Lista de personajes de Star Wars

Esta lista incompleta de personajes de la franquicia Star Wars contiene solo aquellos que se consideran parte del canon oficial de Star Wars , a partir de los cambios realizados por Lucasfilm en abril de 2014. Tras su adquisición por parte de The Walt Disney Company en 2012, Lucasfilm renombró la mayoría de las novelas, cómics, videojuegos y otras obras producidas desde la película original de 1977 Star Wars como Star Wars Legends y las declaró no canónicas para el resto de la franquicia. [1] [2] [3] Como tal, la lista contiene solo información de las películas de la saga Skywalker , la serie de televisión animada de 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars y otras películas, programas o videojuegos publicados o producidos después de abril de 2014.

La lista incluye humanos y varias especies alienígenas. No se incluyen personajes droides ; para ellos, consulta la lista de personajes droides de Star Wars . Algunos de los personajes que aparecen en esta lista tienen tramas adicionales o alternativas en la continuidad no canónica de Legends . Para ver aquellos o personajes que no existen en absoluto en el canon actual de Star Wars , consulta la lista de personajes de Star Wars Legends y la lista de personajes de Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic .


Gial Ackbar

Stass Allie

Stass Allie es una Maestra Jedi Tholothiana y prima de Adi Gallia. Allie es una de las muchas víctimas de la Orden 66. [4] Inicialmente se planeó que muriera con Kit Fisto. [ cita requerida ]

El personaje fue interpretado por Lily Nyamwasa en el Episodio III .


Almec es un político mandaloriano que se desempeña como Primer Ministro de Mandalore durante las Guerras Clon. Un destacado partidario de Satine Kryze y su gobierno de los Nuevos Mandalorianos, es encarcelado por su participación en una red de contrabando ilegal, pero luego es liberado y reinstalado como líder títere después de que Darth Maul se apodera de la ciudad capital de los Nuevos Mandalorianos, Sundari. Cuando Maul es capturado más tarde por Darth Sidious, Almec envía a los supercomandos mandalorianos Gar Saxon y Rook Kast para rescatarlo. Durante el Asedio de Mandalore, es capturado por la fuerza de Bo-Katan Kryze y es asesinado por Saxon cuando intenta transmitir información a Ahsoka, Rex y Bo-Katan. [5]

El personaje fue interpretado por Julian Holloway en The Clone Wars .

Mas Amedda

Mas Amedda es el vicepresidente chagriano del Senado Galáctico. Es el Gran Visir y jefe del Consejo Imperial Regente, instalado por Gallius Rax como líder títere del Imperio tras la muerte de Palpatine. Amedda es también una de las pocas personas que conocen la personalidad secreta de Palpatine como Darth Sidious. Amedda entrega formalmente el Imperio a la Nueva República.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Jerome Blake y David Bowers en los episodios I-III , y con la voz de Stephen Stanton en The Clone Wars y The Bad Batch . Su historia también ha sido ampliada en Aftermath: Life Debt y Aftermath: Empire's End .

Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala es la Reina de Naboo en Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma y luego se convierte en la Senadora de Naboo en algún momento entre los Episodios 1 y 2 y continúa sirviendo desde El ataque de los clones , durante las Guerras Clon y en La venganza de los Sith . Más tarde, desarrolla una relación con el Padawan Jedi Anakin Skywalker y se casa con él en secreto en Naboo. Cerca del final de la guerra, le dice a Anakin que está embarazada, pero Anakin comienza a tener pesadillas sobre su muerte en el parto. Le da la espalda al Jedi y se une a Darth Sidious para tratar de salvarla, convirtiéndose en Darth Vader. Más tarde, viaja al sistema volcánico de Mustafar para tratar de traerlo de regreso a la luz, pero él no la escucha, y después de que Vader ve a Obi-Wan Kenobi, la estrangula con la Fuerza y ​​​​ella cae inconsciente. Después de que Obi-Wan derrota a Vader y la lleva a las instalaciones médicas en Poliss Massa, ella da a luz a Luke y Leia, pero poco después muere con el corazón roto.

Casiano Andor

Maarva Andor

Maarva Andor es una mujer humana que vivió durante las últimas décadas de la República Galáctica y la era del Imperio Galáctico. Junto con su marido, Clem, Maarva se convirtió en la madre adoptiva de Cassian Andor, a quien rescataron mientras contrabandeaban en el planeta Kenari.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Fiona Shaw en Andor .

El armero

Antillas Raymus

Raymus Antilles es el capitán de la corbeta CR90 Tantive IV , donde es estrangulado hasta la muerte por Darth Vader. [6] Antilles también fue el último amo de C-3PO y R2-D2 antes de que cayeran bajo la propiedad de Luke Skywalker. En los últimos días de la República, Antilles sirvió como capitán de la corbeta CR70 Tantive III .

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Peter Geddis en el Episodio IV , por Rohan Nichol en el Episodio III y por Tim Beckmann en Rogue One .

Antillas de cuña

Chelli Lona Aphra

Ryder Azadi

Ryder Azadi es el exgobernador de Lothal y amigo de la familia de Ephraim y Mira Bridger. Los ayudó en secreto en su campaña contra el Imperio Galáctico, lo que llevó a su arresto. Ryder escapó de la prisión, pero sus amigos no. Más tarde conoció a Ezra y Kanan en Lothal. Después de ayudar en una misión que también involucraba a la Princesa Leia, Ryder decidió formar una nueva célula rebelde en Lothal. Más tarde finge traicionar a los rebeldes para atraer a la gobernadora Pryce a una trampa. Durante la parte final de la batalla, Ryder intenta que Pryce lo acompañe en silencio cuando la base imperial comienza a despegar y explotar en vano, pero Pryce elige morir, permaneciendo leal al Imperio hasta el final. Después de la liberación de Lothal, Ryder ayudó en su reconstrucción y asumió el cargo de gobernador.

El personaje fue interpretado por Clancy Brown en Rebels , y Brown repitió su papel en Ahsoka .


Azmorigan es un señor del crimen jablogiano y socio comercial de Vizago. Primero fue engañado por Lando Calrissian para que le diera al empresario un cerdo globo destinado a la minería y lo cambiara por Hera, quien luego superó a Azmorigan y escapó de su nave, el Merchant One , hacia Calrissian y la tripulación del Ghost . Azmorigan los acorraló en la finca minera de Vizago, con la intención de recuperar el cerdo globo y a Hera junto con el Ghost y su tripulación, pero fue derrotado allí y se vio obligado a huir. En The Wynkahthu Job , después de haber formado una alianza con Hondo, los dos atacaron una nave de carga imperial solo para que quedara atrapada en las tormentas de un planeta cercano, lo que los obligó a pedir ayuda a la tripulación del Ghost . La operación de salvamento les da a los rebeldes varias bombas de protones y un encuentro con droides centinela imperiales, mientras que Hondo solo logra recuperar involuntariamente uno de sus ugnaughts.

El personaje fue interpretado por James Hong en Rebels .


Ponda Baba

Ponda Baba es un mercenario aqualish que ataca a Luke Skywalker en la cantina de Mos Eisley , y luego Obi-Wan Kenobi le corta el brazo con su sable de luz . Es un asociado del Dr. Cornelius Evazan, quien también se opone a Luke Skywalker en la cantina. [7] Cuando se lanzó la figura de acción original de Kenner para Baba, el alienígena, que entonces no tenía nombre, se llamaba simplemente "Walrus Man". [8]

En el Episodio IV, el personaje fue interpretado por Tommy Ilsley. En Rogue One , se lo ve con el Dr. Evazan en las calles de Jedha . [8]

Cad Bane

Darth Bane

Darth Bane fue un antiguo Lord Sith que fue responsable de crear la Regla de Dos: un maestro y un aprendiz. En la temporada 6 de The Clone Wars , The Lost Missions , el Gran Maestro Yoda viaja al antiguo sistema Sith conocido como Moraband y se encuentra con una ilusión de Darth Bane.

Tobias Beckett

Val Beckett

Val Beckett es la esposa y cómplice de Tobias Beckett. Muere durante un robo fallido de Coaxium para Crimson Dawn.

El personaje fue interpretado por Thandiwe Newton en Solo .

El bendu

El Bendu es un antiguo portador de la Fuerza cuya filosofía es anterior a la Orden Jedi; encontrado por los rebeldes en el planeta Atollon, donde se describe a sí mismo como "el medio" entre el ashla , el lado luminoso de la Fuerza, y el bogan , el lado oscuro de la Fuerza.

El personaje fue interpretado por Tom Baker en Rebels .

Kelleran Beq

Kelleran Beq es un Maestro Jedi que rescató a Grogu de la Orden 66 con la ayuda de las Fuerzas de Seguridad Reales de Naboo .

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Ahmed Best en The Mandalorian , repitiendo su papel del programa de juegos infantil basado en la web de 2020 Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge .

Sio Bibble

Sio Bibble es el gobernador de Naboo.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Oliver Ford Davies en los episodios I-III .

Depa Billaba

Depa Billaba es una Maestra Jedi del Alto Consejo Jedi que cae en un coma de seis meses después de un encuentro con el General Grievous en Haruun Kal. Mientras se recupera, forma un vínculo con el Padawan Caleb Dume (que más tarde se conocerá como Kanan Jarrus ), a quien toma como su aprendiz. Se sacrifica durante la Orden 66 para salvar a su Padawan.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dipika O'Neill Joti en los episodios I-II , y con la voz de Archie Panjabi en The Bad Batch .

Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Binks es un gungan del sistema Naboo. Al principio, Jar Jar fue desterrado de Ciudad Gungan por ser torpe, pero luego, después de conocer al Maestro Jedi Qui-gon Ginn y a su aprendiz Obi-wan Kenobi, los llevó a Ciudad Gungan. Tan pronto como puso un pie en la ciudad, fue detenido por el General Tarpals y escoltado junto con los Jedi hasta Boss Nass, líder de los gungans en ese momento. Una vez que los Jedi convencieron a Boss Nass de que dejara que Jar Jar los acompañara, los ayudó a rescatar a la Reina. Más tarde, en Tattooine, casi se mete en problemas con Sebulba, un peligroso podracer dug, pero fue salvado por el joven Anakin Skywalker. Muchos años después, Jar Jar se convirtió en el Representante de Naboo, pero es responsable de otorgarle al Canciller Palpatine poderes de emergencia durante las Guerras Clon, lo que en última instancia facilitó el surgimiento del Imperio.

Felicidad de Zorii

Zorri Bliss es la líder de un grupo de contrabandistas de especias del planeta Kijimi y antigua amante del piloto de la Resistencia Poe Dameron. Más tarde estuvo entre los muchos que ayudaron a la Resistencia en la batalla aérea contra las fuerzas Sith Eternales sobre Exegol.

El personaje fue interpretado por Keri Russell en el Episodio IX .

Lux Bonteri

Lux Bonteri es hijo de la senadora separatista Mina Bonteri y luchador por la libertad durante las Guerras Clon; interés amoroso de Ahsoka Tano . Después del asesinato de su madre, se convierte en el representante de su mundo natal, Onderon, en el Senado Galáctico.

El personaje fue interpretado por Jason Spisak en The Clone Wars .


Bossk es un notorio cazarrecompensas trandoshano que es uno de los seis convocados por Darth Vader para rastrear al Halcón Milenario . También se lo ve en el Palacio de Jabba . Bossk es el hijo del cazarrecompensas Cradossk y es conocido por su odio y caza de wookiees , con una vendetta particular contra el wookiee Chewbacca . [9] Durante las Guerras Clon, es mentor y sirve como guardaespaldas de un joven Boba Fett , y eventualmente se une a su sindicato de cazarrecompensas.

El personaje fue interpretado por Alan Harris en los episodios V-VI , y con la voz de Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars .

