Guests in the studios
Muse, compose.
Indoors, Tiffany's phoenix rises
Above the fireplace;
Two carved sleighs
Rest on orange plush near the newel post.
Wood stoves burn warm as toast.
The late guest
Wakens, mornings, to a cobalt sky,
A diamond-paned window,
Zinc-white snow.

Oh I am sorry to hear that you don't have kids, you would be a great parent because you like them and they like you.
I hope being a mommy one day.
I like Shakespeare and William Blake and after OrangeMike pointed out Yeats I've added him to my list. I have heard about Dylan Thomas but have never read anything. Have you heard about Mario Benedetti? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:07, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Take a look at this part of the poem QUIERO CREER QUE ESTOY VOLVIENDO

Vuelvo con la esperanza abrumadora
y los fantasmas que llevé conmigo
y el arrabal de todos y el amigo
que estaba y no está ahora
Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:35, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I just read "De que se rie?" which was very good, but I had never heard of him.
Two Poems by Dylan Thomas
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

Fern Hill

Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green, The night above the dingle starry, Time let me hail and climb Golden in the heydays of his eyes, And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves Trail with daisies and barley Down the rivers of the windfall light.

And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home, In the sun that is young once only, Time let me play and be Golden in the mercy of his means, And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold, And the sabbath rang slowly In the pebbles of the holy streams.

All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air And playing, lovely and watery And fire green as grass. And nightly under the simple stars As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away, All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars Flying with the ricks, and the horses Flashing into the dark.

And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all Shining, it was Adam and maiden, The sky gathered again And the sun grew round that very day. So it must have been after the birth of the simple light In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm Out of the whinnying green stable On to the fields of praise.

And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long, In the sun born over and over, I ran my heedless ways, My wishes raced through the house high hay And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs Before the children green and golden Follow him out of grace.

Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand, In the moon that is always rising, Nor that riding to sleep I should hear him fly with the high fields And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land. Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means, Time held me green and dying Though I sang in my chains like the sea.

Dylan Thomas

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

This Poem by JAS and one I can't find by Ruben Dario were the two I liked best when I took a cass on Spanish literature a few years ago:

Jose Asuncion Silva
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.


 ¡Aserrín! ¡Aserrán!

Los maderos de San Juan, Piden queso, piden pan,

 Los de Roque Alfandoque, Los de Rique Alfeñique ¡Los de triqui,  triqui, tran!
 Y en las rodillas duras y firmes de la Abuela,

Con movimiento rítmico se balancea el niño Y ambos agitados y trémulos están; La Abuela se sonríe con maternal cariño Mas cruza por su espíritu como un temor extraño Por lo que en lo futuro, de angustia y desengaño Los días ignorados del nieto guardarán.

 Los maderos de San Juan Piden queso, piden pan. ¡Triqui, triqui, triqui, tran!

Esas arrugas hondas recuerdan una historia De sufrimientos largos y silenciosa angustia Y sus cabellos, blancos, como la nieve, están. De un gran dolor el sello marcó la frente mustia Y son sus ojos turbios espejos que empañaron Los años, y que, ha tiempos, las formas reflejaron De cosas y seres que nunca volverán.

 Los de Roque, alfandoque ¡Triqui, triqui, triqui, tran!

Mañana cuando duerma la Anciana, yerta y muda, Lejos del mundo vivo, bajo la oscura tierra, Donde otros, en la sombra, desde hace tiempo están, Del nieto a la memoria, con grave son que encierra Todo el poema triste de la remota infancia, Cruzando por las sombras del tiempo y la distancia, ¡De aquella voz querida las notas vibrarán!

 Los de Rique, alfeñique ¡Triqui, triqui, triqui, tran!

Y en tanto en las rodillas cansadas de la Abuela Con movimiento rítmico se balancea el niño Y ambos conmovidos y trémulos están; La Abuela se sonríe con maternal cariño Mas cruza por su espíritu como un temor extraño Por lo que en lo futuro, de angustia y desengaño Los días ignorados del nieto guardarán.

 ¡Aserrín! ¡Aserrán!

Los maderos de San Juan Piden queso, piden pan,

 Los de Roque Alfandoque Los de Rique Alfeñique

¡Triqui, triqui, triqui, tran! ¡Triqui, triqui, triqui, tran!

They are really good! I have a lot of things by Rubén Darío, just tell me the name and I will read it. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:45, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A beer for you!

To Medeis,

I know many of us appreciate your contributions on the Reference Desks and hope they will continue for the years to come, even if we all need an occasional 'beer summit'. Market St.⧏ ⧐ Diamond Way 00:43, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, a lot. Now the question is, can you get your hands on some DAB Alt for me? So far as I know they've stopped exporting it to America? μηδείς (talk) 02:27, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Are you asking me if I know a guy that knows a guy that knows another guy? Those who know don't speak and those who speak don't know, which might be a clue about my level of expertise lol. Market St.⧏ ⧐ Diamond Way 04:27, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I just came across the reason for the beer you gave me, and am glad at least someone got what I was saying.
DAB Alt was a black German lager served at a Swiss German Restaurant I used to frequent in the 1980's, as several waitresses I knew from other jobs had gotten work there. It was a light, crisp, almost sweet lager that literally drank like rootbeer, especially when served chilled. It was the owner's favorite, and he also served Jaegermeister before that became popular and of lower quality in the 1990's. I kept going to that restaurant long after I moved to NYC and all the staff I knew there left, but they closed in 2011. So I requested a case of DAB Alt for my Christmas present that year and found out that too was unavailable. Evidently the original brewer went bankrupt and the new owners didn't continue the brand. A true tragedy, and I am not really a beer drinker. μηδείς (talk) 04:49, 5 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


For the record, I disagree with this hat, but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. —Steve Summit (talk) 15:57, 7 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Protected Comment

Hi Medeis, I have semi-protected your talk page for a week in the hope that the rather boring Canadian troll goes and plays somewhere else. Black Kite (talk) 13:32, 9 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

  • Hi, I have unhidden the comments. Unfortunately blocking the IP wasn't enough - they immediately appeared with another one, and it's too big a range for a rangeblock. Thanks, Black Kite (talk) 00:08, 10 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Glad you've like the movie. That's a very good line indeed. Hope everything is cool in "real life". I don't know what happened with some IP and troll, but I can give you the best advice I have found in U2's songs. Don't let the bastards grind you down Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:52, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ahora mismo estoy escuchando "El Tango de Roxane". Te gusta "Moulin Rouge"? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:39, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't really like it, it was too "busy" (not sure how to say it in Spanish, "demasiado concurrida"?) There was too much going on. I really like the Hindi dance, Chamma Chamma. I don't like Nicole Kidman or Ewan Macgregor.
What I LOVE, is Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo and Juliet (1996), with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. That is absolutely excellent. Watch that next if you haven't seen it. μηδείς (talk) 19:06, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh :'(... I liked the story in MR... not that I am a fan of the actors.
I saw that version of Romeo and Juliet years ago, like when I was seven years old, and I liked it very much. I am trying to find it again, just to hear a song by Gavin Friday called "Angel", which I don't remember, I heard that he dedicated that song to Bono and his wife for their 30th Anniversary, so I wanted to know how was it. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:17, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

South Park

I just read your comment about South Park at the Ref Desk because I remember there was a thread about that while watching some episodes. And now I am watching this from my external HDD and I can't stop laughing since I saw Cartman hit himself with a rock to get back to 1776. Hhahahahahahahha. I wonder if you hahahahaha have seen that episode. Hahahaha. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 21:00, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I have seen every single episode. My favorites are the episode when Cartman's hand puppet (like Senor Wences) takes over Jennifer Lopez's career, and the episode when they have Tom Cruise and John Travolta in the closet. μηδείς (talk) 21:43, 11 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and I have every single episode in my external HDD lol. Good episodes. I like the one Tom Cruise wants to sue South Park lol, Bono's second appearance. But it is not my favourite. I think I have to decide what's my fav yet. And I am a HUGE, hear me, HUGE fan of House. They used to mock at me at school for that. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:21, 12 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Porque me dijiste en otro lugar que me pagarías para que te corrigiera tu shitty Inglés si pudieras

Above, User:Miss Bono you said "Glad you've like the movie." This is wrong. You can say, "Glad you've liked the movie so far", which implies you know I might not like the ending. You can also say, "Glad you're enjoying the movie", which make no assumptions on the future. Or you can say, "Glad you like the movie." This last assumes I am going to keep liking it.  :) Pues, ahora tienes que corregirme a mi, solo no por falta de tildes, porque no las tengo en mi teclado. μηδείς (talk) 03:28, 12 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, I was trying to say, "Me alegra que te haya gustado la pelicula", solo que me faltó la d del pp, porque pensé que la habías terminado de ver y te había gustado. Sin embargo, luego leí que no te había gustado pero soy demasiado lazy como para corregir una oración completa hehehe :O In a few minutes you will get your payment lol. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:09, 12 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Please redact...

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

..."you are full of it, and won't link to where a one-sentence update became policy". I am not "full of it" and had already linked you to the discussion where the guideline was discussed and subsequently updated. The Rambling Man (talk) 20:37, 15 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I will, but the problem was I never saw that link, or I wouldn't have said what I did. Can you either link to it for me as a diff or give me a few unique words of what you said so I can search the page for it? μηδείς (talk) 21:36, 15 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Click on the wikilink I provided there before you had a dig at me. The Rambling Man (talk) 21:39, 15 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the link, but it's not what had been asked for. The problem is that that is not an RfC for an official policy change that I asked you twice before to show. It's just an informal discussion on the basis of which you made an edit anyone is free to revert--not a policy change.
I am not about to get into an edit war, but the RD policy, which explicitly said all prior criteria would remain in place, was set by RfC, which was advertised to the community, and closed by an admin, not me. I do suggest you revert your change, and post an RfC asking if the deletion should be made.
But given you are portraying an edit you made, without explaining that to the readers, as if it were some community action I am not going to change my comment; if anything expanding on it would make sense--except that the issue is moot, the nom is completed, and further discussion there would be disruptive. You can hat the comment if you like, given the nomination discussion is not active. Any further comments should go on the ITN talk page. μηδείς (talk) 22:03, 15 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
For the sixth time, this is not a policy. There is no RD policy. There is nothing demanding an RfC to change the wording of the guideline. I do suggest you get to grips with terminology: a policy is something that must be adhered to (in Wikipedia terms), RD updates are subject to guidelines. You must learn to use the language of Wikipedia appropriately or else your point will be either missed or ignored. If nothing else, please redact the personal attack, and redact the point that I didn't link to the discussion. (a) the personal attack is most unusual for you, perhaps you were having a bad day (b) I did link to the appropriate discussion, you could have participated but didn't. Since this is a discussion about your behaviour with regard to my edits, the ITN talk page is not an appropriate page to continue discussion, and as such, the discussion will continue here until resolution. The Rambling Man (talk) 22:09, 15 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

ref desk 2

If I'm not allowed to respond to your political arguments, then you aren't allowed to make them. ←|Baseball Bugs]] What's up, Doc? carrots→ 20:07, 21 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Don't be childish. The thread was made specifically eliciting that answer. I didn't unhat (or hat) the debate below it, but that answer was not debating anyone--it was answering the OP's very question. μηδείς (talk) 21:55, 21 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
If, User:Baseball Bugs, you want the Free Market/Classical Liberal/Randian/Minarchist/Libertarian/Anarchocapitalist resposne to your desire not to pay for the military, then carefully formulate and pst a question, and I'll give an answer with a bibliography. μηδείς (talk) 03:50, 22 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I'd like that answer. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:12, 25 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions for improving the Maurice Vachon page, even though you opposed it. A lot of users in that position would have fought tooth and nail or simply left the discussion, but you instead gave some helpful suggestions, so thank you. -- Scorpion0422 15:16, 24 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The funny/sad thing is that some people can't even conceive of cooperating and disagreeing at the same time. I appreciate your commenting. μηδείς (talk) 16:26, 24 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

How does it feel

To be a negress? Do you find it hard on yourself because your race genetically has average 85 IQ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:21, 25 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

le morpion

I'm not so sure this qualifies as a request for medical advice. However, it calls for speculation, as we know nothing about how that character might have gotten the crabs or whatever. We don't know anything about his lifestyle, and it would probably be best to keep it that way. With what little info we have, the only valid answer would be, "Because you went someplace where there were lice. Duh." ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 05:47, 29 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hey! Hello,

I send you an email, did you see it? Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 22:40, 6 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Only just saw this. The email address to which I have wikipedia email sent isn't active--I'll have to see what I can do. μηδείς (talk) 02:54, 13 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at DarthBotto's talk page.
Message added 23:53, 8 December 2013 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. 2AwwsomeTell me where I screwed up.See where I screwed up. 15:25, 9 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

This banned user has apparently moved on to AN/I to try and get you banned. I reverted them. You may want to take a look if you get a chance. Admiral Caius (talk) 15:49, 9 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, Caius. Here's the diff at ani for future reference. μηδείς (talk) 17:47, 9 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Here's the diff of wickwack's banning. μηδείς (talk) 02:03, 10 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Here's the diff closing the most recent ANI by the troll. μηδείς (talk) 02:14, 10 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The Wikipedia Library Survey

As a subscriber to one of The Wikipedia Library's programs, we'd like to hear your thoughts about future donations and project activities in this brief survey. Thanks and cheers, Ocaasi t | c 15:33, 9 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Congolese woman (from Ref Desk sk for future inquiry)

Picture from Flickr

Can anyone identify this woman, either individually, or in a more detailed manner than in the file history or at Flickr? Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 04:46, 8 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

[18] says Bangobango people group of Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sleigh (talk) 14:21, 8 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I had seen that page when I did a reverse image search at google yesterday. But I believe they got the image from wikipedia--in any case, it is uncredited there, and described as a "representative image". Discussion of the image at Bantu peoples implies it was originally taken from flicker, where al it was described as was "Congolese woman". That's not to say it's not a Bangobango woman, but I was hoping maybe we could get something along the lines of "a woman wearing traditional Bangobango dress" or te like. μηδείς (talk) 18:25, 8 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

ref desk

Satire? Err no. I didn’t. I was going to reply:Incidentally, it is not as[]pro but Aspro. A name for a European fish -that the Nazis adopted as a name for one of its submarines, as its torpedoes could sink a battle ship, stealthy and without effort– but for most westerners, they know it also as a brand name of an over the counter remedy for a headache. You can take the name and innuendoes, both-ways as you choose. One painful and one relieving. End quote.

The one problem I have found with written communications, is that the tone and intonation of voice -that convey theses subtleties (like satire)- is often absent (unless one is a brilliant wordsmith like George Orwell et. al.). I appreciate that satire is difficult to get right, -just-off-the-cuff, so if your saying you made a faux pas, then who am I to argue. I say this because– I think – you make many useful contributions to the ref desk. Not as good as mine perhaps - but good never-the-less;-) --Aspro (talk) 23:20, 15 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

There wasn't a single serious statement, from my header saying everyone should be banned, to my claim that it was alright to attack the Scottish and other disabled people after 48 hours, to my declaration that I was not going to refrain from participating in the unacceptable behavior, and everything in between. As for your name, that's very interesting, I had never heard of such a fish. It must not have been introduced into American waters. It does indeed look like a submarine. μηδείς (talk) 00:26, 16 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Michele Malkin

This is cute. Now you're following me around like a little puppy. Read the St. Louis Globe-Democrat article. It says the Globe-Democrat was "originally a daily print newspaper based in St. Louis, Missouri from 1852 until 1986" and later, "the online edition ceased operations on January 23, 2011." Since the newspaper no longer exists in paper form or online, Malkin can't write for the Globe-Democrat, can she? If you're keen on listing the newspapers Malkin used to write for (and they are many, since editors tend to drop cheese hurlers in time), be my guest, but don't revert a proper edit . Chisme (talk) 17:28, 18 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Michele Malkin is on my watch list, has been for a long time, read the edit history for the article. Don't post here again on this matter, if you have anything to say, keep it to the article talk page instead. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 17:33, 18 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]


No hard feelings on my part :) (FYI again, this is nothing passive-aggressive :C) --Somchai Sun (talk) 23:58, 18 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

No offense taken, not at all. μηδείς (talk) 00:39, 19 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Excellent. --Somchai Sun (talk) 00:57, 19 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Nusayri

Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at Lothar von Richthofen's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

~~ Lothar von Richthofen (talk) 01:24, 28 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the cleanup at Michael E Mann

Well overdue. Let's hope your cleanup sticks! Best wishes, Pete Tillman (talk) 04:27, 31 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]


I'm thinking to just ignore Rambler from here on. Another admin told him and me both to knock it off on the ref desk talk page, but he's continuing his rant. You can do what you want, but I'm going to do my level best to pretend he doesn't exist. P.S. Happy new year! ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 21:53, 31 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, you too. μηδείς (talk) 22:01, 31 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]
By the way, never post to my talk page ever again, the pair of you. If you have an issue with me, actually take it ANI and don't keep pretending and bluffing about it. It really is becoming tedious. Happy new year! The Rambling Man (talk) 00:05, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I have raised this issue at WP:ANI now. With any luck, I can avoid participating in any followup, regardless of what anyone says about me. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 01:04, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Medeis, you should probably look at my comment at WP:ANI. AndyTheGrump (talk) 01:37, 1 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks, I'll keep an eye on things. One thing I would like to point out, which may not be apparent from stuff I've said here... Some of my best friends have been folks whose politics were polar opposite of mine. You've seen me quote them from time to time. I've always figured that I can't learn much by only talking to those I agree with. Lively discussions are good. (Sometimes, though, my rhetoric is a little too lively for my own good, as you well know.) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 21:50, 2 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Reference Desk and The Rambling Man

I've already advised TRM that he can open an RFC if he wants to address your behavior; the same applies to you. Please stop opening noticeboard threads, and please disengage on the RD talk page. I said this to Baseball Bugs as well: It is utterly inappropriate to archive threads in which you are a participant (complainer or complainee). This dispute needs to stop disrupting project space now, so consider this your only warning. If you continue down this path, I will block you. --Laser brain (talk) 21:33, 2 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

You ask..you order me...to disengage? What a laugh. You will see a whole two comments from me on the ANI (which I did not open), and a request by me for a mutual interaction ban which you don't seem interested in supporting. You'll see more than two dozen attacks, reversions, and acts of stalking against me documented at the ANI, and no such attacks or stalking by me documented against the other party. By all means, please do step in and enforce an interaction ban, it would be my pleasure. μηδείς (talk) 22:56, 3 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I don't mean to be rude, but that really isn't a true Bonsai. I mean, it's not...traditionally seen as such. Is it? Screw tradition? Idk - my cousins grandmother was a Bonsai growing champion. (I have dozens of these stupid little family-related tidbits, honestly). Anyway, Happy New Year to you too. --Somchai Sun (talk) 22:41, 3 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I was aware of the issue, and that was the point of saying "in bonsai form". If you have a better common English word I am not averse to it, but I think common usage is fine. You have to admit it's quite pretty. μηδείς (talk) 22:47, 3 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
PS, I asked for a bonsai kit for Christmas, and got a carnivorous plant terrarium instead. So... watch out! μηδείς (talk) 22:48, 3 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

ANI notice - community sanctions on the three of you

This has gone on long enough. I am proposing a bunch of community sanctions on the lot of you. Georgewilliamherbert (talk) 04:35, 4 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you.

FYI: After TRM's latest direct attack on you, I have asked that the interaction ban be implemented. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:34, 13 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Thank you for your support. The sad truth is that I simply forgot about that part of the topic ban. (There's no way I would forget about the other part of it, because it's such a red flag.) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 03:43, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

It's not support, it's honesty. μηδείς (talk) 03:48, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
It works out the same, either way. Meanwhile, I saw that 54 stuff. I see the admin reverted it. I'll see how much more to get involved in that 54 discussion. There's a risk of feeding the troll. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 03:55, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
As your e-mail is active, I just sent you a quick test. Be aware that I don't check that e-mail address very often. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 05:46, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, okay, that makes sense. I just don't want any more comments on my private life by third parties. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 06:26, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
You bet. (Just thought I would post something irrelevant here.) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 07:03, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year Medeis!

Happy New Year!
Hello Medeis:
Thanks for all of your contributions to improve the encyclopedia for Wikipedia's readers, and have a happy and enjoyable New Year! Cheers, ComputerJA () 18:54, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Send New Year cheer by adding {{subst:Happy New Year 2014}} to user talk pages with a friendly message.

Wow, thanks. Makes me feel like Orthodox Christmas. μηδείς (talk) 19:30, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A good day for such an epiphany. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 19:41, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Haha ... totally forgot it's the Día de los Reyes Magos, or whatever Christians call them in English. I guess my HNY note was six days off :P Wish you the best, though. ComputerJA () 19:58, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Known in America as the "Magi" or "The Three Wise Guys". ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:51, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, my mother was just commenting how fun Three Kings Day was in Puerto Rico, but I do not remember that far back in my childhood. μηδείς (talk) 23:15, 6 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I still celebrate it with my family/friends by eating the Rosca de reyes, though some of us (myself included) are agnostic/atheist. I see it more as an excuse to get together and have a good time ... and supposedly with no drinks cus it's Monday. :-) ComputerJA () 01:25, 7 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Community sanctions

This is to inform you that this discussion has been closed, with the results listed there.

Please note the warning that further such activity as noted may lead to further sanction including being blocked. - jc37 19:04, 15 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hello. This is to inform you that there is a discussion at Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Help desk that may involve a relative of yours. The section concerned is Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Help desk#KELLY LYN NOONE'S DEATH. Thank you. --Demiurge1000 (talk) 21:33, 15 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Queries from Medeis

(1) Am I right to assume you have found that sanctions 1 & 2 are enforced? There's no clear, strong, "therefore an interaction ban is hereby declared" type statement, just comments within the blue section of the archive, with no archive remark given.

(2) I am confused by the comments that there is some consensus for an interaction ban, and strong consensus for a topic ban. The reverse seems true; there is overwhelming consensus for an interaction ban, and strong consensus against a topic ban. Every single comment in the ANI not solely opposing some sanction was in favor of the interaction ban. But, even only including argued comments, there's at least a two-to-one majority strongly against a topic ban.

Depending on how you count them, there are about 7-8 total votes (including unargued votes) in favor of sanction 2, and some 16 or more argued comments opposing sanction two, if not all sanctions.

I am not trying to start an argument here, but I find the finding as I understand it flawed, and wish it to be reconsidered. μηδείς (talk) 21:02, 15 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your questions. I will try to answer them as I can.
For your first question, I suppose you're right. While I did note consensus for each, I presumed that anyone reading would see that as the option was therefore enacted (And "no consensus" meaning "no consensus to enact"). I didn't think that needed to be spelled out any more than that, but I fully accept that I may have been mistaken in that presumption. For one thing I didn't think I needed to re-summarise WP:BAN (like the sections on topic bans, ban evasion, exceptions, enforcement, etc.)
For the second, I'll have to re-read my comments, but I don't recall stating that the consensus for option 2 was "more" in any way than option 1.
And I don't count votes. I follow WP:CON, and it's based upon evidence and weight of arguments. That said, as this was a behavioural issue and not a content issue, these discussions tend to be more "personal view based upon the evidence" oriented in response. So I weighted editors' comments accordingly. If they said "only", I presumed they meant it in terms of any other options; and if they didn't mention the other options, I treated that as if they abstained from commenting upon those options. The options as noted were not mutually exclusive as proposed nor were they required as a complete package.
And no worries about starting an arguement. You are of course welcome to ask for a clarification of a closure, in particular one which effects your ability to edit the encyclopedia. And I appreciate your civility. I tend to respect civil collegiate tone in discussion.
If the close is "flawed" (I am human after all, and can make mistakes as can anyone), it can be reviewed like any close. At the moment, I posted a 3PO at WP:AN and we'll see what others have said so far.
Regardless, as an uninvolved closer (you'll pardon me, but I don't recall even ever interacting with you in any way previously), I am not concerned if the close is over-turned. I merely stepped up as a service to the community to close a discussion posted at WP:AN/RFC.
I hope I managed to answer your questions. But if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. - jc37 06:21, 16 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

personal petition

Hi, Jc37.

I am personally petitioning you to withdraw your closure in regard to sanction two in the ANI case regarding myself, Baseball Bugs, and the Rambling Man.

I have commented on the AN, since I am not sure whom to address or how to address it. But I think you are able to reconsider your own judgments.

To be as brief as possible, even discounting votes that were made without argument, and ignoring votes that said Support 1 without commenting on 2 or 3, there is still a strong 2-1 majority against sanction two. I'd also point out that no party gave any evidence in diffs as to why sanction two should be instituted, nor was any rationale given as to what problem it was meant to prevent.

I ask you to reconsider your closure. Should there be any actual problem, the issue can always be revisited. But at this point the action feels only punitive, and I do not see it as fair to either Bugs or TRM either.


μηδείς (talk) 19:50, 16 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, my apology for not seeing this on my talk page earlier. I'll try to respond now.
Taking the latter concern first, bans are intended to be preventative. In this case, in general, preventing disruption.
I did re-look over the discussion and gave it further consideration, in particular due to comments at WP:AN and with Nyttend on their talk page concerning the clarity of the close. And subsequently attempted to better clarify.
As for how to address it, I suppose you could abide by the ban, or appeal it. As I note below, you may appeal the ban to the community if you wish. WP:AN is probably the most likely venue such an appeal, but I'll leave that up to you to decide, with a reminder of what I also mentioned below: Be aware that repetitively appealing in a short time period may be considered disruptive and may even exhaust the community's patience.
I hope this helps clarify. I wish you well. - jc37 06:37, 17 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


This in no way changes the previous notice (including the warning) I left on this talk page, but is merely a notice of a further clarification concerning the close.