En el cuarto borrador de El Imperio Contraataca , Bossk fue escrito como un monstruo viscoso y con tentáculos con dos enormes ojos inyectados en sangre en una cara suave y hinchada. [10] El arte conceptual de Bossk fue dibujado por el artista Ralph McQuarrie a fines de 1978 o principios de 1979. [11]

La cabeza, los pies y los brazos del personaje fueron reciclados de la escena de la cantina de Mos Eisley en Una nueva esperanza y esculpidos por el maquillador Stuart Freeborn . [11] El atuendo utilizado para el personaje fue un traje de presión Windak de gran altitud utilizado por la Royal Air Force en la década de 1960 y fue reciclado de la serie de Doctor Who de 1966 The Tenth Planet . [12] [13] Se aplicó una insignia al hombro del disfraz para dar la apariencia de que Bossk era parte de una "unidad organizada". [11] Su arma estaba hecha de una pistola antidisturbios Webley-Schermuly con varios complementos. [14]

Bossk es mencionado en Solo: A Star Wars Story , cuando Val se queja con su esposo Tobias Beckett por contratar a Han Solo y Chewbacca en lugar de mercenarios experimentados como Bossk. [15] En borradores anteriores, Bossk fue escrito como miembro de los Jinetes de las Nubes de Enfys Nest que la abandona al final de la película. El guionista Jonathan Kasdan "luchó mucho y duro" para incluir esto en Solo , pero fue rechazado. [16]

Ezra Bridger

Ezra Bridger es un caballero Jedi humano del planeta Lothal. Nació el día del Imperio (cuando la República se convirtió en el Imperio). Cuando era niño, sus padres hablaron en contra del Imperio y, como resultado, se los arrebataron y fueron ejecutados por el Imperio. Ahora, solo, Ezra se convirtió en un ladrón local que sobrevivía por su cuenta. Entonces, un día, todo cambió. Su día comenzó igual, luego conoció al luchador rebelde Kanan Jarrus que estaba escapando de algunos oficiales imperiales. Ezra lo alcanzó y finalmente robó el sable de luz de Kanan. Más tarde, Ezra se unió al resto de la tripulación del Fantasma y se convirtió en el aprendiz de Kanan. Después de muchas pruebas y ensayos, Ezra se convirtió en un Jedi fuerte e hizo una pistola de sable de luz después de recuperar su cristal kyber. Sin embargo, ese sable de luz sería destruido por Darth Vader. Pasaron algunos años más y el poder de Ezra crecía cada día. Hizo un nuevo sable de luz verde, pero comenzó a comportarse de manera extraña debido a los efectos de un Holocrón Sith que recuperó y comenzó a buscar al viejo guerrero Sith Darth Maul, pero gracias a su maestro, pudo permanecer en el lado luminoso. Más tarde, Ezra perdió a Kanan cuando se sacrificó por Ezra, Sabine y Hera en una fundición de combustible y cayó en una profunda depresión. Poco después de saber que Kanan siempre estaría con él, Ezra lideró la Liberación de Lothal y liberó a su gente del Imperio, pero a un costo. Él, junto con el Gran Almirante Thrawn, se adentraron en el espacio y desaparecieron. No sería después de la caída del Imperio y el surgimiento de la Nueva República cuando Ezra finalmente fue encontrado por Ahsoka Tano y Sabine Wren y pudo regresar a casa.


Bix Caleen

Bix Caleen es un mecánico y traficante del mercado negro que es aliado de Andor.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Adria Arjona en Andor .

Lando Calrissian

Ticho Celchu

Un oficial imperial que se une a la rebelión durante la misión de la Alianza a Dantooine .


Escalada del Cid

Cid Scaleback (cuyo nombre completo es Ciddarin) es una ex informante Jedi que proporciona misiones mercenarias al Lote Malo después de las Guerras Clon. Más tarde traiciona al Lote Malo después de que regresan de Eriadu y entrega Omega a Royce Hemlock.

El personaje fue interpretado por Rhea Perlman en The Bad Batch .

El cliente

Junco Clovis

Rush Clovis es un senador separatista que representa al planeta Scipio en el Senado Galáctico, así como un antiguo pretendiente de Padmé Amidala, aunque se deja claro que nunca la conoció realmente. Cuando estallaron las Guerras Clon, se convirtió en delegado del Clan Bancario Intergaláctico. Durante la Batalla de Scipio, se sacrifica para salvar a Padmé.

El personaje fue interpretado por Robin Atkin Downes en The Clone Wars .

Comandante CC-2224 "Cody"

CC-2224, o "Cody", es un comandante clon del Batallón de Ataque 212, que sirvió bajo el mando de Obi-Wan Kenobi durante las Guerras Clon. Después de la Batalla de Utapau , traiciona a Kenobi sin quererlo e intenta matarlo cuando se emite la Orden 66.

El personaje fue interpretado por Temuera Morrison en el Episodio III , y con la voz de Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars y The Bad Batch .

Kaydel Ko Connix

Kaydel Ko Connix es un controlador junior en la Resistencia durante la trilogía de secuelas. [17]

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Billie Lourd , hija de Carrie Fisher , en los episodios VII-IX . [17]

Eno Córdova

Eno Cordova es un Maestro Jedi, presunto sobreviviente de la Orden 66, y antiguo mentor de Cere Junda y dueño de BD-1. Descubrió una antigua bóveda construida por Zeffo, un hombre sensible a la Fuerza, en el planeta Bogano, donde escondió un holocrón Jedi que contenía una lista de niños sensibles a la Fuerza, con la esperanza de que algún día pudiera ayudar a reconstruir la Orden Jedi.

El personaje fue interpretado por Tony Amendola en Jedi: Fallen Order y Jedi: Survivor .

CT-9904 "Punto de mira"

CT-9904, o "Crosshair", es un soldado clon deformado y miembro de la Fuerza Clon 99. Es el francotirador del equipo , que posee mutaciones genéticas que le dan una vista excepcional. Es el único miembro de la Fuerza Clon 99 cuyo biochip se activa cuando se emite la Orden 66, lo que hace que se vuelva contra sus compañeros de escuadrón después de que se rebelan contra el recién formado Imperio Galáctico. Crosshair luego es puesto a cargo de una unidad de soldados imperiales reclutados y se le asigna la tarea de cazar al Bad Batch. Aunque finalmente se entera de su biochip y se lo quita, continúa sirviendo voluntariamente al Imperio, creyendo que intentar luchar contra él es inútil y guardando rencor contra el Bad Batch por abandonarlo. Después de verse obligado a trabajar con el Bad Batch para sobrevivir a la destrucción de Ciudad Tipoca, Crosshair se reconcilia parcialmente con sus antiguos compañeros de escuadrón, pero aún se niega a unirse a ellos. Más tarde, Royce Hemlock lo captura y lo encarcela en la base del Dr. Hemlock en el Monte Tantiss, donde escapa con Omega y un perro de caza llamado Batcher. Se une al grupo en Pabu y, a pedido de Hunter, AZI-3 le examina la mano. Está perdiendo la precisión y tiene un temblor en la mano debido a los meses que pasó en el Monte Tantiss.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars y The Bad Batch .

Salacious B. Crumb

Salacious B. Crumb es un lagarto-mono kowakiano en la corte de Jabba el Hutt . [18] El nombre del personaje (y aspectos de su apariencia) se deriva de la mala pronunciación de la palabra "cordones" del diseñador de criaturas Phil Tippett en estado de ebriedad y un homenaje al dibujante de cómics underground Robert Crumb . [19] [20]

El personaje fue interpretado por Tim Rose en el Episodio VI , con su voz proporcionada por Mark Dodson . Las travesuras de Rose controlando el títere Crumb llevaron a un aumento en la prominencia del personaje. [18]


Figura D'an

Figrin D'an es el líder de la banda Bith "Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes", que toca en la cantina de Mos Eisley.

El personaje fue interpretado por Rick Baker en el Episodio IV .

Poe Dameron

Iluminador oscuro de Biggs

Biggs Darklighter es un piloto de la Alianza Rebelde y amigo de la infancia de Luke Skywalker. En la Batalla de Yavin, Darth Vader derribó a Darklighter y lo mató.

El personaje fue interpretado por Garrick Hagon en el Episodio IV .

La hija

La Hija, una de las deidades de Mortis, es la encarnación del lado luminoso de la Fuerza, hija del Padre y hermana del Hijo. Es obediente a su padre y lo ayuda a poner a prueba a Anakin Skywalker para ver si es el Elegido y puede reemplazar al Padre. Finalmente se sacrifica para salvar a su padre de su hermano y logra salvar también a Ahsoka Tano, quien había sido corrompida por este último, antes de morir. Se cree que se reencarnó como Morai, una lechuza que acompaña a Ahsoka varias veces y a quien ella afirma que le debe la vida.

El personaje fue interpretado por Adrienne Wilkinson en The Clone Wars .


Dengar es un cazarrecompensas corelliano convocado por Darth Vader para cazar al Halcón Milenario , y también es visible brevemente más tarde en el Palacio de Jabba. [21] Durante las Guerras Clon, Dengar es parte de un sindicato de cazarrecompensas traicionado por Asajj Ventress en el planeta Quarzite.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Morris Bush en los episodios V-VI , y con la voz de Simon Pegg en The Clone Wars .

Dengar intenta capturar a Han Solo y Chewbacca en la historia de la serie de cómics de Marvel Star Wars de 2015 "Enfrentamiento en la Luna del Contrabandista" y también hace apariciones en la serie de cómics Star Wars: Darth Vader . [22] En las novelas Aftermath , Dengar lucha y se hace amigo de su compañero cazarrecompensas Mercurial Swift , antes de unirse a Jas Emari para rescatar a Norra Wexley durante la Batalla de Jakku, y recibe un perdón de la Nueva República . [23] [24]


DJ, un acrónimo de "Don't Join", [25] es un rebanador que ayuda y luego traiciona a Finn y Rose Tico en su misión a bordo de la nave insignia de la Primera Orden, el Acorazado Estelar clase Mega Supremacy .

El personaje fue interpretado por Benicio del Toro en el Episodio VIII .

Din Djarin / El Mandaloriano

Tan Divo

Tan Divo es un inspector de policía de Coruscant durante las Guerras Clon, que suele mostrar una actitud pomposa. Tras el final de las Guerras Clon, Divo vivió en Alderaan y murió cuando la primera Estrella de la Muerte hizo estallar el planeta en un acontecimiento conocido como "El Desastre".

El personaje fue interpretado por Tom Kenny en The Clone Wars .

Lott Dod

Lott Dod es un senador neimoidiano de la Federación de Comercio, que representa los intereses del conglomerado comercial en el Senado Galáctico.

El personaje fue interpretado por Silas Carson en el Episodio I (con la voz de Toby Longworth ) y con la voz de Gideon Emery en The Clone Wars .

Jan Dodonna

Jan Dodonna es un general y líder de la base rebelde en Yavin 4 que planea el ataque a la primera Estrella de la Muerte. [26]

El personaje fue interpretado por Alex McCrindle en el Episodio IV , con la voz de Michael Bell en Rebels y por Ian McElhinney en Rogue One . En el Episodio IV , también es el primer personaje en pronunciar la frase " Que la Fuerza te acompañe ". [27]

Conde Dooku / Darth Tyranus

Cin Drallig

Cin Drallig es un Maestro Jedi que se desempeña como maestro de batalla y jefe de seguridad del Templo Jedi en los últimos días de las Guerras Clon. Darth Vader lo mata durante el asedio al Templo Jedi.

El personaje fue interpretado por Nick Gillard en el Episodio III y con la voz de Robin Atkin Downes en The Clone Wars .

Caleb Dume y Kanan Jarrus

Cara Duna

Río Durant

Rio Durant es un piloto de Ardennian y socio desde hace mucho tiempo de los criminales Tobias y Val Beckett. Es asesinado durante un robo fallido de Coaxium para Crimson Dawn.

El personaje fue interpretado por Jon Favreau en Solo .

Tala Durith

Tala Durith es un oficial imperial desilusionado en Mapuzo que ayuda a Ben Kenobi y a la Princesa Leia a través del Camino. [28]

El personaje fue interpretado por Indira Varma en Obi-Wan Kenobi .


CT-1409 "Eco"

CT-1409, o "Echo", es un soldado ARC y miembro del Escuadrón Dominó y la Legión 501, que aparentemente muere en la Batalla de Lola Sayu. Sin embargo, en realidad, fue capturado y utilizado contra su voluntad como peón por los Separatistas para su campaña en Anaxes. Después de ser rescatado por el Capitán Rex y el Lote Malo, juega un papel clave en liderar a la República hacia la victoria en la batalla de Anaxes, antes de unirse a la Fuerza Clon 99 como su último miembro. Después de la Orden 66, Echo junto con la mayoría del equipo se rebelan contra el Imperio y se convierten en mercenarios. Más tarde deja el escuadrón para unirse a Rex para "hacer más" contra el Imperio.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars y The Bad Batch .

El octavo hermano

El Octavo Hermano es un Jango Jumper terelliano enmascarado que siguió al antiguo Lord Sith Darth Maul hasta el planeta Malachor, antes de caer a la muerte al intentar huir del poder combinado de Maul, Kanan Jarrus y Ahsoka Tano.

El personaje fue interpretado por Robbie Daymond en Rebels .