In particular that Baseball Bugs, and μηδείς, and The Rambling Man are page banned (See WP:BAN) from the WP:Reference Desk and all it's talk pages, subpages, and any other directly related pages. (If in doubt, ask someone before editing.)

You also may appeal this page ban for yourself at any time, but please be aware that repetitive appeals may be seen as disruptive by the community. - jc37 20:16, 16 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Linguistic conservativity

Hi medeis,

I was simply trying to find a fitting analogue for Conservative (language) to add to the article, as I find cladistics often useful as comparison – for example, the concept of proto-language corresponds to MRCA. Linguistics doesn't seem to have a term corresponding to "paraphyletic (group/taxon)", although it is often useful to point out that a group is not a true branch/node in the tree (like a clade in biology). Also, the concepts "crown group" and "stem group" (for which no analogue seems to exist in linguistics) can easily be applied to language families: Within Indo-European, the crown group of the total group Celtic is Insular Celtic (provided it is indeed monophyletic), and the stem group is Continental Celtic (which is paraphyletic).

The problem is that "conservative" can be applied to individual traits and features as well as genetic units (single languages as well as entire groups or branches), just like "primitive" could in outdated phylogenetical terminology. For traits, "ancestral" seems to be the best analogue, fine. But "basal" does not appear to be the fitting analogue for genetic units, as I explained. The same in biology, I think: Living fossils (in some definitions) are highly morphologically conservative taxons, superficially nearly unchanged from their ancestors millions of years ago (just like Icelandic is a highly morphologically conservative North Germanic language, superficially nearly unchanged from its Old West Norse ancestor 1000 years ago), but they do not necessarily form a basal group within a wider clade, either, even if they often do.

Thanks for your book recommendation, but Old English and Its Closest Relatives seems to be a popular introduction – I'm pretty sure I know so much about Germanic languages (in all their stages) that it's unlikely that I could learn a lot of new things from the book! :-) --Florian Blaschke (talk) 03:16, 19 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hi. Based on this, regardless of what discussions are pending, can I understand that the closure of sanction 2 in the original ANI has been reversed? Please respond definitively on my talk page. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 00:18, 22 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your request for clarification. I'll respond to this at WP:AN at the discussion thread there to try to keep the discussion somewhat united. - jc37 06:21, 22 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Page ban vacated

Hey, Medeis, just letting you know that, after the AN discussion, and after reviewing the close myself, I've decided to vacate your page ban from the Reference Desk. Keep in mind that the interaction ban between you, Bugs, and TRM is still in force. Thanks, Writ Keeper  09:25, 24 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Interaction ban yet again

Hi. There has been some confusion about the precise terms of your interaction ban, so I'm pasting them here:

The Rambling Man is banned from any interactions with Medeis and Baseball Bugs, indefinitely. Baseball Bugs and Medeis are banned from any interactions with The Rambling Man, indefinitely. These bans include article, talk, wikipedia, and user space, without exception. No mention of the others or their actions shall be permitted. These may be appealed to the community not less than one year after they become effective.

It might be convenient for both you and other people if you were to move the green text to the top of the page and avoid archiving it. Of course that's just a suggestion. Regards, Bishonen | talk 21:53, 26 January 2014 (UTC).[reply]

ITN credit

P.S. Perhaps you should archive you talk page as it is very, very long/large now. :) --ThaddeusB (talk) 05:34, 2 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Well, irregardless, thanks for the credit. μηδείς (talk) 06:09, 2 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I see you're hunting puppets of that 78 IP. Did you know you were talking to one?

At first, it seemed coincidental. Plenty of people like Zyprexa and earthquakes. But this is about as clear as it gets. InedibleHulk (talk) 03:51, February 9, 2014 (UTC)

Has user:Pubserv been blocked, User:InedibleHulk? I don't follow the computer desk unless I have a question up. My comment on Great Time's page was not talking to him, so much as documenting his misdeeds on the talk page itself. Given I am not an admin, it might be better to make these comments to one, such as user:Callanecc who blocked 78 and appears to be a check user active in SPI's. μηδείς (talk) 04:05, 9 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
He's not blocked now. I don't know about previously. Talking, documenting...it's still kind of funny to see. It doesn't bother me so much, but he's been getting a bit weird on my talkpage, and I saw your suspicions, so figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. Now I guess I'll need another stone, but that's still pretty efficient. InedibleHulk (talk) 04:21, February 9, 2014 (UTC)

Sin querer parecer mysterioso

Con una sobreabundante de la precaución, a causa de las relaciones comprometedoras mias, no voy a contestar a tu penultima pregunta. μηδείς (talk) 01:34, 7 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

ITN credit

Vejvančický (talk / contribs) 14:54, 13 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Wikipedia:Sign your hat NE Ent 11:34, 18 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Pointy? When I looked at February 2014 Euromaidan riots yesterday (Tues.), it was a mess, almost impossible to even follow. I was trying to offer an alternative that at least included a readable summary. Since then it's been much improved and I support getting it out there. But I don't appreciate being reprimanded in public. Sca (talk) 15:47, 19 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Kindly keep your subjective pejorative adjectives to yourself. Thank you. Sca (talk)
Back again, are we? "Pointy" is a) not readily definable and b) not a term suitable to reasoned discourse. Having said that, why not just let it go and move on?
BTW, is there a reason you go by a foreign-language user name on English Wikipedia, and have a user page that reveals nothing about whatever qualifications you might have? Sca (talk) 01:06, 21 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Please don't comment on any of TRM's nominations at ITN, as you did with the Italian PM. Stephen 22:00, 22 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

This was taken to ANI and AN and no judgment was found that anything had been done improperly, or that I should not comment on ITN threads on which the other user had also commented. μηδείς (talk) 01:54, 1 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Reference desk

Just browsing the language reference desk archives and some random comments (sometimes I hate that you can't edit archived discussions):

"Don't you know it?" is also a phrase, as in "and – don't you know it? – she was there again".

wikt:dog has the a fairly extensive treatment of the etymology of dog. Everybody keeps forgetting about Wiktionary ...

However, my kooky explanation is that dog is a loan from Mbabaram. And then it became a Wanderwort.

English is not the best language, it just has the longest dick. --Florian Blaschke (talk) 01:08, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I knew a young Swiss woman on the Internet once who told me she was Jewish but blond and blue-eyed. It's not really surprising if you consider that – even discounting conversions – only the maternal line matters. Cuckoo's eggs, anyone? I'm quite certain that (like any other ethnic group) European (or other) Jews are not particularly "pure", despite endogamy. Which makes it far less surprising that Dutch Jews would not look appreciably different from non-Jewish Dutch, Russian Jews from Russians, German Jews from Germans ... from what I know, they really don't look very Middle-Eastern, despite some stereotypically Jewish traits such as big ears or noses which may have some (statistical) core of truth to them (Marcel Reich-Ranicki's ears have always seemed quite notable to me – not Wikipedia notable, but striking and unmistakable, as does his whole face – although I don't know if it is related to old age). --Florian Blaschke (talk) 01:24, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Except, User:Florian Blaschke, that the Mbaram etymology is well known. My mother's mother was a blonde, blue-eyed Jew. Ich kann ja Deutsch und bin auch vor fast dreissig Jahrne nach Muenchen gefahren. Ich spreche gern po-Russky und Español, und gluabe Latinisch und Griechisch sehr elegant. Mais il n'y a pas de doute que c'etait l'anglais que Dieu parlait dans le jardin d'Eden. Here are the two threads on the dog etymology. μηδείς (talk) 02:01, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I think you misunderstand: I was suggesting (facetiously) that the English word dog was somehow borrowed from Mbabaram, rather than the other way round (and spread into Romance from English).
Oh, es gefällt mir, wenn Du deutsch und französisch sprichst. Wie erotisch. (Wo wir gerade von Wörtern für Hund sprechen ...) Gib mir Tiernamen! ;-) --Florian Blaschke (talk) 04:38, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
No, I didn't misunderstand you. What I meant was that the origin of dog in Mbabaram is too recent to explain the word's presence in Old English, Sardinian, etc. μηδείς (talk) 04:46, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think we have an absolute chronology for the relevant Mbabaram sound-laws, have we? --Florian Blaschke (talk) 04:59, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
No, but it's certainly not going to be old enough to explain something that seems common to pre-Proto-Basque and Kartvelian, especially since Pama-Nyungen isn't expected to be much more than the age of PIE. μηδείς (talk) 05:10, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your edits.

Thanks for your excellent work at the Alexian Lien article. I personally felt strongly that the article should not be deleted, but I did not have the time/energy/will for the thorough rewrite it seemed to cry out for. Thank you for your efforts. I am also dropping this note to User:Bali88. Cheers! Centrify (f / k / a FCAYS) (talk) (contribs) 17:28, 25 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the note. Bali deserves the vast majority of any credit at this point. μηδείς (talk) 17:46, 25 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Net Primary Productivity

Hi, I'm responding to your comments about wetland productivity and global O2 supply. You seem to be misunderstanding my objection. I said I wouldn't respond there, and I won't. But I know you are intersted in ecology, so I'd like to clear it up. Wetlands are very productive- I said you were right about that. But your other figures are too low, and you don't have enough different biomes represented. Tropical forest e.g. can fix 1251 gC/m2/yr, and temperate forests are in the 800 range. And they cover massive amounts of land surface. The average for all wetlands is 1229 gC/m2/yr, though I'm sure some can go up to 8000. I didn't have to sign in to see that paper, I purposely chose a source that seemed to be freely accessible. But if you are having problems and would like to see it, I can email that and other refs to you. Suffice it to claim that I am not lying, and the paper reports that ~7% of global NPP is from wetlands. I do know a lot about NPP in different biomes, but it's not clear to me that we can switch to Oxygen cycles without other considerations (I don't say we can't do it, I just don't know offhand what other adjustments and factors need to be considered.) Anyway, regardless of how we switch from NPP to O2 cycling, saying 44% of earth's O2 supply comes from wetlands is just wrong, and that's the record that I was attempting to politely set strait. I see that you did allow for a whole order of magnitude error, and perhaps I should have also "4% NPP is much closer." I also totally agree with you that removing the moon would be catastrophic for life on earth. For what it's worth, I am an expert in plant ecology. I am currently a Ph.D research scientist studying carbon cycles in terrestrial biomes (mostly forest) for a house-hold name USA federal research institution. I say this not to apply to authority, because I think my refs stand on their own. Rather, I just say it as a personal appeal, that I do know what I'm talking about, I'm not just dalying here and scrambling for refs, nor was I looking for some excuse to say your estimate was off.

In this and other issues, please don't think I'm personally attacking you. I did recently say were being disruptive, but that's just my opinion in that one instance - I was criticizing an action, not you as a person. I don't think you're "a troll", and I hope that we can mutually AGF between ourselves in the future. While I'm at it, I'll ping User:Baseball Bugs, because he seems to think that I'm out to get you, but I'm not. Even if we disagree on who/what trolls are out there, I hope he can AGF with me too. SemanticMantis (talk) 17:57, 27 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

No, I don't think you were attacking me, or lying (!) at all. Don't worry about access to the paper. The site that hosts it wanted me to sign in to facebook, which I did with a dummy account I maintain for just such impertinence, it then started asking me to set up a profile beyond what is on facebook....
My sole point was to do a back of the napkin calculation with the figures I had. The 2% surface and the 8,000gC/M^2/y were a rough estimate. My math and sources were transparent, and I immediately commented that if the real figure was one tenth of my calculation it would mean mass starvation and widespread extinction. Then I get criticized for the 44% figure, as if that was my point, not to argue mass starvation but to defend that number. That's the only thing here that's been bothering me, and I was glad to get your more accurate figures. Oh, and the figure of 140g 426g I gave for the land was an average for all terestrial productivity according to the source, so it includes rainforest as well as desert, and I didn't see a need to complicate the matter any further for the purpose at hand.
I do think Bugs has it quite right that IP 50 at talk is trolling. The yet another well-formatted anonymous complaint is not, why do have an anonymous user asking for prediction and debate about the moon, but why did I offer numbers that people disagreed with (even though I doubted them and qualified them myself)? Rather than ping bugs, I think you maybe archiving that thread if it hasn't already been would be useful. μηδείς (talk) 19:18, 27 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Glad there's no hard feelings. Tone is so hard to tell with text. As for that thread, I don't really care to close it. I've never closed anything on the ref desks, and I'm not inclined to start now :) I just mentioned Bugs so that he saw my message that I'm not out to get you, and that even if we disagree on what trolling is or who is doing it, I hope he'll AGF with me. SemanticMantis (talk) 20:13, 27 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Books & Bytes, Issue 4

Books and Bytes

Volume 1, Issue 4, February 2014

News for February from your Wikipedia Library.
Donations drive: news on TWL's partnership efforts with publishers
Open Access: Feature from Ocaasi on the intersection of the library and the open access movement
American Library Association Midwinter Conference: TWL attended this year in Philadelphia
Royal Society Opens Access To Journals: The UK's venerable Royal Society will give the public (and Wikipedians) full access to two of their journal titles for two days on March 4th and 5th
Going Global: TWL starts work on pilot projects in other language Wikipedias

Read the full newsletter

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:00, 1 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Harold Ramis

I know the guideline perfectly well. That paragraph is a memorial tribute, nothing more. How do we know? Because It's non-notable: Every celebrity who dies suddenly gets a fan memorial somewhere or other. It's indiscriminate trivia and it violates Wikipedia is not a fan page. How many vios does something need before it's considered vandalism? --Tenebrae (talk) 22:07, 3 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

RE: ITN nom article deletion

Not sure what you are referring to. Ive not that done that before and if there was something I removed entirely it may have been a mistake vs. intention. Unless you are talking about the Pakistan redirect? I dint comment on that in ITN at all. So ITN doesn't aeven apply there, being BOLD is not a reason to threatehn ANI.

If you want to comment on user talk pages, you need to reference what you are talking babout as users generally edit more than one content.Lihaas (talk) 06:51, 4 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

RE: My talk page

no probs, best forgotten. and thanks for your heads up ;)(Lihaas (talk) 01:58, 7 March 2014 (UTC)).[reply]

Re: Prog Rock

From your recent comments at the Reference Desk: "Seriously. Is there some sort of way we can have User:RomanSpa banned? I don't mean from Wikipedia. I mean like from the universe of all acceptable people? And I don't even like cats. Dayamn." You've pretty much exemplified exactly what it is I hate about prog rock right there: it's not so much the music, which I find undergraduate-ishly uninteresting, as the pompous, exclusionary, judgmental, self-important attitudes of its listeners. Who died and made you king of critical opinion? RomanSpa (talk) 11:36, 7 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, but just be aware the mock hostility was in defense only of Pink Floyd. I wouldn't call myself a fan of prog rock, and I usually see the term as demeaning. My tastes are more mature, like thrash and crunk. μηδείς (talk) 19:46, 7 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bizarre and incomprehensible

Good day. If you don't even have enough respect for me to answer a simple question about how BLP works, dismissing it with some bizarre and incomprehensible allusion and apology to "James", whoever the fuck that is, can you please not pretend to be paying me homage (!) elsewhere, with yet another bizarre and incomprehensible allusion to S.C Johnson & Son, whatever the fuck that is. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 06:25, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I was trying to say "Jesus, Mary and Joseph", without being so explicitly vulgar. I very much enjoy your contributions Jack. I thought your "for all intensive purposes" was brilliant, and worth repeating. So I repeated it. I still have the Russian fairytale book I offered you last year, for your or your kid's enjoyment. If you think it's a bomb or a fisting how-to you could simply give me a c/o address. I am not interested in your name, your location, your address, or your humiliation. I derive joy from the joy of others. I tried to do that here. Email me--I do have an email address. μηδείς (talk) 06:39, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Call me obtuse but I'm none the wiser. What does S.C Johnson & Son have to do with Jesus, Mary and Joseph?
My reference to "for all intensive purposes" was never meant as a joke. We were discussing people repeating things they've misheard, and I offered that one as an example that appears in standard lists of such things.
If you're really interested in bringing me joy, it would give me the greatest joy to have my BLP question answered at last. I've now asked you twice, and I've asked Guy twice, and both of you have avoided providing any kind of answer. Am I justified in feeling stonewalled? What could explain such a wall of silence?
Who is James? -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 07:18, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Let's call it quits

Obviously I don't agree with some things you said above in response to me, but I'm done with arguing with you. It's fruitless, pointless and destructive. I have reached the point where I feel I can no longer trust you (and some might well ask, "What took you so damn long, Jack?"). That is a statement about me, not about you. But if you want to regard it as a statement about you, that's your call.

So, until further notice I will have no further direct dealings with you, anywhere, and I ask the same from you. Obviously we are going to be involved in some of the same ref desk questions, but as long as we direct our remarks to the OP, or to the thread at large, but not to each other, we can co-exist. I wish you well, I always have. Go well. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 05:25, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

My gut feeling is that we got off on a bad foot and it's been an issue ever since. I truly don't feel like you've ever attacked me (although I do think you've misunderstood me) and I don't think you can actually say I have attacked you. I hope at some point you'll approach me. I have found your help invaluable and you contributions fascinating and most enjoyable. μηδείς (talk) 05:59, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The first sentence of your reply encapsulates what I've always found a problem with you. The twisting of words, the manipulation, the rewriting of history, the outright dishonesty, the refusal to accept personal responsibility. Who was it who was openly hostile to whom, without provocation, from the very first time our paths ever crossed in June 2011? And maintained that hostility for months and months and months, again without provocation? That you now call this "getting off on the wrong foot" speaks volumes. Would one say that Hitler and the Jews "got off on the wrong foot"?
But enough. My withdrawal from you commences now. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 06:42, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I still refuse even to be annoyed by this, to wish Jack was not annoyed, and to hope it will change in the future. Here is the thread Jack started called "Medeis vs. Jack of Oz" which concluded with the consensus users shouldn't comment on my responses ad hominem as if they were determined by my sex, nationality, race, or English language competency. There was a prior discussion I don't feel like looking for, but Jack or others should know it exists. This should hopefully be my own last comment on this. μηδείς (talk) 07:05, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I would ask that our mutual withdrawal extend to not even referring to each other, unless unavoidable. The final sentence of this unsigned post was certainly not in that category. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 08:01, 7 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Stop icon with clock
You have been blocked from editing for a period of 48 hours for disruptive editing at Wikipedia:Reference desk/Humanities#Current events: Trial of Oscar Pistorius. As you are aware, not long ago you were under serious consideration for a topic ban from all reference desk pages. The fact that the ban was eventually dropped means that you are free to edit those pages, but not that you are free to edit them disruptively. I had considered that, although your edit-warring to repeatedly hat a discussion there was disruptive, no action was worth taking, as the disruption had stopped. However, your latest post, containing an accusation of bad faith (thinly veiled under a cloak of irony), came close to being a personal attack, and was unacceptable. In view of the past history of concern about your editing at the reference desk, that post, combined with your earlier disruptive editing in the same section, combine together to lead to this block. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to make useful contributions. If you think there are good reasons why you should be unblocked, you may appeal this block by adding the following text below this notice: {{unblock|reason=Your reason here ~~~~}}. However, you should read the guide to appealing blocks first.  The editor who uses the pseudonym "JamesBWatson" (talk) 09:03, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an administrator, who declined the request. Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the blocking policy).

Medeis (block log • active blocks • global blocks • contribsdeleted contribs • filter log • creation logchange block settings • unblock • checkuser (log))

Request reason:

I have been blocked for disruptive editting of a thread I had not posted on for five days and had no intention of returning to. I solely edited yesterday to note that it had been amended by the OP after I filed a good faith BLPN report, and that my withdrawing was better than, say, attacking the OP on the talk page etc as has recently happened in other cases. I do see some of my edits have been misleading or open to interpretation, but they were all in good faith. Since I don't intend to edit in regard to this and haven't for almost a week, I request the block be lifted. See a lengthy discussion with diffs in the collapsed section below.

Decline reason:

Purely procedural decline; block has expired. Writ Keeper  18:12, 14 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

If you want to make any further unblock requests, please read the guide to appealing blocks first, then use the {{unblock}} template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired. Do not remove this unblock review while you are blocked.

lengthy discussion by Medeis, with diffs
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

I thought the Oscar P. trhread was an inappropriate discussion of criminal accusations against a living person made without references. My last action on that thread had been to report the matter to [[WP:BLPN, and leave this message: "I've restored your objection. I also reported this to BLP before you made that objection. This is a living person, and every searchable part of WP needs refs supporting otherwise defamable remarks, at the least. This is not the ref desk talk page. μηδείς (talk) 1:05 am, 8 March 2014, last Saturday (5 days ago) (UTC−5)"

The following day, the OP editted the opening of the thread providing a reference. diff I made no response and did not edit the thread.

Yesterday the blocking editor above advised me I should notify all parties in any future BLPN reports Diff, to which I responded cordially that I would. Then the thread's creator (whom I mistakenly called James, rather than Joseph--but never named or personally accused of anything) and yet another editor (who curses me here) brought the dispute, in which I hadn't been involved for five days, to my talk pageDiff. I apologised (mistakenly using the wrong name) to the OP and thanked the other editor, withdrawing from the matter in my edit summaryDiff. When I next chanced on the thread about O.P. I noted that the OP had changed his opening and only added a reference after I filed a good faith report at BLPN, and that I thought taking it to a noticeboard and withdrawing was better than, say, attacking people and using sockpuppets like had been done recently at the ref desk talk page.

I think it's clear my actions were in good faith, and there's no reason for a block, considering I have been happy to leave the matter to BLPN since I brought it up. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 23:17, 12 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

  • Clarification without prejudice: The original Ref Desk OP Joseph A. Spadaro did not "bring the dispute to Medeis's talk page". It was already there by virtue of JamesBWatson's request and Medeis's response. Joseph simply noted that the people Medeis notified did not happen to include him, the original Ref Desk OP. Medeis then denied Joseph was the original Ref Desk OP, attributing it to an IP user. Nevertheless, she delivered a lecture to Joseph, but told him not to respond as she wasn't interested (that must be that cordiality Medeis takes pride in). I stepped in simply to clarify that Joseph was indeed the original OP and that no IP was ever involved. That also did not constitute "bringing the case to Medeis's talk page". I also used the opportunity to remind Medeis that a question I had asked her on this very topic was still unanswered. I was thanked, an apology was issued to "James", Medeis removed the thread from her talk page, and my question remained unanswered. I then had another interaction with Medeis on the Science Ref Desk, after she pinged me to come to a page I had not been actively watching (although it was on my watchlist, but so are over 8,700 other articles I don't closely watch). She misinterpreted a comment I made (OK, maybe I should have inserted a smiley, but the sub-thread was already in small type). In her response, she started out with a link to a certain US company that meant nothing to me and had nothing to do with our discussion. And she said she was acting in homage of me. So there was the tension: totally ignoring my requests for BLP clarification on the one hand, but paying me homage on the other. I'm a simple guy and I'm easily confused. So I came back here and called it as I saw it – "bizarre and incomprehensible". That is not an attack, certainly not a personal attack. For the third time I asked for an explanation of why asking for factual material that is on the public record is a breach of BLP. I assume Medeis was on the point of finally answering my question when she was blocked from editing. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 02:26, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I have asked JackofOz not to comment on this further, as I am not interested in his sense of drama. That is why I took the original matter to the BLPN board rather than argue it myself. I was happy five days ago to let the matter die when Jack was told by an independent user on the BLP board to let the matter die. I can certainly understand that JamesBWatson might have mistaken my comments about my good faith BLP report in a way I didn't intend them given my use of the passive voice. But I never even mentioned any of these parties by name. It was always and solely a BLP concern.
I can assure James that my comments advising him I took his original advice seriously, and my edit summary thanking Jack for pointing out my mistake and apologizing to Joseph (diffs in the hatted section above) were also serious, and that I have not had any desire to disrupt the content of the discussion, or any to revisit it in the last five days
Except for the odd and obscene browbeating here by JackofOz I wouldn't have mentioned that my report was a GF attempt at leaving the issues to others, but I did not want to continue this matter here, or at all, frankly. Please unblock me. There is no threat I will edit that thread, or attack any party involved. μηδείς (talk) 04:09, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I will ask the blocking administrator (JamesBWatson) to comment on the unblock request. Newyorkbrad (talk) 01:38, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

  • Since I have been asked to comment in relation to the unblock request, I shall do so. I don't really have anything substantial to add, but I shall fill in a few details of the background to the block, and I shall include a few relevant diffs, to save anyone else from having to repeat the tedious searches through editing histories that I had to do to find the relevant information. I hope those diffs will be enough to indicate the essential points, though there are no doubt many more edits that are relevant.
  • In this edit the intentions of the wording "Or is someone saying the point here was to persecute someone, say, using proxy accounts and personal attacks? No. I didn't think so" are perfectly clear. However, the block was not just for that one edit. Rather, that edit was the last straw, coming at the end of editing of that particular section which included edit warring [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] over an issue which was debated; moreover, Medeis's editing of that section cannot be seen in isolation, as it continues a long history of disruptive editing at the reference desks. Medeis's history of editing at the reference desks has been sufficiently disruptive that he/she has recently been under serious consideration for a topic ban from the reference desks. Indeed, an AN discussion was closed as resulting in (amongst other things) just such a topic ban: [24], but that closure was later overturned on procedural grounds: [25]. There was an intention of starting a new discussion on the proposal, avoiding the procedural issue, but for some reason that was aborted: [26]. When an editor has been disruptive in one part of the project to such an extent that a discussion has come that close to establishing a ban from editing in that area, the editor should regard that as a very strong final warning that any further contentious editing in that area is unacceptable. Under those circumstances, the edit warring might well have led to a long block, but it was let go. When, however, on top of that edit warring, the editor gratuitously comes back several days after the discussion has stopped, to post a snide remark coming close to being a personal attack, as far as I am concerned there is no more room for doubt, and a block is the only realistic response. Medeis's insistence that he/she was acting in good faith does nothing, in my opinion, to make the block less valid, as disruption is disruption, whether intentional or not. Indeed, I think there is a good case for the view that the protestations of good faith make unblocking less justifiable: if after the enormous amount of attention that has been given to problems with Medeis's editing at the reference desks, if he/she still cannot avoid editing disruptively without intending to, then he/she will be unable to stop doing so, and so he/she must be prevented, whereas if he/she knew full well what he/she was doing, then he/she might be able to choose to do better. The proposed topic ban may well be the best way of preventing disruption, but unless and until such a topic ban is imposed, blocking is unfortunately the only tool available to prevent persistent unacceptable editing. The editor who uses the pseudonym "JamesBWatson" (talk) 09:16, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

  • Can User:Newyorkbrad or some other admin take action on my request? I'd prefer JBW recuse himself, given his statement that this current block is required since a previous ANI against me and two other users failed (not merely "procedurally" but with two-to-one opposition to a block and overwhelming opinion the block was briefly put in place without consensus).
To recap, there is no threat of further disruption. There was no content dispute on the original thread. No intended personal attack. No mention of anyone by name there or at the BLPN report I filed. The issue was closed until it was resurrected by others on my talk page, with escalating accusations I tried to withdraw from or did not respond to. My response to Joseph's changing the lead to add a ref and challenge me directly by name in the thread's first sentence diff was to note the thread had been editted and the result was better than past discussions disrupted by IP proxies (like the ones blocked here and here by User:Callanecc and User:Bishonen and soliciting JBW re my block here).
All I can say to JBW's accusation that my response was a snide personal attack against Joseph, is that it certainly wasn't meant that way, and I am sorry if it appears otherwise. In the future I will be quicker to report such issues to the proper authorities and let them handle it. I assume the purpose of the block is not punishment or refighting an ANI from January. There certainly won't be any disruption or even comment if it is removed. Please accept my request for unblocking. μηδείς (talk) 18:45, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Note to James

James, I don't have time to review this in depth, and I certainly have confidence in your judgment as regards this block. There's not that much left of it in any case. But I must protest against your statement that the ANI topic ban of Medeis and a couple of other users from the reference desk was overturned "on procedural grounds". I'm not sure what that even means. The topic ban was overturned (by Writ Keeper, I think) because the originally closing admin's conclusion that there was consensus for a topic ban just wasn't justified. Not anywhere near. (As Medeis says above, in fact.) Several people had already said so before WK did his review, and I don't recollect any objections to his re-close. That said, I agree with you that the mere ANI discussion should have been a caution to Medeis about their future manner of refdesk editing. Bishonen | talk 19:21, 13 March 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Yup, Bishonen's right: after a further discussion on the AN thread (and after jc37 had given permission for any uninvolved admin to re-evaluate the original ANI thread), I re-evaluated the discussion and found that there was no consensus for a topic ban, and that it wasn't even particularly close. The procedural problems were an issue, but they were far from the primary reason that the topic bans were overturned. So, yeah, it's not that they were overturned on a technicality; they were overturned because there was no consensus for them (indeed, if anything, there was a consensus against them). Writ Keeper  19:45, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for confirming my understanding. If we have the ANI revisitation thrown out as a reason for this block, all we have are:
Four edits by me over the 7th and 8th motivated solely by BLP issues with no content dispute, or even mention of any specific user, followed by
A BLPN report by me five days before this block, and my withdrawal from the matter entirely, and:
An indirect response to JAS's change to the lead of the thread which added a ref at my prompting and challenged me by name, which I declined to accept.
Given there's no prior consensus I should be blocked, no personal attacks by me, given there's no sign I would have revisited this except for Jack's and Joseph's criticisms upon Jame's reopening the issue after five days, given there's no edit warring over content, given my apologies that my use of vague and passive language might have lead to misinterpretation of my pleasure the matter was resolved on the thread, given there was no objection by me to JBW's suggestion that I notify people who participate in future threads I report to BP, given my cordial response to James' initial advice, and given my thanks to Jack, and my apology to Joseph, given no warning was made to me to stop any "disruptive" editting of or to avoid the thread in question, given there's no threat I will in any way again disrupt the thread in question, given there's no instance of my naming or actually attacking any editor involved at the ref desk or the BLP report, and given there's no threat I will do so if unblocked, I again request the current block be removed. μηδείς (talk) 20:19, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
  • The post that I linked to in referring to the "procedural" overturn of the topic ban says "The topic ban is to be lifted irrespective of consensus one way or the other because the procedure/proposal which conflated the interaction ban issue with the topic ban issue was flawed from the start. In other words, they should've been discussed separately; now they will be (and not in connection to past ANIs)." I took that at face value, as an indication that the overturning was on procedural grounds. It now appears that that was a misleading impression. That does significantly reduce the force of what I said about previous concerns about Medeis's editing at the reference desks, and I am grateful to Bishonen and Writ Keeper for correcting me on that. However, I do not see it as invalidating any of the essential points of what I said, namely (1) there has been considerable concern in the past about Medeis's editing at the reference desks, (2) knowing that, Medeis edit warred at a reference desk, (3) Medeis came back after discussion had died out, to post a message which is bound to be seen as an innuendo coming close to being a personal attack. Under the circumstances, I really see a 48 hour block as fairly minimal. The editor who uses the pseudonym "JamesBWatson" (talk) 21:05, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

User JBW, please recuse yourself. You ignore User:Bishonen, and User:Writ Keeper above. You imply that I have revived this issue, when it is your comments that made Jack and Joseph revive this. You haven't said a word to Jack of Oz for his obscenity and attacks above--actual attacks. You haven't admonished the proxy troll IP54 who solicited you on your talk page after he and his fellow socks were banned by User:Bishonen and User:Callanecc. You have ignored User:Jzg's comments at the BLPN. You don't offer any reason to believe I would have or ever will revisit this thread about O.P.'s alleged crimes. You say I must have intended some veiled attack at JAS, but you don't say what that imagined personal attack actually was.
I have tried to be objective, restrained, and cordial while having made four edits and one good faith BLP report over during days almost a week ago to the thread in question. I request that an admin remove this block, as there is no threat of disruption by me. μηδείς (talk) 22:13, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ultraman image

Can you at least get a screencap (do not crop it, and make it maximum 300 pixels wide) of a fight with one of the more iconic monsters? Even Bemular would be better because it was in episode 1.—Ryūlóng (琉竜) 19:41, 15 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I have re-opened the thread; per WP:BRD you should not have reverted NE Ent (talk · contribs). As a side note, you might wish to consider archiving your talk page, it is far too long. GiantSnowman 11:28, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, Medeis.

Thank you for defending me, as many others have, mostly by email, but you have done it straight out on the board with your knickers and bra on the table (not something I would like to see, but thanking you anyway for being so open).

Apparently, according to one of my accusers, you are my 'chum', so you are now considered to be a partner-in-crime, and as far as I am concerned, whoever said that is taking sides on a conflict which was unnecessary, and is therefore bordering on trolling, by dragging you into it.

[15:42, 23 March 2014‎ KageTora]

Reference desk hatting

Please just stop hatting contributions on the reference desk and subpages. NE Ent 17:38, 6 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Orban

Stay off my pag'e and play with yourself here and keep your abuse to yourself. You return there and you will go to ANI.

And for the record, I did not change the nomination. First step I nominated, then he did, then the admin meerged both, then HE removed my name before i reciprocated. So get you facts straight and piss off!! Im in the right mind to send you to ANI now. So get your damn facts strraight first and see my reply to the admin too!!(Lihaas (talk) 15:29, 9 April 2014 (UTC)).[reply]

Diff of the above editor modifying the nomination, breaking the formatting, and removing another editor's name as nominator against explicit instructions. μηδείς (talk) 03:09, 10 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I started a discussion over at ANI about the IP77 user from ITN. Please feel free to contribute to the discussion. Andise1 (talk) 01:35, 15 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Books & Bytes - Issue 5

The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 5, March 2014
by The Interior (talk · contribs), Ocaasi (talk · contribs)

  • New Visiting Scholar positions
  • TWL Branch on Arabic Wikipedia, microgrants program
  • Australian articles get a link to librarians
  • Spotlight: "7 Reasons Librarians Should Edit Wikipedia"

Read the full newsletter

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:54, 19 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates.
Message added 10:12, 5 May 2014 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

331dot (talk) 10:12, 5 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Some stroopwafels for you!

thanks ~Helicopter Llama~ 20:37, 20 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Aren´t you receiving my emails? I just had 5 minutes access to Wikipedia. And I wante to let you know that I have replied, but apparently you aren´t getting my emails. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 19:24, 3 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Books & Bytes, Issue 6

The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 6, April-May 2014
by The Interior (talk · contribs), Ocaasi (talk · contribs)

  • New donations from Oxford University Press and Royal Society (UK)
  • TWL does Vegas: American Library Association Annual plans
  • TWL welcomes a new coordinator, resources for library students and interns
  • New portal on Meta, resources for starting TWL branches, donor call blitzes, Wikipedia Visiting Scholar news, and more

Read the full newsletter

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:59, 5 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The Wikipedia Library: New Account Coordinators Needed

Hi Books & Bytes recipients: The Wikipedia Library has been expanding rapidly and we need some help! We currently have 10 signups for free account access open and several more in the works... In order to help with those signups, distribute access codes, and manage accounts we'll need 2-3 more Account Coordinators.

It takes about an hour to get up and running and then only takes a couple hours per week, flexible depending upon your schedule and routine. If you're interested in helping out, please drop a note in the next week at my talk page or shoot me an email at: jorlowitz@gmail.com. Thanks and cheers, Jake Ocaasi via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:41, 20 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

flower Id

Thank you for your time and the information! I don't have internet access in my current location, but I'll surely check once I get to home. Thanks again and a good day!

Books and Bytes - Issue 7

The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 7, June-July 2014
by The Interior (talk · contribs), Ocaasi (talk · contribs), Sadads (talk · contribs)

  • Seven new donations, two expanded partnerships
  • TWL's Final Report up, read the summary
  • Adventures in Las Vegas, WikiConference USA, and updates from TWL coordinators
  • Spotlight: Blog post on BNA's impact on one editor's research

Read the full newsletter

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:20, 31 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Dominique doesn't have connection

She will be off for a week or so due to email connection problems. Don't reply to this message. Just wanted to let you know. She will send you an email as soon as connections is OKay. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:39, 5 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Please don't falsely accuse me of lying again. DuncanHill (talk) 03:31, 6 August 2014 (UTC) To which I would add - I identify myself on Wikipedia by my real name and place of residence. To accuse me of lying, as you blatantly did in your removal of my recent question, is an obvious violation of Wikipedia's BLP policy. I look forward to your retraction and apology. DuncanHill (talk) 03:47, 6 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Warning - medical advice

I have removed this post of yours as it is medical advice (and potentially very dangerous advice at that). DuncanHill (talk) 03:41, 7 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Can you be my mentor please

Please. I have done so many violations on it that I need help fixing my mistakes. People are kinda worried because I'm not suppose to create categories. Maybe you could speak on my behalf. I'm wondering if you what categories are suitable to create and not suitable to create. I'm not banned yet you see; I just can't create categories I do have some mental health issues. Please? Venustar84 (talk) 04:05, 9 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG


Thanks for uploading File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. Stefan2 (talk) 18:35, 24 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Commons deletion request for Mammal_Diversity_2011.png

Apologies if you're already aware of this, but I see you haven't edited on Commons since January so I thought I'd drop you a note about it just in case. One of your very nice animal diversity montages, Mammal_Diversity_2011.png, was recently nominated for deletion because one of its component images, Notoryctes typhlops.jpg (marsupial mole), was a blatant copyright infringement. Your picture has not been deleted, but it has now been replaced with a version in which the infringing component image has been blanked out.

Although I have now replaced the Commons image of the marsupial mole with a public domain version, this is a lithograph, clearly unsuitable for insertion into your mammal diversity picture. I had thought of replacing the marsupial mole in the picture myself with an image of a Tasmanian devil or a bilby. However, as the artist responsible for the original picture, you would obviously be better placed to decide what image should be used to replace that of the marsupial mole. Ideally, I suppose, this would be a good freely licensed or public domain photograph of a marsupial mole, but I suspect such a photograph will be very hard to come by. The marsupial mole is a very elusive creature, spending most of its life underground in remote sandy deserts. None have survived in captivity for more than a few months, and so there are no zoos anywhere which contain specimens. None of the Google photographic images I looked at were credibly claimed to be available under a free license.
David Wilson (talk · cont)

Here's a page with a photograph offered under a credible free licence. Unfortunately it's pretty obvious that it's of a stuffed dead specimen, even without the confirmation provided by the accompanying description.
David Wilson (talk · cont) 22:41, 26 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]


which I overtyped on the file kret worrkowaty. This is to replace the image of the marsupial mole.

Medeis (talk) 00:52, 27 August 2014 (UTC)

Thanks all, I have created a cropped image of a tasmanian devil and added it to the description page of the mammal diversity file. If someone can add that to the actual image it would be great. I created the original image on a Mac a while ago and no longer have the tools to do this easily. Thanks.

My reply to your comment on WP:ITN/C

Sorry if I came off as rude there. Didn't realize you were trying to make a joke Palmtree5551 (talk) 19:27, 26 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Stop nitpicking for reasons to have the image deleted. "It's from a commercial website" it's an effing screen shot from the TV show regardless of where it was downloaded from.—Ryūlóng (琉竜) 19:10, 29 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Re your post "Is been this some sort of joke?"

Thank you. Your post raised the question that I have been contemplating without actually asking. I suspect the answer is "yes".

The language issue was raised very directly two weeks ago in the section "Language difficulties" on Alex's talk page. And it has been raised there before. But he seems to ignore these questions. I don't see any good faith attempt to communicate. CBHA (talk) 22:19, 2 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

"singular is standard"

Re: your recent moves of articles such as Indo-Uralic languages to Indo-Uralic language: Certainly the standard is for us to use singular for single languages, but did you notice these are proposed language families? I think we use the plural for all of these: Indo-European languages, Uralic languages, Dravidian languages, Sino-Tibetan languages, Uto-Aztecan languages… --Trɔpʏliʊmblah 16:20, 7 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

WEll, fore example, we have the article mammal a class of animals with over a dozen orders, and thousands of species. The policy of using the singular also makes sense because to form the plural you simply add s after the second close bracket [[mammal]]s, whereas if an article is already and only named in plural, then one has to WP:PIPE, for example [[Sino-Tibetan languages|Sino-Tibetan language]]. This is three times the work at least. The moves I made were bold, because they are uncontroversial in normal circumstances, and I only acted on those two articles because I had come across them in context. If there's a consensus against my move I have no problem, and am not going to fight a reversion to the old status, but then at least redirects should be created. μηδείς (talk) 17:32, 7 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Holy cat.

Saw your question after the thread was archived.

She had a 2-3 inch loop of gut sticking out, short of breath and frothing blood. From a dog bite. Twisted ankle, too. Not fun, I'll bet. I pushed the gut in while my mom wrapped her. Not sure what the vet did later, but it was expensive and it worked. InedibleHulk (talk) 15:53, September 13, 2014 (UTC)

I can sympathize with the cat and appreciate the treatment. I had diverticulitis, went to the same hospital where they let John Lennon bleed to death from a survivable wound. After 24 hours in the emergency room they gave me a shot of morphine, the intern came back five minutes later and was surprised I wasn't knocked out. I said, no the pain is simply manageable. After five days on oral antiobiotics with no exploratory surgery they said, well now your gut has ruptured and you do need surgery. I got my sister and a friend to transfer me to the hospital they used in Seinfeld. The first thing the doctor said was I had a 60% chance of surviving, would need major surgery, and would have been dead in a few more days with the other hospital's treatment. A year after two surgeries by him, I developed a hernia. But he was a miracle workerd--if you need a good surgeon in the NY area, email me for his name.
Shitty deal, but at least you stayed in some famous places and got good service. I think I'll just stick with whatever free guy I can find in Canada, but if a life or death decision ever becomes worth the trouble, I'll give you a shout. Thanks. InedibleHulk (talk) 18:29, September 14, 2014 (UTC)

Your edit on the Miscellaneous Reference Desk

You claim that the references section you added on the Miscellaneous Reference Desk is "misformatted but certainly not empty". Well, the wiki source code says "{{refs}}", but on the rendered Wikipedia page, I don't see anything at all below the section header. And why did you add a references section to the Miscellaneous Reference Desk in the first place? Reference desk pages usually don't have references sections. Is there something on the page that needs a reference? JIP | Talk 03:52, 23 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Somebody did have a ref on that page, but they seem to have erased it (look at my prior edit adding the format and you will see there was a citation), so the section is pointless now, and can be removed. μηδείς (talk) 17:09, 23 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I just sent you an e-mail

{{umbox | image = Mail-message-new.svg | text = Hello, Medeis. Please check your email – you've got mail!
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{You've got mail}} or {{YGM}} template.

I just sent you an e-mail

Hello, Medeis. Please check your email – you've got mail!
It may take a few minutes from the time the email is sent for it to show up in your inbox. You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{You've got mail}} or {{YGM}} template.

Whereismylunch (talk) 08:01, 24 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Three minutes

Was three minutes to sign, but then I should know better than to expect either honesty or accuracy from you. Learn to sign your posts, then you won't have to rely on others to do it for you. DuncanHill (talk) 21:26, 28 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Please don't post here any more. If you have concerns contact an admin or file a complaint, as will I. μηδείς (talk) 23:57, 28 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Cezary Chlebowski on the 1931 Polish Census

Hi, There appear to be some issues on the Ruthenians page about the 1931 Polish Census with allegations of OR. I see a reference on the Rusyns page to the fact that Rusyns were categorized separately from Ukrainians (a new ethnic category then) in that census. Apparently that was the first time there was a group listed on a census listed as Ukrainians. The Wiki page on that census notes that statistically, Rusyns are much more Catholic that Ukrainians. There is a reference here noting some scholarly commentary on the usage of the separate categories:

Chlebowski, Cezary (1983). Wachlarz: Writings on the Liberating Organization, a Division of the National Army (Wachlarz: Monografia wydzielonej organizacji dywersyjnej Armii Krajowej : wrzesien 1941-marzec 1943), Instytut Wydawniczy Pax. ISBN 83-211-0419-3.

Do you have anything more about this topic, like a direct quote from the source?

The fact that over a quarter of the previous category of Ruthenians from the 1921 Polish census were not identified as Ukrainians should get more discussion. The 1931 Polish census is the last history of this before the Soviets annexed the area, and the Ukrainian Nationalists collaborated with the Nazis, and all of the forced homogenization of Rusyns with Ukrainians began.

Thanks! — Preceding unsigned comment added by Carpo- Rusyn (talkcontribs) 06:52, 30 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Just a heads-up...

I'm not sure if you're still following "Any Romance languages that historically shifted Latin's "f" and/or "b" to "h" or something like that?" at the Help Desk, but in my latest response I asked you a question about Gascon that I hope you might be able to answer. Please reply there if you are able. Thanks. Tharthandorf Aquanashi (talk) 12:26, 5 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I'm not really sure how to put this, but are you... are you alright? Your last couple of edits (1 2) seem, well, out of character. Of course if it's none of my business, say so. Just thought I'd ask. GoldenRing (talk) 05:52, 16 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I tend to remain silent when I agree with the consensus, especially negative votes. The "suppose" vote was a hybrid of support and oppose, meant to express a meh. As for the Sao Tome election, it was never voted on to be added to ITNR and unless any such election can be shown the mere listing is invalid. I am not sure if the get there income from selling stamps or a s a resort or from mining fertilizer, but we wouldn't list the winner of the Newark, NJ mayoral election. Just trying to express myself colorfully. μηδείς (talk) 16:10, 16 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Looks like you quoted the words from the Grinch song in the WP:RD/M thread. That's a clear case of copyright violation. You should probably remove it before you get into trouble over it. SteveBaker (talk) 06:18, 3 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I removed that as soon as I saw it, I would not have minded had you done so yourself. μηδείς (talk) 13:21, 3 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Now Available (November 2014)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today :)

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for:

  • DeGruyter: 1000 new accounts for English and German-language research. Sign up on one of two language Wikipedias:
  • Fold3: 100 new accounts for American history and military archives
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  • British Newspaper Archive: expanded by 100+ accounts for British newspapers
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Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 23:25, 5 November 2014 (UTC)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Mass Message to the Book & Bytes recipient list.

Iguala kidnapping

Thanks for notifying me! I just started this article when I found out that there was no such article (and in the Spanish wiki as well!) despite it being such a high-profile case. Since then a great jod was done by others.Olegwiki (talk) 21:11, 7 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

[w] in Hindustani

As a follow-up regarding the issue of surviving Proto-Indo-European *w in modern languages as such: Not sure if you were aware of this. Apparently [w] is the realisation after stops (and possibly some other consonants such as sibilants). This would explain Lakshadweep, which I just wondered about today. --Florian Blaschke (talk) 19:18, 10 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for that, Florian Blaschke. It is interesting, on my end as far as I can tell the underlying phoneme is /w/ in my dialect of the Rusyn language, with [w] word, or syllable initially (wona "she", czerweny, "red") or intervocallically (zdrawy "healthy", kupowati "to go shopping"); [v] after a consonant in the same syllable: dva "two", sviaty "holy"); and devoiced word finally, i.e., [f] krov [krɔf] "blood") I am unsure of the orthography, since the use of v/w seems to depend on the word or dialect. For example, the Christmas greeting and response is spelt: Hristos razhdajetsja/Slavite jeho The response phonetically is ['slawitɛ 'jɛhɔ]. It seems English is still the only dialect that has only the one allophone, subject to the usual caveats. μηδείς (talk) 21:40, 10 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

ITN credit

ThaddeusB (talk) 21:51, 10 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Greek Naming

To address the point about Ancient Greek names being meaningful: it appears to me that at least in oral cultures, names are generally given with an acute awareness of their meaning, and not primarily because of their sound. This sort of "speaking names" is commonplace not only in early Indo-European-speaking cultures – where the typical names consisting of compounds with two members are said to have been characteristic of (but not necessarily exclusively to) nobility, and upapada-tatpurusha-style compounds seem to have been particularly common initially, for example "he who rules the underworld (> king of the underworld)" (Dumnorix) or "he who releases horses" (Hippolytos) – but also, for example, in Native American cultures of North America. However, already by the Classical Greek period, and perhaps even in the Mycenaean period, names had apparently already become "ossified" and treated as a fixed whole, and an analogous calcification which continued through several stages is easily observed in Roman naming customs. Even many ancient Germanic names don't make any real sense when translated literally and appear to have been composed purely mechanically, such as the alliterative names uniting family members in the Hildebrandlied. This is comparable to our German and English surnames, which by some point in the Late Middle Ages went from bynames which did have a literal meaning appropriate to the bearer to inherited markers of family membership. This is a pattern that repeats over and over in many cultures. --Florian Blaschke (talk) 22:17, 10 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Things that (don't) go ping in the night

No problem it was just one of those things. I've noticed that the {{ping}} does not always seem to work. On the other hand [[User:Name]] does seem to work most of the time. CambridgeBayWeather, Uqaqtuq (talk), Sunasuttuq 22:54, 15 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

sunset times

No, I didn't say your actual point was wrong; both the 23:56 and the 365¼ are irrelevant to it. If "about" was meant to cover a difference of one day, it's odd to give so much precision. —Tamfang (talk) 07:17, 25 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Quoting Hazlitt quoting Defoe

Were you able to confirm Defoe's authorship of the quote about a hundred thousand fellows ready to fight to the death against popery not knowing whether Popery was a man or a horse? I could only find a William Hazlitt quote quoting Defoe in these terms: "Defoe says, that there were a hundred thousand stout country-fellows in his time ready to fight to the death against popery, without knowing whether Popery was a man or a horse." (here) Could Hazlitt have incorrectly attributed this to Defoe? Contact Basemetal here 02:07, 27 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I am familiar with but do not own any works by Hazlitt or Defoe. Google gives plenty of citations, so I'd be tempted to believe it's genuine. It's the sort of thing that's so good that if no one said it it still should have been said. μηδείς (talk) 05:52, 27 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]
No, all Hazlitt's and another Defoe quote with 'popery'. No question someone did say it, but was it Defoe? I'll ask the RD. Contact Basemetal here 11:51, 27 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi medeis.

When you reverted my edit at the science reference desk, you said "you can take this to the talk page". What do you mean by that? I can discuss about my question on the talk page?Whereismylunch (talk) 01:48, 2 December 2014 (UTC) I think what i will do instead is wait a few days to ask my question again. I wrongly phrased my question, and that's why the answers weren't helpful enoughWhereismylunch (talk) 02:51, 2 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

December 2014

Stop icon

Your recent editing history at List of ethnic slurs shows that you are currently engaged in an edit war. To resolve the content dispute, please do not revert or change the edits of others when you get reverted. Instead of reverting, please use the article's talk page to work toward making a version that represents consensus among editors. The best practice at this stage is to discuss, not edit-war. See BRD for how this is done. If discussions reach an impasse, you can then post a request for help at a relevant noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. In some cases, you may wish to request temporary page protection.