Morgana Elsbeth

Morgan Elsbeth es una antigua protegida del Gran Almirante Thrawn que lidera un pequeño Remanente Imperial en el planeta Corvus y una sobreviviente de las Hermanas de la Noche. Ella es el objetivo de Ahsoka Tano, quien finalmente la derrota y libera la ciudad de Calodan con la ayuda de Din Djarin, antes de interrogarla sobre el paradero de Thrawn. Más tarde, Elsbeth será liberada por sus aliados Baylan Skoll y Shin Hati. Ella contrata a Marrok, un antiguo Inquisidor para matar a Ahsoka y liberar a Thrawn de su exilio. A pesar de la muerte de Marrok, Elsbeth, Skoll y Hati van a Peridea y encuentran a Thrawn y las Grandes Madres. Durante la batalla en Peridea, Elsbeth es asesinada por Ahsoka.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Diana Lee Inosanto en The Mandalorian , Ahsoka y Tales of the Empire .


Embo es un cazarrecompensas kyuzo que trabaja para el mejor postor, pero tiene sentido del honor. Sus armas incluyen una ballesta y su sombrero, que usa como bumerán y tabla.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dave Filoni en The Clone Wars .

Galeno Erso

Galen Erso es un científico investigador imperial y el padre de Jyn Erso. Como diseñador principal de la Estrella de la Muerte, Erso proporciona información sobre una debilidad crítica que había incluido deliberadamente en el diseño del arma a la Rebelión, lo que permite un ataque a la estación de batalla aparentemente invulnerable. A pesar de esto, más tarde es herido mortalmente por los Rebeldes en un ataque a una base imperial en Eadu, y logra reunirse brevemente con su hija antes de morir.

El personaje fue interpretado por Mads Mikkelsen en Rogue One .

Jyn Erso

Haja Estree

Haja Estree es un estafador humano que trabajó en el planeta Daiyu durante el reinado del Imperio Galáctico.

El personaje fue interpretado por Kumail Nanjiani en Obi-Wan Kenobi .

Cornelio Evazan

El Dr. Cornelius Evazan es un personaje que se opone a Luke Skywalker y posteriormente es atacado con un sable de luz por Obi-Wan Kenobi en la cantina de Mos Eisley. Es un hombre humano con una cara llena de cicatrices, acompañado por su socio aqualish Ponda Baba. Afirma ser un hombre buscado que tiene la sentencia de muerte en 12 sistemas. [29] Evazan también se topa con Jyn Erso y la amenaza en las calles de Jedha en Rogue One . [30]

El personaje fue interpretado por Alfie Curtis en el Episodio IV y por Michael Smiley en Rogue One .


Onaconda Farr

Onaconda Farr es un senador de Rodia que inicialmente se alió con la CSI, antes de regresar finalmente a la República gracias a su vieja amiga y compañera senadora Padmé Amidala. Más tarde es asesinado con una bebida envenenada por su asistente personal, Lolo Purs, quien lo consideró responsable de traer la guerra a Rodia.

El personaje fue interpretado por Zuraya Hamilton en el Episodio II y con la voz de Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars .

El Padre

Uno de los tres dioses de Mortis, el Padre representa el equilibrio de la Fuerza, entre su Hija, que encarna el lado luminoso de la Fuerza, y su Hijo, que encarna el lado oscuro. Tras envejecer, atrae a Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi y Ahsoka Tano a Mortis para poner a prueba al primero y ver si es realmente el "Elegido" y traerá equilibrio a la Fuerza. Finalmente se convence de ello, pero Anakin rechaza su oferta de quedarse en Mortis y convertirse en su sucesor. Más tarde, el Padre se suicida, lo que convierte al Hijo en mortal y permite a Anakin matarlo por todo el daño que había causado.

El personaje fue interpretado por Lloyd Sherr en The Clone Wars .

Boba Fett

Jango Fett

El quinto hermano

El Quinto Hermano es el segundo Inquisidor presentado en Rebels . Un humanoide de piel gris, él y la Séptima Hermana son enviados a cazar a la tripulación del Fantasma después de la muerte del Gran Inquisidor. Ambos son finalmente asesinados por Maul en Malachor .

El personaje fue expresado por Philip Anthony-Rodriguez en Rebels , e interpretado por Sung Kang en Obi-Wan Kenobi .

finlandés / FN-2187

Kit puño

Kit Fisto es un Maestro Jedi nautolano y miembro del Consejo Jedi. Muere al intentar arrestar a Darth Sidious.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Zachariah Jensen y Daniel Zizmor en el Episodio II , por Ben Cooke en el Episodio III y con la voz de Phil LaMarr en The Clone Wars . Fisto fue desarrollado por primera vez como un concepto Sith masculino por el artista conceptual Dermot Power. Cuando se abandonó la idea del aprendiz Sith alienígena, Power revisó al alienígena con cabeza de tentáculo como un Jedi, con un rostro menos malévolo, pero aún con una presencia imponente. [ cita requerida ]

Inicialmente se planeó que muriera a manos de soldados clon traidores en la Orden 66.

CT-27-5555 "Cinco"

CT-27-5555, o "Fives", es un soldado ARC y miembro del Escuadrón Dominó y la Legión 501, que participa en numerosas batallas de las Guerras Clon. Después de presenciar a su amigo cercano, el soldado clon Tup, ejecutando involuntariamente al General Jedi Tiplar durante la Batalla de Ringo Vinda, Fives hace todo lo posible para encontrar respuestas a las acciones de Tup, lo que finalmente lo lleva a descubrir la Orden 66. Sin embargo, debido a esto, Palpatine lo incrimina por un intento de asesinato. Antes de que pudiera revelar lo que aprendió al Capitán Rex y Anakin Skywalker , Fives es asesinado por el Comandante Fox bajo las órdenes de Palpatine. [31]

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars .

Babero Fortuna

Babu Frik

Babu Frik es un forjador de droides anzellano en Kijimi que ayuda a Rey , Finn y Poe Dameron a descifrar un mensaje dentro de la memoria de C-3PO . Más tarde sobrevive a la destrucción de Kijimi por parte de los Sith Eternos y está presente en la Batalla de Exegol.

El personaje recibió la voz de Shirley Henderson en el Episodio IX . Posteriormente, Henderson prestó su voz a otros droides herreros de Anzellan en la temporada 3 de The Mandalorian .

Garsa Fwip

Garsa Fwip es la dueña twi'lek del Santuario, una cantina en Mos Espa en Tatooine en los años posteriores a la caída del Imperio. Interactuó brevemente con Boba Fett después de que él asumiera el control del imperio criminal de Jabba, antes de ser asesinada por los Pykes en la lucha de poder que siguió.

El personaje fue interpretado por Jennifer Beals en El libro de Boba Fett .


Adi Galia

Adi Gallia es una Maestra Jedi Tholothiana y miembro del Consejo Jedi. Gallia es asesinada por Savage Oppress durante las Guerras Clon. También aparece como una voz incorpórea que le da poder a Rey para enfrentarse al rejuvenecido Darth Sidious.

El personaje fue interpretado por Gin Clarke en el Episodio I , y con la voz de Angelique Perrin en The Clone Wars y el Episodio IX .

Yarna d'al' Gargan

Yarna d'al' Gargan es una bailarina askajiana que está esclavizada por Jabba el Hutt. [32]

El personaje fue interpretado por Claire Davenport en el Episodio VI .


Garindan es un espía kubaz que lidera a los soldados de asalto imperiales hacia el Halcón Milenario . [33]

El personaje apareció en el Episodio IV .

Phee Génova

Phee Genoa es una pirata que suele buscar maravillas y artefactos antiguos. Se hace amiga de la Fuerza Clon 99 y les presenta el tranquilo y tropical planeta de Pabu. [34]

Su voz es la de Wanda Sykes en The Bad Batch . [35]

Sierra Gerrera

Steela Gerrera

Steela Gerrera es la hermana de Saw Gerrera, quien formó parte de su rebelión contra los separatistas en Onderon durante las Guerras Clon y fue asesinada por una cañonera droide durante la batalla final mientras arriesgaba su vida para salvar al rey Dendup. Su muerte afectó profundamente a su hermano.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dawn-Lyen Gardner en The Clone Wars .

Moff Gideon

El Gran Inquisidor

El Gran Inquisidor es un Jedi sin nombre de la especie Pau'an que se desilusiona con la Orden Jedi debido a las acciones del Consejo Jedi durante las Guerras Clon , y finalmente lo abandona durante la Orden 66 , uniéndose al Imperio Galáctico . Entrenado por Darth Vader junto con los otros Inquisidores , tiene la tarea de cazar a todos los Jedi restantes en toda la galaxia, una misión que finalmente lo lleva a entrar en conflicto con el Padawan Jedi Kanan Jarrus , el líder de una célula rebelde en el planeta Lothal . Después de su derrota a manos de Jarrus, el Gran Inquisidor opta por suicidarse para evitar el castigo de Vader por su fracaso. Más tarde, su espíritu redimido , conocido como el Centinela, ayuda a Jarrus a completar su entrenamiento Jedi para convertirse en un Caballero Jedi, antes de ser esclavizado por los Sith como Guardia del Templo una vez más.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Jason Isaacs en Rebels y Tales of the Empire . El Gran Inquisidor recibió una recepción crítica positiva, lo que generó interés en que repitiera su papel en medios de acción en vivo en Disney+ . [36] [37] Finalmente, Rupert Friend fue elegido como el Gran Inquisidor, interpretando al personaje en su primera aparición en acción en vivo en Obi-Wan Kenobi . [38]

Comandante CC-1004 "Gree"

CC-1004, o "Gree", es un comandante clon del 41.º Cuerpo de Élite, que sirve bajo el mando de la Jedi Luminara Unduli durante las Guerras Clon. Participa en la Batalla de Kashyyyk e intenta llevar a cabo la Orden 66 ejecutando a Yoda, pero el Maestro Jedi percibe sus intenciones y rápidamente lo decapita a él y a otro soldado.

El personaje fue interpretado por Temuera Morrison en el Episodio III , y por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars .


Greedo es un cazarrecompensas rodiano del Clan Tetsu y trabajó para el jefe criminal Jabba el Hutt . [39] El idioma huttés de Greedo se basa en el quechua , el idioma inca . [40] Aparece en la primera película de Star Wars durante una escena en la que se enfrenta y amenaza a Han Solo , solo para ser asesinado por Solo. La escena fue alterada más tarde para que Greedo también le dispare a Han, lo que llevó a la infame controversia de los fanáticos conocida como " Han disparó primero ", con la que desde entonces el personaje ha llegado a estar más asociado. [41]

Greedo fue interpretado en 1977 por Paul Blake , así como por Maria De Aragon para algunas tomas de primer plano en 1977. [42] El lingüista Larry Ward interpretó la voz, hablando en una forma simplificada de quechua , un idioma sudamericano. [43] Simon Rose y Oliver Walpole interpretaron una versión más joven de él en una escena eliminada de la película precuela de 1999 Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma . El personaje ha aparecido en algunas otras piezas de medios de Star Wars , incluida la serie animada de 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars (con la voz de Tom Kenny ) [44] y el videojuego de 2015 Star Wars Battlefront . [45]

Capitán CC-5576-39 "Gregor"

CC-5576-39, o "Gregor", es un clon comando que se cree que murió en la Batalla de Sarrish. Afectado por la amnesia y viviendo en Abafar, el coronel Meebur Gascon le dice más tarde que es un soldado clon, y aparentemente se sacrifica para ayudar al coronel y sus droides a salir de Abafar para salvar muchas vidas de la República. Sin embargo, sobrevive a esta terrible experiencia y finalmente regresa a la República, después de lo cual se quita su biochip, para no verse obligado a cumplir la Orden 66. Cuando la República se reorganiza en el Imperio después del final de las Guerras Clon, Gregor se ve obligado a entrenar a soldados imperiales reclutados, hasta que el Lote Malo lo rescata. Años más tarde, Gregor termina en el sistema Seelos con sus compañeros clones retirados Rex y Wolffe, y se muestra que ha desarrollado algunas tendencias excéntricas. Ayuda a un grupo de rebeldes contra las fuerzas imperiales en una escaramuza en el planeta, y más tarde participa en una batalla para liberar al planeta Lothal de la ocupación imperial, aunque es herido fatalmente por un técnico imperial durante la batalla.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars , Rebels y The Bad Batch .


Din Grogu / El niño

Nueces Gunray

Nute Gunray es el virrey neimoidiano de la Federación de Comercio cuya invasión de Naboo cuenta con el apoyo de Darth Sidious. Su animosidad hacia Padmé Amidala lo lleva a unirse a la Alianza Separatista como uno de sus miembros de alto rango. Tras la muerte del Conde Dooku, Gunray fue enviado con los demás líderes del Consejo Separatista a Mustafar por el General Grievous, donde finalmente fueron ejecutados por Darth Vader.

El personaje fue interpretado por Silas Carson en los episodios I-III y con la voz de Tom Kenny en The Clone Wars .