Being involved in an edit war can result in your being blocked from editing—especially if you violate the three-revert rule, which states that an editor must not perform more than three reverts on a single page within a 24-hour period. Undoing another editor's work—whether in whole or in part, whether involving the same or different material each time—counts as a revert. Also keep in mind that while violating the three-revert rule often leads to a block, you can still be blocked for edit warring—even if you don't violate the three-revert rule—should your behavior indicate that you intend to continue reverting repeatedly. lTopGunl (talk) 06:22, 4 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

--SpencerT♦C 22:40, 4 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

2014 Grozny clashes

Could you give a proper response on the talk page? Ridiculing someone's comment just because you believe it contains ad hominem doesn't mean that comment isn't correct. The Background section of the article is offtopic and doesn't contribute to the article in any way. Khazar (talk) 19:43, 6 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Maybe, but I don't remember there actually anything beyond the ad hominem. You can comment there, commenting here is not relevant to the article, which I am still watching. μηδείς (talk) 20:06, 6 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Could you please contribute to that discussion? The objection was very clear. Khazar (talk) 01:01, 7 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A Courteous Notification That You Are Being Discussed At ANI

Here is the thread in question [27] - I apologize if this is not the correct way to go about notifying you, I've never done this before.Phoenixia1177 (talk) 06:52, 10 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]


This [28] is the first comment i have seen this year which rises to the level of idiocy shown by fringe theory advocates. Special. Incidentally, the last reference to rectal feeding I can find in the literature is from 1913. Guy (Help!) 23:00, 10 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]


I was recently reviewing the ITN archives and I noticed one of my early nominations (for what is now Franklin Regional High School stabbing). I wanted to say I was sorry for not taking it seriously and being POINTy about this nomination; I was overwhelmed by cynicism at the time and did not understand the workings of ITN as well as I do now. Everymorning talk 03:32, 16 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I remember the incident but not the ITN comments. In any case, the apology is nice, and something rare here. μηδείς (talk) 03:36, 16 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]


For this [29] -- such personal attacks on you shouldn't be tolerated; unfortunately it's not something I'm able to do anything about at this particular moment. Rest assured, such comments reflect far more on the poster than they do on you. NE Ent 11:44, 17 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

No biggy, thanks. The most annoying thing is that he pung me, as if I desperately needed to see that comment.. μηδείς (talk) 17:16, 17 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Now Available (December 2014)

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today :)

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for:

Other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team.00:25, 18 December 2014 (UTC)

You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
This message was delivered via the Mass Message tool to the Book & Bytes recipient list.

Just to let you know that i'm not a troll

I would like to let you know that my previous account was not a sockpuppet account. If you're unable to believe me, that's perfectly fine. Thank you.Successor account to whereismylunch (talk) 05:07, 23 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. μηδείς (talk) 05:09, 23 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I assume you're sufficiently well-read to know exactly what you imply about yourself with that quote? (talk) 23:42, 27 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Why did you hat my previous question at the reference desk?

Why did you hat my previous question at the reference desk?Successor account to whereismylunch (talk) 02:20, 25 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Your "pointy" behavior at Humanities ref. desk

On the Humanities ref. desk, I corrected threading to show the actual pattern of replies; your action in restoring incorrect threading is the very definition of "pointiness". Furthermore, I didn't "mess up" your signatures, but rather added signatures to comments of yours which you left completely unsigned. I don't know what lies behind your apparent hatred of horizontal lines, but since this hatred causes you to engage in immature and petty behavior which accomplishes little beyond displaying yourself in a negative light, it would be better for all concerned if you just get over it. AnonMoos (talk) 14:15, 25 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

καλά Χριστούγεννα

Title say's it all--Aspro (talk) 00:11, 26 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Well a 1 hour talk is boring. I would like to see a documentary that at least includes them. Venustar84 (talk) 04:53, 26 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Do not add copyright propaganda to Wikipedia, specifically to Aaron Swartz. (talk) 23:34, 27 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I have no idea what you are talking about. μηδείς (talk) 00:16, 28 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Through the father

Thanks for your answer at the reference desk. By any chance do you have a source that would explain this law in more detail?. Thanks again.--Two kinds of porkMakin'Bacon 06:30, 28 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Global account

Hi Medeis! As a Steward I'm involved in the upcoming unification of all accounts organized by the Wikimedia Foundation (see m:Single User Login finalisation announcement). By looking at your account, I realized that you don't have a global account yet. In order to secure your name, I recommend you to create such account on your own by submitting your password on Special:MergeAccount and unifying your local accounts. If you have any problems with doing that or further questions, please don't hesitate to ping me with {{ping|DerHexer}}. Cheers, —DerHexer (Talk) 00:49, 31 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Double voting

You voted twice, and gave contradictory opinions, at the ITN discussion of the UN resolution: [30] [31]. I'll assume one of these is an error of some sort. Dragons flight (talk)

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited List of ethnic slurs, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Armenian. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:36, 2 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Removing sourced info under pretext of unsourced content

If you do this again like you did at List of ethnic slurs, I will have to report you. Consider this the last warning. The RFC does not seem to be going your way either. So do not try to change the scope of the article. --lTopGunl (talk) 17:52, 3 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Diff, please? Yu refer to "this" without saying what "this" is. μηδείς (talk) 18:10, 3 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
These two edits. [32]... I did mention the article and your last edit on it is clearly in reference. You removed referenced content with edit summary claiming removal of "uncited" non english and changed the article's scope in violation of NPOV. --lTopGunl (talk) 18:31, 3 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The first paragraph was indeed an inappropriate, unreferenced essay for an article that's meant to be a list, and the other terms were all non-English. At this point you have warned me, so please keep any further comments on the talk page. μηδείς (talk) 18:51, 3 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]




Would you please either revert or refactor this diff? As it stands, you have modified a closed discussion. I thought about reverting it on sight, but thought I'd give you the chance to refactor first. Outside of the closed discussion would be the appropriate place for this, IMO. GoldenRing (talk) 00:12, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

According to my moral beliefs, one is obligated to express one's objection, but not to always fight, which is what I would see re-opening the discussion by posting outside the archive as doing. We normally snow-close discussions when the vote is a whole number ratio of opposes to supports, not a fraction. You, @Spencer: and anyone else should feel free to do as he like, and there's certainly nothing in bad faith about the support argument. I do appreciate your asking.μηδείς (talk) 01:14, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Upon reconsideration, I've reopened the nomination; esp. since an additional image was suggested much later (and the closure doesn't leave much discussion for that). My apologies, SpencerT♦C 19:21, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Don't worry, Medeis. We Brits often make jokes about the French surrendering, after all, every time we've fought them we've beaten them. I guess I was just trying to reinforce the fact that they are on our side now, and they've not done badly since Dien Bien Phu (primarily by not really participating in any war, really). And yes, it is sad what has just happened. It's also likely that something will happen in the UK pretty soon, too. After the 7/7 attacks in London in 1995 2005, somebody set up a website called www.wearenotafraid.com, and we were all invited to post a picture of ourselves with a flag of England (the cross of St. George). I participated. After the attacks, people who were going to work on the the trains and the bus that were targeted still just got off and went to work, in true British style. Some went to the pub. I live in Liverpool, and in 1997 2007 I was walking to the train station, and a car had been stopped by armed Police. Outside the car was a man of middle eastern appearance, and his car boot (or 'trunk' as you would call it) was open. He had his hands up, while four police officers were aiming HK MP5 submachine guns at him. The entire street was filled with people watching and holding their camera phones (as I did, standing literaly 10 yards away). One officer tried to tell us to go away or seek safety. Nobody listened. In the end, the female officer came over and shouted, really angrily, "Will you all just f**k off! There is a bomb in that car!", so people slowly returned to the pubs. Again, typical British. The French are now doing the same - an act of solidarity, and just getting on with their lives. Of course, it was a terrible thing that happened, and the families of the victims must be going through hell, but the rest of the country are just getting on with their lives - albeit with some remembrance of what happened. KägeTorä - () (Chin Wag) 01:02, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I was in NYC on 9/11 and worked across the street at 140 West Street (the sole building standing in this image) while my father's company had vacated the floor hit by the plane that hit the South Tower on his floor. Luckily for me my shift didn't start until noon that day, and I decided not to walk downtown, as I lived at the northern tip of Manhattan, and realized quite quickly any aid I could render would come two hours too late. In any case, I won't withdraw the comment, but I hope it's clear I used Saxon and Gaul to indicate my week but intended humor. μηδείς (talk) 01:25, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
There's a really, really sad story about a lady who was on the way to work on the subway train on the morning of 7/7. When it blew up, she called her boss to say she might be late, and she would get the bus. Sadly, she got the bus that blew up, and was killed. We lost 52 people that day, but for the people who lost their lives, and for those who lost loved ones, the number doesn't matter. 52? 3000? It's all the same to them. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy. I was in Japan at the time, actually in a restaurant on my own, and my boss called me and asked me to go to her house, because my two American colleagues were absolutely distraught by what was happening. I feel a bit guilty about my reaction at the time, as I was not really sympathetic enough - I don't think I could really comprehend what was happening. Then when the 7/7 attacks in the UK happened 4 years later, I was still in Japan, watching the news with my Japanese wife, I was distraught, too, and could remember how those two American colleagues must have felt. I phoned my mother to make sure none of my family were in London at that time. KägeTorä - () (Chin Wag) 17:54, 10 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for putting those pictures up, mate - solidarity! KägeTorä - () (Chin Wag) 05:39, 11 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

--SpencerT♦C 06:29, 13 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your kind attention at Francesco Rosi. Thanks also for your efforts at ITN. Even after four days I'm keen for him to get an appearance. Although now you've marked it as needing attention, that's probably il bacio della morte as far as "Old Rambler" is concerned... Martinevans123 (talk) 20:03, 14 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ITN for Swiss Franc

--μηδείς (talk) 21:42, 16 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Climbing at ITN

You've supported it twice, would you mind striking one of them? Thanks. Stephen 22:07, 16 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I appreciate the gesture, but...

I don't think my edit qualifies as the "hard work and due diligence" that merits a barnstar. There is an interesting take on this at User:Gwillhickers/Trivializing and misuse of Awards, and, taking that advice, I've declined the barnstar.

Sorry if this makes you upset; I'd like to offer you this cup of coffee as an apology and a token of my appreciation. Thank you! Anon126 (notify me of responses! / talk / contribs) 05:29, 19 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Failed global warming nomination

Suggested here to Sagittarian Milky Way that honey attracts more flies than sugar. μηδείς (talk) 02:21, 24 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

--μηδείς (talk) 21:42, 16 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]


The Doctor

Please do not start an edit war at The Doctor. There has never been a "long standing" consensus, and in fact has never been established that the Doctor Who character is the primary topic. A discussion to that effect may be held on Talk:Doctor in the near future. Until then, the stable version of the redirect has been restored. Thank you. -- [[User:Edokter]] {{talk}} 22:03, 26 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

New redirect discussion for “The Doctor”

Hi. Since you participated in the discussion at WT:Wikiproject Doctor Who, you may wish to post at Talk:Doctor#Proposed redirect. — (talk) 04:11, 27 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Failed AfD nomination

Hi. Today you created an AfD that said "The article is a sub-stub entry with one source which should be moved or redirected to wiktionary", but didn't say what article: it was at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/NominationName. I have deleted that, because it was causing confusion due to a transclusion in an old AfD log page from 2010, so I'm afraid you need to start again. The instructions are at WP:AFDHOW. Regards, JohnCD (talk) 21:32, 28 January 2015 (UTC) Call me by my real name Kristine. (talk) 01:41, 29 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

--μηδείς (talk) 21:42, 16 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]


ITN for Rod McKuen

--SpencerT♦C 02:12, 1 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Picture at the top of your page

GREAT picture. Best city in the whole world. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 16:11, 2 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ref desk proposal

Hi, I've been thinking about the discussion on the talk page about how to handle questions seeking medical/legal advice. What would you think about having a template to put on these (actually not that common) questions? Something like:

Would that seem ok to you? The thing is, we really don't get that many medical legal questions, and I like how this puts us in the position to police ourselves as respondents, rather than posters. As I see it, this proposal is consistent with our guidelines (which actually currently say removing posts asking for medical info is discouraged). I actually totally agree with you that we should not give medical or legal advice. The way I'm seeing it, this could avoid some cases of debate and distraction. Because if anyone puts up the template, and someone else doesn't think it's appropriate or necessary, there's less to argue over, because the whole process of handling advice-seeking questions would be less disruptive to the regular flow of the desks. Thoughts? SemanticMantis (talk) 16:51, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

My only concern would be that we shouldn't imply that these are the only two types of professional licensed advice we don't give. That is, the disclaimer doesn't limit its scope just to medical and legal advice. I'd replace "and we cannot make any guarantees" with "If you need specific advice (for example, medical, legal, financial or risk management) please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area." μηδείς (talk) 17:20, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I'm open to working on the wording. Medical/legal advice seems to be the most contentious issue, so I started there. Also happy to put in verbiage about seeking a professional. I'll likely work on it a bit more and solicit more feedback, then post something about this on the talk page in a few days. SemanticMantis (talk) 17:36, 6 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
A simpler alternative might be to say "or other professional advice" since that avoids a long list without leaving anything out, per the rationale of the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution. μηδείς (talk) 02:53, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Monty Oum

Hi! I saw your message in the discussion of Monty Oum over at In the news/Candidates, and noticed that you said that the surgery that resulted in his death was elective. None of the news articles linked mention that, and the only other mention I could find via Google and Twitter search was this similarly unsourced and somewhat contentious reddit thread. Can you clarify what you meant by that and where you learned it? Personman (talk) 10:24, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I misspoke, it was described as routine, @Personman:. I have no additional info. μηδείς (talk) 15:02, 7 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I placed the following comment on Viennese Waltz's's talk page:

+== ignorant, personal attack ==+

The user who posted the question about Wales, which, if it belongs anywhere, belongs at AN or an RfC on Wales' page, has been blocked, and his edit was reverted by Ian.thomson. The block is simply being bypassed. As usual, you smell blood and land like a harpy ready to tear my flesh. But the reference desk is not the place to speculate on specific editors. Very simple.


μηδείς (talk) 11:32 am, Today (UTC−5)

But it was removed with this edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Viennese_Waltz&diff=next&oldid=646516536 (RV Trolling comment.) so I am saving it here as evidence of about the tenth recent attack by this user based on the sole idea that I bonkes and hence my reversions of things like baseless attacks against editors should be reverted on sight. μηδείς (talk) 18:16, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of People's Palace (Kinshasa)

Hello! Your submission of People's Palace (Kinshasa) at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and some issues with it may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! Yoninah (talk) 00:25, 12 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Can you please see my response at Ref_Desk_Science? btw, nice pic you get here! Ben-Natan (talk) 21:45, 19 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

My deleted question

Hi, I noticed that you deleted my question, saying that this is a reference desk, not an answers desk. isnt the whole point of the reference desk to ask questions and receive answers? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Bubbly water31 (talk • contribs) 00:11, 20 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Palais du Peuple (Kinshasa)

Cas Liber (talk · contribs) 00:01, 21 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. IBE (talk) 09:21, 22 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Boris Nemtsov

I'll probably get yelled at if I post this on the ITN page. I was going to say that in the old days, controversial figures in the USSR would simply "disappear". In modern Russia, they're overtly locking them up and/or gunning them down on the streets. I guess this is Russia's idea of "transparency". ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:16, 27 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG


Thanks for uploading File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. Stefan2 (talk) 23:16, 27 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Also, for your information, I have listed the other image in the article for deletion at Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2015 February 27#File:Ultraman Festival 2013.JPG. I would recommend restoring your image to the article and deleting the other one instead. --Stefan2 (talk) 23:26, 27 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It was not my intention to delete the festival image, but I think everything points to user strongjam being a sock of Ryulong, they have highly overlapping edits, and strongjam has never edited Ultraman to this point. μηδείς (talk) 01:16, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The usual solution would be to put it back in the article it was deleted from. Then it's no longer orphaned. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 01:32, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
About sockpuppetry: If you can find evidence, then try WP:SPI. I agree that things look a bit suspicious. About the image: I altered the date in the template a bit so that the image won't go away before the deletion discussion ends. I would also recommend you to re-add the file to the article, in which case the tag can be removed. --Stefan2 (talk) 02:25, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I misunderstood, Stefan2. I thought the convention image was a free-use fan-taken image, I didn't realize it was a non-free image, so I have indeed deleted it. μηδείς (talk) 03:53, 28 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]


I think it's a stretch to call bigamy "fraud". It's a rather strange reductionism, in my opinion, and is a good example of the kind of libertarian terminology that often bothers me. Surely, it would be weird to calk tricking someone into touching a hot iron "fraud", too, just to explain what I mean. The more you know… — Melab±1 07:25, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, marriage vows are taken as a civil contract of sorts, and if you tell two women you are forsaking all others for them, and they bear you children, then find out when you die there are two wives and sets of children depending on your property, insurance, and pension, then yes, that's fraud--gaining a value through deceit which otherwise would have caused one of the parties not to consent to the arrangement. There are plenty of Objectivist and libertarian fora where this can be discussed. My comment at the ref desk was meant simply to be a very brief overview, not an exhaustive essay or an argument. μηδείς (talk) 17:12, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I can't see that. Making that illegal seems to fall into the same category as making insults or adultery illegal. — Melab±1 21:44, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The issue is not oulawing multiple or serial marriages if all the parties are informed and consent. (Read Robert Heinlein.)
The issue is, if I give you the traditional Christian vows that I forsake all others, but also have a second such marriage in a second jurisdiction, such that both your children and her children now have to split an inheritance that was solely and fraudulently pledged to each family exclusively, then there is indeed a fraud.
If I agree to marry you on the condition that I and my children will be your sole heirs and you do the same without telling me with another mother, that's fraud. There are some loonatic libertarians who don't believe in common law or things like fraud or even civil law. I am not prepared to defend or even explain such positions.
You can read the entirety of http://aynrandlexicon.com/ if you want, and I agree with ~95% or more of what is said. I also basically agree with common law and the US Constitution prior to the Income Tax and Prohibition amendments. But I don't come here to argue politics.
In fact, I get paid to ghostwrite politics. So I would suggest registering at some of the Objectivist and libertarian fora and asking there. Given I think for myself on such issues, my opinions will either be OR or WP:COI and WP:OUTING if I name my own works, so I won't. μηδείς (talk) 22:00, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]


For WP editors (and readers) in third-world-countries with only dial-up internet connection, your thumb|center|1700px eats up their bandwidth. Try a smaller image file.--Aspro (talk) 18:08, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The New Yorker cartoon

Thank you,μηδεί (Is that the correct vocative? Suffixes of the nouns of the third declension would suggest so, but there's no entry in the pertinent Numerals section.) for reminding me of The New Yorker cartoon. I have to tip my hat to New Yorkers; that's actually an amazing feat to be able to see all the way to China from NYC. I live on the West Coast, and despite working on an upper floor of what counts as a tall building here, I can't even see the Midway Islands due to curvature issues. — Sebastian 21:18, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Given medeis means no one, and is actually a compound word, I am not sure if it has a vocative. I suspect the vocative of outis, which means the same, would be oute; wiktionary/medeis might have the answer. In any case, my pleasure to provide the image, but I think it reflects the prejudices of parochial NY'ers more than any important fact. I have spent half my life in NYC and half outside, and though I was born in NY, I find the image reflects the ignorance of those born in the city. I actually had a district manager at Verizon who was born in NY in the 60's who had never visited the Twin Towers until after they were destroyed. μηδείς (talk) 22:02, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Where do you get the vocative of οὔτις from? Strangely, none of the inflection sections in Wiktionary (μηδείς, οὔτις, εἷς, τις) even list the vocative. It also seems the inflections are somewhat different for the other casus. Still, the ending -ε was a popular vocative ending; if it's applied to one then I agree it's likely to work for the other, too.
The people I meet from NYC are usually interested in what's going on in the world, but then again, I don't live in NYC and meet the ones that are already straying from the μητρόπολις. I guess it is a universe by itself; one probably can live there without even knowing that there is a world outside. — Sebastian 16:14, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I quite doubt that either word has a vocative, since they are compounds of eis "one" and tis, "who", neither of which has a vocative or would even be used as a way of addressing people in English. I am no expert, and I don't have my Liddell and Scott, so I can't swear, but I think the vocative was a dying category with only a few uses left, as in Latin. μηδείς (talk) 16:35, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Good point, real languages often aren't as complete as the prescriptive grammarians make them. Do you speak German? I could tell you a joke that must have been my favorite when I was a child. — Sebastian 03:53, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, aber ich hab nicht sehr viel gesprochen seit ich in der Universitaet war. (Es gibt mehr als 20 Jahre.) Sende mir den Witz, solange er nicht dieser sei. μηδείς (talk) 16:33, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Keine Sorge, der Killerjoke hat mich nicht auf dem Gewissen. Ich habe nur gerade wenig Zeit für Wikipedia. Aber wenigstens will ich Dir den Witz nicht vorenthalten, den ich Dir versprochen habe. Da meine Erinnerung aus Kindheitstagen nicht mehr so pointensicher ist, habe ich danach gesucht, und ihn hier gefunden. (Ganz unten, die "Zweite Geschichte". Aber die anderen sind auch nicht schlecht.) Dieser Herr Keiner scheint ein übler Bursche zu sein, wenn man diesem Bericht trauen darf. Kennst Du ihn vielleicht? Oder bist du etwa gar mit ihm verwandt? — Sebastian 16:02, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I asked you to clarify the point you were making. Stephen said that the discussion should be closed "once the accusations of racism are rescinded". WaltCip said "I await an apology from Medeis for her unfortunate off-hand comment". Instead, you close the discussion yourself without replying. Would you please now reply, here? Thank you. BencherliteTalk 22:14, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

My points were twofold, both that Boko Haram was not out of the news, ref given at ITN, and that if anything, we'd be better off with an "Islamist Terrorism" or just a plain "Terrorism" Ongoing section, than and Isis and Boko Haram and Libya, and Yemen, and Australia, and Denmark, and France, and so forth sections. Please bring this up at ITN Nom/talk or elsewhere because my opinion has nothing to do with what actually happens according to consensus. μηδείς (talk) 22:22, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No, this is a point about your conduct, which is why I have brought it here. The point I was asking you to clarify was your comment "there was no discussion, and black's lives do matter." The easiest thing to say would have been "of course I wasn't accusing anyone of being racist" but you don't seem able to say that. Shame. BencherliteTalk 22:27, 3 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I maintain my previous wish for clarification and/or an apology.--WaltCip (talk) 00:18, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Okay. Was there a discussion leading to the original closure? Maybe it was on the talk page, and I missed it? Did we post it when Boko Haram last killed 2,000 in one attack in Nigeria? (Yes, I know it won't get posted if no one nominated it, but did it get nominated?) I stand behind both the idea that we should consider restoring the Boko Haram listing, and/or that the ISIS listing should be broadened. And I don't recall accusing anyone of racism, belive me, I'd be much more explicit, just suggesting that it's lopsided to remove the even bloodier African murderers, still in the news, while leaving the Levantine murderers up. This is either a matter of timeliness, in which case Boko Haram should have been restored just after being pulled, given yesterday's new murder and headlines linking it with ISIS, or this was a judgement call, in which case I think the judgement was mistaken. In neither case do I owe anyone an apology. I continue to think Islamic Terrorism would make a lot more sense as an Ongoing topic than just ISIS. There's nothing racist about saying black lives matter. French lives matter. Danish lives matter. Coptic lives matter. Human lives matter. My nomination of reopening was in good faith and based on the headlines, my closure was, I thought, gracious in the face of universal opposition--why make someone else the bad guy for closing a failed nomination? There won't be any further comment from me here, and anyone who wants to reopen the nomination at ITN can do so, for the very odd purpose of berating the nominator, rather than suggesting the nomination should be approved--but I won't comment more there either. μηδείς (talk) 02:34, 4 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Want to contribute to a different language WP?

Basing it on your recent edits [33] "*Oppose this really doesn't seem to have been a mystery, just a necessary bit of drudgery. Haf it been founf off the Azores we'd have a different story." and [34] "Snowclose, not even close to a haed of state..." I sense that you may be interested in contribute to the Scots Wikipedia, a wiki I contribute to. I can tell you can't stand speaking English any longer. :P LOL Tyops arre teh worts. aert'n tehy? --AmaryllisGardener talk 02:57, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Okay. But insofar as me intended standard American English looks like Scotts or Irish English it's an an artifact of my almost useless keyboard, and the fact that I could never write in Polish, Rusyn, Ukraine, Russian, French, German os Spanish, et cet., with an automated spell correct system. 04:35, 5 March 2015 (UTC)
Well, in the future, feel free to add a WTF AmaryllisGardener? tag (with my name of course), it won't bother me. The problem is twofold-my aging eyes, slow to refocus eyes, one of which is short and the other farsighted, and that the computer I have has a terrible keyboard. F for d is not unexpected, as are dropped letters which I know I have hit since I was watching the keyboard. Your lucky if zny letter from qwertyuiopasd appears at ll. In the meantime blame it on my being a squinty pecker-hunter with a craptastic keybouard attached to a top end monitor, memory, and processing unit. I can reboot to full functionality in 14 seconds.
I hope you're still pretending to have en-1 skills, because I can't make sense of anything you're saying... Ohhh, it's your keyboard. Now I get it. --AmaryllisGardener talk 17:29, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Life is a view of Wales. μηδείς (talk) 17:43, 5 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Regarding this change to the above article, which I reverted today, I am wondering why you think this is speculative and how we could rewrite the paragraph to handle your concern. It is a cited source from 1907, but we have sources in WP that are even older. Eager to hear from you. GeorgeLouis (talk) 18:59, 11 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ANI re Miguel de Cervantes

I don't believe it is appropriate to use {{copyvio}} when the only reported duplicate source is in the public domain. However, I don't want to start a fight over it, so I asked for someone else to take a look at ANI. Dragons flight (talk) 04:28, 21 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

ITN for Lee Kuan Yew


I didn't say you insulted me or resorted to ad hominem, I said nothing resembling or implying that. I'm trying hard to drop something that I don't consider worthy of extended debate. I made an offhand comment, not expecting it to go anywhere, and I should have known better and refrained. Cheers. ―Mandruss  03:42, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, Mandruss, I am glad you have been the bigger of the two of us. I've been agonizing for the last 12 hours over whether I should explain that by scathing I was being jokey and ironic. You did at least catch on to the point that the usage was somehow disproportionate. But it set a tone. I refrained from explaining, thinking a half-assed explanation would be worse than silence.
To tell the truth, I do think this is a very important issue, little wastes of time. Time to build and enjoy memories is all we have in the end. I don't hold grudges.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
Non finis, sed gratias. μηδείς (talk) 04:53, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
The gist of my initial comment was that, the better we have it, the unhappier we get. The unhappier we get, the better we want it. Consumerism encourages us to be unhappy and to always want more, and it always gives us whatever we are willing to pay for, without regard for what it does to us as a society. It's an endless cycle that in my opinion does not bode well for the future of this round of civilization. (Louis C.K. puts this humorous 4-minute spin on it.) As I indicated, it didn't belong at the Science Desk; being a very subjective matter rather than fact, it probably didn't belong at any refdesk. ―Mandruss  05:42, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A Man in Full

I wouldn't really recommend it. If you got bored with the first bits, you won't find it's very different further on. It's not a bad portrayal of America circa 1990-1995, with some interesting bits, for example when one of the main protagonists gets to spend time in prison for a very minor offense, but the plot is not the most gripping (who really cares whether the former football player turned businessman will have to turn over his hubristic office tower to the bank that foolishly lent him enough money to build it in the first place?) It goes on for a long time and the conclusion is nothing earth-shattering, so it's not as if you feel rewarded for slogging through 700+ pages, but it's not as if the prose is particularly demanding. --Xuxl (talk) 08:51, 24 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]


This was a good move. For the record, though, there's no need to tag your edits with any indication that you are or are not an admin. There's no special status afforded to admins, and no action requires that you indicate your admin status. The only actions that admins are allowed to do that you aren't you aren't technically capable of doing so you wouldn't have to tag those either. Just close discussions; it's your prerogative as an editor in good standing to do so when the discussion has reached an obvious conclusion, and you don't have to declare your status to do so. --Jayron32 23:51, 25 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. The reason I went out of my way to say non-admin in that case was to hint that it was not the FIST OFGOD acting, and that anyone whoreally had a good reason it should be opened shouldn't be intimidated by my action. I hadn't realized it had actually already been closed twice already, and yours is not the only thanks I got for that edit, hehe. μηδείς (talk) 01:01, 26 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Your email on Rand

I'm not interested in your attempts to justify your endless spamming of the ref desks with irrelevant rubbish about Rand. Don't email me again. AndyTheGrump (talk) 18:04, 26 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(For the record, after this comment and edit summary) I emailed ATG (rather than hijack the discussion) to tell him I have mentioned Rand on fewer than 60 threads in five years and well over the very conservative estimate of 9,000 questions. μηδείς (talk) 18:46, 26 March 2015 (UTC))[reply]

Check your email

Right away. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 18:40, 26 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Ayn Rand's The Art of Fiction

Hi. I saw what you wrote about Rand's Art of Fiction on the refdesk. I'm not all that interested in Rand or her work, but I am interested in your knowledge of it. I've got a sandbox article over at User:Viriditas/Writer's trance waiting to be expanded. Do you know if she says anything about writing as trance or self-hypnosis or some other process? Viriditas (talk) 20:59, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I have sent you an email, Verdancy μηδείς (talk) 22:05, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I'm not that knowledgeable about Rand, but what you've written is quite interesting. Have you thought about creating a new article about it? Viriditas (talk) 22:17, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure here's enough notability there for an article, and I'd usually rather write on other topics. In any case, go to Amazon, Viriditas find "ayn 100 voices" click on the "check inside" option and read what it says on page 108. The offer I made by email still stands, and you will not find it tiresome. μηδείς (talk) 23:37, 27 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. It could be a general article about the writing practices of famous authors. Viriditas (talk) 00:43, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
That would feel like an assignment, unfortunately. I prefer to write articles on things I am not already familiar with and when I am inspired. But I appreciate the encouragement. μηδείς (talk) 01:17, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
We could collaborate. I'll create a sandbox and ask you for advice and input, OK? Are you cool with consulting? :) Viriditas (talk) 01:47, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Two immediate problems with the issue, first, I am unfamiliar with the writing methods of other authors (e.g., I haven't read King's book on it) and second, I am being paid to produce a review of a 700p book I only received today by April 2nd, so I am under a heavy deadline, and have a four-week project starting on the 6th. Otherwise I am not in principle opposed to the idea. Christopher Tolkien has also published most of his fathers manuscripts, with commentary, but culling material on his writing method from those twelve volumes may be work on the level of a dissertation. I suggest you email me so I can send some source material. μηδείς (talk) 02:29, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'm only interested in the writers you are familiar with. Anyway, I'll contact you a month or two from now to see where you stand. Maybe I'll have something by then. As for email, I prefer to do everything onwiki and to use dropbox for any exchange of sources. I'll create a dropbox for this purpose when it becomes necessary. Thanks. Viriditas (talk) 03:36, 28 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Howdy, Medeis. Would you mind if I deleted your recent redirect to Wikipedia:POINTY? It's funny in its way, but it's not really a valid redirect and it's a little pointy itself, in my opinion. --Bongwarrior (talk) 03:11, 3 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I'd prefer you put it up for RfD for a few days, Bongwarrior. That big red line of text is indeed itself pointy. Or, if Jayron32 will convert it to plain text I'll be happy with speedy deletion, but it amounts to screaming in red, which is not at all a helpful precedent for those of us non-admins working on the nomination. μηδείς (talk) 03:26, 3 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'll probably not even nominate it, just wanted to suggest it. I believe there is usually some amount of leeway on project redirects that nobody will ever really see, for whatever that's worth. I also think that your suggestion of unlinking would be a nice move on Jayron's part. Both of you were getting ever-so-slightly chippy (but really nothing by ITN standards), but you were both also making good points. --Bongwarrior (talk) 03:39, 3 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I saw Jayron's magnanimous edit, and suggest you feel free to delete it speedily. Thanks, both. μηδείς (talk) 03:41, 3 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
(edit conflict) I've followed Medeis suggestion and delinked it. And I was being snippy. I apologize for that. --Jayron32 03:42, 3 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your post

"Is been lost USSR from dangerous ovens Cold (microwave) War?" Thanks for posting that. I laughed hard when reading it. Best, IjonTichy (talk) 07:13, 8 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Disputed non-free use rationale for File:James Holmes, cropped.jpg

Thank you for uploading File:James Holmes, cropped.jpg. However, there is a concern that the rationale provided for using this file on Wikipedia may not meet the criteria required by Wikipedia:Non-free content. This can be corrected by going to the file description page and adding or clarifying the reason why the file qualifies under this policy. Adding and completing one of the templates available from Wikipedia:Non-free use rationale guideline is an easy way to ensure that your file is in compliance with Wikipedia policy. Please be aware that a non-free use rationale is not the same as an image copyright tag; descriptions for files used under the non-free content policy require both a copyright tag and a non-free use rationale.

If it is determined that the file does not qualify under the non-free content policy, it might be deleted by an administrator within a few days in accordance with our criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions, please ask them at the media copyright questions page. Thank you. Stifle (talk) 11:28, 9 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Thanks for the personal attack, Medeis. You do know you're not supposed to make personal attacks on Wikipedia, right? --Viennese Waltz 08:08, 10 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I wanted to make sure my point was not too subtle, this is not the first time with the harpy like criticism. If you think something is a personal attack, delete it as I have here. μηδείς (talk) 17:21, 10 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
It wasn't criticism, it was advice. --Viennese Waltz 08:48, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well, the issue is moot at this point, but a deescalation on our parts will be nice. I'll refrain from harsh criticism, and assume you won't just show up on threads to say, "Turn the music down."  :)
μηδείς (talk) 16:31, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A new reference tool

Hello Books & Bytes subscribers. There is a new Visual Editor reference feature in development called Citoid. It is designed to "auto-fill" references using a URL or DOI. We would really appreciate you testing whether TWL partners' references work in Citoid. Sharing your results will help the developers fix bugs and improve the system. If you have a few minutes, please visit the testing page for simple instructions on how to try this new tool. Regards, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:47, 10 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Reference desk

What's going on there? I'm guessing this is a sockpuppet but of whom? -- Luk talk 21:16, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, don't ask me, I don't know more than the obvious. I have brought it to the attention of the admin who blocked μηδείς (talk) 21:19, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh. I saw that one earlier too. They're clearly trolling so I've blocked them, hoping they get the point. -- Luk talk 21:23, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
(well, they don't. Even with pending changes protection... sigh) -- Luk talk 21:52, 11 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Editing as a new user

I edited said article [[35]] anonymously because I didn't realise I was logged off, and pointed out the edit in my talk page post. I was focusing on talk pages so much mostly because as a new editor I often don't want to mess with articles directly. As for what you said concerning my previous edit, I thought that criticising "outdated" sources would be enough to make an edit valid. I'll return to the issue when I have located enough of my sources, which might take awhile. Netczar (talk) 17:30, 14 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

In a subject like this, a source from the early 1900's will not be outdated per se, any more tan a source from yesterday would necessarily be outdated about something that happened a bit more than two weeks ago. In any case, whatever you bring to the article is fine. But don't post here whene the subject is the article, edit there or post on the talk page there. :) μηδείς (talk) 21:08, 14 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]


For purposes of clarification, as the discussion there has closed (so I can't post there), and perhaps I was less then clear and therefore misunderstood.

I did not mean to imply that an admission of guilt was needed.

However, the opposite was offered by the editor. Multiple statements to the effect of: "I've done nothing wrong." If the editor believes that, and edits in the future in accordance with that belief, problems will follow. And the rest we will have achieved will be short-lived. IDHT, if not posturing but actual belief, leads to repetitions of the problematic behavior, and more noticeboard discussion. Or -- perhaps now -- simply a quick block. Either would be better avoided, by the editor understanding the concerns raised as to his behavior. --Epeefleche (talk) 01:25, 18 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ye, even then my opinion is that while a... should have shut the eff up, he was not wrong. My opinion is that the IBAN is so effing obvious that no option outweighs it. μηδείς (talk) 03:01, 18 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Just to let you know

... that you've been mentioned at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Archive270#IBAN notice. — Mr. Stradivarius ♪ talk ♪ 21:52, 21 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Spanish translation request

Hi, thanks for your help. Bacause of the semi protection I've had to reply here. All I need to know right now is what to write on the envelope. How does this look?

María Miota
Calle Belando nº 29
2º derecha,
03004 Alicante,

Many thanks, 2A02:8084:9300:A80:90AD:946E:EF56:F50 (talk) 02:51, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

That should work fine, like I said, the locals will know what is meant. It's fine and probably better to put 2º derecha on the same line as the Calle Belando. In any case, no one will be confused--obviously in English it would be like 29 Calle Belando, Box/Apt #2. The number code 03004 does go before Alicante. μηδείς (talk) 03:09, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

So like this?:

María Miota
2º derecha, Calle Belando nº 29
03004 Alicante,

I presume I can just plop "Spain" at the bottom so the Irish and UK postal services know what country to send it to (althouh I presume they will be able to decode "España"). My last question would be (if you have time to answer) is how to write "Cards Inside, DO NOT BEND" on the cardboard I use to protect the cards? Many Thanks, 2A02:8084:9300:A80:90AD:946E:EF56:F50 (talk) 03:25, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Either Spain or España will be perfectly fine, as I see you are mailing from Ireland, Spain might be a bit better, since once it gets to Spain all they want is the local Alicante code. And NO DOBLAR is a clear warning not to fold. The shorter the better, so leave off cards inside, since your package will probably not be personally handled by anyone except the local carrier, so that he won't force them in the box. μηδείς (talk) 03:42, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Again, thanks for your help.

So if I have everything correct I write the address like this:

María Miota
Calle Belando nº 29, 2º Derecha
03004 Alicante,
España / Spain

I already have DO NOT BEND // NO DOBLAR on the envelope. That was the one part of this whole mess I was able to figure out by my self! :) The "Cards Inside, DO NOT BEND" part I usually only put on the protective cardboard inside the envelope for the benefit of the client. It's not too important though. I'm happy to email the client in English, and let them work through the mess like I had to do. From what I understand, I should use lots of broken English and slang so they can't just use Google translate, lol! Again thanks for your help. 2A02:8084:9300:A80:90AD:946E:EF56:F50 (talk) 04:24, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I'd decribe it as sloppy and illiterate text . Buenas is an informal was of saying buenas tardes, noches. Buenas nose means nothing, it must have beenm buenas! No sé si..... The omly reallly confusing part is that the Alicante code had the number first--which actually makes sense. Let me know whether you have further questions at the ref desk talk page, since I prefer to keep objective stuff where others can see it. Don't bother to say cartas incluidas, because that can be taken as letters, which obviously can be bent. You'd have to say something like placas, and at that point you've lost the readers interes. A bold NO DOBLAR in green blue or black is best. I know hail mail trucks are loaded, since I was paid to load them in the 80's. Big solid boxes form a wall, and then small packages are tossed behind them to fill up the space, and the process is repeated. Worry only about the final delivery person, and wrap the material well. Refer anything else to the ref page. μηδείς (talk) 04:41, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your help. I wouldn't normally bring these types of questions to peoples talk pages but Wikipedia:Reference desk/Language is semi protected at the moment, so I can't reply on that page and so the conversation has gotten split over a few pages. It's a real mess. I posted a complaint at Wikipedia:Village pump (policy) 2A02:8084:9300:A80:90AD:946E:EF56:F50 (talk) 04:50, 22 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]


I've taken the matter to the talk page. Hopefully we can settle this like gentlemen before it explodes. Armegon (talk) 04:17, 26 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hillary Rodham Clinton - Move Discussion


This is a notification to let you know that there is a requested move discussion ongoing at Talk:Hillary_Rodham_Clinton/April_2015_move_request#Requested_move. You are receiving this notification because you have previously participated in some capacity in naming discussions related to the article in question.

Thanks. And have a nice day. NickCT (talk) 18:45, 26 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Snakehead (fish), you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Chihuahua. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

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[email protected] is my email address (actually my gaming address - I have multiple addresses). I don't know how to send you an email from here, so I'll have to write it here. If you can send me everything you have, that would provide a lot of intellectual nourishment for me. Thanks. KägeTorä - () (もしもし!) 14:40, 30 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Third opinion for ULTRAMAN

It seems the edit problem continues to persist on the Ultraman page and you never responded directly to my post "Edit war on the page" in the article's talk page. I have no choice but to get a third party's opinion on the matter to settle this once and for all. Armegon (talk) 21:08, 3 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I have made additional edits to 2015 Burundian protests. If you think this brings the article up to the level needed for your support please mention that on the in the news candidates page.Thanks!Monopoly31121993 (talk) 09:16, 5 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

The Tireless Contributor Barnstar
Well you're certainly a tireless contributor to the Reference Desk, so why not? Thanks for your recent contributions to a variety of discussions! RomanSpa (talk) 20:18, 11 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks

Hello M. I hope that you saw the ping on Flyer22's talk page. I meant to drop a note of thanks here as well but got caught up watching Ripper Street last night and forgot to get to your talk page. Many thanks for your post at the AN thread. Your sentiments and support were, and are, much appreciated. I hadn't seen any socks from that editor in months and had thought they might have stopped. So that thread was quite a surprise. Cheers and enjoy the rest of your week on WikiP and, more so, off. MarnetteD|Talk 17:22, 14 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Chinese commercial real estate question

Hey Medeis! I'd really appreciate it if you could chime in over at WT:RD#Chinese commercial real estate question when you get a chance. I had honestly expected there to be no issue with this -- that you would say something about initially interpreting the question a different way, but being able to see how the question could be valid, and not objecting to giving it a fair chance at receiving an answer -- however Baseball Bugs's statements have me very confused. Thanks! -- ToE 19:15, 15 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps I should add that I simply wish to resolve the issues surrounding this one question prior to reposting it so that it won't spend the better part of another week hatted, and my purpose for that section was not to create another venue for criticism of your hatting practices, as happened earlier this week. While I might disagree with people in the end, I am usually able to follow their reasoning, something I've failed at here with BB, so I've wondered if perhaps he is not arguing so much from reason as he is simply coming to your defense. That's chivalrous of him, but my intent was certainly not to present anything which resembled an attack and needed defense.

I was initially going to ask you here, but was deterred by a memory of your big red warning box at top. Rereading it I see you allow exemptions for matters regarding your specific action, so I'd be happy to raise such questions here in the future if you'd prefer. Cheers! -- ToE 19:43, 15 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, thanks Thinking of England for noticing the warning, no one else ever does. :) I did read the thread. I didn't feel like anything [extra] needed saying. Discussions there get far too meta. My basic opinion was the original action was in good faith based on the disclaimer, and I was happy to let others have the final say, it's not something to edit war over or devote unpaid mental effort to. Whatever the consensus is is fine. μηδείς (talk) 20:08, 15 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. -- ToE 20:48, 15 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

May 2015

You currently appear to be engaged in an edit war according to the reverts you have made on Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates. Users are expected to collaborate with others, to avoid editing disruptively, and to try to reach a consensus rather than repeatedly undoing other users' edits once it is known that there is a disagreement.

Please be particularly aware that Wikipedia's policy on edit warring states:

  1. Edit warring is disruptive regardless of how many reverts you have made.
  2. Do not edit war even if you believe you are right.

If you find yourself in an editing dispute, use the article's talk page to discuss controversial changes; work towards a version that represents consensus among editors. You can post a request for help at an appropriate noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. In some cases it may be appropriate to request temporary page protection. If you engage in an edit war, you may be blocked from editing. EoRdE6(Come Talk to Me!) 06:01, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion 2

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. The thread is Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring#User:Medeis reported by User:EoRdE6 (Result: ). Thank you. EoRdE6(Come Talk to Me!) 06:09, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

You've been warned per the result of this 3RR report. I'm not very familiar with ITN/C but it looks strange for someone to be warring to get their own entry accepted. EdJohnston (talk) 20:48, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, I do not have any problem with this. I'd have expected anyone else to be warned after 3 reverts. I thought it was odd to get "warned" and then have a complaint filed within typing time of the "warning" when I wasn't even editting the page in the meantime (or anywhere at all on WP at that point). But, like I said, I wouldn't like the same thing going on with another editor on the opposite side, so thanks, actually, this is entirely appropriate, EdJohnston. μηδείς (talk) 21:06, 19 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Guten tag, I'm back!

I have finally built up a respectable body of work like you ordered me to do! I've fulfilled part of my duty here. Was there something you wanted to tell me then, or was that just part of the order to help me? Dandtiks69 (talk) 06:55, 25 May 2015 (UTC).[reply]


Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:02, 28 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Result: consensus in favor of neutral non-race baiting titles, complaining IP above blocked. μηδείς (talk) 20:04, 31 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Robert McClenon (talk) 15:17, 3 June 2015 (UTC) IP is back at WP:ANI accusing other editors of calling it a troll. Robert McClenon (talk) 15:17, 3 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Result: IP roundly admonished and blocked for a week. μηδείς (talk) 16:30, 3 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

RD medremoval

is for the user's talk page. ―Mandruss  22:37, 10 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Jeeze, why is this all so complimacated? Given a user has decided to take the talk discussion to the ref desk I have just deleted the question. μηδείς (talk) 22:39, 10 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, the Hulk. Yeah I saw that. I guess I'm okay with the removal in that unusual situation. ―Mandruss  22:44, 10 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]


be a phallus. Remember that claims require evidence. Superficial personal accusations will get you no where. Maybe your reading comprehension is just poor. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Agent of the nine (talkcontribs) 20:36, 12 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The above user was indeffed and denied talk page privileges. μηδείς (talk) 01:06, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG


Thanks for uploading File:Ultraman gyango ruffian from outerspace 19660925.JPG. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 17:45, 16 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]


I'm only against using the ruffian image as the sole image that shows Ultraman's appearance because he appears as Type A[36], which is a poor choice. It's like having Superman's page full of only images from the 1930's action comics. An image of Ultraman in his Type B or C design is needed to more properly represent Ultraman to readers, so as long as we have one I think it's okay for now. Teridax122 (talk) 04:48, 17 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Duty, Rand and Relationship Ethics

answered some questions from modocc

Hi Medies. I hope you don't mind my posting my thoughts here, but when it comes to the humanities and philosophies I usually rely on commonsense and ignore reductionist treaties and politics (so I've not done very much reading in this area especially since my reading speed is far too slow to make it worth my time), but your knowledge of Ayn Rand has piqued my curiosity to the extent that I wonder how she might address the Ethics of care and relational ethics in general as well as the lawful duty of parents towards dependents and our collective duties towards otherwise neglected disabled (many people obviously do become homeless or suffer and die from a lack of government assistance). The reason I ask about these topics is that I don't see how self-interest can be foundational when it can most certainly become woefully conflated with unadulterated self-centeredness and when I consider the act of caring about one's self-interests and the greater community as essential to ethics in general and antithetical to indifference, neglect and sadism. In my experience, I do think people tend to forget that we each have many different relationships (towards one's self as well as towards others) that need to be nurtured which is why I bring up relation ethics. -Modocc (talk) 00:43, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

  • Argh, I just typed a long response and the browser crashed! I don't have time right now (I am actually about to call a disabled childhood friend who is lonely, unselfish me) so let me suggest you read the entry on charity from the online Ayn Rand Lexicon and check out other entries like Value and Duty and so forth, trying to read them charitably, since her meanings may conflict with the connotations those words have for you. One quick easy answer would be that Rand would say no one should parent a child without being aware that it is a generation-long, if not lifelong commitment, should the child be disabled. Also she would oppose the night watchman state being involved in anything other than policing and defense, since by its nature government is coercive and confiscatory. I think bot the full texts of the Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal are available on Scribd.com. Get back to me, Modocc, if you have follow-up questions. Also, feel free to email me through WP assuming you have a registered email account. μηδείς (talk) 01:15, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the links and suggested reading. I agree with her on that page that no one has a duty to be charitable, so I doubt I'll be charitable towards her writings when they misfire since I usually demand rigor.:) With a village or state, the elderly can become extremely dependent due to loss of family and declining health, which is why we have a duty (it's not just charity) towards their well-being, so I guess it's impossible to disentangle ethics from politics and government. I'm sorry she didn't support a more disciplined government which is coercive by its very nature, for I have payed taxes and support it. Politics aside, I haven't the time to read the book because I'm too busy doing the seemingly impossible by completing my build of a perpetual motion machine which will take advantage of the ubiquitous existence of perpetual motion (which I'll be demonstrating is the actual reason why mass-energy is always conserved (whether one labels mass-energy as kinetic or potential is completely irrelevant)). Fortunately, the machine should be easy enough for me to complete although it has a lot of small parts that I've yet to finish, but as you know the patent office won't even consider a patent without a working machine. Sadly, and germane to self-interests, it has been the "member of the loony wing" mentality fostered by the erroneous collective self-interests of teachers and physicists that have taken a completely wrong path that has kept us from achieving our full creative potential. Anyway, I do appreciate your help, thanks again. -Modocc (talk) 02:27, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Reading something charitably doesn't mean forgiving bad writing, it means trying to understand where the other person is coming from fully before immediately objecting as soon as something comes up that you think you disagree with. Most good thinkers make arguments that depend on a framework, so you have to say to yourself "I am not quite convinced,but I'll keep reading and see if she ties this in later." As for parents, she was rather traditionally Jewish, in that she tried as much as possible to help and support her family still in Russia before WII and ended up having her younger sister come from Russia to live with her in the 1970's, although that ended poorly, since they had grown apart. Her position was basically that you owe your parents respect and care if you value your own existence, but that government cannot mandate it. As for the perpetual motion machine, her hero invents something close to it, along the lines of Tesla in Atlas Shrugged, so perhaps it would be worth your time reading. :) μηδείς (talk) 02:42, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I can spot significant errors, but I'm usually charitable in that regard. I'm not going to quibble over comma mistakes (and I've got my peril sensitive sunglasses [37] at hand just in case; funny how sunglasses, serious danger, two-headed animals and the flocking horseshoe (and pronunciation of) vortex wings, that also needed a vandal's "help" with v (on the math desk) all popped up on the desks and it's mind-numbing quirks like these that makes me wonder about my own sanity sometimes). The government delegates and compensates specific caregivers so individuals such as the kids are not needlessly burdened. Its a win-win. My best friend's wife loved her care-giving job and my older sister is also a caregiver. Our taxes have payed them of course for it increases the wealth and productivity of the families they have helped. Aye, Tesla was a very smart guy yet struggled with his later work although his intentions were noble because our being able to utilize energy is pretty darn important. Right now, my disabled girlfriend is living a thousand miles away and I'm missing her. :(. --Modocc (talk) 03:44, 18 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Random attack by sock =

Remember that everything online can be viewed by those you don't know, and to this anon, your behaviour over the years is pretty dickish. Take a chill pill, yo. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2602:301:7718:B310:8584:ACCF:11B3:A2B3 (talk) 03:47, 26 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

June 2015

Stop icon

Your recent editing history at Wikipedia talk:Reference desk‎ shows that you are currently engaged in an edit war. To resolve the content dispute, please do not revert or change the edits of others when you get reverted. Instead of reverting, please use the article's talk page to work toward making a version that represents consensus among editors. The best practice at this stage is to discuss, not edit-war. See BRD for how this is done. If discussions reach an impasse, you can then post a request for help at a relevant noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. In some cases, you may wish to request temporary page protection.

Being involved in an edit war can result in your being blocked from editing—especially if you violate the three-revert rule, which states that an editor must not perform more than three reverts on a single page within a 24-hour period. Undoing another editor's work—whether in whole or in part, whether involving the same or different material each time—counts as a revert. Also keep in mind that while violating the three-revert rule often leads to a block, you can still be blocked for edit warring—even if you don't violate the three-revert rule—should your behavior indicate that you intend to continue reverting repeatedly. Guy Macon (talk) 04:40, 30 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Orphaned non-free image File:She evil queen.JPG


Thanks for uploading File:She evil queen.JPG. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Wikipedia under a claim of fair use. However, the image is currently not used in any articles on Wikipedia. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. You may add it back if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable for use on Wikipedia (see our policy for non-free media).