Se cree que George Lucas , demócrata desde hace mucho tiempo, creó el nombre basándose en dos figuras famosas del Partido Republicano que no le agradaban: Newt Gingrich y Ronald Reagan .


Runa Haako

Rune Haako es la mano derecha de Nute Gunray. Es un miembro de alto rango de la Federación de Comercio, el Consejo Separatista. Es asesinado junto con otros líderes separatistas en Mustafar por Darth Vader.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Jerome Blake y James Taylor (voz) en el Episodio I , por Alan Ruscoe y Chris Truswell (voz) en el Episodio II , y por Sandy Thompson en el Episodio III .

Shin Hati

Shin Hati es el aprendiz del ex Jedi Baylan Skoll, quien encontró a Hati después de sobrevivir a la Orden 66 y huir a las Regiones Desconocidas. Durante la era de la Nueva República, ambos operan como mercenarios Jedi Oscuros en busca de poder, trabajando con Morgan Elsbeth. Después de la batalla en Peridea, Hati se queda para liderar a los bandidos de Peridea.

Su nombre es una alusión al lobo celestial Hati en la mitología nórdica, el compañero del lobo celestial Sköll . [46]

El personaje fue interpretado por Ivanna Sakhno en Ahsoka .

Dr. Royce Hemlock

El doctor Royce Hemlock sirvió para la República Galáctica y luego se convirtió en jefe de la División de Ciencia Avanzada con base en el Monte Tantiss. Reporta directamente al Emperador mientras trabaja en un experimento secreto y altamente clasificado sobre tecnología de clonación. El doctor Hemlock utiliza niños como sujetos de prueba para obtener resultados. [47]

El Dr. Hemlock tiene la voz de Jimmi Simpson en The Bad Batch . [48]

Valin Hess

Valin Hess es un oficial imperial que solía tener a Migs Mayfeld como soldado. Se encuentra con Mayfield nuevamente cuando él y Din Djarin se infiltran en una refinería de rhydonium imperial en Morak para descubrir el paradero de Moff Gideon y es asesinado por su ex soldado justo cuando lo reconoce porque insultó a los soldados asesinados durante la Operación: Ceniza.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Richard Brake en The Mandalorian .

Amilyn Holdo

Ri-Lee Howell

Ri-Lee Howell es una Maestra Jedi revelada en Star Wars: El ascenso de Skywalker - Diccionario visual . En esta novela, que expande más el universo de la película El ascenso de Skywalker , Howell es citado como un Maestro Jedi que reunió los textos sagrados que fueron pasados ​​de Luke Skywalker a Rey. Estos textos aparecieron en Los últimos Jedi . Si bien muchos de los textos sagrados Jedi se almacenaron y se perdieron en holocrones posteriores, la dedicación de Howell a escribir pasajes físicos es lo que los mantuvo vivos.

Ri-Lee Howell debe su nombre a Riley Howell, un joven de 21 años que murió cuando se enfrentó a un hombre armado que abrió fuego en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte. Gracias a sus acciones, salvó la vida de sus compañeros de clase. En un perfil escrito por el New York Times después de su muerte se podía leer: "También era un gran estudioso de Star Wars y acumuló una legión de figuras de acción Jedi junto con su hermano Ted, de 14 años". Lucasfilm se puso en contacto con su familia y prometió que sería homenajeado en el universo de Star Wars. "El coraje y la abnegación de Riley hacen que todos salgamos al Jedi que llevamos dentro", decía la carta. [49]


El sargento "Hunter" es un soldado clon deformado y comandante de la Fuerza Clon 99. Tiene mutaciones genéticas que le otorgan sentidos mejorados, como rastrear y sentir señales electromagnéticas. Durante la Orden 66, después de presenciar la muerte de la Maestra Jedi Depa Billaba, deja escapar a su Padawan, Caleb Dume. Después de la formación del Imperio, Hunter, junto con la mayor parte de la Fuerza Clon 99, se rebela y escapa de Kamino con un joven clon inalterado llamado Omega. Se convierten en mercenarios, y Hunter forma una fuerte relación padre-hija con Omega, lo que lo lleva a querer dejar de ser soldado para darle una vida normal.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars y The Bad Batch .

Armitage Hux



La línea IG-88 fue un derivado de los droides centinela IG-86 utilizados durante las Guerras Clon. IG-88B se convirtió más tarde en uno de los cazarrecompensas más infames de la galaxia.

Chirrut Îmwe

Chirrut Îmwe es un guerrero ciego que cree en la Fuerza y ​​se dice que es uno de los Guardianes de los Whills . Ayuda a la Alianza Rebelde a robar los planos de la Estrella de la Muerte en Rogue One y muere durante la Batalla de Scarif.

El personaje fue interpretado por Donnie Yen en Rogue One .


Jabba el Hutt


Jannah es una ex soldado de asalto de la Primera Orden designada originalmente como TZ-1719 que se une a la Resistencia y se hace amiga de Finn. Más tarde, Jannah acepta la oferta de Lando de ayudarla a encontrar a su familia.

El personaje fue interpretado por Naomi Ackie en el Episodio IX .

CT-5597 "Jesús"

CT-5597, o "Jesse", es un soldado ARC dentro de la Legión 501 que lucha en muchas batallas a lo largo de las Guerras Clon. Durante el Asedio de Mandalore, Darth Maul lo captura para usarlo como cebo para atraer a Ahsoka Tano hacia él, pero finalmente es rescatado. Cuando se emite la Orden 66, Jesse está entre los clones que intentan ejecutar a Ahsoka, así como a Rex después de que le extraigan el chip y se ponga de su lado. Junto con todos los demás soldados a bordo, Jesse muere cuando el Destructor Estelar clase Venator Tribunal en el que están se estrella en una pequeña luna, y es enterrado por Ahsoka y Rex.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en The Clone Wars y Tales of the Jedi .

Dexter Jettster

Dexter Jettster es el propietario besalisk de Dex's Diner, y un viejo amigo de Obi-Wan Kenobi, quien le proporciona a Kenobi información sobre el planeta Kamino. [50]

El personaje fue interpretado por Ronald Falk en el Episodio II .

Tiaan Jerjerrod

El Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod es el oficial al mando de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte. Darth Vader le ha encomendado a Jerjerrod que apresure la finalización de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte y le ha advertido que el Emperador no es tan indulgente como Vader. [51]

El personaje fue interpretado por Michael Pennington en el Episodio VI .

Qui-Gon Jinn

Cere Junda

Cere Junda es una ex Caballero Jedi que entrenó a Trilla Suduri, sobreviviente de la Orden 66 y copiloto del Stinger Mantis. Se convierte en la figura de mentora y maestra de Cal Kestis, mientras intenta escapar de su problemático pasado y retomar su propio papel como Jedi.

El personaje fue interpretado por Debra Wilson en Jedi: Fallen Order y Jedi: Survivor .


Alejandro Kallus

El agente Alexsandr Kallus es un ex miembro de la Oficina de Seguridad Imperial que lideró los esfuerzos para reprimir un levantamiento en el planeta Lothal y desarrolló una rivalidad con Zeb Orrelios porque Kallus participó en los ataques que acabaron con gran parte de su especie . Finalmente, comienza a cuestionar su moralidad y lealtad al Imperio después de que él y Zeb se ven obligados a trabajar juntos para sobrevivir al quedar varados en un planeta remoto, cerca de Geonosis. Para cuando Thrawn es ascendido a Gran Almirante, Kallus se ha convertido en un espía de la Alianza Rebelde y deserta por completo una vez que se descubre su traición. Kallus juega un papel importante en la liberación de Lothal de la ocupación imperial y termina entablando amistad con Zeb.

El personaje fue interpretado por David Oyelowo en Rebels .

Maz Kanata

Greef Karga

Syril Karn

Syril Karn es un inspector adjunto de la Autoridad Preox-Morlana (Pre-Mor), un conglomerado empresarial a cargo de un sector comercial. Karn trabaja para los servicios de seguridad de Pre-Mor y está decidido a capturar a Andor después de que se sospecha que asesinó a dos empleados de seguridad de Pre-Mor.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Kyle Soller en Andor . Soller describió a su personaje como alguien que tiene "una extrema necesidad de impresionar y llenar un vacío en sí mismo. Y eso realmente se trata de ascender a la cima de cualquier campo en el que esté. El campo que ha elegido es uno de restricción y control absoluto, y uno de dominación". [52]

Dra. Emerie Karr

La doctora Emerie Karr forma parte del equipo de profesionales médicos que trabaja en un experimento altamente clasificado en el Monte Tantiss. Estudia directamente bajo la supervisión del Dr. Hemlock, el director de la División de Ciencias Avanzadas del Imperio. Sin embargo, muestra más compasión por sus niños sujetos de prueba que los demás miembros de su equipo. Está directamente relacionada con Omega y Jango Fett. [53]

El personaje fue interpretado por Keisha Castle-Hughes en The Bad Batch .

Casio Constantino

El almirante Kassius Konstantine es un oficial de la Armada Imperial que ayuda a los Inquisidores, a Darth Vader y al Gran Almirante Thrawn a perseguir a los Rebeldes. Muere durante la Batalla de Atollon.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dee Bradley Baker en Rebels .


Katuunko es el monarca toydariano que ayuda a la República durante las Guerras Clon; asesinado por Savage Oppress después de la Batalla de Sullust .

El personaje fue interpretado por Brian George en The Clone Wars .

Cinta Kaz

Cinta Kaz es una mujer humana que fue rebelde dentro de una red operada por Luthen Rael en resistencia al Imperio Galáctico.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Varada Sethu en Andor .

Obi-Wan Kenobi / Ben Kenobi

Cal Kestis

Agen Kolar

Agen Kolar es un Maestro Jedi Zabrak Iridoniano y miembro del Consejo Jedi. Solía ​​tener un sable de luz verde como su compañero Maestro Jedi Zabrak Iridoniano Eeth Koth, pero después de que su Padawan Tan Yuster muriera durante la Arena Geonosiana, tomó su cristal kyber y reemplazó su cristal verde con el cristal azul de su Padawan para poder recordarlo. Es el primer Jedi que murió mientras intentaba arrestar a Darth Sidious.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Tux Akindoyeni en los episodios II-III .

Plo Koon

Plo Koon es un Maestro Jedi Kel Dor y miembro del Consejo Jedi en la trilogía de la precuela. Descubrió a Ahsoka Tano en su mundo natal, Shili, y participó en muchas batallas durante las Guerras Clon. Muere cuando su caza estelar Jedi es derribado en Cato Neimoidia por su propia escolta militar (un escuadrón de cazas estelares ARC-170 liderado por el Capitán Jag) como parte de la Orden 66.

El personaje ha sido interpretado por Alan Ruscoe en el Episodio I , por Matt Sloan en los Episodios II-III y con la voz de James Arnold Taylor en The Clone Wars .

Eeth Koth

Eeth Koth es un Maestro Jedi zabrak iridoniano y miembro del Consejo Jedi. Fue expulsado del Consejo Jedi al final de las Guerras Clon y tenía la intención de abandonar la Orden, pero se emitió la Orden 66 antes de que pudiera hacerlo. Sobrevive, se esconde y forma una familia, pero finalmente Darth Vader lo rastrea y lo mata.

El personaje fue interpretado por Hassani Shapi en el Episodio I y con la voz de Chris Edgerly en The Clone Wars .

Pong Krell

Pong Krell es un Jedi besalisk que sirve como comandante temporal de la Legión 501 durante la Batalla de Umbara en las Guerras Clon. Odia a los clones y tiene aspiraciones secretas de ser el nuevo aprendiz del Conde Dooku , pero es ejecutado por el soldado Dogma después de que se conoce su traición . Su anatomía distintiva le permite manejar dos sables de luz de doble hoja.

El personaje fue interpretado por Dave Fennoy en The Clone Wars .

Orson Krennic

Krrsantan negro

Bo-Katan Kryze

Satén Kryze

Satine Kryze es la duquesa de Mandalore, hermana de Bo-Katan e interés romántico de Obi-Wan Kenobi . Una líder pacifista , intenta no involucrarse en las Guerras Clon y forma el Consejo de Sistemas Neutrales, para disgusto de la Guardia de la Muerte, que intenta asesinarla y reemplazarla numerosas veces a lo largo de la guerra, pero todos sus intentos son frustrados por los Jedi, particularmente Kenobi. El Maestro Jedi había protegido previamente a Satine en su juventud, y los dos formaron un vínculo estrecho, con Kenobi afirmando que habría abandonado la Orden Jedi hace mucho tiempo si Satine se lo hubiera pedido. Satine luego ve cómo su mundo cae ante el Colectivo Sombra, bajo el mando de Darth Maul, quien finalmente la asesina frente a un Kenobi capturado.