Note that any non-free images not used in any articles will be deleted after seven days, as described in the criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. --B-bot (talk) 02:21, 3 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


I think you deleted the original snow close not the duplicate. It's not a big deal to me but the IP has been reverting attempts to delete either one. -Ad Orientem (talk) 01:10, 7 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hehe. I figured it must have been a glitch on my part, so I didn't check the history. Thanks for letting me know. μηδείς (talk) 01:44, 7 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Omar Sharif

Kind explain this and other similar edits. I'm still gathering refs for the redlinked films. I will revert you now; please be a little more patient. Fitzcarmalan (talk) 18:21, 10 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

So I tried to restore them manually but reverted myself later due to some error. Hiding unreferenced material was never the solution, and red links are not necessarily a bad thing since they encourage the creation of new articles. Many of those films were quite notable and should've been listed in the filmography section. A little help would be appreciated. Fitzcarmalan (talk) 18:53, 10 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

New Jersey English dialects

Hi. The Inland North dialect spoken in New Jersey is supported by the Atlas of North American English (see the map on p. 148, which is the primary basis for this one; Inland North is the blue area labelled "4"). These maps show northwestern New Jersey falling under the Inland North region. Wolfdog (talk) 12:28, 13 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Waves of Sorrow.png

asking questions

==If I ask apporaite questions at the reference desk would that be ok?

Jon Vickers

True, the article should have more references, but do we really have to apply the tag when readers come because they mourn? - Project opera is aware of the problems. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 22:42, 13 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I understand the concern. But the tag is not personal, it is there because someone has nominated the item to appear on the front page (see WP:ITN and having the lack of refs addressed is vital for the success of the nomination. See Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates. Further comments should go on the article talk page or at the ITN nomination, since I have no special say, and am only one among others who have voiced this concern. In fact, the best tribute would be to add supporting references, since if that's done he may indeed be listed on the front page. μηδείς (talk) 23:47, 13 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, I was not aware of ITN in this case, will consider to look for refs but have limited time, --Gerda Arendt (talk) 07:54, 14 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I added refs from Bayreuth and the MET, --Gerda Arendt (talk) 21:42, 14 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Re Count Iblis

See this ANI discussion. Ian.thomson (talk) 02:30, 19 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

the Math Ref Desk, the Health Ref Desk, the Physics Ref Desk etc. etc. You should join these Ref Desks (there are many different subjects) too :) . Count Iblis (talk) 02:41, 19 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Personal attack

I have not attacked you at all. You should not be attacking me, and referring to my "ignorance". I'm sorry if you feel my ideas on the way some editors use blobs is a personal attack on you. It is not, and I have not mentioned your name in that context. I should not have said you misunderstood the question. I should have said I thought you had misunderstood it, and that it was a different question - and I was answering that. I may be wrong. We should not be arguing about indentation in an answer to a question, and making insults. It looks very bad indeed. Myrvin (talk) 20:37, 22 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for reaching out. You have been posting here for about 8 years. I again suggest you simply concentrate on the issues, not on what you imagine about other people's comments. Please don't post here about this again. I am not interested in a dispute. μηδείς (talk) 21:04, 22 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The "Official Linguist List"

LOL. Kwami and I just happen to know that we are each linguists in the real world and are employed as such.  :) If you'd like to add your voice to the actual Request for Move in question, it's here. Cheers. --Taivo (talk) 01:31, 26 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. I will let the move battle fight itself out, though. I am simply surprised that the issue is one that merits drawing blood over. μηδείς (talk) 01:54, 26 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Good linguistics always involves a bit of blood. :) --Taivo (talk) 02:29, 26 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Don't panic, it's good. TRM has asked for the IBAN to be lifted. One user has recommended that all three of us need to agree. So, I'm hoping you will support. :) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 21:06, 26 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Resolution supporting TRM's petition. μηδείς (talk) 02:23, 27 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Bravo! A year and a half was sufficient. Thank you for your help. :) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 10:10, 27 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


spiritual diversity
Thank you, μηδείς. showing life diversity and quoting Aristotle ("... such persons must be talking about words without any thought to correspond"), for quality articles such as Shetani, Ignatian spirituality and Palais du Peuple (Kinshasa), for answering questions at the reference desk, for taking care of the quality of ITN (Jon Vickers, for example), for redirects and "greet new editperson", - you are an awesome Wikipedian!

--Gerda Arendt (talk) 07:01, 29 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, Thanks Gerda Arendt, I really appreciate that. μηδείς (talk) 17:22, 29 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

A year ago, you were recipient no. 1281 of Precious, a prize of QAI! --Gerda Arendt (talk) 06:09, 29 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Three years now! --Gerda Arendt (talk) 11:07, 29 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

John Scott

@Medeis: After today's flurry of support and improved refs, does the auto-archiving of the WITN nomination mean it can no longer be considered? —Patrug (talk) 00:58, 20 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings! I have asked you at WP:ITN to discuss the article deletions you are making to the article at the article's talk page and I have also asked in edit summary form to expand, not delete sourced material. I have created a section to do this, and I hereby invite you again to discuss at the article talk page. Please do not keep reverting, which of course is an edit war. You have been here long enough to understand why this is unacceptable! Thanks, your longtime ITN colleague, Jusdafax 22:10, 26 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I accept your very polite 3rr warning, and I assure you were are both equally arguing in good faith, Jusdafax. I really prefer not to comment on this further on my talk page, so if there's any more need, let's keep it to the article talk. I don't think the issue is going to go anywhere at ITN, but I think TRM's suggestion was a good one. In any case, I prefer to keep content discussions on the relevant article page, not here. μηδείς (talk) 03:07, 27 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, I didn't get an edit conflict alert, so I assume that was a glitch (often happens on busy pages though I haven't had it happen for a while). Apologies anyway! Black Kite (talk) 18:15, 31 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Replied to your answer

Hi Medeis, thanks for your answer on the Science Reference desk(Brown dwarf stars). I Replied to your answer. Regards, Rich Peterson144.35.45.43 (talk) 14:43, 3 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Cn's for Malone

Your inclusion of multiple Cns into Moses Malone seems excessive when there was already a citation for the paragraph which supported all the statements. Per WP:CITEFOOT, "it is usually sufficient to add the citation to the end of the clause, sentence, or paragraph, so long as it's clear which source supports which part of the text." I don't think there is a general mandate for a citation per sentence, as your tags implied that there should be. As for your edit summary of "if the obit covers all these claims there should be a hidden comment saying so", it seems more reasonable that one should read the supplied citation beforehand, and note inconsistencies, if any, as opposed to tagging sentences that are part of a paragraph that was already cited (and presumably supported). I'm not sure why a hidden comment is needed. Thanks.—Bagumba (talk) 00:38, 14 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Could you perhaps link the banning discussion on the WT:RD talk page? People are going to have questions... --Jayron32 00:56, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

user blocked across project by decision of wikifoundation
You mean just put the URL in the edit summary? Or can you link to such discussions? In either case I don't disagree with your suggestion. I'm going to avoid a new thread at talk right now to explain this, since it will only rile people up. I'll find and post the link here so I have it. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 01:00, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Reference_desk/Archive_118#Posts_by_indeffed_User:Neptunekh.2C_User:Venustar84 μηδείς (talk) 01:04, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Not here. Start a new discussion at WT:RD and link the discussion and explain your removal. I'm not objecting; I'm foreseeing problems from users who may not know the background... --Jayron32 01:25, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I will if I see it again; sleeping dogs. μηδείς (talk) 01:51, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Good enough. Especially since no one has objected by now, one of the "let the trolls in..." apologists would have objected by now if they had one. You're all good. --Jayron32 05:23, 20 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ref desk deletion: Is it convincing or not for the article about cooking and aging?

According to [38], you deleted the ref desk section and give a sandbox link in your comment. I don't understand it. So can you let me know what's wrong with the sandbox edit? - Justin545 (talk) 05:46, 21 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

"From your method of editing and the subject material that interests you I suspect you may be a sock of User Sagittarian Milky Way. See the discussion here."

OK, I see you mentioned there : "See this 157K edit on "Gravitational Field vs. Electric Force Field. Why?"". I know the sandbox edit is large, but I guess the sandbox is a place for experiment, isn't it? I mean there are still many wikipedia rules that I'm not aware of. So I want to know which wikipeida rule (any rule which forbids that kind of edit in particular for sandbox page) did I violate? Could you please let me know? - Justin545 (talk) 01:30, 22 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I think I have found the answer:
I have made a long edit on WP:sandbox before (look here). I would like to know if such kind of edit is inappropriate. And did I violate any guidelines of editing sandbox?

Justin545 (talk) 01:59, 26 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Such an edit is not inappropriate. The Sandbox is for testing. As long as you aren't putting libelous content, personal attacks, spam, or things of that nature there, you should be fine. Cheers, Nick⁠—⁠Contact/Contribs 02:17, 26 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
There's nothing against doing that, but It's cleared up every so often automatically. I recommend using/creating your own sandbox (click here) if you don't want it to be removed. --  Kethrus |talk to me  02:19, 26 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
which means the 157k sandbox edit is fine. There is nothing wrong with it. So could you remove the sentence "See this 157K edit on "Gravitational Field vs. Electric Force Field. Why?"" from here ? - Justin545 (talk) 03:06, 26 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Why did you delete this question? [39]. No explanation was given in the edit summary. If you thought the user was trolling, why did you provide an AGF answer to their question here [40]? Recall WP:NOTCENSORED. I will readily admit that the question didn't need to mention 13 year-old girls, but in my opinion that's no reason to delete it, especially without any consensus. SemanticMantis (talk) 20:18, 2 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Follow up, the OP User:Poker chip was indeffed as a sockpuppet of User:Timothyhere

Please read WP:TPO

Please read WP:TPO, which you are violating. And please review what constitutes a WP:PA. Legitimate and heartfelt concern about someone's well-being and account security is in no way, shape, or form a personal attack, and to imply that it is and to remove someone's concern and edit-war over it is disruptive editing. -- Softlavender (talk) 04:53, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

End result, my removal of concern trolling at Supdiop's talk page was upheld, and eventually the user's account was marked for suspected sock puppetry, rev deleted, and various other IP's were blocked, see apparent results below. μηδείς (talk) 20:14, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Stray dogs piss on your face. --Mango juice 44444 (talk) 18:10, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Well, for what it's worth, they do that to most people given a chance. And Medeis, if you're adamant about this kind of exposure, you should know that a previous comment today has been oversighted. The Rambling Man (talk) 19:43, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, thanks, The Rambling Man, I looked at the history to figure out why I was getting talk page notices, but there were no visible messages.
You step out to the gym, and come home only to find a little wet spot on the porch, not knowing whether a friendly neighbour cleaned up a dead shrew, or the fire brigade came to extinguish a burning sack of excrement. I missed out on all the action! Someone created an account just to flatter me!
The indef was fine, thanks. The anonymous attacks are usually quite funny. (See the wonderfully pride boosting negress comment above.) But you're left wondering, what is it they are angry at me for having done? Oh, well, the reverted edits will just live on as edit-history revenants. μηδείς (talk) 19:58, 5 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Hope I was helpful. I'm sorry that I annoyed you; I just assumed that you'd know that accounts can't be deleted (I don't think I've ever seen anyone ask this before, aside from new users), since everyone experienced seems to know that it's not possible. Since I wasn't clear in the second note at WP:AN, let me apologise: I was basically trying to say "Here's what the policy says, but this should easily be one of the rare exceptions". Most requests for usurpation are ordinary requests to change usernames, when someone decides that he doesn't like his current username and wants to take one that's abandoned (the bot mentioned the six-month delay because we want to be sure that an account is abandoned before it gets usurped), and I can't remember the last time I saw someone using the process to avoid problems caused by an imposter. NE Ent played the single most helpful part here, since I never would have thought of suggesting usurping the other account. Nyttend (talk) 23:38, 18 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, don't worry about it, I was not provoked to the point of being peeved, and really only just cared that the matter be settled, which you were quite helpful in doing. The biggest annoyance was, of course that the troll probably used up a half a manhour between us all that could have been spent doing other things. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 23:57, 18 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

why does a deflowered 13 year old girl is called in spanish desvirgada but in portugese desflorada?

I would like to know the answer. And I don´t care that you hate virgin girls.--Poker chip (talk) 15:03, 21 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ultimately indeffed as sock of User:Timothyhere by SPI. μηδείς (talk) 21:21, 21 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

--SpencerT♦C 03:07, 25 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

--SpencerT♦C 04:07, 27 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Return of the obscure philosophical Shakespeare discussion

Hiya, Medeis! There's a small chance you remember this brief exchange you and I had about a year ago, spinning out of some reference desk discussion or other. I was particularly intrigued by your points about Richard II and John of Gaunt, and I found the reference to Stoicism (and the idea that being nearly dead is correlated with being closer to hidden truths about the world and future events) fascinating. I bought the book you recommended but could not for the life of me find a reference to that belief. I forgot about it shortly thereafter, but the point has resurrected itself, as I've hit upon a couple things while researching my master's thesis that sound as if they might be tangentially related. There's a good chance they aren't, but I found the Shakespeare loose end irritating enough that I need it tied off. Do you by any chance have a page number in the Rivers book, or maybe another source that briefly summarize the impending death/prophecy doctrine of the Stoics? Many thanks! Evan (talk|contribs) 00:23, 29 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Belated email update! Evan (talk|contribs) 17:26, 22 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi and sorry for any confusion today on the page regarding tags. I'm not sure how that happened since all I did today was add information and citations. When I began working on this article today, the opening paragraph stressed her voice work--not so much her work as a comedian. Now I see you've put in a paragraph with more of an overall summary. But no references--won't that result in a "you need references" tag? FYI, very few if any of her obituaries point out her voice work. All focus on her skills as a comedian and how she opened the door for other female comedians. Please take this into consideration. She has so much press and so little of it was in the article when I began. It's more of a career overview now with added legacy information as well. And thanks for fixing any tagging issues and again, I apologize--somehow got reverted because I think we were both working on the page at the same time. --Utilizer (talk) 03:03, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, Utilizer. I did find it a bit odd you had restored the page needs improvement tag to the section, hehe. Technically, no, refs aren't needed for the same claim twice (nor are they needed for specific credited roles in films or TV shows which are verifiable) and it is better to have them in the text, than to have the lead too cramped, which is why I did not linkify much of what I added.
Yes, I agree totally that her being an inspiration to others is important, in fact I would put it as the last sentence of the first paragraph of the lead. In that case I would indeed also put a ref, since it will get tagged by someone who thinks it is puffery from what I have seen in the past. I actually strongly argued that point trying to get Diller listed at ITN as the first WP:ITN/RD listing when she passed, but there was too little knowledge of her by editors without knowledge of her role before they were born, and the nomination failed.
In any case, it is not a question of voice work versus groundsbreaker. She started off doing voice work, was a main character in the stop action Mad Monster Movie back in 67, and continued through Family Guy. So I am all for expanding the lead. Given she was not listed at ITN maybe you could get the article up to FA status so she can go on the front page on her next birthday. μηδείς (talk) 04:24, 4 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I know you think I'm racist, but

This is part of my second year undergraduate history project entitled doing history. We pick a research topic of our choice, mine is "How are Jews and the Jewish religion depicted by the Nazis, 1934-41". We select five sources, the blood libel edition of Der Sturmer, Der Giftpilz, the Nuremberg Laws, the film The Eternal Jew and the Jewish badge. It's all part of comparative source analysis in preparation for our third year dissertation. --Andrew 19:03, 5 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Andrew. I really have no opinion of you as a racist or whatnot or not; I try not to assume things. The issue is simply that this sort of behavior has been noted as disruptive in the past. You have been blocked for it. And you explicitly promised not to engage in the behavior again. But your only edits after being restored were following the exact same pattern. I see you have contributed some nice things to the project, (I used the solar image you uploaded as my wallpaper for a month) and simply suggest you continue to do so.
I have no intention of persecuting you, I am not your judge. I have simply filed the ANI request and will abide by that decision. Please do not post about this matter on my talk page again, since the appropriate place to do so is in public at the ANI or ref desk talk page. I certainly have no ill will towards you and will be happy to collaborate with you in the future. Thanks. μηδείς (talk) 19:48, 5 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Defining criterion for not being appropriate for a certain section of Wikipedia

For quite a while, I've known that being arbitrary talk unrelated to improving an article is considered a defining criterion for not belonging on a Wikipedia talk page. However, now you're saying that there's a defining criterion for not belonging even on a reference desk. What is it?? Please do a random example (not the example I posted that you labelled as not belonging on a reference desk please.) Georgia guy (talk) 02:13, 7 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I have no intention of doing random parlour tricks for you. The page guidelines are quite clear, "We don't answer requests for opinions, predictions or debate." You can take your theoretical concern to the RD talk page, but do not post about this issue on my talk page again, or I'll report the disruptive behaviour to WP:ANI. μηδείς (talk) 02:19, 7 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

AS's IP geolocation

Hey Medeis. Over on WT:RD you wrote about "Alex Sazonov, his later IP posts, and this user" in connection to MRS's suspected trolling. Do you know where those IP addresses geolocated to, or alternately, can you suggest where I look for the IP posts attributed to AS?

Two days before being blocked, MRS WP:THANKed me for an answer to a WP:RDC question asked by an IP geolocating to Wallingford, Connecticut. At the time I didn't think much of it as I will occasionally thank editors for useful contributions unrelated to any edit of mine, but now I wonder if MRS slipped up, forgetting that they had asked the question while not logged in. -- ToE 23:55, 7 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

If you search the ref desk talk page, @Thinking of England:, for "sazonov" you'll find various references to him in archives 108-114, some of which mention IP address edits, two of these are
which both geolocate to Moscow. Unfortunately, most comments about sazonov and the suspected IP version of sazonov were alluded to without diffs, so it is impossible without a lot of time to find out what edits were being referred to at this point. I found the Connecticut IP edits you were referring to diff and the IP6 editor shows fluent, native level competency in some rather long comments, so I doubt they are the same person at all.
I can't swear there was another range besides IP83 associated with the "is been being" edits, but I can't find them, and at this point, the issue is moot, because whether they are the same people or not, they simply need to edit in comprehensible--nowhere near perfect--but just comprehensible English. Should either shourov or sazonov come back and post in coherent english they'd be quite welcomed. You can copy this elsewhere if you like, but I'd rather not pursue this further. :) μηδείς (talk) 00:45, 8 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. If the Wallingford IP was MRS, then the post was "out of character" and was evidence -- beyond the well phrased edit summaries you referenced -- that MRS's broken English was affected, but I've no evidence that it wasn't an unrelated Thanks, other than the feeling that my Thanked contribution was unremarkable. -- ToE 11:15, 8 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Your confusing comments

I am very puzzled by this comment you wrote:

Well, I am sure you didn't mean that to be rude, but yes, I expected the OP to read the 17th Amendment. There's never an answer detailed enough that one can't nitpick it.

I posted a question: Who is the addressee of a U.S. senator's letter of resignation? You posted some comments about the mode of replacement of senators who have died or resigned. I said that is interesting but it doesn't address the question. Are you suggesting that it is nitpicking to say that it doesn't address the question, when in fact the question did not ask how senators get replaced if they die or resign? Michael Hardy (talk) 04:23, 9 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Rumors you have spread about me?

I would ask you be respectable next time, and here are proof to squash the rumors you have spread about me Alexis Ivanov (talk) 06:58, 9 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Alexis, please don't post here again, I haven't posted on your talk page, and you aren't commenting on a mainspace edit I have made (see the top of this page). As for my opinion, what I said here still stands. You came here as an established editor, and your first mainspace edits include vandalizing a reference. Please do not respond here, it will be reverted. Instead, respond at the ANI if you must. μηδείς (talk) 14:14, 9 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

further comments moved to ANI, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Incidents&diff=689868616&oldid=689868323 here] μηδείς (talk) 22:16, 9 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ultimate result; user blocked for a week for disruption. μηδείς (talk) 14:42, 10 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Goes without saying

What works is "Das versteht sich von selbst". Zwerg Nase (talk) 21:30, 10 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Vielen Dank! μηδείς (talk) 21:35, 10 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Meteorologists predict shootings and explosions in Paris

I have seen some major incompetence in my time here, but never something this bad. How could anyone think that an ITN blurb should run as "shootings and explosions cause" as if it is a weather event far remote from the hand of man? Who wrote this latest blurb and changed this wording? It must be a complete imbecile, a master moron of the lowest calibre. Please tell me who it was. Viriditas (talk) 10:31, 15 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Wull, @Viriditas:, you have been around here longer than I. My philosophy is that of Craig Ferguson: Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said BY ME? And does this need to be said BY ME NOW?
Hence I will not check the page history to see who posted the "shootings and explosions cause" blurb. The redeeming quality of that edit is that it replaced an edit that said "amid shootings and explosions", as if the ones who avoided the bombs and bullets were the ones who died. μηδείς (talk) 16:53, 15 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

indeffed block of "black brutality" sockmaster

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Administrators'_noticeboard/Incidents#Misc_desk_question_repeatedly_removed_in_error User: and about a dozen or a score other editors posting the same race baiting. μηδείς (talk) 03:43, 25 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Edit warring noticeboard discussion

Information iconHello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion involving you at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring regarding a possible violation of Wikipedia's policy on edit warring. The thread is Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring#User:Medeis reported by User:Jojhutton (Result: ). Thank you. JOJ Hutton 14:15, 3 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Who are you?

Excuse me, who are you and why are you sending me messages? Hugo Baptiste (talk) 08:52, 8 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Information icon Hello, I'm Arbab kalash. I wanted to let you know that one or more of your recent contributions to Kalash people has been undone because it did not appear constructive. If you would like to experiment, please use the sandbox. If you think I made a mistake, or if you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thanks.(Arbab.Kalas) (talk) —Preceding undated comment added 09:43, 8 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Du hast Post

Gruß, — Sebastian 19:20, 9 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, kenne ich dich? Mein Harddrive ist mir verpflunkte gegangen, und ich reinstalliere die Software. Du sollst keine schnelle antwort erwarten, wenn du mir geemailen hast. Besser hier zu sprechen, glaube. μηδείς (talk) 01:26, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Natürlich kennen wir uns. Siehe z.B. #The New Yorker cartoon gleich oben auf dieser Seite, User talk:Любослов Езыкин#Medy?, und nicht zuletzt User talk:SebastianHelm#Als Geschenk. — Sebastian 05:22, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Nun gut, ich hatte natürlich einen Grund, dass ich Dir per e-Mail geschrieben habe, aber es ist andererseits auch nicht top-geheim. Hier ist die Mail:
Ich wollte natürlich abwarten, was Du dazu sagst. Aber da sich das jetzt schon eine Weile hingezogen hat, habe ich mich jetzt entschieden, die Template dort zu posten. Also, wenn ich Dir irgendwie helfen kann, lass es mich bitte wissen. — Sebastian 07:28, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Danke, ja, ich verstehe und glaube dass die Template ganz besser ist als Vorwurf des Vandalismus. Heute essen wir Schweinschnitzel mit Spaetzel und Salad wenn Du in der Naehe wohnst. μηδείς (talk) 21:53, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, danke für die Einladung! Heute habe ich schon was vor, vielleicht das nächste Mal? Aber ich weiß ja nicht, wo du wohnst; das müssen wir dann doch per Mail arrangieren. — Sebastian 21:59, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Na, ja. Aber ich wohne wo wohnen die Meisten des Deutches Volkes, im EEUU, genau in NJ auf Wochenenden und in NYC auf der Woche. μηδείς (talk) 23:14, 10 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, das ist doch ein bischen zu weit für eine Essenseinladung; ich wohne auf der anderen Seite des Landes. — Sebastian 00:32, 11 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Ach! Ich hoffe dass Du nicht in Long Island meinst! Hempstead ist ja barbarisch. Gott im Himmel es gibt fuenfzehn Jahre seit ich soviel Deutsch spreche. μηδείς (talk) 02:30, 11 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Das Wort "Land" ist in der Tat mehrdeutig; ich habe hier einfach die USA gemeint. Genauer gesagt, ich wohne im Pacific Northwest, in der Nähe von Seattle. Ach, übrigens, das könnte dich als Sprachbegeisterte interessieren: Hier gibt es einen Geschenkeladen, der sich "Das Gift Haus" nennt. Ein schöner falscher Freund, nicht wahr?! — Sebastian 03:19, 11 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Es war nur aber ein Tschohk, Ich sah an deiner Userpage dass Du im linksten Coast wohnst. Entschuldige mir dass ich nur Halbdeutsch spreche. Sollst mein Spanisch aufhoeren. Mir haben gesagt dass ich um drei meteren mit meiner Stimme ertoeten kann. Und ja, die Name "Das Gift Haus" (Ha!) hab ich sehr gern. Ich werde davon fuer einege freunde Giftkarten zu kaufen.... μηδείς (talk) 04:10, 11 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Tschohk habe ich noch nie gehört. Meinst du die dicke thailändische Reissuppe? — Sebastian 06:52, 12 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Medeis, where do I put my question?

Medeis, could you tell me why you removed my post, and where I can put it, please? (talk) 18:52, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The ref desks are not chat rooms, and as you are concerned with your own feelings you need to seek licensed medical advice; there is no place to do that at wikipedia. For free to ask for some relevant chat rooms about the topic, I am sure you will get links to various candidates if that is what you are asking for. That could be done at the Miscellaneous or Humanities or Science desk, depending on your own preference. μηδείς (talk) 19:01, 14 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Medeis, where do I put my question?