El personaje fue interpretado por Anna Graves en The Clone Wars .



El hombre blanco Lars

Beru Lars is the wife of Owen, step-aunt by marriage and surrogate mother of Luke Skywalker, who takes him in after Luke's mother Padmé Amidala dies in childbirth and his father Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader, though she like Owen is told by Anakin's former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi that Anakin died, but unlike her husband does not seem to resent Obi-Wan. She and Owen are killed by stormtroopers at their home on Tatooine.[54]

The character has been portrayed by Shelagh Fraser in Episode IV, and by Bonnie Piesse in Episodes II-III and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Cliegg Lars

Cliegg Lars is a moisture farmer who purchases, then frees and marries, Shmi Skywalker, becoming the stepfather of Anakin Skywalker, whom he meets only briefly. He loses his leg when pursuing the Sand People who had kidnapped Shmi. Cliegg passes away sometime between the onset of the Clone Wars and Anakin's turn to the dark side.

The character has been portrayed by Jack Thompson in Episode II. The name Cliegg, and variations of it, have been in Star Wars drafts since 1974.

Owen Lars

Owen Lars is the stepson of Shmi, step-brother of Anakin and step-uncle and surrogate father of Luke Skywalker, who takes him in after Luke's mother Padmé dies in childbirth and his father Anakin falls to the dark side of the Force and becomes Darth Vader, although Owen is told by Obi-Wan that his step-brother died, eventually coming to resent the Jedi Master for having taken Anakin away from Shmi and for tearing apart the Skywalker family. Owen and his wife, Beru, are killed by stormtroopers at their home on Tatooine, while Luke was away meeting with Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi.[55]

The character has been portrayed by Phil Brown in Episode IV, and by Joel Edgerton in Episodes II-III and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Cut Lawquane

Cut Lawquane is a former clone trooper who deserted the army to live a quiet life as a farmer on Saleucami. He has a wife Suu and two children, Jek and Shaeeah. During the Clone Wars, he meets Captain Rex, and the pair eventually come to trust one another after working together to defend Cut's family from Commando Droids, with Rex deciding not to report Cut.[56] After the formation of the Galactic Empire, Cut and his family, with help from the Bad Batch, leave Saleucami due to increased military presence on the planet.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.


Lobot is Lando Calrissian's cyborg aide. He has a cybernetic implant that allows him to interface directly with Cloud City's central computer.[57]

The character has been portrayed by John Hollis in Episode V.

Kino Loy

Kino Loy is a Trusty Foreman at the Imperial factory facility on the planet Narkina 5.

The character has been portrayed by Andy Serkis in Andor. Serkis previously portrayed Supreme Leader Snoke in the sequel trilogy.


Crix Madine

Crix Madine is a Rebel general who comes up with the plan of destroying the shield generator for the second Death Star.[58]

The character has been portrayed by Dermot Crowley in Episode VI.

Baze Malbus

Baze Malbus is a mercenary and friend of Chirrut Îmwe who aids the Rebel Alliance in stealing the plans for the Death Star in Rogue One. He is killed during the Battle of Scarif.

The character has been portrayed by Jiang Wen in Rogue One

Taron Malicos

Taron Malicos is a Jedi Master who fought in the Clone Wars and survived Order 66. Left stranded on Dathomir for years, he eventually succumbed to the dark side and sought to learn the Nightsisters' magic by manipulating Nightsister Merrin. He attempts to lure Cal Kestis to the dark side, but Kestis defeats him with Merrin's help, who buries him alive.

The character has been voiced by Liam McIntyre in Jedi: Fallen Order.

Kleya Marki

Kleya Marki is a human female who served as a concierge at Luthen Rael's gallery of artifacts and antiquities in the upper levels of the galactic capital Coruscant. She is also crucial to the operation of Rael's resistance activities.

The character has been portrayed by Elizabeth Dulau in Andor.

Rafa and Trace Martez

Rafa Martez, a smuggler, and Trace Martez, a pilot and mechanic, are sisters from Coruscant who use a hangar and a laundromat as fronts for Rafa's illegal affairs. After their parents were killed and the Jedi did little to nothing to help them, the sisters became embittered against the Order, and sought to make enough money to leave Coruscant. Near the end of the Clone Wars, the sisters befriend Ahsoka Tano, who helps them when a job to deliver spice to the Pyke Syndicate falls through, leading to Rafa and Trace changing their views of the Jedi. Shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire, the sisters are hired by Captain Rex to retrieve data from a tactical droid on Corellia, where they have a run-in with the Bad Batch, looking for the same data. In the end, the Bad Batch give the data to Rafa and Trace after learning they want to use it to fight the Empire.

Rafa Martez has been voiced by Elizabeth Rodriguez, and Trace Martez has been voiced by Brigitte Kali, both appearing in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

Darth Maul

Migs Mayfeld

Mart Mattin

Mart Mattin is a young human Rebel pilot who was in Hera Syndulla's fighter squad during their ultimately ill-fated attack on Lothal City's Imperial base. He is the only other Rebel pilot besides Hera and Chopper to survive the battle and escape captivity, and is later retrieved to join the Lothal Rebel cell in their guerilla fight against the Empire, implementing a secret plan devised by Ezra Bridger to bring in a pod of Purrgil against Admiral Thrawn's fleet.

The character has been voiced by Zachary Gordon in Rebels.

Dedra Meero

Dedra Meero is a supervisor for the Imperial Security Bureau who takes a particular interest into the actions of Cassian Andor and the growing rebellion.

The character has been portrayed by Denise Gough in Andor.

Ruescott Melshi

Sergeant Ruescott Melshi is a member of the Rebel Alliance's special forces during the early stages of the Galactic Civil War. Portrayed by Duncan Pow, the character first appears in the film Rogue One (2016) as part of the team who sacrifices their lives to retrieve the plans for the new Death Star from the Imperial security facility on Scarif. Melshi later appears in the television series Andor (2022–present), set before the events of Rogue One, which chronicles how he and Cassian Andor met in, and broke out of, Imperial prison. Melshi has also made appearances in Star Wars books, audiobooks, and a video game.[59][60][61]

Sly Moore

Sly Moore is an Umbaran personal aide of Palpatine and one of the few people aware of his identity as Darth Sidious.[62]

The character has been portrayed by Sandi Findlay in Episodes II-III.

Mon Mothma

General Conan Antonio Motti

General Conan Antonio Motti makes an appearance in the Death Star conference room early in Episode IV. He gets Force choked by Darth Vader after he expresses little faith in Vader's ability to use the Force.

The character was portrayed by Richard LeParmentier in the original Star Wars movie.

Peli Motto

Peli Motto is a docking bay attendant and ship mechanic working at Mos Eisley who is visited several times by Din Djarin, befriending him and Grogu.

The character has been portrayed by Amy Sedaris in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett.


Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Cerean Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in the prequel trilogy. He is one of the leaders of the Jedi strike force sent to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala on Geonosis, and a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. At the end of the Clone Wars, he leads his clone troopers in the Battle of Mygeeto, and is killed as a result of Order 66. Originally, Saesee Tiin was planned to die with him.

The character has been portrayed by Silas Carson in Episodes I-III, Derek Arnold in The Acolyte, and voiced by Brian George in The Clone Wars and Tales of the Jedi.


Rugor Nass

Boss Rugor Nass is a Gungan leader who first established a treaty with the Naboo humans, and he later attends Padmé Amidala's funeral.[63] He was the one to banish Jar Jar Binks but he also let Jar Jar Binks be a general.

The character has been voiced by Brian Blessed in Episode I.

Enfys Nest

Enfys Nest is the leader of a gang of pirates called the Cloud Riders, who are revealed to be supporters of the nascent Rebel Alliance.[64]

The character has been portrayed by Erin Kellyman in Solo.

Captain Needa

Needa was a captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger in The Empire Strikes Back (portrayed by Michael Culver) who pursued the Millennium Falcon into the Asteroid Field after the Battle of Hoth. After losing track of the craft Vader kills him via the Force.[65]

99 "Ninety-Nine"

"99" is a deformed clone trooper who helps the Domino Squad during the Clone Wars. He is killed during one of the battles of Kamino.[66] He is the namesake of Clone Force 99.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars.

Jocasta Nu

Jocasta Nu is a Jedi librarian featured in the prequel trilogy. She survives Order 66, but is later killed by Darth Vader.

The character has been portrayed by Alethea McGrath in Episode II, and voiced by Flo Di Re in The Clone Wars and Tales of the Jedi.

Nien Nunb

Nien Nunb is an arms dealer of the Sullustan species who joins the Rebel Alliance in fighting the evil Galactic Empire.

The character was introduced in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi where he was brought to life both as a puppet and a costumed actor during the film. Nunb was puppeteered by Mike Quinn and was portrayed by Richard Bonehill in wide shots. The character was voiced by Kipsang Rotich, a Kenyan student who spoke in his native Kalenjin, as well as in Kikuyu. Quinn and Rotich both returned for the role in the sequel trilogy, namely Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017), and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019). In the years since Return of the Jedi's release, the character has made appearances in various works within the Star Wars Expanded Universe.


Commander CC-2237 "Odd Ball"

CC-2237, or "Odd Ball", is a clone Commander and pilot, who participates in several battles throughout the Clone Wars under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi, such as the Battle of Teth, the Battle of Umbara, the Battle of Coruscant, and the Battle of Utapau. A skilled pilot, Odd Ball flies an assortment of starfighters, including the V-19 Torrent and the ARC-170.

The character has been voiced by Temuera Morrison in Episode III, and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars.

Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee is a Mirialan Jedi apprentice of Luminara Unduli and a close friend of Ahsoka Tano. She later betrays Ahsoka and frames her for a terrorist bombing after she becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Order's wartime policies. Offee is eventually unmasked and defeated by Anakin Skywalker, resulting in her arrest.[67]

The character has been portrayed by Nalini Krishan in Episode II, and voiced by Meredith Salenger in The Clone Wars and Tales of the Empire.

Hondo Ohnaka

Hondo Ohnaka is the leader of the space pirates known as the Ohnaka Gang which kidnaps and attempts to ransom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku—and later Ahsoka Tano—to the highest bidder during the Clone Wars. He follows a code of honor and respects the Jedi, whom he ends up helping several times in the war, but is not above using sneaky tactics and treachery if it is for "good business". Years after the Clone Wars, despite losing his crew to the Galactic Empire, Hondo continues his criminal activities while having dealings with the crew of the Ghost.[68]

The character has been voiced by Jim Cummings in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Forces of Destiny.

Ric Olié

Pilot who flies the queen's ship while escaping Naboo and an N-1 starfighter as leader of Bravo Squadron.[69]

The character has been portrayed by Ralph Brown in Episode I.


Omega is a young female clone who served as Nala Se's medical assistant on Kamino, until joining Clone Force 99 to escape from the planet after their betrayal of the Empire. She is later revealed to be an unaltered clone of Jango Fett, similar to Boba Fett. She is captured by the Empire as she is the only clone with a perfectly replicated M-count and she gets brought to Dr Hemlock's base on Mount Tantiss. She later escapes Mount Tantiss with a lurca hound that she rescued called Batcher, and she also brings along a very reluctant Crosshair. She returns to Pabu, where Asajj Ventress (who was hired by Fennec Shand after Hunter and Wrecker complete a bounty for Shand) tests her for Force sensitivity, which she fails.

The character has been voiced by Michelle Ang in The Bad Batch.

Ketsu Onyo

Ketsu Onyo is a Mandalorian bounty hunter and former estranged friend of Sabine Wren. She and Sabine were cadets at the Imperial Academy, later escaping and becoming bounty hunting partners before Ketsu left Sabine for dead and began working for the Black Sun. After they reconcile, Ketsu aids the Rebel Alliance.

The character has been voiced by Gina Torres in Rebels and Forces of Destiny.


Oola is a Twi'lek dancer enslaved by Jabba the Hutt and chained to his throne; she is killed by Jabba's rancor after dancing for him.[70]

The character has been portrayed by Femi Taylor in Episode VI. New scenes featuring the character were filmed for the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi.[71][72] When Taylor arrived for her reshoots, producers were stunned to discover she still fit into her original costume and had barely aged at all in the 15 years since originally shooting her scenes. Taylor credited this to her impressive dance career.