My question was not a request for opinion, prediction or debate. I explained the scenarios and then asked why hasn't the visa system been targeted as clearly it is legal discrimination, or if the visa system is acceptable, then why hasn't ethnic profiling been adopted by police forces around the world? 18:09, 19 December 2015 (UTC)18:09, 19 December 2015 (UTC)~~ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jaseywasey (talkcontribs)

Season's greetings!

Hope we can continue to improve Wikipedia in 2016. All the best, The Rambling Man (talk) 19:49, 20 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, and Szczastliwy Nowy Rok! μηδείς (talk) 20:27, 20 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Season's greets!

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Japanese grammar, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page SOV. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 10:39, 25 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Season's Greetings!

File:Xmas Ornament.jpg

To You and Yours!
FWiW Bzuk (talk) 22:36, 25 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Ta Waszym. μηδείς (talk) 00:38, 26 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Crosby closure

I've undone it, please don't take it personally, we both know exactly what the outcome of this "nomination" will be. Better to let it play out, hope you understand. The Rambling Man (talk) 17:36, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

No, User:The Rambling Man, I am not at all perturbed, my goal was to shut down what will be a futile shouting match at best. The nominator should have known better. Compare this to the Pistorius arrest, which was not posted at the time of the crime and where the physical facts were uncontested. Here we have an indictment based on an 11-year old allegation. I could see posting the indictment of a sitting head of state or the arrest of The Prince of Wales, but looking at UNDUE and BLP together, this should be left off the page unless he's indicted. μηδείς (talk) 17:43, 30 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]


This discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

See this. General Ization Talk 05:03, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Profuse apologies for not notifying you immediately, it just slipped my mind! -Elmer Clark (talk) 05:06, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Reference Desk discussion

Hi - you'll probably want to respond here. -Elmer Clark (talk) 05:05, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Why thanks! Sca (talk) 15:02, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Black on white rape statistics

After reverting and being reverted by user:Loud echo https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Miscellaneous&oldid=prev&diff=699047670 he is blocked and reverted for his racial trolling at the ref desk. μηδείς (talk) 00:55, 10 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ANI notice

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. Thank you. Yanping Nora Soong (talk) 04:25, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

This discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

Section link: WP:ANI#User:Medeis has some sort of vendetta against me on the Reference Desk: Science board.2C and keeps harassing me. -- ToE 04:44, 11 January 2016 (UTC) I know this is just from the template, but it always seemed a little rude to me to tell some one to scan the entire board to discover the relevant section, even if it will be at the bottom if you look quickly enough.[reply]

It would be good if you could read my comment about sockpuppetry there. If you don't want to, at least take this important message. If you really feel there are sockpuppetry concerns (which requires misuse of multiple accounts, not simply multiple accounts), you should email arbcom privately considering the risk of WP:Outing and other concerns. From the self disclosed info on YNS's userpage, it should be obvious why they may not wish to publicly link their current account with previous acounts which was also stated here [42]. So even though it may not be hard to figure out, you shouldn't be making the link publicly on wikipedia. (The fact that it's not hard to figure out is IMO another reason why it's difficult to call this sockpuppetry. Since it's IMO clearly not otherwise abusive the only thing you have left is avoiding scrutiny which is difficult to argue when it's not hard to figure out and there's clearly a reason why the accounts aren't publicly linked.) Nil Einne (talk) 07:07, 11 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • Matter archived after a few GF suggestions and the usual complaints by the usual suspects. μηδείς (talk) 04:01, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • The above complaint almost immediately aged off ANI, the user has moved on to things like criticizing Black Lives Matter and her comments at the ref desk talk page were almost immediately hatted. μηδείς (talk) 03:19, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


...is now blocked. If you want to, you could review their edits and see if any of them should be deleted. Due to the subject matter, I don't think I should be the one. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 01:08, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Sumprise, sumprise, sumprise! This was rather obvious a-coming, Baseball Bugs. I usually just put "FYI, this user has been indeffed" comments if there are still active threads. So we'll see. But thanks for the heads-up. μηδείς (talk) 02:32, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Flup, added IP4, IP6, and reg user to neptunekh sok puppet investigation. μηδείς (talk) 04:08, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

January 2016

Information icon Hello, I'm QEDK. I noticed that you made a comment on the page User talk:The Rambling Man that didn't seem very civil, so it has been removed. Wikipedia is built on collaboration, so it's one of our core principles to interact with one another in a polite and respectful manner. If you have any questions, you can leave me a message on my talk page. Thank you. QEDK (T 📖 C) 08:46, 23 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Care to revisit Tchindas?? Thanks Schmidt, Michael Q. 02:57, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, but not really. The fact that a known sockmistress (User:Neptunekh) was its main contributor has nothing to due with the notable comments of reliable sources. μηδείς (talk) 03:16, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you...

...for your note. FWIW I had no issue at all with what you said. I'm not sure I'm a ponce (to whit: "an effeminate man", "a man who lives off a prostitute's earnings"), but all the rest of it was pretty much spot on. The Rambling Man (talk) 19:45, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I hope this means you're back. μηδείς (talk) 22:30, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I loved this

([43]) --Dweller (talk) 13:23, 27 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Possible addition to the wording

Hello M. I think that your hatting of the RD/M thread was appropriate. I do wonder whether the disclaimer should state that "Neither professional or amateur advice" can be given. BTW - you put the ANI notice on the user page for the IPs rather than on their talk pages. I don't know if you want to transfer them or not but I wanted to let you know about it in case you did. MarnetteD|Talk 03:14, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for pointing out the error; if any of them haven't commented I'll move the notice now. μηδείς (talk) 17:30, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. The thread is Can editors at the ref desks offer legal and financial advice?

--Shirt58 (talk) 10:49, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, Shirt58, but I was the one who started the thread, so don't need notifying. I've edited this down to a comment rather than a separate thread from the one Marnette already started. μηδείς (talk) 17:28, 29 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • Note that the primary question about a con game has remained closed, with a consensus at WP:ANI that the subject is trolling, and the followup question on drinking toxic solutions https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Science&diff=next&oldid=702369885 was deleted by an admin as trolling. μηδείς (talk) 06:27, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]


I use ESET Smart Security. It is pretty good (far better then something like AVG) and it is free if you use a little trick. Nota bene: this is not a crack or hack or something like that. I simply keep using the trial version over and over again. Every time it expires I go to nod325.com to get a new trial serial. I did this quite recently, so now my license expires on 20-9-2016. I have been using ESET for the past 4 years without paying.

I recommend using it in combination with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. The Quixotic Potato (talk) 17:18, 12 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Chris Christie endorsing Trump ?

Makes no sense from Christie's political POV, so I assume he got some type of payoff, like the promise of a cabinet position or even VP if Trump wins. What do you think ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by StuRat (talkcontribs)

Stu, the last thing I want is this year's presidential race spilling over into my Wikipedia time, which I view largely as a form of relaxation. I'll answer you briefly that both are bombastic, no holds barred, tell it as they see it, Greater Metropolitan NY'ers. And I suspect most of Christie's voters already had Trump as their second choice. I suspect Christie has the same contempt many do for the other candidates, like the bible-thumping Cruz who won Iowa only by bearing false witness against Carson, saying he'd dropped out of the race. That being said please do not continue this here. I have an email account if you really want to get into it. But not here under any circumstances. μηδείς (talk) 13:48, 28 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
OK, will do. StuRat (talk) 21:58, 28 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Medeis,

You wrote:

I did, when referring to the electrical conduction system of the heart. I described them as specialized muscle cells which function in a similar way to nerve cells. There was enough terminology in my reply already, I think, for the OP. --NorwegianBlue talk

I'm sorry, NorwegianBlue I do swear I looked for the term, although I didn't ctrl f it. I did add the nice graphic though. Hope you're not pinin' too much for the feeoords. If so, email me, and I have a good psychiatric nurse practitioner I can recommend. :) μηδείς (talk) 21:42, 29 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
--NorwegianBlue talk 19:32, 1 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Abner J. Mikva references

Hey Medeis! I just wanted to say thank you for your work on sourcing articles that are notable but wouldn't pass due to sourcing. I was wondering if you can help properly source Abner J. Mikva because he's a notable figure in law of the U.S. and when he goes he'll be nominated, but the sourcing worries me. I was wondering if you can help be out. Thanks! --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 04:49, 21 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, in theory I would be happy to help out, cn-ing the article would be the first step. Unfortunately I am more busy with extra pressing matters than I would like to be in real life, and can't commit to any such work now, but feel free to contact me again if it becomes urgent, and I shall add the article to my watchlist. μηδείς (talk) 17:00, 21 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

The Special Barnstar
Thank you. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 14:59, 28 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Same sex unions in Italy

Now the issue is closed so we can talk about it with calm. I understand your point and respect it but unless we live in a vacuum (which we don't) you well know better than me (that am Italian) that same-sex unions' legalization in Italy is way more hm.. not "relevant" but "noticeable" than in France which has a long secular tradition opposed to Italy which has the Pope at the centre not only of the country but of the politic life. As you know , is not the dog that bites the man which makes a news, but the man who bites a dog.. :-) regards and thanks for your attention. -- SERGIO aka the Black Cat 17:54, 27 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ok no problem, thanks for your response . -- SERGIO aka the Black Cat 21:25, 27 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

As a European and as someone with a brain...

.. I find this offensive. Do you know who that is? He is not a typical European, he is an asshole. And the stuff he is wearing is not representative of the typical dress style of someone who lives in Europe. Only a tiny minority of Europeans dress like this. The Quixotic Potato (talk) 08:23, 29 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

 Fixed [44] The Quixotic Potato (talk) 08:25, 29 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The user was warned further editing of my comments or onscenity on my talk page would be reported to ANI, he reverted the edit https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:The_Quixotic_Potato&oldid=prev&diff=722737800 μηδείς (talk) 23:29, 29 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • The user seems interested in furthering some bizarre conflict, he's invited to stay off this page and take it to WP:ANI μηδείς (talk) 20:27, 17 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Personal attacks really not necessary

record of note to SemanticMantis. see alsoμηδείς (talk) 03:05, 25 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Some bubble tea for you!

Cheers Brandmeistertalk 07:38, 13 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

"Personal attacks really not necessary": Mark II

So, enlighten me. How does this square with this? -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 08:18, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Looks like Jack got to this before me. Information icon Please do not attack other editors. Comment on content, not on contributors. Personal attacks damage the community and deter users. Please stay cool and keep this in mind while editing. Thank you.--WaltCip (talk) 12:34, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The "stay cool" part makes sense, and Stu and I generally get along quite well, except for when we don't. I'm quite happy to offer a formal apology, and invite him to erase the ridiculous comment should he want. I took Jack's comments seriously, and assumed it was obvious mine were joshing. But one cannot make such assumptions, I come to learn. I suppose the bottom line sin here was my ignorance of American né Scotsman Craig Ferguson's lesson: "Does this need to be said; does this need to be said by me; and does this need to be said by me, now?" μηδείς (talk) 16:58, 5 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
What are the comments of mine to which you refer? I played no part on either of the linked threads. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 06:47, 6 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Jack, I vaguely remember you insulting me with an "As usual, Medeis...blah, blah, blah, comment." If you really care (I dinna, I both like you [the horror] and don't hold grudges) you can look at the time signature of that edit and figure it all out. Or ask WaltCip, who seems to find these things important. Stu's the only injured party here, and I have unqualifiedly apologized him. I'm not sure there's any further point in this, given he hasn't complained. Can't we all just get along? μηδείς (talk) 13:39, 6 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I would love to get along, but I completely reject your allegation that I said "As usual, Medeis...blah, blah, blah", or anything else. As I said above, I played ZERO role in either of the threads I linked in my opening question. So can you please just stick to the facts and not accuse people of things they did not do? I expect your retraction by return mail. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 13:59, 6 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
And while you're composing your retraction to me, be aware that StuRat has now complained about your personal attack on him. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 23:42, 8 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You are highly intelligent, and not a newbie innocent to the ways of Wikipedia. At a minimum, assumed it was obvious mine were joshing shows exceedingly poor judgment. Emoticons were invented because one's meaning cannot be divined from written conversational speech, as I'm sure you're well aware. You're also aware that Wikipedia is an environment where civility is a hot button issue for many. Given all that it's not unreasonable to expect you to clearly identify humor as humor when it could be interpreted as serious, or simply choose a different way to convey the same meaning. All factors considered, I think failure to do either is as culpable as saying those things seriously. If apology were enough, we could dispense with WP:CIVIL, WP:NPA, and much of the activity at WP:ANI. ―Mandruss  23:57, 8 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • I accept your invitation to sit down over a pivo, but first you must retract the personal slur above. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 23:21, 16 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I am not going to search for unspecified personal slurs, but I heresoby retract any. I really do luvya, Jack. You undercontribute and I miss your trifidian touch, even be it a sting. Come visit, it was 38C today, and the lights are flickrin. μηδείς (talk) 00:42, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Expressions of love, bouquets of benificence, and other unctuous utterances are always terribly welcome. As the elderly mother called out to her son the Cardinal as he was setting out on a journey to Rome to confer with the Pope on intractable questions of canon law, "Goodbye, dear. Be good". -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 01:09, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

"Donatophobia" question

Medeis, hi. Can I just confirm that you intended to delete this question (as a request for legal advice?), rather than answering it? The question seemed OK to me, but I won't restore it if you think it should be gone. Tevildo (talk) 08:13, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ugh! Given my keyboard problems, I will simply say, yes. If the question is really one of refs, feel free to revert and provide an actual ref. μηδείς (talk) 21:08, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You really must fix your keyboard problems. They seem to have been around for quite some time now. Hell, I'll buy you a new one for your birthday (assuming you were born of woman, and not some laboratory abomination). :) -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 23:05, 17 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the offer, the wine eventually dried up. μηδείς (talk) 16:38, 18 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Arbcom case you might be interested in

I just filed an arbitration request against The Rambling Man, citing an example in which you were involved in. You might be interested in the case. Link is here: [45]. Thanks, Banedon (talk) 05:23, 18 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

"Even then the exact same attacks continued from IP addresses after the ban."

If you believe this to be related to me, please instigate a checkuser. I can swear on the lives of my two children that I have never sockpuppeted, never used IPs, never avoided scrutiny. To be tacitly (or even overtly here) accused of doing so with no evidence (regardless of the merits of the rest of the case) is a serious issue. Regardless of our history or disagreements, please re-check that accusation. P.S. new evidence at arbcom cases is usually placed at the bottom, not the top of the page, just in case you weren't aware. The Rambling Man (talk) 23:05, 19 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Respond to the arbcom complaint, and stay off my talk page. μηδείς (talk) 23:39, 19 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]


I've never seen this done, but I wonder if an admin could be banned from regular editing but still be allowed to use his admin privileges for normal admin work such as blocking trolls? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 00:00, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

That's an interetsing question. But I think the underlying issue is, can an editor of any rank actually be held to no personal attacks and POV? When you are constantly hit over the head with "typical american bee ess" for huge terrorist attacks or sports that make 10,000,000 times as much as punting as if we were wogs it gets a bit tiresome. μηδείς (talk) 00:43, 22 August 2016 (UTC) (Yes, I said "wogs".)[reply]
One guy there, I forget who, keeps calling the NCAA March Madness tournament an "amateur youth event". Incredible ignorance. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 01:07, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Email hacking?

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Medeis, you posted here that the email address associated with this account has been compromised. Sorry to hear that; that must be frustrating. Can you confirm that you have changed or removed the email address in your preferences and changed your Wikipedia password? Thanks.

If you have evidence that another Wikipedian is responsible and would like to pursue that, please email your evidence to arbcom. Otherwise, speculating on-wiki that a specific person might be responsible based on tenuous connections like the timing of events is not appropriate. Opabinia regalis (talk) 02:26, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, @Opabinia regalis:, I have changed my password here, and have what I hope is a secure email with a new password as well. As for evidence, I don't know how to do that. All I can say is that the original account which was solely dedicated to WP, had been redirected, so that when I tried to sign in, and couldn't, it said it would send the retrieval code to "my" last address @assh*le.uk.co
Of course I live in the US. μηδείς (talk) 03:46, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Sca:, although I have received two notifications that you have emailed me, I have received neither, including in my spam filter. Feel free to resend, it should work now. μηδείς (talk) 03:46, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I see, thanks. Sounds like you'd have to take it up with the mail provider to learn more, if you haven't been able to regain access to the account. (If you have, many webmail providers have a list of recent IPs used to access the account - gmail's is the "details" link on the bottom right.) You could also check for the email address here: https://haveibeenpwned.com, which keeps track of email addresses contained in known large data breaches.
Also, are you sure it was ".uk.co", not ".co.uk"? Opabinia regalis (talk) 04:34, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
That creature looks like a fish that was designed by a committee. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 06:48, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Baseball Bugs:, if you think Opabinia, a relative of the arthropds is weird, look up the Tullymonster. μηδείς (talk) 19:12, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Anomalocaris looks weird and could eat me for lunch! Opabinia regalis (talk) 05:42, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • Medeis, I would like for you to strike that paragraph from the Case request page: you have no evidence for any foul play on the part of TRM whatsoever, and the suggestion of foul play should not be made without evidence. If there is actual evidence of TRM's involvement, you know you can always email ArbCom. In the meantime, your comment is raising the temperature needlessly. Thank you. Drmies (talk) 00:48, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Life reconstruction of Tullimonstrum gregarium based on studies by McCoy et al., 2016
I am not about to strike anything, I have copies of TRM's own antics and attacks that I emailed to myself and that are documented in the IBAN between us. All the diffs you need are there. But this is not about me, I didn't file this complaint, he and i don't much cross paths now. I do support Alex Tiefling's suggestion at the current complaint. I have enough going on in real life that I do not intend to get into any protracted debate, and really don't enjoy this discussion here, it should be at the arbcom request. μηδείς (talk) 14:26, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
    • During the interaction ban, various one-shot IP's would turn up from time to time, saying stuff about Medeis and me that TRM was forbidden to say... due to the interaction ban. These IP's often parroted TRM's own words from before the Iban, and it left the impression of someone pretending to be TRM logged out, in order to add fuel to the fire. So there is some precedent for concern. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 04:40, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
      • +1 to Drmies. And I don't get the point of this "IP edits" stuff either (also mentioned on the case request and probably shouldn't be). If you think it was a fake/joe job/troll, then it's irrelevant. If you think it wasn't, then it's way too late now to get any evidence, so it's still irrelevant. Opabinia regalis (talk) 05:42, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
        • Checkusers don't do anything with IP's. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 06:24, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
          • Checkusers don't publicly connect named accounts to IPs. That's not the same as "not doing anything". Opabinia regalis (talk) 06:41, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Reconstructions of H. sparsa, H. hongmeia, and H. fortis
            • I was always told that they have to leave IP's alone, due to privacy rules. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 07:20, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
              • Opabinia is correct, Bugs; I'm not sure why you want to tell a CU what a CU does--sorry. Medeis, my question was about an accusation, an innuendo, that you made in a very public forum. As far as I can tell the accusation is baseless, which is why it was left as innuendo. As such it constituted a personal attack--in my opinion. I asked you to remove it here, in the relative privacy of your talk page; a question like that is not for the Case request page. If you wish to avoid a protracted debate, you can do so with one simple edit. You are free not to make that edit, but I don't see how leaving that innuendo will in any way help your case, whatever your case may be. Thank you. Drmies (talk) 15:59, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Drmies:, please feel free to redact whatever you like, with no objection on my part. Looking over my email from the time of the IBAN there were a series of criticisms by an IP 54.XX.XX.XX who swept in and left. They were frequent enough that Bugs kept a list of them on his talk page. So far as I am aware, Bugs and I were their sole topic, I am unaware of any other contributions. Since no admin at the time would do a usercheck on an IP, we were left with the "if it quacks" test. If someone wants to search Bug's talk page in late 2014 and early 2015 they will find this list of IP's.

My even explaining this could be construed as a personal attack, I suppose, so I am not going to continue this. I realy don't want to waste my internet time and WP time making arguments. So this thread is now closed, and please redact anything you find inappropriate. μηδείς (talk) 17:31, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

IP's etc.

I had forgotten the range of IP's which Medeis remembered. They would be in my archives somewhere. But since the checkusers at the time wouldn't lift a finger to help, they certainly won't now. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 18:50, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

August 2016

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Warning icon Please stop your disruptive editing. If you continue to delete or edit legitimate talk page comments, as you did at Wikipedia:Reference desk/Science, you may be blocked from editing. --Guy Macon (talk) 20:11, 30 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Note that Jayron32's edit[46] was entirely appropriate, within Wikipedia policy, and was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. You really need to stop deleting what other editors write and follow WP:TPOC from now on. --Guy Macon (talk) 20:22, 30 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Ha, so ArbCom has recruited Guy as their secret agent to probe if the TRM case should also look into the Ref Desks :) . Count Iblis (talk) 21:34, 30 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Although I have disagreed more than once with Medeis's comments and behavior over the years, this warning should be disregarded. It appears that Guy Macon deliberately posted an inappropriate question on the reference desk, knowing that it was inappropriate but believing that at a specific level of inappropriateness so that it could properly be hatted but not deleted. Predictably, someone deleted it instead, Guy Macon restored it, and ultimately it was hatted with an explanation by Jayron32, which Guy Macon describes as the very reaction he was hoping for. Provoking these reactions, however, created ill-will among editors and took the time of editors that could have been used for better purposes. I construe Guy Macon's conduct as disruptive point-making and, consistent with Jayron32's closure, strongly advise him not to repeat it. Medeis, in the interest of not compounding the disruption, I urge you not to respond here. Newyorkbrad (talk) 21:48, 30 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Indeed. I did not archive (rather than delete) because I supported Guy's distruption, but as an expedient; because I figured it would end the back-and-forth. Trolling is trolling whether or not it is done by a noob, a blocked user, or a long-time regular. Guy intentionally posted a thread which was intended to deliberately bait someone into closing or deleting it, and when someone did, he acted affronted. That's textbook trolling, and not acceptable in any decent company. It should have not happened, and should not happen again. Medeis did nothing wrong except to take out the trash, and got "warned" and "threatened" with an ANI thread for it. Unacceptable. --Jayron32 00:42, 31 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Arbitration Case opened

You recently offered a statement in a request for arbitration. The Arbitration Committee has accepted that request for arbitration and an arbitration case has been opened at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/The Rambling Man.

Evidence that you wish the arbitrators to consider should be added to the evidence subpage, at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/The Rambling Man/Evidence.

Please add your evidence by September 17, 2016, which is when the evidence phase closes. You can also contribute to the case workshop subpage, Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/The Rambling Man/Workshop. For a guide to the arbitration process, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Guide to arbitration.

For non-parties who wish to opt out of further notifications for this case please remove yourself from the list held here

For the Arbitration Committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:04, 3 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]


User:Medeis/common.js is the only use of User:PrimeHunter/wikEdDiff 0.9.17.js. You added it after discussion at Wikipedia:Help desk/Archives/2013 June 10#Show Improved Diff View not working. I got a notification today at User talk:PrimeHunter#RevisionSlider & WikEdDiff interaction. I'm not making any updates to my old copy and I'm considering to delete it. Do you still need it? The current wikEdDiff version enabled at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-gadgets works for me in Safari and MonoBook. PrimeHunter (talk) 10:20, 13 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The old version hasn't worked for me for some time using any browser, and Just checked and the green triangle is not showing up in any case, so if your point is, do I mind if it is/has been erased, then, no. :) μηδείς (talk) 17:50, 13 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

The Rambling Man arbitration proposed decision posted

A proposed decision has been posted in the open The Rambling Man arbitration page. Please review this decision and draw the arbitrators' attention to any relevant material or statements. Comments may be brought to the attention of the committee on the proposed decision talk page. For a guide to the arbitration process, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Guide to arbitration. If you are not a party, you may opt out of further notifications regarding this case at Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case/The Rambling Man/Mass Message List. For the Arbitration Committee, Kevin (aka L235 · t · c) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:36, 2 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Fallout, TRM is desysopped. μηδείς (talk) 01:24, 8 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, hope you don't mind this. I know you said not to leave messages but I'm not sure how else to contact you and to make sure you don't spend time unnecessarily I wanted to let you know about [47] (Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/Neptunekh). (Well I could ping you, but those don't always work.) Nil Einne (talk) 04:16, 10 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!

Hello, Medeis. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]


Here's the article the IP referred to on the ref desk.[48] It's from 2 months ago. I don't know if there's been any followup on it to either possibly confirm or possibly refute it. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:08, 1 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the smile

Hello M. This edit summary is brilliant. I immediately had visions of that appearing under the pic of any internet troll in the manner of the Roadrunner cartoons. Thanks again. MarnetteD|Talk 05:28, 1 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ITN recognition for Henry Heimlich

On 18-12-2016, In the news was updated with an item that involved the article Henry Heimlich, which you nominated. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the candidates page. μηδείς (talk) 20:05, 18 December 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Merry, merry!