Savage Opress

Savage Opress is a Dathomirian Zabrak Nightbrother, and the brother of Darth Maul. He is hand picked by Asajj Ventress as part of her scheme to kill Count Dooku for the attempt on her life and is altered by the Nightsisters, becoming more of a berserker on Ventress' call to the point of killing Feral, (his adoptive brother), without remorse, Opress manages to become Dooku's new apprentice and learns only a bit in the ways of the Sith before Ventress has him help her fight Dooku, due to his actions under him getting unwanted attention from the Jedi. However, in the heat of the moment and provoked by both of them, Opress tries to kill both Dooku and Ventress before escaping the Jedi and instructed by Mother Talzin to find Maul so he can complete his training to defend himself against the numerous enemies he has made. Finding Maul a shell of his former self on a junk planet, Opress manages to stir up his fellow nightbrother's grudge with Obi-Wan to aid him in his revenge against the Jedi. He is later killed in a duel by Darth Sidious on Mandalore.

The character has been voiced by Clancy Brown in The Clone Wars.

Bail Organa

Bail Organa is Leia Organa's adoptive father, a Senator of Alderaan and one of the Rebel Alliance's founding members. He adopts Leia after his ally and her birth mother, Padmé, dies and her birth father, Anakin Skywalker, becomes Darth Vader. Bail is killed in the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star.[73]

The character has been portrayed by Jimmy Smits in Episodes II-III, Rogue One, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and voiced by Phil LaMarr in The Clone Wars, Rebels, Tales of the Jedi and The Bad Batch. He first appeared in Attack of the Clones, portrayed by Jimmy Smits, though he appeared in scenes cut from The Phantom Menace, where he was portrayed by Adrian Dunbar,[73] with Dunbar's character retconned into a separate character named Bail Antilles.

Breha Organa

Breha Organa is Queen of Alderaan, wife of Bail Organa, and adoptive mother of Leia Organa. She is killed in the destruction of Alderaan.

The character has been portrayed by Rebecca Jackson Mendoza in Episode III, and by Simone Kessell in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Breha is also featured in the short story "Eclipse" and in the 2017 novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan.[74][75]

Leia Organa

Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios

Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios is the former Captain of the Lasat high honor guard who rose up against the Empire, which led to the near-extinction of his people. He is the muscle of the Ghost crew, serving under call sign Spectre 4. The genocide campaign against his people left him with a gruff demeanor, as well as leading him into conflict with Agent Kallus, though eventually Kallus defects from the Empire to join the Alliance as a Rebel spy.

The character has been voiced by Steve Blum in Star Wars Rebels, The Mandalorian and will reprise Zeb in The Mandalorian & Grogu.[76] The physical appearance of the Lasat species is based on Ralph McQuarrie's original conceptual artwork for Chewbacca. Art director Kilian Plunkett said: "Zeb actually is very articulate and witty and funny, and that's sort of juxtaposed with what he looks like, makes for an interesting character".[77]


Palpatine / Darth Sidious

Quarsh Panaka

Quarsh Panaka is the captain of the Queen Amidala's guard.

The character has been portrayed by Hugh Quarshie in Episode I. In the novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan, he meets a young Leia Organa, but is subsequently assassinated by Saw Gerrera and his Partisans.

Baron Papanoida

Baron Papanoida is a Pantoran Senator and Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly.

The character has been portrayed by George Lucas in Episode III, and voiced by Corey Burton in The Clone Wars.

Gilad Pellaeon

Gilad Pellaeon is an Imperial officer who served as a captain in the naval forces of the Galactic Empire as part of Grand Admiral Thrawn's Seventh Fleet. He was first introduced in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy. The character made his live-action debut in the third season of The Mandalorian.[78]

The character has been voiced by Jim Cummings in Rebels and voiced by Xander Berkely in Tales of the Empire. Berkeley previously portrayed the character in The Mandalorian.

Doctor Penn Pershing

Penn Pershing is an Imperial Doctor working for Moff Gideon who experiments on Grogu, but does not want to harm him.

The character has been portrayed by Omid Abtahi in The Mandalorian.

Captain Phasma

Even Piell

Even Piell is a Lannik Jedi Master and Council Member. During the Clone Wars, he participated in a mission regarding the Nexus Route, a key hyperspace lane discovered in the Outer Rim. Piell was captured, imprisoned, and tortured in the prison known as the Citadel, along with Wilhuff Tarkin, who held the other half of the secret information. A rescue mission was sent, but Piell was killed by local wolf-like anoobas just after giving Ahsoka Tano his piece of the information.

The character has been portrayed by Michaela Cottrel in Episode I, and voiced by Bair Bless in The Clone Wars.

Firmus Piett

Unkar Plutt

Unkar Plutt is a Crolute Junkboss on the planet Jakku who pays out portions of food in exchange for pieces of salvage. He attempts to bargain the droid BB-8 from Rey and then tries to steal it when she refuses, but Rey ends up fleeing the planet by stealing the Millennium Falcon from him.[79]

The character has been portrayed by Simon Pegg in Episode VII, and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in Forces of Destiny.

Poggle the Lesser

Poggle the Lesser is the Archduke of Geonosis, part of the Techno Union and one of the Separatist leaders killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar. Poggle controls the Geonosian battle droid factories and commands the droid army that fought in the two battles of Geonosis.[80] He also assists in the early planning and construction of the first Death Star.[81]

The character has been voiced by Marton Csokas in Episode II, and voiced by Matthew Wood in The Clone Wars.

Commander CT-411 "Ponds"

CT-411, or "Ponds", is a Clone Commander who serves Mace Windu in the Clone Wars. He helps organize clone commando units on Geonosis and fights on Ryloth and Malastare in later battles. He is eventually captured by a group of bounty hunters and executed by Aurra Sing in an attempt to lure Windu into a trap.

The character has been voiced by Temuera Morrison in Episode II, and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars.

Yarael Poof

Yarael Poof was a Quermian Jedi High Council member who died between Episode I and Episode II.

The character has been portrayed by Michelle Taylor in Episode I.

Jek Tono Porkins

Jek Tono Porkins is an X-wing pilot codenamed "Red Six" who is killed during the Battle of Yavin, after his X-wing is struck by the Death Star's turbolaser fire.

The character was portrayed by William Hootkins in Star Wars (film)|Star Wars]]. Porkins has gained some comedic notoriety due to his size and untimely death, which was parodied in the Family Guy episode "Blue Harvest".[82]

Arihnda Pryce

Arihnda Pryce is the Imperial Governor of Lothal. She was killed when the Lothal Insurgents blew up the Imperial Dome during the Liberation of Lothal.

The character has been voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn in Rebels. Her backstory is explored in the novel Star Wars: Thrawn.

Enric Pryde

Enric Pryde is a former Imperial Admiral who rose to prominence as Allegiant General of the First Order during Kylo Ren's reign. He develops a rivalry with General Hux, whom he eventually executes after discovering his treason, and later is put in charge of the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order, during the Battle of Exegol, where he dies when the command bridge of his Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast is destroyed by Finn.

The character has been portrayed by Richard E. Grant in Episode IX.

Lom Pyke

Lom Pyke is Minister of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars who joins the Shadow Collective and participates in the attack on Sundari with his criminal allies. When the Jedi Council later investigate the disappearance of Sifo-Dyas, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are sent to Oba Diah to confront the Pykes. Lom is forced to tell the truth behind the death of Sifo-Dyas to the Jedi, as well as the Pykes' involvement, though he offers his prisoner Silman in return for amnesty. When Count Dooku learns of this, he arrives on Oba Diah and kills Lom.

The character has been voiced by Matt Lanter in The Clone Wars.




Quarrie (voiced by Corey Burton) is a Mon Calamari engineer living on the planet Shantipole. He built the prototype B-wing, the Blade Wing, which was gifted to Hera in "Wings of the Master", and later oversaw the secret construction of more B-wings for the Rebel Alliance at Senator Organa's request.

The character has been voiced by Corey Burton in Rebels. He is named after Star Wars concept artist Ralph McQuarrie.

Qui-Gon Jinn



Raddus is a green-skinned Mon Calamari admiral of the Rebel Alliance that perishes during the Battle of Scarif. He serves as the namesake of the Resistance MC85 Star Cruiser known as the Raddus.

The character has been portrayed by Paul Kasey and voiced by Stephen Stanton in Rogue One.

Luthen Rael

Luthen Rael is a part of the Rebel Alliance who hires Cassian on his first mission as a Rebel operative. Publicly, Luthen poses as an eccentric antiques dealer from Coruscant.

The character has been portrayed by Stellan Skarsgård in Andor.

Lyn Rakish / The Fourth Sister

The Fourth Sister is the second Inquisitor introduced in Obi-Wan Kenobi. She was originally a Jedi Knight, but fell to the dark side of the Force and joined the Galactic Empire by becoming part of the Inquisitorius, Jedi hunters at the service of Darth Vader to hunt the Jedi into extinction. The Fourth Sister is later involved in trying to track down Obi-Wan Kenobi, a survivor of Order 66.

The character has been portrayed by Rya Kihlstedt in Obi-Wan Kenobi and Tales of the Empire.

Dak Ralter

Dak Ralter is Luke Skywalker's snowspeeder gunner who dies in the Battle of Hoth when their snow speeder is damaged by an Imperial Walker.[83]

The character has been portrayed by John Morton in Episode V.

Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart

Vice Admiral Rampart moved up the ranks after the fall of the Republic. He was stationed on Kamino to oversee the clone trooper for the new Galactic Empire. He unquestionably loyal to Governor Tarkin. Rampart gets arrested after the Galactic Senate sees evidence of his order destroying a city. He is sent to a forced labor camp on Erebus and is labeled as a traitor to the Empire.[84] He is later rescued by Clone Force 99 as they need him to locate Mount Tantiss and rescue a trapped Omega.

He is voiced by Noshir Dalal in The Bad Batch.[85]

Oppo Rancisis

Oppo Rancisis is a Thisspiasian Jedi Master and Jedi Council member. He was trained by fellow Jedi Master Yaddle and at the end of the Clone Wars, he survived Order 66.

The character has been portrayed by Jerome Blake in Episode I.

Fenn Rau

Fenn Rau is the leader of the Protectors of Concord Dawn, part of the elite Protectors organization who guard the royal family of Mandalore. A veteran of the Clone Wars, he accepted Imperial bribes to prevent rebel travel through his system, but later ordered his men to permit rebel passage to keep the Empire away after being captured by Sabine. He later sided with the Rebellion after his men were slaughtered by the Imperial Super Commandos and eventually joined Clan Wren in the Mandalorian Civil War.

The character has been voiced by Kevin McKidd in Rebels.

Max Rebo

Max Rebo is an Ortolan keyboard player and leader of the Max Rebo Band.

The character has been portrayed by Simon Williamson in Episode VI, as well as making a cameo appearance in The Book of Boba Fett.


Captain CT-7567 "Rex"


Nossor Ri

Nossor Ri was the chieftain of the Quarren and lead the Quarren Isolation League. Ri conspired with the CIS to attack the Mon Calamari during the Clone Wars. He eventually realized his mistake and betrayed the CIS. Decades later he sacrificed his life to help the Resistance escape the First Order attack on Mon Cala.

The character has been voiced by Corey Burton in The Clone Wars.

Kawlan Roken

Kawlan Roken is a human male dissident during the height of the Galactic Empire, who operated an underground network known as Hidden Path that smuggled surviving Jedi and Force-sensitives to safety during the Great Jedi Purge.

The character has been portrayed by O'Shea Jackson Jr. in Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Bodhi Rook


Roshti is Governor of the planet Kiros and leader of a colony of 50,000 Togruta during the Clone Wars.

The character has been voiced by Corey Burton in The Clone Wars.


Rukh is a Noghri assassin who serves as an agent and tracker under Grand Admiral Thrawn. He has a keen sense of smell which he uses to track down victims, and he wields an electrostaff. He first tracks the Spectres after they try to escape with vital information about the TIE Defender, and he captures Hera Syndulla after the Rebel Alliance's failed attack on the Lothal TIE factory. Rukh battles Kanan during Hera's escape, and after getting knocked off the roof, tracks the escapees. He battles both Zeb and Sabine, but is defeated and nearly beaten to death by Zeb until Sabine stops him and sends him back unconscious and covered in paint by Sabine to the city as a living message to the Imperial forces. Rukh is later killed after Zeb traps him in an generator during the final battle on Lothal.

The character has been voiced by Warwick Davis in Rebels and Tales of the Empire. Rukh originally appeared in the Star Wars Legends Thrawn novel trilogy, where he is Thrawn's bodyguard who ultimately turns against and kills Thrawn.[86]



Sabé is one of Padmé Amidala's handmaidens. Sabé is the queen's decoy; for parts of the movie, the Sabé character is addressed as Amidala. She reappears in the Star Wars:Darth Vader comic series; shortly before the events of Return of the Jedi, Sabé seeks out Vader and attempts to kill him after she deems him responsible for killing Padmé. She later forms a temporary alliance with him after she deduces that Vader is Anakin.

The character has been portrayed by Keira Knightley in Episode I.

Vel Sartha

Vel Sartha is a Rebel leader on the planet Aldhani, and cousin of Mon Mothma.

In 2023, the character was portrayed by Faye Marsay in Andor.[87]

Jun Sato

Jun Sato is the commander of the rebel cell Phoenix Squadron, which the Ghost crew joins. He is also the uncle of Rebel pilot Mart Mattin. He sacrifices himself during the Battle of Atollon in order for Ezra Bridger to get reinforcements.

The character has been voiced by Keone Young in Rebels.

Gar Saxon

Gar Saxon is a Mandalorian warrior who serves under Darth Maul. Alongside Rook Kast, he aids Maul's escape from Darth Sidious and commands his forces during the Siege of Mandalore, until Maul betrays them and allows them to be captured by the Republic in order to make his own escape. Following the Galactic Empire's takeover of Mandalore, Saxon becomes Imperial Viceroy and Governor, wiping out the protectors, but is ultimately defeated by Sabine Wren and killed by Ursa Wren.

The character has been voiced by Ray Stevenson in The Clone Wars and Rebels.

Tiber Saxon

Tiber Saxon is Gar Saxon's brother, appointed Imperial Governor of Mandalore and leader of the Super Commandos after his brother was killed by Clan Wren. To put down the Mandalorian rebellion, he ordered the construction of a weapon known as an Arc Pulse Generator, code-named the "Duchess" (after the late Duchess Satine Kryze), developed by Sabine Wren when she was a cadet at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. The weapon specifically targeted the alloy used in Mandalorian armor and superheated it, vaporizing the wearer. However, as Sabine had destroyed the plans and damaged the prototype when she defected, the weapon was not at its full potential; Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered the new Governor Saxon to capture Sabine to perfect the weapon. Imprisoned aboard Saxon's Imperial I-class Star Destroyer in the Mandalorian capital, Sabine altered the weapon to affect the alloys in Imperial armor, before breaching its core with the Darksaber and escaping. The explosion vaporized the Star Destroyer, killing Saxon and those of his men still on board.

The character has been voiced by Tobias Menzies in Rebels.

Nala Se

Nala Se is a Kaminoan scientist in charge of the cloning process. She cares for her medical assistant, a young female clone named Omega, and helps her and Clone Force 99 escape from Kamino after they betray the Empire.

The character has been voiced by Gwendoline Yeo in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.


Sebulba is a Dug podracer who competes against Anakin Skywalker. He is very arrogant and competitive, and will resort to any means to achieve victory, even cheating. Once a slave, Sebulba's podracing skills bought his freedom.

The character has been voiced by Lewis MacLeod in Episode I.

Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura is a Twi'lek Jedi. She is one of the thousands of Jedi to fall victim of Order 66, getting betrayed and killed by her own clone troopers on Felucia. Aayla also appears as a disembodied voice empowering Rey to face the revived Darth Sidious.[88][89]

The character has been portrayed by Amy Allen in Episodes II-III, and voiced by Jennifer Hale in The Clone Wars and Episode IX.

Zev Senesca

Zev Senesca is a member of the Rebel Alliance and Rogue Squadron pilot, designated as "Rogue Two", Senesca pilots a snowspeeder and dies during the Battle of Hoth in combat against the Imperial AT-AT walkers.[90] He is also the pilot who locates Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, who are stranded in the snow away from the Rebel base on Hoth.

The character has been portrayed by Christopher Malcolm in Episode V.

Reva Sevander / The Third Sister

Reva Sevander is a ruthless, ambitious Inquisitor who survived Order 66 as a Jedi Youngling. She takes special interest in hunting down Obi-Wan Kenobi among other surviving Jedi, blaming him for Anakin Skywalker's turn to the dark side to become Darth Vader. Secretly, she plans to use her position to assassinate Vader for killing her Youngling friends, stabbing and apparently killing the Grand Inquisitor and succeeding him in his role. Ultimately, she fails and is stabbed by Vader, revealing that her treachery was already suspected, and that the previous Grand Inquisitor survived her attempt at killing him. She survives and tries to seek further revenge on Vader by killing his young son, Luke, but she decides against it and reconciles with Kenobi.

The character has been portrayed by Moses Ingram in Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The Seventh Sister

The Seventh Sister is a Mirialan Inquisitor introduced in the second season of Rebels, who uses mini probe droids to track her targets. After the Grand Inquisitor's death, she and the Fifth Brother are tasked with hunting the Ghost crew. They are both ultimately killed by Maul on Malachor.

The character has been voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar in Rebels.

Fennec Shand

Aurra Sing

Aurra Sing is a feared Palliduvan bounty hunter from Nar Shaddaa.[91] She was once a member of the Jedi Order and had a past romantic relationship with Hondo Ohnaka. During the Clone Wars, Aurra takes jobs with other mercenaries such as Cad Bane, and even becomes a mentor and mother figure to a young Boba Fett. She is apparently killed by Tobias Beckett at a later point.[92]

The character has been portrayed by Michonne Bourriague in Episode I, and voiced by Jaime King in The Clone Wars.

Tera Sinube

Tera Sinube is an elderly Cosian Jedi Master who wielded a white lightsaber based on a cane sword. Sinube spent most of his time studying in the Jedi Temple Archives, and formed a friendship with Ahsoka Tano while helping her recover her stolen lightsaber. After the rise of the Empire, Sinube's body was discovered by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Fortress Inquisitorius, preserved in amber, and likely meaning he survived Order 66 before being killed by Inquisitors.[93]

The character has been voiced by Greg Baldwin in The Clone Wars.

The Sixth Brother

The Sixth Brother is an Inquisitor of unknown species and origin, sent to hunt down and kill the rogue Jedi Ahsoka Tano after her escape from Order 66 based on the tip of a local villager who observed her using the Force. The Sixth Brother slaughters most of the community, and he is eventually killed by Tano after a quick duel.

The character has been voiced by Clancy Brown in Tales of the Jedi.

Baylan Skoll

Baylan Skoll is a former Jedi who survived Order 66 by fleeing into the Unknown Regions, where he took on Shin Hati as his apprentice. During the era of the New Republic, both operate as Dark Jedi mercenaries in search of power, working with Morgan Elsbeth. After they found Thrawn and the battle of Peridea, Skoll follows his own agenda to pursue a mysterious force calling out to him.

His name is an allusion to the celestial wolf Sköll in Norse mythology, the companion of the celestial wolf Hati.[46]

The character has been portrayed by Ray Stevenson in Ahsoka.

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker

Shmi Skywalker

Shmi Skywalker is the mother of Anakin Skywalker, and Luke and Leia's paternal grandmother. Qui-Gon Jinn attempts to bargain for her freedom from slavery but fails. Shmi encourages Anakin to leave Tatooine with Qui-Gon to seek his destiny, but Anakin finds it hard to leave without her. A widowed moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars later falls in love with Shmi, and after he purchases her freedom from Watto, they marry. Shmi dies in Anakin's arms after being kidnapped and tortured by Tusken Raiders.[94]

The character has been portrayed by Pernilla August in Episodes I-II and The Clone Wars.


Sy Snootles

Sy Snootles is a female Pa'lowick and lead vocalist of the Max Rebo Band. During the Clone Wars, she is Ziro the Hutt's lover, but works as a spy for the Hutt Clan and eventually kills him.

The character has been performed by puppeteers Tim Rose and Mike Quinn in Episode VI, and voiced by Annie Arbogast in Episode VI, and voiced by Nika Futterman in The Clone Wars.

Osi Sobek

Osi Sobek is a Phindian CIS commander who serves as the warden of the prison known as "The Citadel" on the planet Lola Sayu. He is killed by Ahsoka Tano during a mission to break out Jedi Master Even Piell.

The character has been voiced by James Arnold Taylor in The Clone Wars.

Ben Solo / Kylo Ren

Han Solo

The Son

One of the Mortis gods, the Son is the embodiment of the dark side of the Force, child of the Father, and brother to the Daughter. Unlike his sister, he is often disobedient to their father and secretly wishes to kill him so that he could escape from Mortis. To this ends, he corrupts Ahsoka Tano with his dark influence, and attempts to seduce Anakin Skywalker, whom the Father believed to be the Chosen One and a possible successor, to the dark side, which he briefly succeeds in doing by showing him visions of his future, until the Father erases those visions from Anakin's mind. While attempting to kill the Father, the Son accidentally kills his sister and, though devastated, does not stop from trying to achieve his goal. Realizing this, the Father commits suicide to render the Son mortal, who finally reconciles with him before Anakin kills him.

The character has been voiced by Sam Witwer in The Clone Wars.

Lama Su

Lama Su is the Prime Minister of Kamino.[95] During the Clone Wars, he is revealed to be in the employ of Darth Tyranus as part of the scheme to have the clones eliminate the Jedi.

The character has been voiced by Anthony Phelan in Episode II, and by Bob Bergen in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

Trilla Suduri / The Second Sister

Trilla Suduri is an Inquisitor and former Jedi Padawan of Cere Junda, who was captured and tortured by the Empire after Cere betrayed her location under intense interrogation. She is assigned to hunt down Cal Kestis and retrieve a Holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children. She is later killed by Darth Vader for her failure.

The character has been voiced by Elizabeth Grullon in Jedi: Fallen Order. The Second Sister also makes a cameo appearance in the comic series Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith.

Cham Syndulla

Cham Syndulla is a Twi'lek freedom fighter who opposes the Separatists independently before allying with the Republic Army when the Clone Wars come to Ryloth. In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, Cham opposes the newly established Galactic Empire's occupation of his world and becomes distanced from his daughter Hera after the death of her mother due to his single-minded determination to liberate Ryloth at any cost. The pair are later reconciled after Cham and his warriors Gobi and Numa team up with Hera's crew to steal an Imperial carrier and shoot down an Imperial cruiser over Ryloth.

The character has been voiced by Robin Atkin Downes in The Clone Wars, Rebels, and The Bad Batch.

Hera Syndulla

Jacen Syndulla

Jacen Syndulla is a male human and Twi'lek hybrid who was born during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He was the son of General Hera Syndulla and the late Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, and the grandson of Twi'lek revolutionary leader Cham Syndulla.

The character has been portrayed by Evan Whitten in Ahsoka.


Orn Free Taa

Orn Free Taa is a Twi'lek who represents Ryloth in the Galactic Senate during the prequel trilogy.

The character has been portrayed by Jerome Blake in Episode I, by Matt Rowan in Episodes II-III, and voiced by Phil LaMarr in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

General Taggi / Tagge

General Taggi, portrayed by Don Henderson in the original Star Wars movie, makes an appearance in the Death Star conference room. He says that the Rebel Alliance should be taken more seriously, and seems appalled by the news of the dissolution of the Imperial Senate.[96][97][98]

In Marvel Comics, the character is given a back story and is referred as Cassio Tagge or Grand General Tagge.[99][non-primary source needed][100][unreliable source?]

Mother Talzin

Mother Talzin is the Dathomirian leader of the Nightsister clans before and during the Clone Wars, and the biological mother of Maul, Savage Opress, and Feral. She possesses great magical powers, including mind control, manipulating matter, and turning into mist. Following General Grievous's attack on Dathomir, she is one of the few surviving Nightsisters. Later, Talzin manipulates a cult into stealing the living Force within other beings and collect it in an orb for her. When enough is collected, Talzin intends to absorb the Force and gain great strength beyond any other Jedi or Sith. However, she is defeated by the combined efforts of Mace Windu and Jar Jar Binks. She is later killed by Grievous during a fight with Palpatine and Dooku.

The character has been voiced by Barbara Goodson in The Clone Wars.

Wat Tambor

Wat Tambor is the Skakoan Foreman of the Techno Union and Executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop before and during the Clone Wars. He serves on the Separatist Council during the Clone Wars and helps to fund and supply the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is one of the Separatist leaders killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar.[101]

The character has been voiced by Chris Truswell in Episode II, and voiced by Matthew Wood in The Clone Wars.

Ahsoka Tano / Fulcrum / Ashla

Wilhuff Tarkin


Tarfful is a Wookiee chieftain who, along with Chewbacca, commands the Wookiee warriors during the Battle of Kashyyyk, and later helps Yoda escape the clone troopers after Order 66 is given.

The character has been portrayed by Michael Kingma in Episode III. He also appears in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Roos Tarpals

Roos Tarpals is a Gungan soldier who held the rank of Captain, and later General. He fought during the Clone Wars for the Gungan Grand Army and the Galactic Republic, starting with the Battle of the Grassy Plains in Naboo. He is killed in a confrontation with General Grievous, sacrificing his life to ensure the Confederate leader's capture.