From the icy Canajian north; to you and yours! FWiW Bzuk (talk) 22:04, 24 December 2016 (UTC) [reply]

Personal attacks

I see from your talk page that you have repeatedly been warned about personal attacks in the past. I just saw the blatant personal attack you left at WP:ITNC[49]. Please stop. Further personal attacks will result in blocks. Fram (talk) 09:25, 23 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Doesn't have much to do with the constant anti-American attacks by TRM, but suggest interested parties see here. μηδείς (talk) 21:37, 8 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


...this, you're right about the unreferenced. But where is the BLP violation? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 17:37, 14 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

]:Thanks. The bigprob is that we shouldn't be making negative (or even disnegative) comments per WP:BLP or about 10 other opilcies; none hove ooch I care ta goodge. μηδείς (talk) 17:49, 14 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, but I don't understand which comments you're referring to. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 17:53, 14 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


??? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:45, 17 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Medeis, Wanted to let you know that I reverted the removal of the section at RD:H on the wiretapping allegations per Wikipedia:Biographies_of_living_persons#Public_figures; I believe the discussion there as it presently exists is within the bounds of "documenting what reliable sources say about noteworthy allegations". — Lomn 02:31, 25 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

"Ah, fuck it"

Link for future reference to response to my civil request to disengage. μηδείς (talk) 22:04, 14 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Wrong diff I'm afraid. The Rambling Man (talk) 22:05, 14 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Just in case you need it in the future, this is the diff you're looking for, the other one is nothing to do with you at all, just for the avoidance of doubt. The title of this section, therefore, is also completely inaccurate, but I doubt you'll have any interest in correcting it, but it's worth stating it as a fact here, for the avoidance of doubt, that it was not related in any way, shape or form, to you or your edits. The Rambling Man (talk) 19:01, 27 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

History of Iberia

I've cited your comment in an RFD for History of Iberia. Your comments at the RFD would be appreciated. Nyttend (talk) 00:59, 19 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

This is a kind reminder not to abuse WP:ITN/C by adding political commentary. This page is strictly for discussing the merits of suggestions for news items on the main page. Thanks. Abovesky (talk) 09:41, 23 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

"WP:TALK do not change other edotors' comments unless they are defamatory or personally abusive" and then this: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Humanities&diff=776793207&oldid=776791174. Schizophrenic? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Abovesky (talkcontribs) 10:34, 23 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Abovesky edit summary: "Then Block me or just die of cancer you idiot"

Your comments at the reference desk

Thank you for your time at the reference desk. In case you are unaware, your comments are of absolutely no use. They are completely unhelpful. Please make a note of it. (talk) 21:58, 24 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Controversial refdesk question

discuss this at talk, don't hold conversations on my talk page
The following discussion has been closed. Please do not modify it.

FYI, the consensus regarding the WP:RDM hatting was that the OP was not requesting business advice, in case you didn’t see the talk page. — (talk) 22:49, 26 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

And also that requesting business advice is not prohibited. StuRat (talk) 23:12, 26 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Even if it was, that’s completely irrelevant to the question in… um, in question. Some of the responses were off topic (perhaps misled by the title), but the request itself had nothing to do with business advice. — (talk) 23:50, 26 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]

diff of closed trolling https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Reference_desk/Miscellaneous&diff=777392674&oldid=777392515

On this day, 7 years ago...

Happy First Edit Day, Medeis, from the Wikipedia Birthday Committee! Have a great day!

Warm regards, Mz7 (talk) 05:22, 4 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Refdesk edit

Thanks for tightening up the scope of the reference desk guidelines.


Was going to ask for a closure anyway as as I wasn't getting back the reference links I wanted.

However, I will be making one change to the page based on your clarification.ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 19:32, 11 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion opened on WP:AN

I have opened a discussion about your behavior here in regard to this issue. Please feel free to contribute. -Elmer Clark (talk) 20:31, 18 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]


It's been 3 years, 2 Months, and 6 Days! 2600:1003:B11D:7ED2:AD08:869D:15E2:A8D8 (talk) 00:31, 19 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Advice on semi-protection

Requesting protection diff. μηδείς (talk) 17:45, 19 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]


" Consider, there is no tax on lemon cooking extract, which is "food", even though it is about 83% alcohol" -- you got drunk on lemon extract as a teenager, didn't you! :D Also I was reminded of a while back you were asking about fermenting old fruits and such, how did your hooch turn out? SemanticMantis (talk) 20:16, 23 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, it was more recently than that, I read about it somewhere, and made a lemon screwdriver with a two-ounce bottle. You really have to dilute it, since it is effectively 166 proof. Even then, since vodka is cheaper sold in bulk, that's what I'll stick to. As a kid I just drank my Dad's beer on holiday family gatherings, then wine when we took our Senior Trip to the German Alps. μηδείς (talk) 20:47, 23 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, and @SemanticMantis: the peaches got eaten and went out of season far too quickly to consider hooch--which I wouldn't want to drink undistilled in any case. Been a while since I had access to the organic chem lab. μηδείς (talk) 22:56, 23 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah lemon extract and a jar of juice is probably a good drink. I only ever took a shot of it as a kid :) I ended up making some shrub_(drink) with my extra loquats - only barely fermented but seemed much easier than making real booze. SemanticMantis (talk) 13:58, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
My concern with distilling was not to strengthen the liquor, but to remove harsh or toxic congeners, a process which can't be done without a lot of lab equipment, time, and a safe environment. When I was 20 I took a class in psychopharmacology, and discovered that LSD was first isolated from Morning Glory seeds. I got hold of a Burpee catalog; they sold seeds by the 1/4 lb, either treated to prevent consumption, or untreated.
I only did it once, and had quite a wild trip. But the effects became distressing after a while, with a strong urge of despair that would have driven me to suicide had I not known intellectually that the black emotions were a side effect and would wear off. I had flashbacks every day for a month, and then for a few years when under stress or when I sneezed or during other strenuous bodily functions. Everything would turn a shade of blue, and lines like the joints between bathroom tiles would float and undulate.
It's not something I would recommend. But it is cool to know one can play the witch doctor. μηδείς (talk) 15:22, 24 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

File:Wade michael page police handout.png listed for discussion

A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Wade michael page police handout.png, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination.

ATTENTION: This is an automated, bot-generated message. This bot DID NOT nominate any file(s) for deletion; please refer to the page history of each individual file for details. Thanks, FastilyBot (talk) 23:55, 19 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Monty P. Burns

The poster might be thinking of Mr. Burns. If so, then it's effectively a hoax and you were well-justified in deleting the rest of it. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 00:48, 5 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Re: You may not realize your comment offended

Thank you for changing your comment, your good will is truly appreciated. (talk) 02:29, 26 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of Straw Poll

See Wikipedia talk:Reference desk#Straw poll: Topic ban for Medeis / μηδείς. --Guy Macon (talk) 06:17, 7 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Please stay off of my talk page.

Your comments are not welcome there. --Guy Macon (talk) 04:15, 11 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Target shooting

Here's a link to that bizarre item created by Macon:[50] ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:09, 11 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. Really should do one of those Nixon thingies. There must be something wrong with me. How Bizarre? How Bizarre? μηδείς (talk) 15:38, 12 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, HATE LIST. That would make me so happpy.  :} μηδείς (talk) 16:00, 12 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Nixon's Enemies List. A list of one's own "enemies" might get deleted on "WP:Polemic" grounds. More interesting might be a list of someone else's "enemies". Macon's would have at least four entries: you and me, and also Bus Stop and Beyond My Ken. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 20:00, 12 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Notice of noticeboard discussion

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. The thread is "Proposal: Topic ban for Medeis / μηδείς". Thank you. --Guy Macon (talk) 19:17, 18 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Ultimately snow closed with an implicit trout for Guy Macon and his ongoing crusade. μηδείς (talk) 22:47, 5 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

File:Wade michael page police handout.png listed for discussion

A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Wade michael page police handout.png, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination.

ATTENTION: This is an automated, bot-generated message. This bot DID NOT nominate any file(s) for deletion; please refer to the page history of each individual file for details. Thanks, FastilyBot (talk) 23:55, 19 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Books and Bytes - Issue 24

The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 24, August-September 2017

  • User Group update
  • Global branches update
    • Star Coordinator Award - last quarter's star coordinator: User:Csisc
  • Wikimania Birds of a Feather session roundup
  • Spotlight: Wiki Loves Archives
  • Bytes in brief

Arabic, Kiswahili and Yoruba versions of Books & Bytes are now available in meta!

Read the full newsletter

Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:53, 21 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

ANI Notice

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. The thread is Medeis / μηδείς vioating WP:TPOC again. --Guy Macon (talk) 23:04, 29 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Your Ref Desk edit

It just looked like you accidentally deleted things when you were only trying to reclose sections. Was it actually your intent to delete the contributions made since then ? StuRat (talk) 23:07, 29 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Request for Arbitration

I have filed a Request for Arbitration concerning conduct at the Reference Desks. Robert McClenon (talk) 19:44, 30 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The reference to provokable editors isn't in the Reference Desk case request at all. It is about Joefromrandb. Robert McClenon (talk) 22:46, 30 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, I'll go back and fix that at some point. μηδείς (talk) 00:39, 31 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  • Closed, see particularly Johnuniq's comment. μηδείς (talk) 01:22, 8 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

On 5 November 2017, In the news was updated with an item that involved the article Mohammad_bin_Salman#Political_and_economic_reforms, which you nominated. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the candidates page. Ad Orientem (talk) 19:36, 5 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry about that

I didn't know shortening it that way makes a demonym. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 18:22, 7 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Conduct at Reference Desks arbitration case request archived

Hi Medeis. The Conduct at Reference Desks arbitration case request, submitted 30 October 2017, has been declined by the Arbitration Committee. Thanks, Kevin (aka L235 · t · c) 00:28, 8 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The irony of this is that StuRat supported your being topic-banned, and he ended up getting put on the bench himself. Maybe he can come back at the end of the waiting period. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 18:03, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Medeis. You have new messages at Sagittarian Milky Way's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.


Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 06:37, 9 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Origin of "male"

The reason I re-created the section in the science desk was to avoid breaking links. However, few enough responders that it might not matter very much. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 04:18, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Baseball Bugs: I had made the mistake of thinking the OP was double posting. The correct answere in a scientific context would be anisogamy which has to do with the advantage to the male that he does not need to invest a lot of energy in sperm and their care. Sociolinguistically, the term mas may have distant connections with the Mos and Por castes or phratries of the Khanty people and Mansi people (related to the ancestors of the Hungarians) where the Mos were dominant, and membership was by birth, not gender. μηδείς (talk) 16:26, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
It wasn't a mistake. And I'm not talking about the link to the other page, I'm talking about the little arrow next to most of the items in the history and the contribs. So I've put the section back. It will disappear in a few days anyway. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 17:14, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Ref desk talk page

If I'm reading it right, they're basically claiming that neither requests for professional advice nor the responses to those requests are subject to deletion. It's mind-boggling. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:29, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

SemanticMantis thinks every question should be answered, no matter what WP policy it violates. My only answer to this BS is Immigration law. μηδείς (talk) 22:35, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Where is the warning about not giving professional advice? I thought it used to be prominently visible. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:40, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
There are disclaimers about professional advice on the main page, in ordinary type font size. I don't think that's good enough. If the clique won't allow boxing that stuff up, then the disclaimers need to be cited, IN BOLD PRINT, anytime someone asks for professional advice. Then they can't say they weren't warned. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 22:48, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

See WP:DISCLAIMER. it is linked to on every page we have. Some half a dozen years ago some idiot advocated simplifying the RD guidelines, and things like "have you used a search engine" and other suggestions and cautions re policy were removed as "unfriendly". So now we have people who think that RD is immune from WP guidelines and policy because we don't say so explicitly. μηδείς (talk) 22:56, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I see. It's in small print at the bottom. That's not likely to catch anyone's eye either. At the top of the misc page, for example, it says "We don't answer (and may remove) questions that require medical diagnosis or legal advice." So the argument comes down to whether something "requires" professional advice. It seems to me that a large, bold disclaimer smack in the face of the questioner would serve the purpose better than this never-ending battle over to-box-or-not-to-box. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 23:08, 13 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Plane of the Zodiac

Hallo Μῇδελ, wie geht's? I wanted to empathize with the experience you describe at WP:RD/S#Planet Venus and Jupiter conjunction., but I don't understand what you mean by "Venus, the Earth, and Jupiter were all in the plane of the Zodiac". I see that you just created the redirect from plane of the Zodiac to zodiac, but that doesn't help, since the zodiac doesn't form a plane. As "an area of the sky", all the rays connecting it with the earth form not a plane (as they do for the ecliptic) but a three-dimensional shape as the outside of a conical surface; similar to a donut. Of course, Venus and Jupiter are always in that area of the sky. Maybe by "plane of the Zodiac" you mean the ecliptic? This can be special, since they can deviate by a few degrees from the ecliptic due to their orbital inclination. But what does that have to do with the orientation of the sun with respect to the moon? — Sebastian 00:00, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I meant Ecliptic. Since the moon was not full, but a crescent, you could take its horns as the two points of an isosceles trangle, with the Sun (around which the other planets were in a virtually flat orbit) as being pointed to by the moon, which was above the ecliptic at that point. A line from the sun to the moon would bisect the moon's crescent at that point, so the angle of the sun, even though it had just set, was visible. I thought the Zodiac and the Ecliptic were pretty much the same thing, if not feel free to void my redirect and correct the matter at the ref desk, but nt here, since others won't see it. Vielen Dank! μηδείς (talk) 02:00, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, your explanation and edits there makes it clear now. I'll go ahead and delete the redirect page as cleanup. — Sebastian 09:39, 15 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Coincentally, I just was granted an amazing astronomical observation, too - a fireball. It was amazing, and the dash cams of it shown on https://www.imo.net/major-fireballs-over-germany-france-ohio-and-arizona/ don't do it justice; I found it brighter than the half moon. — Sebastian 05:27, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Teahouse talkback: you've got messages!

Hello, Medeis. Your question has been answered at the Teahouse Q&A board. Feel free to reply there!
Please note that all old questions are archived after 2-3 days of inactivity. Message added by – Joe (talk) 23:41, 19 November 2017 (UTC). (You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{teahouse talkback}} template).[reply]

Hotel stays

Despite the wording, I don't think this is a request for legal advice - unless the law regulates hotel checkout times? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:12, 1 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Your assessment of the OP may well be correct. But I must ask again, does the law have anything to say about checkout times, or is it strictly up to the hotels? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:46, 1 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
And another possible answer is, "Sure, you can stay a second night. But you'll have to pay for it." ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 02:48, 1 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
The subsequent silence of the OP further supports your theory. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:56, 1 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I have changed the hat to WP:DENY because I don't think it's a genuine request for legal advice, but is merely trolling, as you've indicated. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:23, 4 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  • It was MarnetteD who originally closed this, with IP 69 and myself concurring. I don't care about the DENY label, but it does assume bad faith, while the "We do not answer and may remove...legal advice" guideline is clear and makes no assumption as to the user's motive. μηδείς (talk) 16:38, 4 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
    • What if it's worded like a request for legal advice, but does not actually require legal advice? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:44, 4 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
      • Although I have not found anything on Google about legal regulations of checkout times, I can't say for certain. So I have changed the hat to "Closed, as legal advice is being sought, and it is uncertain whether legal advice is required in order to answer the question." ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:53, 4 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2017 election voter message

Hello, Medeis. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

On insisting

It's neither my style nor inclination to persist on what I think is relevant. You've always (i.e. in all your edits that managed to grave a line of memory in my brain) been a very diligent editor when it comes to language. Thus, I hope you also understand my impatience regarding superficial and perfunctory translations by automatons who (against their will) are coded to give but one result to a query (and without the option of asking for more context, of course :-). ---Sluzzelin talk 02:38, 12 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I took no side either there or in the previous argument over machine translations per se. My soul concern was that the IP (who did actually, to my surprise, have a valid question) was not being answered by the ongoing debate; and that if it should continue, it could do so elsewhere, since it was not directly relevant to or even fair to the IP. Please don't continue this here; I have answered his question and am satisfied so long as my answer is not buried in an avalanche of reborn disaccord. μηδείς (talk) 02:55, 12 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

So, can I not use the reference/help desks at all, because I sometimes ask questions with uncertain answers?

That birb king that you can screech at. 10:40, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Not-Bot/KingOfBirbs, the topic of your questions isn't necessarily out of bounds, but you seem to have a semi-strange obsession with it which doesn't lend any clarity to your questions or result in very insightful discussions. At an absolute minimum, you should learn how to handle talk-page threading, rather than starting so many disconnected sections on the ref desk... AnonMoos (talk) 16:58, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Humanities ref desk

People can argue whether the C.S. Lewis book is racist, but I really didn't see anyone participating in that thread as being racist... AnonMoos (talk) 17:01, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

What is wrong with my question?

King Of Birbs (Screech) (Footprints) 20:11, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]


The King has been exiled to the Phantom Zone. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 20:44, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Gee, thanks for spoiling the surprise you big galoot! μηδείς (talk) 21:03, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
I guess I should have let you find out for yourself, randomly. Sorry. :) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 21:28, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thank goodness. We now return your to your local programming - already in progress. Cheers. MarnetteD|Talk 22:38, 14 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Books and Bytes - Issue 25

The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 25, October – November 2017

  • OAWiki & #1Lib1Ref
  • User Group update
  • Global branches update
  • Spotlight: Research libraries and Wikimedia
  • Bytes in brief

Arabic, Korean and French versions of Books & Bytes are now available in meta!

Read the full newsletter

Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:57, 15 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Regarding German internment camps...

My Spidey Sense is tingling as well, given the message left on my talk page. Don't do anything yet, since he always shows his hands eventually. Honestly, I'd rather you didn't say anything in the thread at all. Trust me when I say that we'd already noticed what you noticed, it doesn't need to be called out publicly. --Jayron32 05:00, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your additional information. I do appreciate it. For the record, I never said you should remove what you said. What I said was that I would have rather you didn't say anything (as in both hadn't and try not to in the future). It's already out there, so doing anything right now doesn't matter. I have no desire to see it removed. The important thing is that saying anything doesn't really help. We all know who he is; drawing attention to it doesn't make admins suddenly aware that its him. We know its him the second he posts something like that. I also have a good sense of due process, so I will wait, (without indicating I know anything) for him to have his little nazi conniption so I have just cause to block. Don't believe for one second that just because no one has publicly flagged a troll, we don't know exactly who it is. At best, your public flagging of him will just scare him off (which is as good as a block), but generally it will only make him cover his tracks better. WP:BEANS and all. Anyhoo, thanks again for your additional information. I very much appreciated reading it, and want you to know how much it meant. --Jayron32 05:24, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Don't worry, I never thought you were. You're cool. Goodnight as well. I should probably hit the hay soon myself. --Jayron32 06:11, 16 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
He has now been transported to Auschwiki. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 12:52, 17 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Incorrect content

“Widely reported”? It was based purely off of speculation and was never confirmed. Please stop adding this irrelevant rumor. Dwest25 (talk) 21:04, 18 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

I have reported the user for edit-warring. And I wonder if he's the same guy as Dwest6456 (talk · contribs)? Or Dwest98 (talk · contribs)? Or some of the other users prefixed Dwest? ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 08:31, 19 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
From Stave one of Dickens A Christmas Carol

Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail. Mind! I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country’s done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a door-nail.

So you see even Charles was looking for a reliable source :-) Thank you for your contributions to the 'pedia. ~ MarnetteD|Talk 23:11, 23 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]


Thank you for your edits. :) ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 16:28, 24 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Seasons' Greetings

...to you and yours, from Canada's Great White North! FWiW Bzuk (talk) 21:03, 24 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Illegal removal of comments on the ref desk

You fucking bitch, who gave you the right to remove my comments on the reference desk?! All I was doing was clarifying my intentions, and you removed it just like that! If you want to put it inside the hat, then by all means do so, but DON'T EVER REMOVE MY COMMENTS AGAIN unless SPECIFICALLY allowed by WP policy (such as medical/legal advice), you hear?! 2601:646:8E01:7E0B:8115:EFB1:83C0:5101 (talk) 02:42, 31 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, User:General Ization, for removing the above. But I prefer that such attacks remain as evidence for future reference, and I haven't laughed so hard since being taunted with what it was like to be a negress (above). I'll have to upload a picture of my German Shepherd with her pups at some point. μηδείς (talk) 03:12, 31 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Result, IP blocked for one week after attacks continued on IP's talk page. μηδείς (talk) 16:51, 1 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
The comment "Don't even THINK about blocking me for this" falls into the "famous last words" category. ←Baseball Bugs What's up, Doc? carrots→ 20:06, 1 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year!

To all of you, Szczastliwy Nowy Rok!

It's snowing here in Jersey


Why do you say that Siebi is a sock? Whose sock do you think it is (if it is a sock)? (((The Quixotic Potato))) (talk) 03:47, 12 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Posting order and wikimarkup

Hi Medeis,

I apologize for putting my comment in the middle of yours at the language refdesk. It was not intentional.

It was an easy mistake, though, because you had your comment divided into two pieces, one starting with a bullet (asterisk), followed by a blank line, followed by a second paragraph starting with a colon. When I was searching through the large section for where to put my text, it was not obvious that those paragraphs were part of the same comment. I did see it after I saved, but at that point it didn't seem worth the trouble to go back and fix it.

I've noticed that you like starting comments with bullets. In that case, I'd recommend that you start new paragraphs with <br> (and no newline) rather than a newline+colon (or worse, newline+blank line+colon). It's a little hard to work out that the colon-initial text is part of the same comment as the asterisk-initial text, especially if there's a blank line in between, but even if there isn't.

In any case, no harm meant, hopefully all resolved now. --Trovatore (talk) 05:00, 12 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Slow your roll

Regarding this. There is nothing in the OPs question that is a problem, and nothing in their edit history to indicate bad faith. If you have evidence of bad faith, present it on the talk page and let someone else agree with you before removing it. --Jayron32 04:39, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Unrelated to the above. You don't just get to repeatedly remove stuff without explanation and utter the word "arbcom" like its a magic bullet here. Please start a discussion somewhere and get consensus. WT:RD, WP:AN, whatever. I won't edit war over this, but really, dealing with your repeated self-important policing of the refdesks over the years (regardless of whether it involves my comments or not) is growing wearisome. Just ask for others opinions and prove you're right before launching yourself off on one of your crusades. I'll abide by consensus, but please cut out the "I am the only voice that matters and as long as I use the word arbcom or defamation per se or whatever trump card I want to play that day I can do whatever I want" shit. If I was in the wrong, others would agree with you. Start a discussion and prove you are right for once. --Jayron32 04:52, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I have rv'ed. Medeis, if you wanna disagree with Jayron that's fine. It's not like I agree with everything that Jayron has ever said and done in their entire life. But you are not allowed to remove comments made by others except in a few scenarios, and this isn't one of them. You are clearly unable to differentiate between comments that should be removed and comments that should not be removed, and therefore you should stop removing comments. (((The Quixotic Potato))) (talk) 05:40, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

CHEESE and effing crackers! I pang every user who'd posted in relation to this; for the express purpose of letting me review my action! If I did not ping you, you are trolling. Love, nobody. μηδείς (talk) 19:00, 13 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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Books and Bytes - Issue 26

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i sent you an email regrding the 'issue'. Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 13:41, 19 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Where art thou?

Hey, girl! Any chance I can speak with you? x Miss Bono [hello, hello!] 20:44, 7 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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Sad news

  • I am saddened to hear of your passing M. My favorite memory of your time here is when you asked me about Mr Magoo's version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I think it was Beyond My Ken (and apologies to you BMK if it wasn't) who found a link to a website where you could watch the whole thing. RIP Medeis. MarnetteD|Talk 16:02, 23 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • A tireless contributor, vaya con Dios. My thoughts are with her friends and family. --Floquenbeam (talk) 15:36, 2 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Medeis, you and I were not always each other's best friends on Wikipedia. But we had moments of real accord, which I treasure. I was very sorry to hear of your passing. Condolences to your family and friends. -- Jack of Oz [pleasantries] 19:52, 2 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
I just heard of this and am saddened. Medeis, I'll miss you. (talk) 19:22, 10 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • I'm sure Medeis is editing Wikipedia and occasionally vigorously disagreeing with fellow contributors wherever and whenever she exists and able to do so. That she isn't present in our sector of the universe doesn't mean that she doesn't exist anywhere at all, see here and here. We're all alive, but not everywhere and not always at the same places and times. Count Iblis (talk) 23:33, 7 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • Vaya con dios, Medeis. My deepest condolences go out to the user's family and friends. Thank you for everything you've done here. Lord Sjones23 (talk - contributions) 08:35, 13 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • This is indeed very sad news. I remember a few years ago a discussion on the language reference desk with you inspired me to write Eastern Slovak dialects. Thank you for all you have shared on here. Rest in peace. Best wishes to your family and friends. – filelakeshoe (t / c) 🐱 11:19, 27 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • Recién me enteré. Estaba buscando una pregunta antigua en el mostrador de referencia y noté algunas contribuciones de μηδείς, y pensé: "No he tenido noticias de ella durante mucho tiempo: me pregunto qué estará haciendo", y fui a buscar. Sus contribuciones podían ser mordaces, pero siempre estaban bien fundamentadas. Descanse en paz. -- ColinFine ( discusión ) 21:19, 30 de diciembre de 2019 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • Me acabo de enterar ahora. Una noticia triste, en verdad. Cas Liber ( discusión · contribuciones ) 10:46 20 feb 2020 (UTC) [ responder ]
  • μηδείς era un habitual de ITN durante un tiempo, no había visto el nombre en un tiempo y vino aquí para encontrar esta triste noticia. μηδείς será extrañado. -- LaserLegs ( discusión ) 00:31, 8 de julio de 2020 (UTC) [ responder ]

La redirección Androgum ha sido incluida en redirecciones para discusión para determinar si su uso y función cumplen con las pautas de redirección . Cualquiera, incluido usted, puede comentar sobre esta redirección en Wikipedia:Redirecciones para discusión/Registro/21 de marzo de 2024 § Androgum hasta que se llegue a un consenso. Utopes ( discusión / cont ) 02:36, 21 de marzo de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

La redirección "¿Qué pasa con los niños? ¡¿Alguien podría pensar en los niños?!" ha sido incluida en redirecciones para discusión para determinar si su uso y función cumplen con las pautas de redirección . Cualquiera, incluido usted, puede comentar sobre esta redirección en Wikipedia:Redirecciones para discusión/Registro/18 de mayo de 2024 § "¿Qué pasa con los niños? ¡¿Alguien podría pensar en los niños?!" hasta que se llegue a un consenso. Xeroctic ( discusión ) 09:50 18 may 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

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