The character has been voiced by Steve Speirs in Episode I, and voiced by Fred Tatasciore in The Clone Wars.

Jaro Tapal

Jaro Tapal is a Lasat Jedi Master who trained Cal Kestis and sacrificed himself to help him escape during Order 66. Tapal's death haunted Cal for years, who blamed himself for what happened, but he eventually found the strength to forgive himself.

The character has been voiced by Travis Willingham in Jedi: Fallen Order.


"Tech" is a deformed clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99. He is the team's brains, having genetic mutations that make him more intelligent and skilled with technology than other clones. Following Order 66, Tech along with most of the team rebel against the Empire and become mercenaries. He sacrifices himself for the Bad Batch so that the rest of them can return safely.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

Lor San Tekka

Lor San Tekka is a former explorer and a devout follower of the Church of the Force, as well as an old ally of Luke Skywalker, living on the planet Jakku. He gives Poe Dameron a fragment of the map needed to find Luke, and is subsequently executed by Kylo Ren.

The character has been portrayed by Max von Sydow in Episode VII.

Carson Teva

Carson Teva is Captain in the New Republic's Starfighter Corps from Alderaan who rescues Din Djarin from a swarm of ice spiders on Maldo Kreis, and later offers Greef Karga the chance to help the New Republic defeat the Empire.

The character has been portrayed by Paul Sun-Hyung Lee in The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka.


Shaak Ti

Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council. She is killed by Darth Vader at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during Order 66.

The character has been portrayed by Orli Shoshan in Episodes II-III, and voiced by Tasia Valenza in The Clone Wars.

Rose Tico

Saesee Tiin

Saesee Tiin is an Iktotchi Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council. He is the second of the four Jedi Masters who dies trying to arrest Darth Sidious. He uses a green lightsaber.

The character has been portrayed by Khan Bonfils in Episode I, by Jesse Jensen in Episode II, by Kenji Oates in Episode III, and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars. Initially, he and Ki-Adi Mundi were going to be gunned down in Order 66 on Mygeeto in Revenge of the Sith.


Trench is the Harch Admiral of the Separatist Navy who commands the blockade of the planet Christophsis. He is one of the most skilled military tacticians at the time and supposedly has a history of being able to track cloaked ships. He seemingly dies early in the Clone Wars, but later reemerges with cybernetics covering nearly half of his body. Trench is finally killed by Anakin Skywalker.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars.

CC-5385 "Tup"

CC-5385, or "Tup", is a rookie clone trooper who has a teardrop tattoo on his face, and matching designs on his helmet.[102] He participates in the Battle of Umbara, and was key to the capture of rogue Jedi General Pong Krell. During his time in the campaign on Ringo Vinda, Tup's biochip malfunctions, leading him to carry out Order 66 earlier than intended. As Tup was being shipped back to Kamino for evaluation, he was kidnapped by the Separatists but recovered shortly afterwards. He dies of medical complications on Kamino during the ensuing investigation.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars.

Gregar Typho

Gregar Typho is the nephew of Captain Panaka,[citation needed] and Amidala's bodyguard.

The character has been portrayed by Jay Laga'aia in Episodes II-III, and voiced by James Mathis III in The Clone Wars.


Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi Master in the prequel trilogy and Barriss Offee's mentor. She is killed as a result of Order 66.[103] Luminara's body was used to lure Rebels and surviving Jedi into a trap, under the guise that she was still alive. Luminara later appears as a disembodied voice empowering Rey to face the revived Darth Sidious.

The character has been portrayed by Mary Oyaya in Episode II, Fay David in Episode III, and voiced by Cree Summer in Clone Wars, and by Olivia d'Abo in The Clone Wars and Episode IX.


Finis Valorum

Finis Valorum is the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, who is ousted from office, allowing Palpatine to rise to power.

The character has been portrayed by Terence Stamp in Episode I, and voiced by Ian Ruskin in The Clone Wars. Finis valorum is Late Latin for "the end of values". According to performer Terence Stamp, the character was intended by George Lucas to be based on then-President of the United States Bill Clinton as a "good but beleaguered man," although Stamp noted that this had been before the Clinton impeachment trial.[104] Valorum's name stems from the original drafts of The Star Wars, in which it belonged to a character combined with Vader, then Vader's master, before being phased out of the original trilogy.[105]

Cobb Vanth

Maximilian Veers

General Maximilian Veers is commander of the 501st Legion who leads the Empire's attack on Hoth, commanding the lead AT-AT Imperial Walker.

The character has been portrayed by Julian Glover in Episode V.

Asajj Ventress

Iden Versio

Cikatro Vizago

Cikatro Vizago is a Devaronian crime lord who the Ghost crew occasionally runs errands and smuggles goods for in exchange for credits and information. He later aids the Ghost crew in getting past the Imperial blockade of Lothal, but is found out, sold as a slave to the Mining Guild and made to operate an ore crawler skimming Lothal's surface for minerals. After being freed by Ezra's team, he joins the Lothal rebels, and assists the Ghost crew in the final battle against Governor Pryce and Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The character has been voiced by Keith Szarabajka in Rebels.

Paz Vizsla

Pre Vizsla

Pre Vizsla is a Mandalorian warlord and the leader of the Death Watch during the Clone Wars. He wields the Darksaber, an ancient lightsaber forged by his ancestor, Tarre Vizsla. As the governor of Concordia, one of Mandalore's moons, Pre Vizsla initially forms a secret alliance with Count Dooku to take control of Mandalore by overthrowing its pacifist government led by Duchess Satine Kryze. Vizsla breaks ties with Dooku when their plan fails, and he later allies with Darth Maul and Savage Opress in recruiting the Black Sun, the Pyke Syndicate and the Hutt Clan to form a criminal organization known as the Shadow Collective. After ousting Duchess Satine, Vizsla betrays his allies and has them imprisoned, but Maul escapes and challenges Vizla to single combat. Vizsla accepts and is defeated by Maul, who executes him and takes over Mandalore and the Death Watch.

The character has been voiced by Jon Favreau in The Clone Wars.

Dryden Vos

Dryden Vos is a near-human crime lord who serves as the figurehead of the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, led from the shadows by Darth Maul, and has history with Tobias Beckett, whom he recruited to steal coaxium for him. He is killed and replaced by his top lieutenant, Qi'ra.

The character has been portrayed by Paul Bettany in Solo. Vos also briefly appears as a hologram in the final season of The Clone Wars, which establishes him as a lieutenant of Maul from during the Clone Wars.[106]

Quinlan Vos

Quinlan Vos is a Kiffar Jedi Master in The Clone Wars, and the master of Jedi Aayla Secura. He teams up with (and falls in love with) Asajj Ventress in an attempt to assassinate Count Dooku, but ends up turning to the dark side. He is eventually redeemed with Ventress's help, who sacrifices herself to save him. Vos later respectfully buries her on her homeworld, Dathomir, and is reinstated into the Jedi Order. He is one of the few known survivors of Order 66.[clarification needed]

The character has been voiced by Al Rodrigo in The Clone Wars. The character's design was based on a background extra from the Tatooine set in The Phantom Menace, and this extra was retroactively made Vos on a secret mission for the Jedi Council.[citation needed]

Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

The chosen one, who has turned to the dark side. Trained by Jedi-Master Obi-Wan Kenobi before he turned to the dark side and trained by Sith-Lord Darth Sidious after he turned to the dark side.


Wicket W. Warrick


Taun We

Taun We is a Kaminoan administrator who guides Obi-Wan Kenobi during his visit to the cloning facility. Following the rise of the Empire, she is killed by Fennec Shand.

The character has been voiced by Rena Owen in Episode II and The Bad Batch. During filming, Owen wore a maquette of the alien's head atop a hardhat, providing her co-stars with the proper eye-line for talking with the character.[107]

Zam Wesell

Zam Wesell is a Clawdite bounty hunter hired by Jango Fett to assassinate Padmé Amidala. She fails in her mission and is killed with a poison dart by Fett before she could reveal his involvement.[108]

The character has been portrayed by Leeanna Walsman in Episode II.

Temmin "Snap" Wexley

Temmin "Snap" Wexley is a Resistance X-wing fighter pilot, and he dies during the Battle of Exegol.[109][110][111] He is the son of wayward Rebel pilot Norra Wexley.[109]

The character has been portrayed by Greg Grunberg in Episode VII and IX. He is also a major character in the Star Wars: Poe Dameron comic series, as well as the Aftermath trilogy as a resourceful teenager.

Mace Windu

Commander CC-3636 "Wolffe"

CC-3636, or "Wolffe", is a Clone Commander of the 104th Battalion and leader of the "Wolfpack", serving under Jedi Plo Koon during the Clone Wars. During the war, he gained a large scar on his right eye. He is one of the few clones to have removed his inhibitor chip and, as such, was not forced to carry out Order 66. During the Galactic Empire era, he ends up in the Seelos system with fellow clones Rex and Gregor, and later helps the Rebels free Lothal from Imperial occupation.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars and Rebels.


"Wrecker" is a deformed clone trooper and member of Clone Force 99. He is the team's muscles, having genetic mutations that make him much larger and stronger than other clone troopers. Following Order 66, Wrecker along with most of the team rebel against the Empire and become mercenaries. Though Wrecker's biochip is later activated, causing him to briefly turn on his squadmates, though they manage to remove it from his brain and restore his free will.

The character has been voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch.

Sabine Wren



Xi'an is a Twi'lek member of Ranzar Malk's crew, who is skilled in fighting with a knife, the sister of Qin, and an old associate and former lover of Din Djarin. After her brother is captured and imprisoned aboard a New Republic transport, the crew tries to rescue with the help of Djarin. Xi'an and the others secretly planned to abandon Djarin once they released Qin, but he outsmarts and defeats them, resulting in their arrest.

The character has been portrayed by Natalia Tena in The Mandalorian.

Hamato Xiono

Hamato Xiono is a human male senator from the planet Hosnian Prime who served in the New Republic Senate and is the father of Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono. By 9 ABY, Xiono was performing his duties as a senator in the New Republic. During this time, his ideals for the direction the burgeoning republic should take directly clashed with warnings from General Hera Syndulla of the Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's return, culminating in a failed attempt to court-martial her for disobeying direct orders.

The character has been voiced by Tzi Ma in Star Wars Resistance, and he is portrayed by Nelson Lee in Ahsoka.



Yaddle is a female member of Yoda's mysterious species who appears as a member of the Jedi Council. She trained Cal Kestis' Master Jaro Tapal and she is killed attempting to stop Dooku from turning to the dark side.

The character has been portrayed by Phil Eason in Episode I, and voiced by Bryce Dallas Howard in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. She was created from a concept art by Iain McCaig for a young Yoda.[citation needed]


Wullf Yularen

Wullf Yularen is an Imperial officer on the first Death Star. During the Clone Wars, Yularen served as an admiral in the Republic Navy, and a leader of Anakin Skywalker's fleet. He is later transferred to colonel and also the leader of the Imperial Security Bureau. He was killed in the destruction of the Death Star.

The character has been portrayed by Robert Clarke in Episode IV, voiced by Tom Kane in The Clone Wars and Rebels, and portrayed by Malcolm Sinclair in Andor.


Ziro the Hutt

Ziro is a Galactic Basic-speaking Hutt crime lord, Jabba the Hutt's flamboyant uncle, and Mama the Hutt's son, who secretly plots to overthrow the Hutt Clan and usurp all their power. During the Clone Wars, he makes a secret plan with Count Dooku to have Jabba's son captured by Assajj Ventress and blame the Jedi for the incident, but their scheme fails, as Jabba's son is rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, and Ziro is discovered and arrested by Padmé Amidala. While in prison, he hires Aurra Sing to assassinate Amidala, but she fails. Later, fearing that Ziro will give the Republic the Hutt Council's records that he had hidden away, Jabba hires Cad Bane and a team of bounty hunters to break him out of prison, with them taking several Senators hostage in exchange for Ziro's release. Ziro then meets with the rest of the Hutt Clan on Nal Hutta, but refuses to tell them where he had hidden the records and, thus, is imprisoned. He is broken out by his lover, Sy Snootles, shortly after, and the two of them head over to Mama the Hutt's house on Teth, where the records are located. However, Snootles betrays Ziro and reveals that she was hired by Jabba to find the records, before killing him.

The character has been voiced by Corey Burton in The Clone Wars.


Zuckuss is a Gand bounty hunter among those who answer Darth Vader's call to capture the Millennium Falcon. He is a skilled tracker, and often works alongside the droid 4-LOM.

The character has been portrayed by Cathy Munroe in Episode V. The action figure of the character released in Kenner's original Star Wars action figure line was misidentified as his droid colleague "4-LOM".[112]

See also


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